01x02 - You Guys!! Do You Even Have Gintama?! Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x02 - You Guys!! Do You Even Have Gintama?! Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

You've got some skill Are you a former Exclusionist rebel? And you're a former gangster, aren't you? You shouldn't have damaged your hair when you were young.

I don't have to take that from someone with naturally wavy hair! You're breakin' my heart It's not like I wanted wavy hair! I'll k*ll you this time! You'd better say your prayers! Shimura! Look out behind you.

Hey! I'm not Shimura Hey! We're still under the Sword Ban! What're you doing? Um Well Nice catch.

Oh, I see, sideshow practice Yes! Isn't that right? Right? Huh? Where'd he go? He's gone.

Hey, hey.

You feeling nostalgic? Trying to control the urge to run toward the sunset, you idiots? Gin! We have to apologize, Gin.

Katoken left.

Katoken? Oh, our client.

Hey, get me down from here! Ah well, so it goes.

We're getting used to working for nothing.

It's no use worrying about it.

I had a feeling when we took the job that it wouldn't work out.


Gin! Oh, well I didn't know Gin would be so cold-hearted.

That's how he is.

He'll let anyone in, but doesn't stand in their way if they want to leave.

By the way, Kagura, why did you come to my house? Why are you eating my rice? Dinner is right next door.

It's not next door! Why would you two say something like that? Sis Otae.

Shinpachi's big sister.

Works part-time in order to save the dojo her father left her.

If you don't believe in Gin, who will? No! He doesn't deserve it, Otae.

Like I've been saying, you can't trust a guy who has the eyes of a dead fish.

You're the bastard! You stalker! Is he still stalking her? I'll finish you off! Yeah, but it's hard to explain.

I wonder what Gin is doing now.

[Higucchan Bar]

You want some? Wh-What's that? It's Azuki ala Gintoki.

Rice with azuki beans.

N-No thanks.

[Side Road to Enka]

This is good sake.

Helps me forget all my worries for a moment.

But I'll be reminded of them tomorrow.

And I think they'll be even bigger headaches than they were today.

It is not like you can run away from them.

Especially those things you really want to forget.

I may have wanted an excuse.

An excuse? I already told you that I was fired, my house was taken from me, and my family left me, didn't I? I used to be a salesman.

I kept working for the sake of my family day after day And we were finally able to buy our own house.

I was happy.

I believed that I could keep working for them.

But I still don't understand it.

I didn't do anything wrong, but I was fired from the company.

So, I went and got drunk, and those guys stamped my seal on a contract without my permission.

Then the land shark came and showed us the bogus contract, saying I had to leave my house.

My wife couldn't stand their harassment and left with my daughter.

I said that something happened to me every week, remember? What do you think happened last week then? I don't know.

A letter? Yes.

My daughter sent me a letter right before my eviction.

"Daddy, I want to come home soon.

" By then, I had given up on everything.

But after reading her letter, I wanted to give it another try.

Does that sound stupid? I believed that if I got my house back, my family would return.

But now I realize I'm useless.

Even though I worked so hard Let's go.

Um Thank you! Sir, your bill.

Um Sorry, but since I'm unemployed, can we split the bill at least? Let's go, Katoken! Huh? To where? What? Don't you want to get the contract back? Th-Then I'm Odd Jobs Gin.

I'll do anything for I don't feel so good.

Can we postpone the raid until tomorrow? Huh? Did I drink too much? My head feels like it's shaking.

No, this is an earthquakeI think.

Urgh! I can't hold it anymore! I feel I'm going to throw up, too.

You don't have to Man, what a headache.

This is a total hangover.

I need some water.

Leave it to Gin.

I knew we would do something like this.

Really? You said Gin was cold-hearted, didn't you? What about you? You said that he lets anyone in, didn't you?! Shut up! Stop talking so loudly.

It really hurts my head.

Oh, here it is.

We'll get Katoken's contract back, right? How do we sneak in? Huh? We're not going to sneak in - we're going to break in.

That means we'll storm in through the front.

Gin Knock knock! Wait! Bunta! Are you trying to act like Bunta Sugawara? Hello! Anyone here? You don't need to let them know we're here.


There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

It's still warm.

That is, like they just left! That's right.

This is really warm.

Is this real meat? It's so tender! Hey, hey! What are you doing?! Well, we're not supposed to waste food, are we? Saving the best for last.

You guys are like pigs! What will you do if there's poison in it? Don't worry.

There's no poison in it.

Are these the ones who have been sniffing around? Yes, Mr.


Kato, is that you? What are you doing here? W-Well Say, aren't you embarrassed for laying a trap like this? Speak for yourself! You're the ones that got caught! I prefer a little stronger flavor! You listen to us! Hey, you guys! Give us back Katoken's contract! Huh? What are you talking about? You're telling us you guys came all this way just for that? So what if we did? It looks like Shishimura overestimated them.

Sorry about that.

Let's go.

We don't have much time.

But what should I do with these guys? Just throw them out.

Don't worry, Kato.

Soon, you won't have to worry about your house or anything else.

You'll get flattened in here anyway.

Flattened? Course gate open! Higashi-Murayama One, prepare for launch.

Higashi-Murayama One, prepare for launch.

Let's go! Roger! Enjoy this view while you can.

This is your last view of Edo.

It's no use! Help me, you guys! Hey, Kagura! Go help him.

You're from the Yato clan, aren't you? I ain't falling for that.

I won't move until I finish all the food.


Elizabeth! What are you doing here? Ah, Zura must be here, right? It's not Zura.

It's Katsura.

While you guys were living it up, we snuck in the back.

And we found something in the safe.

What? Did you find it? Is that Katoken's contract? I don't know anything about that.

But look at this.

I would, but I'm having a hard time with small print.

What do you think about these documents, Gintoki? I have no idea.

Then let me explain.

They intend to raze Edo to the ground.

What?! They'll have a rave in Edo? He said "raze," stupid! Let me give you a brief explanation.

They discovered an earthquake fault line and they stimulated that point with an Amanto-made device.

It will cause a giant artificial earthquake.

And Edo will be destroyed! Oh, no That sounds like some kind of evil anime organization.

But why would they do something like that? Those people who were with Kariya are land sharks.

They snatch up homes lost by others.

And their goal is the old city? Buildings that weren't constructed by Amanto are not very strong.

If a big earthquake hits, they'll collapse in a moment.

Oh no! Edo will But we don't know where the point is.

Aren't there any clues? Well, unfortunately So what do we do now? We don't have time to find the land sharks in Edo! Kagura! You've had enough food, right? Break us out of this cage! You got it! Why didn't you do this earlier?! Katoken! Y-Yes! Where is your house? Hey, Gintoki! Where are you going? It's dangerous if you go alone! I know, but we still have to go! See you, Zura.

It's not Zura! It's Katsura! Gin! What's going on? Basically, their goal is to clear the land in Edo and then sell it at a higher price.

Right Then why did they clear Katoken's house first? Well I got it! It's the earthquake fault line! That's right.

So he's fired and cheated and has his house taken away All part of their plan.

That's terrible! Anyway, let's go! Yah! Um What is it? If you have something to say, say it now! Right! We have no time to lose.

Then I say We're going the wrong direction.

What?! So, this is the Drift Star earthquake machine, hehe! And this device will realize Mr.

Kariya's ambition! Our time will come soon.

Begin! All right! Rock drilling beam activated! Ten minutes to reach the target! Go! No one can stop us! Intruders! Get them! What? This is a raid! We're the Shinsengumi! Calm yourselves! Government dogs! Oh, so you're ready to take on the Shinsengumi? Interesting.

I'm Isao Kondo! Toshiro Hijikata! Sogo Okita! Let's go! Hold it right there! What did you say? No, you hold it! Let me spell it out for you.

This is Drift Star territory.

If you take a single step into this house, it'll be an international incident.

Damn it! Extraterritoriality, huh? Crap! Anyway, what's extraterritoriality? If you want to get into the house, you need to go through official procedures.

Sogo, what are you doing? Well, if I tore down this house, we could go inside, right? Are you Mr.

Ikkyu or something? Feh If you understand, then you'd better leave.

Thanks for the assistance! Make way for the star! That's Odd Jobs? He's here Leave the rest to us! Hocha! Odd Jobs Gin will take care of the problem! Hocha! I see.

He can do whatever he likes! I'm addicted Mr.

Kariya, let's go inside.

Wait! It's time you and I settled this.

Huh, stop playing the role of my rival, Mr.

Sideshow! You! Five minutes until we reach the target! Good.

Allow it to approach the epicenter and pull out! Right! Machine, surface! An Earthquake? Did they already? What? What the hell is this contraption? It could destroy the world! This is too much, even for a special two-part episode! So this is the device that Zura was talking about? Excellent.

Our plan is on the verge of success.

No! Edo will Shinpachi! You'll have to fight me.

You Three minutes until we reach the target! M-My house What? Katoken! Dumbass! Why did you leave him alone? Well, he looked really sick.

Go, Katoken! Stop them! B-But I'll cut you down.

I-I Don't run away! You have to change first, or nothing else will! Change? You can't run away! Especially from those things you really want to forget! Daddy I Iwill change! If I suppress my inner "self", my face will look just like Antonio Inoki's! What? How are you? You're bluffing! Keep my elbow to my side and just strike Strike! Oh, this sucks! It worked! Mr.

Kariya! Help him! I'm so proud of my student! He's become really strong! Kagura, you taught him to jab, not strike.

What are you doing, Katoken? Go and stop the earthquake machine now! A-All right! Um Is this it? Fifty seconds left?! But the speed was doubled, so there's only twenty-five seconds left! Hurry! Just stop it! Um Is this it? Or this? This must be it! It broke! I knew that would happen! It broke! Wait! We didn't finish our fight yet! Shut up, you flunkie! I don't have time to waste on you! One hit and I'm down? Stop! I-It stopped Hey, let's get out of here! A-All right! Yahoo! They did it! Hey, you know if you take a single step across that line you're no longer on foreign soil, right? Gintoki did a great job.

["Buy a car.


My side hurts.

Our house Sakata Don't worry about your house.

But You've changed, right? Yes! It's Kuromi of Yamatoya! Hey, you stupid cat, wait! [Odd Jobs Gin]

Why can't I have a Bankai or something like that.

Gin, look at the TV! Samba! Oh, Katoken samba! Hey, can this be That's it! That's Katoken! Oh, yeah, Katoken's gaining popularity as a dancing enka singer.

Oh? He looks so happy! ["To everyone at Odd Jobs Gin: I have my family back.

Thanks a lot! -Kato"]


One year ago, I met this man.

He was too delicate to be a samurai and his eyes were too honest for him to be a gangster.

The next episode: "Nobody with Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad.

" I forgot I was in the second part of the show.
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