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02x12 - Let the Games Begin!

Posted: 09/17/22 07:18
by bunniefuu
tourney,sign: The Japanese National High School Volleyball Tournament Miyagi Qualifiers First Preliminaries

shoes,sign: No Shoes Allowed

program,sign: The Japanese National High School Volleyball Tournament Program

greater,sign: The Japanese National High School Volleyball Tournament

guy: Can I get a copy?

girl: Yes.

crowd: Go, go, Tebaichi! Push it, push it, Tebaichi!

crowd: Go, go, Tebaichi! Push it, push it, Tebaichi!

guyA: That's them. You know, Karasuno.

guyB: Karasuno?

guyA: They're the ones that played a full set with Aoba Johsai at the Inter-High prelims

guyA: and actually almost beat them.

guyB: Whoa, seriously?

guyA: Apparently, Kitagawa Daiichi's King of the Court is on that team.

kage: When does the judging start?

guyC: Apparently Chidoriyama Junior High's Nishinoya is also there, too.

nishi: Probably the next one, since we don't have a match this round.

guyB: The guy who was called the best libero when we were in junior high?

guyA: Yeah. But other than the libero,

I think there was one other guy who kept receiving Oikawa's serves.

guyA: I think it's their captain.

guyB: But the members of Karasuno don't really seem that tall, do they?

guyA: I'm pretty sure one of them is close to cm,

guyA: though I don't think he stood out much during the Inter-High prelims.

guyA: Not to mention, their two lefts are pretty scary.

guyA: They look like power spikers.

guyA: And most importantly...

guyA: Their manager's cute.

shimi: I'm sorry that you have to cheer from up above, Hitoka-chan.

guyB: Or rather, she's hot. Or rather, she's sexy!

guyA: Also, there's that one guy...

guyA: The tiny middle blocker that hits those crazy quicks...

guyA: Karasuno's # !

guyA: Whoa, what the heck? He looks like he's skin and bones!

yachi: H-Hinata, are you okay?

hina: Yep, I'm fine.

hina: I threw up on the way here, so I feel better.

tsuki: Of course you'd feel sick after eating all those pork bowls for breakfast.

hina: It's normal to eat pork cutlets on game days!

tsuki: And by "normal," you mean...

kage: You dumbass! Hinata, you stupid dumbass!

sawa: Kageyama's insult vocabulary is limited to "dumbass."

kage: I-I'll do my best to widen my vocabulary!

yachi: I have that one thing you can drink!

yama: I-I feel like I'm going to puke, too, after remembering Hinata puking...

hina: Oh, thanks!

tsuki: Huh?

tsuki: Go to the bathroom, already!

azu: M-My nerves are getting to me, too...

suga: I thought you were busy concentrating, but you were actually trying not to puke?!

nishi: Shoyo, is this seriously the second time you threw up on the bus?

tana: You were able to actually hold it in until the bus stopped,

instead of puking on someone's crotch.

tana: You've really grown up, Hinata.

guyB: Is that really the team that almost beat Seijoh?

nishi: Shoyo!

sign: Haikyu!!

notepad,sign: Karasuno Tebaichi Ohgi Minami

sign: Episode : "Let the Games Begin!"

hina: Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!

The time to pee has come!

hina: Bathroom, bathroom...

hina: Ow. Oh, I'm sorry...

towa: The hell are you looking?!

hina: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

hina: He's from...

: Ohgi Minami?

hina: That's the team we're playing first.

hina: They won their first match already.

towa: Hm? Oh, you're just a junior high kid.

hina: Huh?

towa: Hey, sorry for yelling at you.

towa: You here to cheer your big brother on, or something?

towa: My little brother loves that T-shirt, too.

hina: I... I'm first-year at Karasuno High School, Hinata Shoyo.

hina: We're going to win, and go to nationals!

towa: What? Karasuno?

towa: Don't make going to nationals sound so easy.

hina: Huh? But I mean it.

towa: Shut up, you little—

hina: I'm gonna beat everyone, and go to Tokyo.

towa: Even if you were somehow lucky enough to keep winning,

towa: everyone just gets crushed by Shiratorizawa in the end.

hina: Huh?

towa: Let's at least make some good memories.

sign: Higashida

sawa: The previous match is over.

sawa: Let's go!

karasu: Yeah!

fly,banner: Fly

taza: Shut up, morons.

tana: Looks like Ohgi Minami's a team full of punks.

suga: Did that really come out of your mouth?

suga: Stop making that face.

kage: Nice k*ll!

koya: Your shaved head is seriously lame.

koya: Seriously, like seriously, seriously...

tana: I'm going forth. Let us play a good game.

tana: Take this, damn it!

heart,banner: Put Your Heart Into It

kage: Nice k*ll!

tana: Thank you for that opportunity.

karasu: Nice k*ll!

power,banner: Power at Full Throttle! Pick Up the Ball and Win!

karasu: Nice k*ll!

guyC: Everyone on Karasuno has really high attack power.

sign: Ohgi Minami Karasuno

fly,banner: Fly

yachi: The spring tournament... Karasuno's battle...

both: Let's play!

yachi: about to start!

bg cheer: Go, go, let's go! Let's go, Kaji!

kei: Listen up.

kei: All of their third-years are already gone,

kei: but their power has always been with their second-years.

kei: They also just won straight through the first round.

kei: Don't let your guard down!

Make sure you're especially cautious of their # on the left!

all: Right!

take: Since the Inter-High prelims ended,

take: you've taken on unfamiliar challenges and you haven't been in sync.

take: On top of that, you've lost about seventy practice games

against the powerhouse schools from Kanto.

take: But your new weapons that kept failing at first are finally starting to take shape.

take: Please get a win that makes up for all of the frustration you felt.

victory,banner: There is No Victory Without Effort

one,banner: One Heart

karasu: Right!

both: All right!

sawa: Karasuno, fight!

yachi: Yeah...

all: Yeah!

old: Oh? So you came to watch the game, too,

old: Ukai-sensei?

ukai: Yeah.

old: I guess that is your precious grandson's team.

ukai: That's got nothing to do with it!

yachi: Ukai? Grandson?

yuu: You're from Karasuno, too, right?

What are you doing up here?

yachi: Th-There's only one manager allowed on the bench.

yachi: You didn't know that?

aya: Oh.

Ah, there's Sho-chan!

old: I actually just saw them play the other day,

yuu: Oh, yeah!

but they have an intense first-year duo.

yachi: Sho-chan? Oh, you mean Hinata.

old: Karasuno might actually make it pretty far this year.

ukai: There's no match that you can't win,

and there's no match that you'll win for sure.

ukai: You can feel a little off, nervous, or panic...

ukai: No matter how strong the school, their team members are human.

ukai: Even the slightest thing can trip someone up.

ukai: Now... let's see how Karasuno will do today.

nishi: Asahi-san, nice serve!

karasu: All right!

yachi: Yay! That was amazing!

old: Starting with a no-touch ace.

ukai: Not bad.

kei: All right...

Let's go!

sign: Ohgi Minami Karasuno

sawa: He changed it up to a tip.

tana: Daichi-san, nice!

yachi: S-So fast! It's like he was waiting for it!

sawa: I feel like I can see the spiker's movements better than before.

nish: Asahi-san!

tsuki: Ever since the first round,

Ougi Minami hasn't been doing quicks any time the receives were a bit off.

tsuki: Left.

person: Tazawa-san!

karasu: All right!

sawa: Nice, Tsukishima!

take: How do I put this...

It seems like everyone is hesitating less in their movements.

kei: It wasn't like they were just practicing their new moves at the training camp.

kei: They had plenty of practice against

tana: All right!

powerhouse schools that were all completely different.

kage: Nice receive!

kei: The power behind their serves and spikes...

the diversity in their att*cks... their defense...

kei: Basically anything high-level...

They've gotten used to it...

kei: Far more than before.

karasu: All right!

towa: Damn it...

kage: All right!

nishi: Nice, Kageyama!

yachi: Another service ace!

kage: Thanks!

Now it's a set point.

sign: Ohgi Minami

towaa: To think that we ended up against a team this strong so early on again...

crowd: Shiratorizawa!

crowd: Shiratorizawa!

sign: Shiratorizawa Ohgi Minami

crowd: Ushijima! Ushijima!

crowd: Ushijima! Ushijima!

aki: Come on! We still have a chance!

aki: Let's get hyped up!

Where's your usual enthusiasm?!

aki: Yeah, that right there! Bring that enthusiasm!

towa: The captain's voice was all raspy

Let's get one!

because he was trying to talk over Shiratorizawa's cheers.

aki: It's up! Towada!

towa: Even if I went after it, I wouldn't be able to reach it.

towa: Even if I could reach it,

towa: there's no guarantee that someone would connect next and be able to score.

towa: Even if it did connect, it'd only get us one measly point.

towa: There's no point going after it...

balls - Copy,towa: Ohgi Minami High School

aki: Hey, don't look so glum!

You guys look even scarier.

aki: You guys were seriously some problem children,

aki: but if you guys weren't here,

we wouldn't have been able to have any matches.

aki: So thanks.

aki: You guys have the bodies and sense for this, so keep doing your best!

karasu: All right!

sign: Ohgi Minami Karasuno

yachi: Yay!

yuu: Sho-chan, that was awesome! He jumped sideways!

towa: Damn...

hina: I'm gonna beat everyone, and go to Tokyo.

towa: So he wasn't just trying to sound tough back there...

towa: He really means that he's going to try to do that.

towa: With that tiny little body, he's going to try to defeat Ushiwaka.

hina: All right!

balls,sign: Ohgi Minami

coach: L-Let's keep doing our best!

coach: Winning or losing doesn't matter.

What's more important is that you guys do your best.

aki: Hey! Damn it!

Don't get all quiet!

towa: C-Captain Akki-kun!

aki: You guys are so tough when it comes to fighting,

but why is it you get so weak when it comes to volleyball?

towaa: Weak?!

aki: I-It doesn't matter how strong you are.

I'm on the second floor, so I'm not scared!

person: Why did he even come?

aki: You guys get just a little pushback, and then you give up.

aki: That's what I mean by weak.

aki: This is your fight, so how you handle it is up to you guys.

aki: But let me just say this...

aki: Being serious, giving your all, and doing your best...

aki: None of that's lame!

guy: What the? Scary...

guy: Senpai, did you lose your mind?

towa: Sensei!

coach: Yes?

towa: You know, since we came here to fight each other on the opposite sides of the net,

towa: I don't think we have any other option than to win and continue on.

towa: Trying to act tough and worrying more about how we look

towa: is pretty lame.

mori: Towada...

towa: All right, I'm gonna say it.

mori: What?

towa: We're going to beat Karasuno!

towa: We're gonna get through the prelims!

towa: We're going to fight Shiratorizawa!

aki: All right!

koyasu: You actually just said that!

tazawa: Well said, big mouth!

kara: So we're gonna try to beat Shiratorizawa?

yoko: Bring it on, then!

towa: We're seriously going to win, guys!

all: Yeah!

tana: Challenge accepted!

sign: Haikyu!!

sign: Haikyu!!

fly,sign: Fly

karasu: All right!

sign: Karasuno Ohgi Minami

hina: Yeah!

yachi: Yay!

suga: Nice, Hinata!

yuu: He did it again!

old: That first-year duo really is something.

ukai: Yeah.

ukai: But the second and third-years are far beyond my expectations, too.

ukai: Right now, Karasuno is on the brink of revival,

ukai: thanks in great part to their passionate advisor and newfound strength.

ukai: But that's all because they have a sturdy foundation.

old: Foundation?

ukai: Last year, just for a short time, I came to see a practice at Karasuno.

ukai: At the time, they had the ability and dedication.

ukai: However, I felt a lack a confidence in them.

ukai: It's like they were subconsciously used to losing.

old: They don't look like that now.

ukai: When the current third-years came to Karasuno,

monthly,sign: Monthly Volleyball

ukai: it was right around the time where Karasuno being a powerhouse school

ukai: became a thing of the past.

ukai: I'm sure the gap between their expectations and reality was pretty big.

ukai: They were probably around during the worst time.

ukai: That's exactly why...

uai: The ones who didn't rot and didn't give up,

uai: and are still here now, have an unwavering strength.

nishi: Daichi-san, nice receive!

karasu: All right!

yachi: Amazing! So amazing!

sign: Karasuno Ohgi Minami

person: Whoa. There's a -point difference.

sawa: All right, let's keep this up to the end!

towa: Damn it, they're strong.

all: Yeah!

coach: W-We still have a chance! Keep it up!

suga: One more, Kageyama!

both: All right!

karasu: All right!

enn: Kageyama's serves are sharp as hell.

suga: Yeah.

sign: Karasuno Ohgi Minami

And now we're at match point.

towaa: Every single time... We get cornered on the court,

towa: and I always regret how much we didn't practice.

sawa: One more, Kageyama! Nice serve!

person: It looks like Karasuno and Ougi Minami's match

is gonna end faster than I thought, so let's get ready for the next match.

person: Yeah. Games sure go fast when there's such a difference in ability.

aki: It's not over yet! Don't give up!

towa: I might just make it...

Or will I not?

towa: Well, we're still second-years,

towa: so I guess we'll have next year...

towa: And that's why you never get any stronger, damn it!

towa: Connect and finish it!

nishi: Damn it!

hina: Tanaka-san!

yoko: It's not over yet!

towa: Give me the last one!

towa: I definitely underestimated him.

towa: I thought it was stupid for him to think he'd make it to nationals.

towa: I'm...

towa: a fool.

karasu: All right!

yachi: Yay? Did we win?

old: All right!

We won!

yuu: So cool!

kei: All right!

take: They made it through their first set.

sign: Karasuno Ohgi Minami

both: Thank you very much!

balls,sign: Ohgi Minami

aki: Great job! You guys fought until the end!

towa: Yeah.

aki: Just so you know, frustration is the right thing to be feeling right now.

aki: No matter what the fight is,

when you lose, it's only natural to be frustrated.

aki: I'd go as far as saying even guys who don't practice much

aki: probably feel frustrated when they lose a game.

aki: I think frustration is real for anyone.

aki: But...

aki: Those who forget that frustration after three days will always be weak.

aki: If you waste time

aki: during your three years in high school, time will completely fly by.

aki: Don't you dare forget the frustration you're feeling right now!

aki: W-Well, see ya.

aki: I'll come see you guys next year, too, so do your best!

towa: Captain!

towa: Th-Thank you very much!

all: Thanks!

person: # ! # !

mina: Nice receive!

guyc: This seriously messes with your depth perception.

guyd: I just stood next to him in the hallway and he was huge!

guyC: Well, yeah! He's two meters tall!

tana: That's creepy!

azu: It's a w*apon... His height is a w*apon...

shimi: Tanaka looks good with a banana.

sign: Nishida Kakugawa

all: Thank you very much!

kage: I guess we know who we're playing next.

bracket,sign: Karasuno


Ohgi Minami



sawa: If we win the next game,

sawa: we'll get through the prelims

sawa: and continue on to the qualifiers in October.

shoes,sign: No Shoes Allowed

sawa: We're gonna get through no matter what!

all: Yeah!

yachi: So it really is over just by losing once...

yachi: And yet...

yachi: That guy is two meters!

hina: Two meters is super huge!

yama: centimeters and centimeters, huh...

hina: I'm if you round up!

tsuki: centimeters and centimeters...

There's a centimeter difference.

hina: Listen!

yachi: F-Forty centimeters is the same size as Ketty-chan.

yachi: That's not that big!

tsuki: Is that an attempt to cheer him up?

yama: Tekachu is also centimeters.

tsuki: Note: Fujikujira sounds like a type of whale.

tsuki: So is a fujikujira.

yachi: F-Fujikujira?

yama: What's that?

tsuki: It's a kind of shark.

yachi: Oh...

yama: You're so smart, Tsukki!

fly,banner: Fly

hina: I... want to combine with that shark.

kage: What?

hina: If I combined with a fujikujira, I'd be two meters tall...

kage: Hey, what are you talking about?

kage: Are you really scared?

hina: Huh?

sawa: Let's go!

karasu: All right!

yachi: H-He really seemed to want to combine with that Etmopterus lucifer,

yachi: but I wonder if Hinata will be okay...

shimi: Oh, yeah...

I'm sure he'll be fine even if he's like that before a match.

yachi: R-Right?!

old: Well, it's finally about to start.

old: But they're going up against someone that big.

old: No, no. That has nothing to do with how Karasuno is right now.

old: Right, Ukai-sensei?

ukai: Well, who knows?

old: Wha...

fly,sign: Fly

ukai: High school boys haven't finished growing yet,

and their plays aren't complete.

uaki: That's why a match can be decided

just by how tall someone is or if a team has an amazing ace.

kei: Hurry up, Hinata.

old: B-But...

hina: R-Right!

ukai: Height, by itself, is a w*apon in its own right.

ukai: Seeing how Karasuno will deal with it...

sawa: Let's go.

all: Right!

ukai: ...will definitely be worth watching.

yama: So a fujikujira is a kind of shark, huh?

tsuki: There are a lot of fish with confusing names.

tsuki: For example, a kinmedai might sound like it's related to sea bream, but it's a tropical fish.

yama: You really know a lot about fish, Tsukki.

tsuki: Shut up, Yamaguchi.

yama: Sorry, Tsukki!

sign: Episode : "A Simple and Pure Strength"

yama: Next time on Haikyu!!: "A Simple and Pure Strength."