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02x11 - The Varieties of Pride

Posted: 09/16/22 15:45
by bunniefuu
This is your last chance to surrender, Garo!

You're thinking, "This isn't how
it was supposed to go down," huh?

Well, too bad, hero hunter.

Everyone here is a highly skilled hero
who's stared death in the face before.

I brought together the heroes I admire most...

so that we can hunt you!

Highly skilled heroes, eh?

Am I the only one who
finds that line funny?

What about all the Class S heroes?

The Hero Association still doesn't
understand how dangerous I am?

You all seem like a hodgepodge
I'd find in some value pack.

It's not exciting me at all.

So you only pay attention
to Class S heroes?

Those Class S heroes sure are popular.

The Hero Association treats them
like they're all special, too.

Apparently there are even secret briefings
that are only with the Class S heroes.

We're all heroes, so why are
we treated so differently?

Because we have rankings,
there's a hierarchy,

and there are plenty of talented
heroes who go unnoticed.

There are valuable heroes
who aren't Class S heroes.

That's right. Since you made a name for
yourself by defeating Class S heroes,

you're the perfect target to
let the world know just that!

So you didn't invite any Class S heroes

because you wanted to make
a name for yourselves?

I bet some kids would be
disappointed to hear that.

It's hard to breathe...
I'm getting dizzy, too.

Is it the poison?

Looks like the Monster Association
is causing a fuss right now.

You sure you have time
to mess around with me?

Shouldn't you be concentrating
on rescuing the hostage first?

Of course, we're going after the Monster
Association right after we deal with you.

We'll teach all those monsters who are
getting full of themselves a lesson.

These guys are a staircase.

They're a staircase I have to climb
in order to become a real monster.

I won't go back down!

Looks like the poison's circulated.

You must be reaching your limit.

I'll walk over them all, one by one,

and make my way up!

Did you see Justice Man yesterday?

He finally used his new special
move! Justice Fire Kick!

It was so cool!

Also, that one part was hilarious.

When Crab Demon died.

Yeah, the way it reacted when Justice Man
showed no mercy to the eggs it was hiding!

Crab Demon put up a good fight, though!

When Mach Woman and
Little Justice joined the fight,

Crab Demon had to face all three of
them alone, and it still held its own!


Why are you rooting for Crab Demon?

Because Crab Demon just wanted
to protect the beautiful ocean!

It was fighting on its own just for that!

If it were just a little stronger,
it would've won...

It must've felt so disappointed...

Everyone's Dignity


Ankle Noose!

Earth Rotation of Doom!


Chain Toad!

He got me!

He's got a blade!

What? I'm not allowed to have one?

Talk about unfair.

He's been shot in one leg, and the
poison should be taking effect...

Be careful!

Leave it to me!

Pile Bison!

Get back!

What? When did—

Damn it!

He figured out the timing! But...

He's wide open from the front!


Damn it! Put me down!

Sing, Bamboo sh**t!

That's half of you.

Death Gatling, it won't be
so funny if we all lose.

We shouldn't worry about
taking him alive anymore.

Yeah. He chose that for himself.

He can still move at that speed?

He should be pretty weakened by now,

yet somehow we're on the ropes.

It definitely doesn't feel
like we're fighting a human!

Stinger! Fight me one-on-one!

Looks like he chose me!
Everyone else, stay out of this!

No! We all need to—

I'll fill you with holes!


Thank goodness Stinger is
as stupid as I'd heard.

How dare you?!

Out of the way!

I'll take care of him!

Garo can't dodge my fire right now!

Get away from Garo!

Hey, what's wrong?

You sure wanted to get up close and
personal earlier. Don't run away now.

You're making me lonely here!

I can't get away!


...trailing Megane!

At this rate...

Now that our formation has been broken,
am I just holding everyone back?

This newbie is holding us back.

We shouldn't have to split
our earnings with him.

O-Oh, that's fine. You guys can have it...

It's all over...

I'm going to be k*lled!

I'm not cut out to be a hero...

I'm just a commoner... I'm at my limit!

Who the heck decides what
your limit is, anyway?

If you have the time to break down,

you're better off moving forward.

Back then, I decided that I would change.

Just like him!

If I'm just going to be used as a
shield, I'll fight you head-on—

Yeah, there you go. You can do it.

You're pretty confident
in your stamina, right?

You bastard!

It's a trap, Stinger!

Still, I can't just abandon him!

Gigantic Drill Stinger!

To think you'd get rid of
your shield yourself...

Now I won't have to worry about
others getting caught in my fire.

This is the end, Garo the Monster!

There's a kid inside the shack.

If you sh**t from there,
he'll be caught in the crossfire.

Of all the things you could possibly say...

As if I'd believe a cheap lie like that!

Watch carefully.

Witness the moment the monster is victorious!

Justice will prevail.


Death Shower!


Why can't I hit him?

O-Old dude...

Tch... Talk about a ridiculous
amount of b*ll*ts.

There's no point in taking aim again.

I know that was your Death Shower,
which requires you to fire all your b*ll*ts.

So he was provoking me, as well?

Any monster that attack hits
becomes mincemeat...

Or apparently not.


You just proved that
firearms can't defeat me.

"This shouldn't have happened," right?

Too bad for you, you stooges.

Guess you should've called for a
Class S hero or two, after all.

The situation might've been different
if you had even one of them.

Class S, my ass...

Are you telling me every
other hero is second-rate?

It's true. Class S heroes are amazing.

But we're also heroes who are
risking our lives to fight!

Look at me!

The one who has the hero hunter cornered

is me, the Class A hero, Death Gatling!

Talk about jaded.

I'm going to defeat you...

so I can prove our worth!

The only one who cares about ranks

is you, dumbass!


You're so pathetic.

O-Old dude...


You're still alive.


Somebody help!


I came in response to a call for backup.

From the looks of things, you're the
hero hunter I've heard about.

I'm going to eliminate you.

Machine g*n Blows!

Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock!


You assh*le... You buried
yourself to lure me in.

This man...

was able to dodge immediately
by using a leg move

with Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock.

I see.

No wonder he's been giving
the other heroes trouble.

Sweet! I've finally got this!

You've only got a sliver of HP left, King.

Guess I just might be stronger now.

Oh? You're still going to fight back?

Wait. Calm down, me.

I just need one more hit and I win.

There's no way he could actually
turn the tables at this point—


How was that?

I let you think you had a chance.

Did you have a little fun?

I won't let you have the win, but I don't
mind letting you have that, at least.

Your moves are way too simple, Saitama.

You end up button-mashing
even when you have a chance,

so I can still win,
even with my eyes closed.

That makes it wins and losses for me.

You should practice some. I'll let you
borrow my console and everything.

Games can be pretty stressful, huh?

You'll feel much better
when you win one day.

Don't break it, okay?

Hey, that thing's buzzing.

So it is.

Is it a monster?

Good. Let's go kick its ass!

Looks like some other Class S
heroes already headed there.

It's probably over by now.

But that aside, Saitama,

it's really scary that a bunch of monsters
are passed out by your house.

That can't be very sanitary.

I'll have Genos set them on fire later.

But anyway, I wonder why so many
monsters pop up around here.

City Z's hazardous area ahead
Absolutely no trespassing

That's probably why no one lives in this area.

If monsters keep showing up
in hordes in multiple cities,

more places might end up like this.

By the way, where's Genos?

Oh, yeah. He hasn't been
home since yesterday.

Huh? Is he okay?

Something called the Monster
Association apparently showed up.

Maybe someone took him out yesterday...

I'm sure he's fine. He's Genos, after all.


Guess I'll check it out anyway.

A Class S hero showed up?

Thank goodness...

He's strong...

He's got incredible speed and the same
level of power as t*nk-Top Master.

He also keeps blasting that heat cannon of his.

He's a pain in the ass to deal
with in my current condition.

Damn it...

Give it up. There's no way
you can escape from me.

Those moves... Remember that guy's moves...

His movement pattern changed.

He's moving on all fours?


I've always been pretty good with
handling high-tech machinery!

Especially breaking them!

It's no use.

One after another...

Looks like I've caught the
attention of all the heroes.

I'm glad to be such a celebrity now.


the world is in chaos due to the emergence
of the evil Monster Association.

Everyone in the Hero Association should
be working together to defeat them.

We don't have time to deal
with small fry like you.

Who are you calling a small fry?!

Then help me out, Demon Cyborg.

If I take you down, society
will fear me more, right?!

Let everyone know that there's no
hero who'll stand a chance...

Because the ultimate monster is right here!

There's no such thing.


Back up the hero hunter!

What the hell?

The Monster Association is here.

We've come for you, Garo.

You seem to be in a bit of trouble.
We'll help you out.

You dumbasses again?

Our higher-ups are saying they want to
welcome you into the upper echelon.

Good for you.

Not interested.

Get lost.

No, no, we can't do that this time.

We're under orders ourselves, you see.

No way!

To think that the hero hunter had
connections with the Monster Association...


I lost yesterday,

but I learned that there are still monsters
with powers way beyond my comprehension.

I will never let my guard down
again whenever a threat shows up.


And today...

I'm much stronger than yesterday.

Master Saitama told me to mentally train
myself to achieve the height of herodom.

I'm just starting to understand what he meant.

This isn't enough to defeat me.

Master Saitama?

He's the ultimate hero. No monster
could stand a chance against him.

He actually exists.




Do you mind letting us handle this?

Fist of Whirling Wind, Slashing Steel!

Leave the monsters to me, Bang.

You take care of Garo!

Thanks, Big Bro.

Now, then...

Long time no see, Garo.

That voice...

Looks like the geezer who's going to
be the biggest pain in my ass is here.

Just look at you...

I'll end this now.

Come at me!

Are you strong?

Who the heck is this rude little kid?

This little...

Shall I throw him out?

Nah. Give him something
to eat once he wakes up.

Make sure he gets his fill.

Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock!

Cleaning Up the Disciple's Mess