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02x05 - The Martial Arts Tournament

Posted: 09/16/22 15:42
by bunniefuu
You've lost contact with Metal Bat?

Yes. I've already contacted every
hero higher than Class A for backup.

The giant monstrous insect Centichoro...

Threat level: Dragon.

It's basically a full-scale disaster.

This is nothing like two years ago.

I'm not sure we can defeat it,
despite our numbers.

Apparently, King is already
fighting something.

What are the other Class S heroes doing?

Urgent messages from the branch offices?

Th-This is...

Damn it! We're cornered.

At this rate... we're finished.


Class S Rank
Metal Knight

It's the Class S hero, Metal Knight!

We're saved!

You're in the way!

Weapons tests aren't for show.

Leave at once.


It's unharmed... For a living
organism, it's extremely tough.

Annoying fly!

Did the centipede thing stop chasing us?

Yeah. I think we might
just make it out of here.

I hope Metal Bat is okay.


You're not getting away, pro heroes.

Leave that family behind.


Interesting. It's been reported that
Metal Bat is facing off with Centichoro,

so where is he now?


Monsters whose threat levels are Demon
and above have randomly appeared

in multiple locations.

We can't keep up with them.

Martial Arts Tournament

As I figured, you're already pretty beat-up.

I wanted to see just how strong you are,

but I don't think that's
going to happen right now.

Don't underestimate me!

You've lost so much blood.
You'll probably pass out at any second.

Not to mention you've
got multiple fractures.

What's keeping you upright?
Your pride as a hero?

His swings are even faster now.

They're also more powerful.

Don't tell me he's...

No, there's no doubt about it.

The more damage he takes,
the more his physical abilities improve.

What's the principle behind your strength?

Who the hell cares about principles?

I'm just pumped up.

The hell?

Just come at me already, hero hunter.

I've still got a giant centipede to
deal with after I'm through with you!

He's still...

Let's see how long you can stay pumped up.

I'll play with you for a bit.

I'm over here!


I can't forgive muggers or hero hunters.

You're rotten to the core,
and I'll beat that right out of you!

You ain't gonna hit me, dumbass!

Are you just going to keep swinging
that thing around until you die?

Until I die?

I'm not that nice.

I'll swing it until I win!

k*ller Move... Pumped-Up Brutal Tornado!

Brutal Tornado

Huh? You're just spinning around in circles!

Don't make me laugh!

Unfortunately for you, I can deflect
every one of your amateurish blows.

He finally went down.

t*nk-Top Master and Metal Bat
are both just musclebrains.

They lack hand-to-hand martial arts skills.

Crushing the Hero Association
might be easier than I thought.

You've got to be kidding me.

Did his att*cks pack more
of a punch than I thought?

I might've been in trouble if he'd
managed to land one on me.

Big Brother!

Big Brother Bat.

What are you doing?

Who is that?

His little sister?

Zenko, stay back!

Big Brother!

You missed the perfect opportunity.

This time, I'll finish you off for good!

You can't!

Big Brother promised me that he'd
never expose me to v*olence!

So no more fighting!


The fight's over!

And why the hell should I have
to follow your family rules?

No more!

Oh, yeah. I just remembered
I had something else to do.

I don't have time to waste on you fools.

You're the one who att*cked me!

Guess you get to live a
little longer, Metal Bat.


Big Brother! Let's hurry up and go home!

There's a giant monster, too.

Oh, right! That family's in danger.

I have to hurry.

Wait, you're joking, right?

Come on! Don't do this!

You're gonna die!

You go on home, Zenko.

Ugh! You stubborn oaf!

Huh? Big Brother?


So that's the hero hunter
everyone's talking about.

Not bad for a human.

He's a coward for not finishing him off.

No, that guy may actually
prove useful, Hedrojellyfish.

Hey, that's Metal Bat's little sister.

The more hostages, the better.


So you're the creepy gaze I was sensing.

It's still alive?

Wait a second, hero hunter!

Two on one, eh?

We are not your enemies.

I'm sure this will interest you.

The Monster Association?

He took the bait.

Follow me. I'll take you to our lair.

I'm not interested. Get lost.

I'll pretend I didn't see that.

But we'll be meeting again.

As long as you continue
hunting heroes, that is.

Just you wait!


Well, this is a disappointment.

My Mohipunch...

My Pine-a-pow...

Pineapple gets five points.


Mohican gets two. That's out
of a hundred, by the way.

You're unbelievably weak!

Do you know how much I've trained my horn
and this body for the destined day?!

Well, do you?!

Rhino Wrestler, get the hostages!

We're heading back!

What the hell? We're not fighting Metal Knight?

Correct. That's just a
remote-controlled robot.

Besides, today is not the day.
You're forbidden to act on your own.

Okay, fine. Are we taking
both of these guys?

No, just the kid is enough.


Damn it! Metal Bat asked
us to watch over them!

We'll stop you, even if it kills us!

Okay, you can die, then!

How do you like that, Phoenix Man?

What do you think my threat level is now?

Who knows? Centichoro,
we've fulfilled our objective.

You can fall back!

You're burrowing? I think not!

I will not let go!

This is fine. Today is not not the day.

Get him!

You've got this, Heavy Kong!

Damn it... Backup's not coming.

What the hell is going on?

Are you a Class A hero?

How many of you do I have to
k*ll to raise my threat level?

Monsters my electricity doesn't affect?

This isn't my lucky day.

Class A hero Lightning Genji...

You're actually very lucky.

The other cities are facing much worse.

What the heck is going on?

(Fist of Water Polo, Carbonation)
Green Room

Hey! You're the only one slacking!

We're supposed to make our
entrance now, you moron!

Hurry it up, Charanko!

Okay, let's go.

Ladies and gentlemen!
Thank you all for waiting!

The nd Super Fight!

Here are all of our entrants!

First up is the Class A Rank
hero who's also known

as Lightning Max, entering for the first time!

Max from Hyper Karate!

I can only see myself winning.

Our only lady entrant!

Her lightning-speed att*cks
could be considered art.

Ring-Ring from Palm Bells Fist!

I want to fight already.

Next is Benpats from
Bad Roads Martial Arts.

And now, one of our top four regulars!

His serpentine arms enclose his
opponent and take them down!

The man ranked the lowest of the
Class A heroes, Snek from Snakebite Fist!

Did you have to mention
the lowest rank part?

We still have many more!

Always electrifying, Boltane from
Fist of Thunder and Lightning!

Bazuzu from Bazuzu's Nuclear Fist!

Gatling from Many Striking Fists!

The kindred spirit from Sunflower Dojo's
Gentle Art of Self-Defense, Hamukichi!

Dave from Crushing Giant Method!

Rosie from Psychoanalytic Martial Art!

Mentai from Spice Fist!

Jakumen from Giga Pro Wrestling!

Choze from Combat Arts of the Chosen People!

A former student of the Fist of
Flowing Water Crushing Rock,

Sourface from Sourface-Style Kempo!

I'm so nervous, I think I'm gonna puke...

This is his seventh consecutive entry!

Can this man who refuses to give
up finally make it to the top?

Zakkos from Fist of Crazy
Collision, Fierce Truth!

I'm going to get my first
victory and propose!

Next up...

We have a man who asked that no one go for
his head on the surveys we handed out.

Did he really come here to fight?

Charanko from Fist of
Water Polo, Carbonation!

Why am I getting booed already?

Isn't that the Class S hero Genos?

Guess he likes martial arts, too.

And now for the strongest
man in Super Fight history,

our returning two-time champion!

His fights are always one-sided.

But according to him, he hasn't even
shown us all his strength yet.

Bakuzan from Art of the Darkness Hellkill!

There will finally be meaning
in my victory today.

And we have another unrivaled contender!

He's returning for the first
time in seven tournaments!

The young legend who managed
to win four times in a row!

Suiryu from the Dark Body Art!


He spent the three years since
he disappeared goofing off,

and apparently he's only after
the prize money this time.

Is he so powerful because he
doesn't crave fame or notoriety?

However, Bakuzan is also in this tournament.

So that's Suiryu...

If I can k*ll him, I'll be the strongest
man in the history of this tournament.

I can practically feel his
boodlust piercing my back.

I actually wanted to fight the guy who
won last year's tournament, though.

Now entering
City Q

I wanted to play with someone
stronger if I could.

Now that we've introduced our
entrants, let the nd Super Fight


Deep breaths, deep breaths...

I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

Hey, old guy, are you nervous?

Don't call me "old guy"!

I may be your senior,
but I'm twenty, just like you!

Wait, he's younger than me?

Hey, you.

You entered under a style
I'd never heard of.

You must be an amateur.

Don't take martial arts lightly.

Forfeit now,

or I'll make you regret it.

Well, you heard him.

He's talking to you!

You can't even tie your obi right.

You still can't tie it correctly. Here.

Super Fight is a premier martial arts
tournament. It's no place for amateurs.

This guy's also a student of the
Fist of Flowing Water, Crushing Rock.

What? Him? I see... Seems they'll accept
just about anyone these days.


Bang was supposed to be one of
the judges at this tournament,

but he caused a ruckus by canceling
his appearance abruptly.

Master Bang?

The man called the strongest man in martial
arts got wrapped up in being a hero.

That's enough out of you!

And wait, why aren't you the one who's mad?!


I already left the dojo, but you're
the only student who stayed behind!

Oh, right. I mean,
just let him say whatever.


I didn't come here to argue.

If you're threatening to crush
me, I'll look forward to it.

You don't look very strong, though.

Wow, way to put him in his place, Charanko.

I'll beat you to a pulp.

I'm fine with tracking down Garo,
but is he really going to show?

Wow, you're definitely annoyed.

The Class A hero we were tracking
is being att*cked by someone.

What? Let's go!


I, the Boxing Demon,
shall destroy this city!

Guess it wasn't Garo.

Stand back, b*mb.

Silverfang? Perfect timing!

We should team— Huh? Um...

You must be a Class S hero!

I know you! You're a famous martial artist!

When I was human, I also
learned martial arts...

but fighting in competitions
just wasn't enough!

That's right! I wanted to let loose with all
the strength I have, so I turned into a mon—

D-Damn, he's strong...

Let's hurry, before he ends up like this.

And now, let us begin round one!

Max vs Ring-Ring

Max versus Ring-Ring!


Ring-Ring makes the first move!

Heart Hard Hit!

She did all that with
one stroke of her whip?

You're a fool for thinking you could
actually take me, Super S, on!

You pitiful, foolish hero brats!

H-Heavy Kong has been...

So this is what a Class A is like?
That was uneventful.

More importantly,
make sure you spread the news

that the one who took down
Heavy Kong was me, Martial Gorilla.

There's no end to this!

You're not getting away!

Th-They're the worst possible
enemies I could've faced...

I see. Despite the fact that
we're only threat level Tiger,

we can defeat a Class A hero
based on his attributes.

I guess we didn't need to go
sneaking around after all.

We got word that Heavy Kong
was defeated in City W.

And we still haven't been able to get
a hold of Metal Bat or Metal Knight.

The giant organism that appeared in City I

has grown even bigger and harder
after consuming a large building.

We can't let it run loose any longer!

Poison! The monster that appeared in
City Y is using some kind of paralysis poison

to render the heroes there immobile!

It's no use. There are just too many of them.

At this rate, we're going to be wiped out!

It seems that we, as well as the humans,

miscalculated how powerful the other was.

We are stronger than we expected,

and the humans are unexpectedly weak.

Stop! Snap out of it!

Wh-What's wrong, Darkness Blade?!

Those who are lashed by my whip

become my love slaves as
a result of the stimulation.

H-Hey, stop this!

Now, if you want my love,
fight until you die!


Oh? Even more suitors to become my slaves?

How titillating!

Wow... If that's all it takes to become a
threat level Demon, today's my lucky day.

So if I defeat you, will that break
your control over those men?

I can do something heroic and have them
in my debt. Two birds with one stone.

It's the Blizzard Bunch!

You're not getting away.

Don't tickle my sadism too much.

I'm liable to get overstimulated and k*ll you.

Max KO'd Ring-Ring in no time!

Many were skeptical about just how
strong he is as a martial artist,

so he had been placed in the reverse seed,

but he managed to win against a
girl without a single scratch!

I wouldn't say without a single scratch...

I guess he was still able to fight,
even without expl*sives in his shoes.

Hey, what the heck is a reverse seed?

The weaker someone looks or is rumored to be,

the harder they make it
for them to win the tournament.

I see. So they thought he was weaker
than most of the people here.

Those who switch from being
a martial artist to a hero

are seen as having joined an easier occupation.


What about Bang, then?

Master Bang is a different story.

By the way, you also got the reverse seed.

Huh? Oh, you're right.

Zakkos Charanko Bakuzan

So it's not that the guys
on each end are strong,

but they're just treating me like I'm weak?

No, those two were definitely strong.

Bakuzan, the one I fight after you,
is favored to win this tournament.

So based on where you've been placed...

you must be weak, too.

Round two, Zakkos versus
Charanko, is about to begin!

I'm gonna k*ll you...

Ch-Charanko's strong!

Did Zakkos's brain end up
scrambled after that single slap?

Actually, I'm not sure
if Charanko's strong...

He's weak! Zakkos is just
so pathetically weak!

He apparently invited the person
he'd planned to propose to here,

but now there's been a huge
change in his life plans!

Whoops. I sorta feel bad.

Oh, we just got some new information.

Breaking News

Apparently, that person
never came to the venue!

All clear! They didn't see him!

Oh, thank goodness.

There's nothing good about this...

Things played out as they usually do.

This tournament is likely to end

before Master has a chance to
truly experience martial arts.

Zakkos had pretty good moves.

Guess I know who I'm facing
off with in the finals.

The Uprising of the Monsters