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02x04 - The Metal Bat

Posted: 09/16/22 15:42
by bunniefuu
I'll plunge this world into darkness!

That's as far as you go, Devil Count!

Ugh... This lame theme song... It's Justice Man!

That hero's getting in the
way at the good part again!

You can do it! I believe in you, Devil Earl!

Kick Justice Man's butt!

Justice Punch!

Dang it! He lost again!

When will there be a monster
that can defeat Justice Man?


Heroes don't lose to anyone?

But why?

Justice always prevails?

But that's not fair!

Monsters have ambitions, too!

Monsters are working hard, too...

And yet, they always just die in the end...

But I want to support them...
What about my feelings?

Monsters are so much cooler...

That the popular guys win and the
unpopular guys lose is a tragedy.

In that case... I won't lose to anyone.

I'll become the ultimate monster.

We pay top prices

We'll buy your brand-name items


What am I doing here?

I don't really remember
what happened last night.

Regarding Director Zeimeet's
as*ault by a thug last night...

We're certain that Garo the
hero hunter was behind it.

So that means he's not
only going after heroes.

He's going after the Association itself.

He's strong enough to
defeat t*nk-Top Master.

Regular guards won't be enough.

Metal Bat

Let's issue an alert.

Executives should avoid going
outside unnecessarily

and, if they must go anywhere,
have Class S heroes accompany them.

Are you sure?

The Class S heroes have been rather
busy dealing with monsters lately.

But the safety of executives close
to our sponsors is more important.

Bodyguard for an executive?

I decline. Why?

Because I'm in the middle
of a battle right now.

I just defeated them, but I'm now heading
to the stage with the secret boss.

Mouse Sushi

Call someone else.

Thanks for being my bodyguard
today, Metal Bat.

Class S Rank
Metal Bat

I came here because I was told that
there was an important mission...

Apparently executives from the Hero
Association are also being targeted right now,

but my son insisted on trying
some commoner food today.

Wow, look, Papa!

Pudding Pudding

There's even pudding on this thing!

I was wondering how vile sushi
must be if it's under , yen,

but it seems this can actually be quite fun.

The hell is this? Literally hell?

Hey! Don't put back a plate you ate from!


They need it when they tally up your total.

But returning the plates
is proper etiquette.

I just told you not to return the plates!

The color of this urchin is awful.

Don't they have any caviar?

What's medium fatty tuna?

Fatty Tuna Medium Fatty Tuna

You can actually eat part
of a tuna that's not fatty tuna?

Stop putting it back!

Next time they try to put
a plate back, I'll k*ll them!


Did you get a phone call?

It's my little sister!

I need to step out. Stay right here!




I can't help it! I suddenly got
a really important mission.

I promise I'll take you
shopping some other time.

Huh? Where am I right now?

Mouse Sushi.

You've got it all wrong!

This is seriously a mission!

Hey, come on. Don't cry.

I'll explain everything later.

I-I'm hanging up now. Later.

I'm the one who wants to cry.

I'm never taking requests
from executives ever again.

Shit! Is that Garo?


Apparently not.

Save him! That monster's got my son!

He's definitely an executive
from the Hero Association.

How nice of him to bring
his kid. Let's take him.

Hang on, damn it.

I'm not letting you set
foot outside this place.

You haven't paid yet.

Charanko said he entered on a whim.

Entrants Reception Entrance

What a moron. But...

I wouldn't be surprised if someone
strong was actually here.


May I have your name, sir?

Uh... Charanko.

Please write down your fighting style.

Fighting style?

I think it was, uh...

(Fist of Water Polo, Carbonation)
Green Room

So this is the lineup for this tournament...

Zakkos Charanko Bakuzan

It's seeded. I wonder if this
Bakuzan guy is strong, then.

Or if we go the other way,
I guess this Suiryu guy is the seed.

Suiryu Max Ring-Ring Benpats Snek

Hey, you're Charanko, right?

Shit. Does he actually know Charanko?

Hey, come on, now.
Did you forget the face of your senpai?

Is "Fist of Water Polo, Carbonation"
supposed to be some kind of joke?

Well, I can't blame you for panicking.

You never did like me.

Hero Association Hospital

He better not have entered the
tournament in my place...

I guess he's not that stupid.

No, wait. Saitama does seem pretty stupid.


Oh, you're...

You know Saitama?

Charanko, do you know why
I entered this tournament?

I couldn't care less, to be honest.
Could you please just go away?

There are two reasons.

First, because this Super Fight tournament

is one of the best ways for a fighter
to make a name for themselves.


Master Bang won a while back.

And the second reason...

The incident that happened
at last year's tournament.

The winner was a masked
fighter named Wolfman.

But later on, they found the
actual Wolfman unconscious.

And that's why they banned entering under
false names and the use of disguises.


You putting down a false fighting
style might also be in the gray area.

What happens if they find out?

You're stripped your qualifications
and permanently banned.

And considering last year's incident,

you'll probably also be sued
and slapped with a huge fine.

You might even be arrested.

Huh? What?!

Huh? What's up?

Don't tell me you...

have an idea who that
despicable impostor was!

I'm safe.

After seeing the video of them fighting,
I'm certain I know who it is.

There's no doubt about it.

The impostor in the last tournament

was Garo!

Heya. I'm back again.

Oh, hey, old dude!
Are you out patrolling again?

Stop calling me "old dude."
And let me borrow that book.

I told you, you can't borrow it.


I'm saying... that we
should read it together.

Garo, huh?

That name came up again.

About six months ago.

So it's right after the incident
where he was expelled by our master.

There's no doubt about it.

That incident?

You were off slacking somewhere,
so I'm sure you didn't know,

but it happened while the master was gone.

I'm tired of this.


There's nothing else I can learn here.

Let's have an actual fight.

He was hiding his true intent
while sharpening his fangs.

If he hadn't shown up, we wouldn't
have had to leave the dojo, damn it!

That's why I'm going to win
this tournament today

and regain my confidence.

Confidence that I can get to Garo's level.

But to think that you'd have the
guts to enter the Super Fight when

you were one of the weakest at the dojo...

You sure got cocky.

I hear you're calling yourself
Master Bang's top student,

but don't get too full of yourself.

I see. So Saitama might enter
the tournament in your place.


If someone inexperienced ends up
entering a tournament like that...

They'll definitely be k*lled.

You don't need to worry.

After all, he's...

a hero.

You know, I wouldn't have
left the dojo if I'd known

that Garo was going to be expelled.

But if I hadn't quit,

I, Sourface, would've been Master
Bang's number one student right now.

How about it? Why don't we practice
some holds until you pass out again?

But you did quit the dojo, right?


Charanko fought Garo one-on-one.

But anyway, I plan on defeating Garo myself.

As long as he's hunting heroes, I'm sure
I'll run into him sooner or later.

What I'm saying is that

you ran away, so you don't get to
act like you're better than me.

You'd better be prepared
to defend those words!

The Super Fight is a one-day tournament.

If you can actually manage
to win your way to the top,

we're going to bump heads in the ring.

And that's when I'll show you

what a real battle is.

A real battle, huh?

I don't remember what
that feels like at all.

That was amazing, Papa!

He defeated them in no time!

All right, let's take a
picture to remember this.

Hey, hurry up and take cover. It's dangerous.

Venus-People Trap and I were
both annihilated instantly.

Considering what you did to us,
I guess you really are strong,

Metal Bat.

So that's what a Class S hero is like, huh?

But if you're that strong,
you probably think you're the strongest.

I was the same way...

Man, bugs are persistent.

I should probably finish you off.

But then, my senpai showed up...

Another one?!

Kohai, I'll avenge you.


It's so creepy!

That thing's twice the
size of the other one!

What's that smell?


So the hero hunter Garo has
nothing to do with this?

Well, thinking about that's
not gonna help right now.

I'm just going to crush you!

Yup! He'll get back up and face
the enemy, no matter what!

So you don't have to worry about Saitama!

U-Uh, I—

Besides, he would never break
the rules to enter in your place.

He's a hero, after all!


That's good, I guess...


Tennis Player Ryu


I'm bored.

This is Watchdog Man.

Complete Edition

Hero Guide

Isn't he cute?

He just looks like some
guy in a dog costume.

Is he actually strong?

Of course he is! He's a Class S hero!

Class S Rank , huh?

He usually sits atop his
own special lookout.

Super Huge Lottery

You can meet him there at any time!


Urgent evacuation order.
Urgent evacuation order.

Monsters have appeared in the
shopping district of City S.

Threat level: Demon.

Currently, Class S hero
Metal Bat is on the scene.

Everyone outside should
immediately seek shelter indoors.

Old dude...

Well, you heard her.

Hurry up and run home.


I repeat.

Urgent evacuation order.
Urgent evacuation order.

Centipede Parade!

Not bad.

No wonder he gave our kohai trouble.

What the hell do you guys want?

Why are you after them?

We'll tell you if you can defeat us.

Looks like my sleep smell is finally kicking in.


I'm losing consciousness...

Now, goodnight!

Take that, and that, and that!

He just... hit himself in the head?

Did you finally lose your mind?!

Man, I feel so much better.

He's even more powerful than before!

But my sleep smell shouldn't
wear off that easily...

What in the world happened?!

If I can pump myself up, I can
pretty much handle anything.

You guys beat me pretty damn hard earlier.

But you see, I'm a pretty nice guy...

So I'll wipe you both out

with a single blow!

I haven't been that pumped in a while.

I forgot to ask the monsters
what their motive was!

It totally slipped my mind.

Looks like they're unharmed.

Hey, wake up, you jerks.
Or should I smack you awake?

We came to back you up!

We'll fight, too!

Class C Hero

Class B Hero

Oh, I just finished up.



Well, Metal Bat never ceases to amaze me.

Now that family should be...

What's the matter?

The fact that Centikohai and Centisenpai
appeared one after another

probably means...

Hey, you don't mean...

You remember the incident from
two years ago, don't you?

If that thing appears again...

Yeah. It won't be a matter
of bodyguards anymore.

The city will be destroyed.


The great monster, Centichoro!

It's threat level is... Dragon!

Dragon, eh?

I'll go call for Class S backup.
Let's get out of here for now.

That thing's after that family there.

You guys take them while
I deal with this guy.

As fast as you can!


Now, then... What to do?

Is that thing staring at us?

You won't get away.

It's charging!

Don't turn around! Just keep running!

It's so hard!

Out of my way!

My full swing didn't even
make a crack in that thing.


That bastard made sure I didn't
hit its face with the bat.

So that's exactly where I'm gonna aim!

It's coming after us!

No, wait. Look above it!


k*ller Move...


Dragon Pummelin'!

Dragon Pummelin'

Centipede Undulation!

Centipede Undulation

This is what a Dragon-level monster is like?

Humanity shouldn't have to
face something like that!

Urgent evacuation order.

Another Dragon-level monster
has appeared in City S.

Did the heroes lose?!

This world is finished!

Run! Hurry!

Wow, things sure got lively.

I guess that would happen when
a Dragon-level monster appears.

Now, I wonder if I'll find Metal Bat alive...

Metal Bat?


Oh, I see.

To think that a Class S hero was done
in by any other monster but me...

Damn. I wasted my time.

Man... I need to hurry up and get back.

H-Hey, wait a sec, Metal Bat!

If you're alive, that's a different story!

Sweet. My second Class S hero!

Now you have to fight me.
I'm gonna hunt you!

Huh? What the hell are you
talking about, you moron?

Don't you see that giant centipede?

Hurry up and evac—

I see.

So you're the human calling yourself
the hero-hunting monster...

That's right. I'm Garo.

I'm busy, damn it.

If you're picking a fight with me,
I'm gonna bash your crazy head in.

What? There's a Dragon-level monster in City S!

Emergency Evacuation Order


City S

You're right. That sounds bad.

You girls are going to watch
the Super Fight, right?

Take me with you.

I haven't been there in ages,
so I don't remember the way.


Aren't you...

You don't mind, right?

Martial Arts Tournament