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02x09 - To Destroy and to Save

Posted: 09/16/22 07:49
by bunniefuu

This is siege warfare.

If we can buy even a

little bit of time, then...

Yeah, sure, but in

case you forgot,

we're out of chemicals

and stuff!

There's no way!


Run, scientist!


On it!


They'll be dying for nothing.

I suppose they're just

brain-dead barbarians after all.


In this primitive stone world,

the winner will be decided by...

[TSUKASA] ...the force granted

to humanity by nature:


[SENKU] ...the fruit of

humanity's endless efforts:



This is the final battle!

We have to defend

the miracle cave!

[GEN] Don't tell me you're

gonna to try to make

some science-y w*apon-type thing

while the battle team's out

there holding off Tsukasa.


But they totally destroyed

all of our science-y

chemical-type stuff.

We're egit-lay out

of everything now!

Focus, Chrome! Get over here

and help us, would you?

Heh. Look, he's probably

got some ideas. Leave him be.

[GEN sighs]

Your trust in him's

ext-nay level.


Something caught my eye.

I've built up some crazy bad

intuition over the years,

and it's telling me there's

something on the b*ttlefield

that's a scientific

game changer!

[CHROME] My science starts

with hunting for materials!

Keep 'em surrounded

but maintain distance.

We don't wanna face Tsukasa

and Hyoga in a head-on fight!

[BOTH gasp]

Aw, man, they're like

the ultimate tag team!

For real, and they're both

unstoppable on their own!

He's vulnerable while

he's up in the air!

This could be our last

chance to b*at him!

Taiju! Use the shock cannon!

Nikki! You guys!

All right! Let's go!

[MEN yelling]

Ugh. Nasty.

So you want me to mix

this snake or lizard poop

or whatever in here?

[SENKU] Nitric acid plus

urea makes urea nitrate.

It's not the most

effective w*apon,

but it's better than nothing.

I'm not following you.

[SENKU] If the uric acid

in the feces is intact,

meaning it's quality poop,

we'll get white crystals.

You're saying, if we're lucky,

we can use these white crystals

as some kind of science w*apon?

Yeah, but it's up to

the luck of the draw!

Oh, I remember now.

I've said this before, Senku,

but your luck of the draw

pretty consistently...

...eally-ray ucks-say.


Not so bad.

I'd rather not k*ll you.

[TSUKASA] The little one

popped up from behind.

It's a two-man move.

[HYOGA] Looks like

they've distracted him

and triangulated.

They're more capable

than I expected.

Still, I'm sure Tsukasa

won't have any trouble

dealing with them.

[KOHAKU yells]

[KOHAKU] I won't let you

get in the way, Hyoga.

You're up against me, now.

Let's just call it

a revenge match.

[MAGMA, GINRO yelling]

[KINRO yells]


Magma. Kinro. Ginro. Hang on.

[GEN] Isn't there something else

we can use besides poop?

Y'know, maybe like some

nice flowers or even paper.

I'm a magician, so I have all

kinds of tricks up my sleeve.

Ya got any sufurina?

I definitely wouldn't

have that stuff on me.

I make it a habit not to carry

around anything that dangerous.

If I had sulfuric acid to

mix with the miracle water,

nitric acid, I could

make a mixed acid,

and then use that to--

No point, it's all hypothetical

and a waste of time.


I have some!



I've got it. Sulfuric acid.

[GEN] Whoa, Chrome! Where the

heck did you find that?

What? Did you forget already?

It's from our opening volley.

It's the leftovers from

our bluff t*nk cannon.


Nice work, scavenger king.

And we'll throw this

in to top it off.

It's chock full of glycerin.




[SENKU] It's been useful as

hell from the very beginning.


Come to think of it,

this is one of the first science

items I showed Tsukasa.

[SENKU] It's a lifesaver in

a world without doctors.

You can call it "Dr. Stone."

[SENKU] Our battle

started out with soap,

and it looks like now...

soap is gonna be what ends it.





This is just the

thing I was after.

Even if you s*ab me with it,

I'm still not letting go.

Hyoga, without your precious

w*apon, you're powerless.

[HYOGA sighs]


My spare!

You can keep that one.

In times of despair,

mediocre people always

resort to futile resistance.


Ha! But I'm far from despair.



You really don't get it.

Everything starts to add up--

be it strength or science.

We might be weak on our own,

but all our contributions

combine to form

something greater.

The battle team buys time

for Senku and the science

team to turn it around.

Because all of us believe

in Senku... and in science!


What's this yellow liquid?

It has a really

sweet smell to it.

Does your head hurt, too?

Shh! Don't even breathe!

One little drop of this stuff

makes a big boom.

We'd all be beyond dead meat.

[BOTH grunt]

This is nitroglycerin.

Nitro--? I've definitely

heard of that before!

It's like uper-say dangerous!

[SENKU chuckles]

Yeah, as a matter of fact,

it's ridiculously dangerous.

So I should say, "Don't you

dare try this at home, kids."

Nobody's going to try this.

Hang on! Are you planning

on blowin' 'em all up?

No, you idiot. I'm planning

on saving everybody.

The question is,

how do we get this to the

other side of the b*ttlefield

without making it explode first?


No you don't!

I won't let you get near Senku!

[SENKU chuckles]


Hey, Tsukasa!

This isn't a battle between

strength and science.

Because science

actually is strength.

[GEN] This design won the

Guinness World record

for longest flying

paper airplane.

[SENKU] This has about a hundred

times the power of gunpowder.

There's a word you know

that came straight

from the Ancient Greek

word for "power."

And that's "dynamite."

[SENKU] I can take this

dynamite paper plane

and use it to save everyone!


Whoa, whoa, whoa. What was that?

[KINRO] If someone got

caught in that blast,

they'd be gone in an instant!

Human strength is just

pathetic in comparison.

That's the power of science.

[SENKU chuckles]


We made it just in time.

Thanks for stalling 'em

for us, battle team.

We never could've pulled

it off without you.

The kingdom of science

has just acquired

the amazingly dynamic

power of dynamite!

It has the overall

blasting force

of ten billion megaton joules.

[BOTH gasp]

Yeah? "Ten billion megatons,"

you say? That's a huge lie.

Shh! That's not important.

Let me take this

negotiation, Senku.

You always start by just

urting-blay out the facts.

Huh? "Megatons"?

"Dynamite"? In this age?

They'll never be able to hit us

with little paper

planes, though.

Yeah. They don't have a chance.

[UKYO] We've got something more

accurate than paper planes.

How about dynamite arrows?



Seems the tide has turned.

The w*r's over, folks.

That's it! The end!

[MEN grunt]

Oh, wow. Magnificent.

Ha-ha! Yes, we won!

The w*r's actually over!


We may have won the battle,

but the w*r's not

over quite yet.

The grunts and underlings

have been dealt with,

but they weren't the

only thing in our way.

There are big problems

looming overhead.

I'm sure Tsukasa and Senku

must've had that

same realization.

What happens next?

That's an onundrum-cay.

[TSUKASA] If I block it or smack

it down, it'll still explode.

And there's no way to

dodge the large blast.

Yes. We can't avoid this

new w*apon of yours.

But still, an expl*si*n would

mean collateral damage.

Your own villagers

would get hurt.

Senku, it's clear you

can't abandon people.

And you'd never

sacrifice yourself.

Well, well, kinda looks like

both of us are stuck, huh?

It's a classic

stalemate situation.

Obviously, this is all going

according to your design.

Which means, Senku,

your objective is...

Yep, to negotiate. Sound good?

Gen, you said you

first met Tsukasa

on the set of some kind

of television special.

Huh? Yeah, that's exactly

what happened.

[SENKU] The whole thing

doesn't really add up, does it?

This guy could have

anything he wanted,

but his big goal

in the stone world

is building a society free

from the rich and corrupt,

turning away from established

powers or whatever.

All these lofty goals.

That's the kinda man

Shishio Tsukasa really is.

But in the old world,

he did all those big-time

fights and TV appearances,

raking in a ton of money.

He even had this public persona:

"The strongest primate

high schooler."

If you ask me, it just

doesn't feel like his style.

A fair point.

Making a ton of

money seemed like

such an obvious and

natural thing to want

that I never had a second

thought about it.

You needed the money for what,

exactly? Or rather, for whom?

She's still alive, isn't she?

I'm talking about your sister.


Clinically, she's brain-dead.

There's no possibility

that little Mirai

will ever regain consciousness.

I'm sorry.

[TV AUDIENCE laughing]

I understand. But still--

[AUDIENCE cheering]


[AUDIENCE cheering]


[REPORTERS chattering]



Hey, Mirai. I'm back.

Listen, I'll protect you.

It may take years,

or even decades,

but someday, I promise you.


We might be able to heal her.

Because the revival fluid has

a residual healing effect.

I can't promise it'll work,

but it's the only

chance she's got.

That's right, Tsukasa!

And don't forget

that we were able

to fix Senku's neck

after you broke it!

[SENKU] By the way,

as for that revival fluid--

Oh, yeah! We just happen to

have control of all of it!




Total scumbag.

So what are your terms, then?

The terms are pretty

simple, really.

We'll do our best to

revive your sister.

And in exchange,

I'm asking for a cease-fire.

[TSUKASA] And why should

I believe this isn't

a bunch of lies?

All you have is my word.

I never lie about science.

Is that not enough?


No, that's plenty. It's enough.

[NIKKI] Wow. I never even

knew you had a sister.

[KOHAKU] All that time,

you did everything for her.

Thing I don't understand is,

why would a good guy

break the statues?

That's the biggest jerk move.

"The biggest jerk move."

You're not wrong

about that, Taiju.

I guess you can be

pretty unt-blay

when you feel the need, huh?


The way you wanted to go about

"purifying humanity"

was really horrible.

Horrible, huh?

Well, you may be

right about that.

But what would

you all have done?

[TSUKASA] If you were suddenly

reborn in a stone world

with practically

nobody else around,

and you found out there

was this revival fluid...

A primitive world can't sustain

a large number of people.

There's no guarantee we can make

unlimited revival fluid, anyway.

Well, Ukyo, who would

you have chosen?

[TSUKASA] I had to pick and

choose lives out of necessity.

It's a scary thing

to have to do.

I've always believed

playing God was a sin.

I decided to carry

that sin myself.

It was the only way

to build a new world.

That's why I did it.

My goals haven't changed.

What's more, they

won't in the future.

For that reason, Senku...

this is just a cease-fire.

Tch. That's fine with me.


The hospital's around here.

At least, it used to be.

Looks like some of these folks

ended up drifting a ways away.

I guess we just need to

dig 'em all up then, huh?

We can mine 'em

out with dynamite.

No, that's a really bad idea!

Won't that just destroy

them in the process?

Ah, don't worry. It's only to

break up the hard bedrock.

And if a couple of 'em happen

to get blown up by accident,

oh, well!

We'll just glue 'em back

together, won't we?

Um, and who do you

think will be the one

to do all that painstaking

work, Senku?

Please, don't!


There's some debate

on why Alfred Nobel

invented dynamite.

Was it intended for warfare,

or for mining and

civil engineering?

So which one was it?


How would I know?

And why should I care about what

some old fart was feeling? Yuck.

The only thing I can

tell you for sure

is that he used

the money he made

from the destructive

power of dynamite

to hype up science by

establishing the Nobel Prize.

And here we are,

using that same destructive

power of dynamite.

[SENKU] To dig, dig, and dig...

so we can save lives.

And eventually, all of humanity.

