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01x07 - The Ultimate Disciple

Posted: 09/15/22 11:57
by bunniefuu
But this…

Initiating docking procedures.


Elevating from to on the Torino Scale!

CITY A – HERO ASSOCIATION HQ The course suddenly shifted?

I see.

Then we will discuss how best to deal with the situation.

Should I go now?

All right.

Master, for some reason the Hero Association

wants me to come in.

I will be back later.

Okay. Maybe you're getting fired?



Ah, you would be Genos?

My name is Bang. Nice to meet you.

Bang, Class S rank , a.k.a. "Silver Fang."

He possesses true skill.

The Association called me in.

Everyone's at Headquarters.

This little branch office is empty just now.

Each of the Class S heroes got the call to come here,

but we're the only ones who showed up.

Why is that?

Too far away, or perhaps they're busy.

Of course, some of the more cold-blooded ones simply don't bother.

After all, we're called up only

when there's some impossible problem they want us to take care of.

Today's no exception.

The threat level is Dragon, a worst-case scenario.

minutes from now, a huge meteor will strike City Z.

They are asking if nearby Class S heroes can do anything about it.

A meteor?

Apparently, it suddenly changed paths.

That means the end for us.

The impact will wipe out City Z.

I'm afraid there's nothing we can do this time.

You too should think about evacuating with your loved ones.

Do the citizens know?

I was told they would estimate the impact area

and issue evacuation orders minutes before it hits.

Attention! This is an announcement from the Hero Association.

People are sure to panic.

And you, old fellow?

"Old fellow," is it?

Call me Bang.

You are not evacuating?

My dojo has been in my family for generations.

I cannot abandon it.

"Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock."

Heard of it?

He left…

Emergency evacuation warning.

The threat level is Dragon.

Evacuate immediately.

more minutes until meteor impact.

It's huge…

No way we can escape that.

So many people have given up hope of survival.

It is not just City Z that is in danger.

The neighboring cities will also sustain damage.

It is too late to evacuate.

I did not expect to be testing this prototype so soon!

Let me see if an attack from my incineration cannon at full power

will do the trick.

Master Saitama lives here too.

I cannot possibly evacuate without him.

Is that…?

You are Bofoi, correct?

And you are the new boy, Genos.

Come to stop the meteor?


Class S rank .

A hero who uses intense firepower

to obliterate his opponents along with everything in their vicinity.

Does he also live in City Z?

Or did he rush here, putting his life at risk?

Bofoi. I need your help.

I refuse.


I only came to field test my new w*apon.

The meteor is a perfect target.

A test?

If that meteor hits, you too will die.

– I will not. – What?

What you are talking to right now is a remotely-controlled drone.

Sorry to disappoint you, but my life's not at stake here.

Also, I am not Bofoi. I am "Metal Knight."

Heroes call each other by their hero names, not real names.

Everyone knows that.

Looks like it's time to end our little chat.

All right!

Firing missiles!

Metal Knight?

I cannot fire with his missiles in the way.


Such destructive power.

This hero is dangerous.

I must be wary.

Not quite potent enough, eh?

seconds left until impact.

To fire my incineration cannon at full power,

I need five seconds to charge it with my body's energy.

But the target is already close.

And if I do take it out, what then?

The meteor may break apart and still cause a disaster.

But even before that,

will my weapons be powerful enough to stop it?

Even Metal Knight's countless missiles had no effect.

First off, be calm.

I see you've lost composure.

You are far too young to be worried about failure.

When your back's up against the wall, just muddle through.

The outcome won't change.

So that's what is best.

Muddling through is best…?

He is right.

If the outcome will not change…

then I how can I die without giving it my all?

Bang, get down!


I will no longer think about failure or repercussions!

I will just pour everything I have…

…into one last shot!

Dammit, it is not working!

No! I think I see the meteor being pushed back.


Oh, no. It was just my imagination.

You old fool!

So this…will be my grave.

Nine more seconds.

Get out of here, Bang.

Old man, take care of Genos.

Who…who are you?

I'm a hero.


You're not…

gonna fall…

on my town!

He shattered it!



It's collapsing…!

It's not just this building.

The destruction is spreading through the whole city.

Guess that settles that.


Although City Z was able to avoid total destruction,

the city was still devastated,

with the effects of the meteor fragments visible everywhere.

If only the Hero Association had called…

you to help instead of me, Master.

If you had worked with Metal Knight,

the damage could have been minimized.

But that Metal Knight guy…

wasn't interested in helping, right?

So stop worrying about it.

I think we kept the damage to a minimum.

After all, no one died.

He is right.

Master's punch k*lled the meteor's momentum.

Theoretically, the shockwaves from the meteor

would have annihilated everything.

Stopping it was nothing short of a miracle.

I would not be surprised

if people talk about Master for years to come,

praising him as a man of courage.

But Master has no idea.

Some of the public is even making him out to be the bad guy

for causing the partial destruction of City Z.

No, I should not mention it.

By the way,

do you think we moved up in ranking?

Yes, we did.

I went from Class S rank to .

Metal Knight also moved up from rank to .

Master, you shot up from Class C rank to .

Number ?!

From to ?

What the hell?! That's crazy!

Not at all.

Your performance was worthy of Class A or even Class S.

After all, it was threat level Dragon.


If there had been no damage,

I am sure you would be at Class S rank .

Smashing the meteor alone was worthy of Class A.

But I think the Hero Association assumed that

Metal Knight and I played a big role.

By the way, they always report threat levels

as "demon" or "tiger" or whatever.

Does all that mean anything?

It does…

Tiger: A crisis threatening massive loss of life.

Demon: A crisis threatening to halt the functioning of an entire city,

or its destruction.

Dragon: A crisis threatening the destruction of multiple cities.

God: A crisis threatening human extinction.


I believe heroes often consider threat levels

when deciding to respond or not.

But I guess they do not matter to you.

Well, of course not.

If the heroes run away, who's left to help?

What are you doing?

I must record your words.

Anyway, it wasn't all that much for such a huge jump in rank…

All right.

I'll be out for a bit.

You are going out, Master?

I will come with you.

You stay here.

If something happens, you'll get all the credit again.

This place has been wrecked…


My favorite supermarket got smashed.

And the crappy apartment building I got kicked out of is…

Just fine…damn.


You cheating bastard.

Uh…who are you?

You know damn well I'm t*nk-top Tiger!


It's that guy!

Seriously, who is this guy?

You called me, little bro?


The hero t*nk-top Black Hole…

is here!

So you're the fraud who takes credit for work done

by Class S heroes in order to jump the rankings?

What the—?

No one could move up to number five so quickly

without cheating.

What do you guys want?

Huh? Isn't that obvious?

To beat you up so bad…

- you'll never be able to— - Hang on, little bro.

Bastards like him don't learn from that kind of lesson.

Let's make him really pay…

with the most brutal method there is.

Are you the one?!

The jerk-off responsible for destroying this city?!

I get it!

There are tons of people in this city who are angry with him.


How can you show your face?!

I see what he's doing.

He's going to use their anger…

Do you feel nothing at the sight of this devastation?

…to break his spirit!

You're gloating,

thinking you've actually saved these people!

Why else would you be walking around so shamelessly?

Thanks to your screw up,

these citizens have nowhere to go!

If you were gonna fail this hard, why'd you butt in?!

The other heroes would have done a way better job!

And yet you still wanna play hero,

even after causing such a huge disaster?

Look at this place!

All this destruction is your doing!

That's right.

I-It's your fault!

They took the bait.

You hear that?

The heart-wrenching cry of someone who lost his home!

Look at them all, victims of your thoughtless actions!

That's right!

Yeah, you tell him!

Haven't you even thought to take responsibility?


You're inhuman!

Give up being a hero!

Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

Give it up!

- Give it up! - Give it up!

Give it up!

Give it up!

- Give it up! - Go on, get outta here!

- Give it up! - Get lost!

- Give it up! - Beat it!

- Give it up! - Scram!

- Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up!

We got him.

His pride should be shattered by now.

That's what he gets for cheating…

That idiot!


- Give it up! Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!

- Give it up! Give it up! - Give it up! Give it up!

Is this what you call mob mentality?

They're all chanting in unison.

Give it up! Give it up! Give it up!


Without a doubt, you saved this city.

Yet look how the city treats you.

This is reality, though.

You're strong, the strongest man I've ever seen.

That's why I refrain from saying anything.

I'd hate to see you rotting away in this industry.

Resigning is also an option.

Time to finish him off!


He's getting ready to fight!

Huh? What are you talking—

No way!

You're gonna take out your frustration

on these people here, just like you destroyed their city?!

Do you just k*ll everyone you don't like?

I won't let you do that!

We, the t*nk-top Brothers, will not stand by

and let you resort to v*olence!

If you're a hero, then fight us fair and square!

So they're out to crush a rookie

and perform a publicity stunt at the same time.

I'd say they've gotten a little greedy.

No wonder they can't rise above Class B.


Go, t*nk-top!

Do it!

t*nk-top Tiger, who fights like a true tiger, and…

t*nk-top Black Hole,

who crushes all with a grip strength of , psi!

We brothers will punish all who stray from the path of the hero!


Damn it!

I'll rip you apart!

I give up! I give up!

You're crushing my hand!


You're kidding, right?

I give up for real. I'm sorry!

I'm sorry for lying!

No, you weren't lying.

I'm the one who smashed the meteor!

Anyone with a complaint, let's hear it.

Speak up!

Because of you, my brand new car was—

You can shut up!

Why would I give a crap about your problems?

Tell it to the meteor, jackass!

Listen up!

I don't do this hero-thing for admiration!

I do it because I want to!

So if you wanna blame me, go ahead!

You baldies!

You're the baldy…

What'd you say?!


Oh, it's you, Genos.

Hang on.

These guys—

Let's go home,


Oh yeah?

Dammit. That guy's face is burned into my brain.

I'm gonna remember this.


I have never met any person as incredible as you, Master Saitama.

What brought that on?

You're creeping me out.

Even if the public doesn't appreciate you,

I will still follow you.

You don't have to butter me up. Really.

I heard there's some amazing hero in Class C right now.

Class C?

The guy who says he smashed the meteor, right?

That's just a rumor.

Going after weak guys, then calling yourself a hero?

Just shows that there's no hero you can really count on.


You all may know me better as Metal Knight. NEXT EPISODE: THE DEEP SEA KING

Next time on One-Punch Man episode ,

"The Deep Sea King."

Oh, the king of the sea, eh? Pretty cocky.

Wonder what he's like…