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01x03 - The Obsessive Scientist

Posted: 09/15/22 11:54
by bunniefuu

Long ago, there existed a brilliant young scientist.

By dint of his astonishing genius,

he was able to make a number of contributions to human knowledge.

Eventually, however, he became disillusioned with the world.

Though constantly showered with praise for the subtlety of his mind,

none of his ideas or theories ever received

even the slightest support from the scientific community.

"We should not be striving to advance human civilization,

but rather the artificial evolution of humans as a species."

That was the only dream he had ever had,

but not a single person came forward to help him fulfill that dream.

Damn these apes!

"Dangerous ideas?" Writing about me as if I were some freak?

Do they really think humans have come this far by avoiding risks?

Idiots who think they no longer need to evolve

have no right to pass on their genes!

Of course, this plan was always for my own sake.

I will carry it out... even if I must do it all myself!

Thereafter, he devoted himself to research.

It was only after he turned that his efforts began to yield results.

First, the scientist regained his youth.

Next, he began cloning himself.

He named his laboratory the "House of Evolution,"

and together with his clones

he conducted countless experiments with animals to create new species.

Eventually, his experiments shifted to human subjects--

This is taking too long!


What's this got to do with me? You're just trying to act cool again.

Just get to the point, okay?

My master is a busy man. Summarize it in words or less.

...I-I'm sorry.

So, in other words, my boss has become very curious about your body.

I'm not interested in dudes.

I think you misunderstood, Master.

He plans to use your body, which surpasses normal human limitations,

for his research on evolution.

If we don't do something, I'm sure he'll try again.

We cannot allow him a free hand.

Our move should be to attack him.

Sure, let's go.




Yeah, there's a sale on tomorrow. Can't do it then.


This doesn't sound good. Better tell the Doctor....

Hey, you.

Oh. Yes?

I have one last question.

Was the "House of Evolution" developing cyborgs prior to four years ago?

How many more cyborgs are there?

Have any of them destroyed towns in the past?

I'm not sure,

but at the "House of Evolution," I'm the only combat cyborg.


Our elite force, formed for the extermination of these obsolete humans, wiped out?!

According to Armored Gorilla's report, the two responsible are on their way here.

If they come,

all our research, everything we've been working on, could be destroyed.

This is a serious matter.

The only option is to use our trump card.

Begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto.


-No, not him! -That's crazy!

-He'll finally be released? -He's right. That might be the only way.

-But maybe we should stop him. -It's too dangerous.

-I have a bad feeling about this. -Is that the only way?

Be calm! He will be our last resort.


First, from the first to the eighth floor, we'll activate all our traps.

If we're lucky, they will take care of the intruders.

I'm fully aware of what will happen to me

should we fail.

I didn't think we'd be running the whole way.

How else are we gonna get there?

I was sure you could fly or something.

Humans can't fly, you know.

It's amazing that you are never late. You are a true hero.

Actually, I hardly ever arrive on time.

We're here.

This is the place Gorilla told us of.

So this is...

...the "House of Evolution."

One, two, three, four, five, six... Looks like it's about eight stories high--

Uh...what was that all of a sudden?

Yes. I decided it would be most efficient to destroy them all in one swoop.

Well, that's true but...

We could have at least seen what the bad guys had in store for us.

That was kind of mean.

Looks like there's a basement.


Hey, Carnage Kabuto.

Are you well?

It appears you've k*lled a bunch of my clones again.



Fool! Why would I be satisfied?

I've been kept locked up deep beneath the Earth.

Me! The strongest warrior in the entire "House of Evolution."

You are mentally unstable. We couldn't control you. There was no choice.

Control? You moron!

I am the culmination of the "New Human" you guys have sought for so long.

My intelligence and physical strength and your own are incomparable!

You should be the ones obeying me.

No. You're a failure.

It's true you perform at unheard of levels,

but it is humanity you lack.

Go ahead, k*ll me. Plenty of clones could take my place.


But I have a favor to ask first.

There's a specimen I must have.

He is extremely strong. Only you can defeat him.

I want you to catch him for me...

...dead or alive.

This basement is huge!

I'm getting kind of fired up.


I sense living beings deeper in...

Master, two of them are approaching.

Oh, here we go!

There are two. Which one is it?

The one on the right...

In that case, you don't need the one on the left!




I am Carnage Kabuto!

We got a combat experimentation room.

Let's do this in there.

You turned Genos into a piece of modern art.

Fight's on!

Pretty big, eh?

It's the biggest room in the facility.

This is where they make us fight to test our combat abilities.

Well then, let's start the k*lling--


Still alive, huh?

You fool!

Machinegun Blows!

He got me.

Let me...

...take him...

Your face is all cracked. Don't push yourself.

With his breath? Impossible!

Genos, you okay?


No you're not! Look at your head!

You've gone and gotten my hopes up.

I have always been critical of humans and their inferior abilities.

The entire species, aside from myself, can be viewed only as dumb animals.

That realization was agony for me.

If memory serves, I was when it occurred to me.

A plan to evolve the human animal

and create a world where I could live contentedly.

A utopia of my own, created by me.

A world made up of only us,

the new human breed that will transcend humanity!

I must see it through.

Compared to my anguish back then, this physical pain I feel now is nothing.

What's the hold up? Let's go!

Bring everything you've got.

Carnage Kabuto--a demon incarnate,

the strongest and most brutal creation of the House of Evolution.

Let's see how you, at your archaic stage of human development,

fare against a monster that is the final form of artificial evolution.

Or will you be the trigger for a new evolution?

I can't wait to find out!

Oh, I see it. I see it! You're supposed to be strong.

Don't disappoint me now.

You're this place's ultimate w*apon, right?

You're clearly not the same as the guys from this morning.

Look at you, just oozing with confidence.

Such speed!

What are you doing?


He just backed off?

Carnage Kabuto?!

If I'd att*cked him just now, he'd have k*lled me.

Who the hell is this guy?

He's leaving himself wide open,

yet all my instincts are screaming, sending out danger signals!


You bastard!

How the hell did you get that strong?!

So you wanna know too?

Okay, fine.

Genos, you listen carefully too.

He's going to tell us right now?

The secret to Master's power...?

I'd like to know too.


Who are you?

I am Genus.

Well, fine. Listen up.

It's too risky! He can't let these guys know his secret!

First, what's important is, to make sure you stick to this intense training regimen.

Training? Not modification surgery or genetic enhancement,

but training?

What training...?

Listen, Genos.

You just have to keep doing it.

No matter how hard it gets.

It took me three years to get this strong.

One hundred push-ups! One hundred sit-ups!

One hundred squats!

Then a ten kilometer run.

Every single day!

And of course, make sure you eat three meals a day.

Just a banana in the morning is fine. But the most important thing is

SAVE MONEY to never use the A/C or heat in the summer or winter

SAVE MONEY so that you can strengthen the mind.

In the beginning, you'll wish you were dead.

You might start thinking what's the harm of taking a day off?

But for me, in order to be a strong hero, no matter how tough it was,

even if I was spitting blood, I never stopped.

I kept doing squats even when my legs were so heavy they refused to move.

Even when my arms started making weird clicking noises,

I kept doing push-ups.

A year and a half later, I started to notice a difference.

I was bald...

And I had become stronger!

In other words, you gotta train like hell to the point where your hair falls out.

That's the only way to become strong.

The guys that are fooling around with

the "new human race" and evolution junk will never make it this far.

Human beings are strong because we have the ability to change ourselves.


Is this guy...for real?


You are so...

full of crap!


That is nothing but standard strength training!

And it's not even that intense! It's just a normal level!

I...I have to get stronger. I didn't ask to study under you just to hear jokes!

Master Saitama,

your power is clearly stronger than what you'd get from just training your body.

That's right, I want to know your--

We want to know your true secret!


You may not believe me, but that's really all I did.

Oh yeah?

No! Carnage Kabuto!

If you don't wanna tell us your secret... so be it.

Stop! You'll go on another rampage!

I bet you aren't stronger than me anyway!

But, since you pissed me off,

I'm gonna annihilate you.

CARNAGE MODE Carnage Mode!

When I get like this I lose control for a whole week

and my lust for death cannot be quelled!

After I k*ll you, I'll head into town and go on a k*lling rampage until next Saturday!

If you are indeed a strong hero, then try and stop me!

No way... it can't be.


Dammit. I may have made a horrible mistake.

This guy's in Carnage mode...

He said he'll be on a rampage for a whole week?

Death, death, death, death, death, death,

Death, death, death, death, death!!

He'll be like this till next Saturday?

One whole week from today...

Next Saturday...

In other words, today is Saturday too.

That means.. .

It's all over.

There's no one in this world that can stop him.

That means... Today is...

Bargain day at the supermarket!!

Who the hell is this guy?

I screwed up!!!

What is he--

I'm pretty sure he's upset about this.


Master, the store closes at : PM.

That is about four hours away. If we really hurry, we can make it.

I'll make it if I hurry?


Let's go, Genos!

Yes, Master!

I think I'm done with evolution.

It appears... I am the one who must change.

Yes. The on-site investigation is underway.

Yes, that's correct.

Just like the other cases, the area has been thoroughly burnt by intense flames.

Everything points to the young cyborg being responsible for this.

Yes, understood.

Such a devastating amount of power.


NEXT EPISODE: THE MODERN NINJA Yo, this is Carnage Kabuto. In Japanese my name is "Ashura Kabuto,"

NEXT EPISODE: THE MODERN NINJA and the kanji come from "Shell," "Field Trip" and the sanskrit word "Aum."

NEXT EPISODE: THE MODERN NINJA Whaddaya think? Bah, you don't give a damn!

NEXT EPISODE: THE MODERN NINJA Coming next on One-Punch Man is episode , "The Modern Ninja."

NEXT EPISODE: THE MODERN NINJA So the guy is finally gonna show up?