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01x01 - The Strongest Man

Posted: 09/15/22 11:33
by bunniefuu
What on earth!

Look at that!

It's closing in!

Who's available?

We have word that Lightning Max and Smile Man are on their way.

Get me that threat level assessment!

As you can see, loud explosions are going off behind me!

The damage left by the monster is at an unprecedented scale.

HUGE expl*si*n IN CITY A The Heroes Association is currently analyzing the threat level--

Guess I'll go.


Daddy! Mommy!

And who do we have here?

Just a guy who's a hero for fun.

What kind...

of half-assed backstory is that?

I was formed from the constant stream of pollution

with which you humans have suffused the earth.

I am Vaccine Man!

The Earth is a single living organism.

You humans are nothing but a disease-causing bacteria

eating away at her lifeforce.

In order to obliterate humans and their evil civilization,

the Earth has given birth to me!

You say you do this for fun? For fun?

How dare you confront me, Mother Earth's apostle,

for that inane reason?!

Yet, what more could be expected from a hu--

Not again... All it took was one punch!



- A monster! - Run!


You sure you don't want to run away?

I bet you're a newly employed businessman already tired of work.

I ate too much crab and transformed into this, Crablante!

Why aren't you running?

You've got a death wish.

Is that it?

Well, not quite.

I'm no businessman. I'm unemployed. Right now, I'm looking for a job.

I had another interview today and got rejected royally.

I couldn't care less about anything.

So I'm in no mood to run

just because the mighty Crablante has appeared.

So, what'll happen if I don't run?

Your eyes are lifeless, just like mine.

From one set of lifeless eyes to another, I'll let you go.

Besides, right now...

I'm hunting different prey.

A big-chinned brat.

And when I find him, I'm gonna rip his arms off!

What're you looking at?

A big-chinned brat... If he's caught, he's dead!

Hey, kid. Were you messing with a big crab monster?


He was asleep in the park,

so I drew some nipples on him with my marker.

It's definitely him...

He has no idea what he's done. What do I do? I could still help...

But man, this kid isn't cute at all.

It's none of my business... I should just walk away.

Right. I mean, who really cares?

I found you!

What the hell am I doing?


Kid, he's after you! Get outta here!

Don't worry about me. Just go!


My soccer ball...

Your ball?!

Hey, what's the big idea?

Don't tell me you're gonna protect that stinkin' brat!

Come on, you're gonna k*ll him over some harmless prank?

Think about this!

I've already mutilated lots of people.

Whoever makes fun of the way I look pays the price.

No exceptions.

By the way, that brat drew nipples on my body.

With a permanent marker!

Look at these claws! I can't even use a towel to wipe it off!

Get in my way, and I'll make sure you never go job hunting again!

It just came to me.

You look exactly like a villain from this anime I used to watch!


Hold it right there.

In this age of declining birth rates, I can't just let you k*ll a kid.

You know what?

When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a hero.

Not a businessman,

but a hero who could send rotten villains like you flying

with one punch.

Screw looking for a job!

Bring it on!

Some hero you are!

You're pathetic!

You don't stand a chance against me.

Your life!

Has it really been three years since then?

After that day, I trained so hard I went bald.

I became so powerful, no one can beat me.

I'm the hero I dreamed of becoming.

So what is this? What's wrong?

Why does my heart feel so empty?

yen, please.


Oh, hang on.

I have yen.


This is incredible, little brother!

I never thought it would work so well.

Yes, it's more than I ever imagined, big brother.

My goal was to become the strongest man in the world.

The strongest man.

That was my dream.

At last, the ultimate steroid, "Biceps King," is complete!

Little brother!

Drink this and you will obtain the power you've been seeking!

What? Drink that?

Indeed! I added strawberry flavoring, to make it go down easier.


Yes, this will do!

My brains and your brawn!

By combining the greatest of minds and the strongest of bodies,

we brothers will conquer everything on earth

and rule as kings!


Well done, little brother. Thousands have perished!

Now, on to the next town to destroy it as well!

This! This is it, big bro. This is what I was looking for...

To be the strongest man.

This is an emergency evacuation warning.

A giant creature has appeared in City D.

The creature is currently heading towards City B.

All residents of the area, please evacuate immediately.

I repeat, the giant creature is currently heading for--

Yes, that's right! Scatter like rats!

Get them!

I'm the strongest man,

I'm the strongest man, I'm the strongest man.

What do you think, brother?

Yeah, how's it feel being the strongest?


There's someone on your shoulder!

Put some pants on.

That guy on your shoulder! k*ll him!


How did this happen?! I just wanted to be strong!

And I finally am the strongest man, but...!

I don't know who you are, but it's your fault my brother is dead!

The strongest!

Behold our brotherly power!

I am the strongest.

So what if I am?

I feel empty.


Having overwhelming strength is...

...pretty boring.



There's no sign that the evils of the world are disappearing.

This hasn't changed since before I became a hero.

In other words, you could say that I haven't made any impact.

I'm not necessarily sad about that.

But there's something bothering me lately.

As the days pass, my emotions grow more distant.

Fear, tension, joy, anger... I feel none of them anymore.

In exchange for power,

maybe I've lost something that's essential for a human being?

Vroom, vroom?

No sense hiding if you saw me.

I'm Super Custom YOZ Mk. II!

I love...

- I used to feel all kinds of emotions - building custom cars so much...

- whirling inside me when I fought. - I decked myself out.

- Fear. Panic. Anger. - I'm a custom car-loving monster!

If you're thinking of getting in my way,

I'll put a shine on that big headlight of yours!

But now, all I need is one punch to end it.

Guess I'll have eggs over rice tonight.

Each day...

I come home uninjured and wash my gloves.

When I'm out fighting monsters, I never feel as if my heart's really in it.

I mean, I just do the hero-thing as a hobby.

In other words,

as long as I get a kick out of it, that's all I care about.

My house?!

He's tough!

What the hell are you?

"What" am I? That's rude. We are the true earthlings.


I believe you call us "Subterraneans."

We suffer from overpopulation.

Therefore, we must now claim the world aboveground.

I understand that there are many people on the surface too.

As it stands, you are in our way.

That is why we have decided to eradicate you all.

Since our invasion commenced,

% of the surface dwellers have been k*lled.

This is a battle for survival.

I hope you can understand that.

However, this is unexpected.

We have encountered no surface dwellers

whom our punches would not k*ll.

Same here.

It's been too long since I've come across such worthy opponents,


We are earthlings!

But how?!

You bastard!


It's over.

What was that surface dweller?


just a guy who's a hero for fun.

I do not lose!

And the surface...

is under my protection!

Big talk for a race of vermin!

What is this feeling?

This wild throbbing in my heart?!

This rush, this tension!

It's been so long, I forgot

the exhilaration of a real fight!

It's coming back to me.

This is it.

Well, well...

Looks like you've been taking good care of my children.

This is it!

I, the Subterranean King, will take you on.

This is the very feeling I've been looking for!

The surface is ours!

You surface dwellers must die!

I am the Subterranean King!

Surface dwellers, prepare yourselves for--

All right, bring it on!


I've become too strong.



How'd you like seeing me get ripped apart this week?

Now it's time for me, the mighty Crablante,

to tell you what happens next week.

Huh? There are no visuals?

Well, next week this guy appears in Z City where Saitama lives!

What now? Time's up?

Well next week will be episode , "The Lone Cyborg."

I hope you all--