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01x22 - The Treasure

Posted: 09/15/22 11:07
by bunniefuu
This small chunk
won't be enough,

but it came from
upstream in the cave,

so there's gotta be
more farther inside!

A bona fide treasure trove of
this heat-resistant tungsten!

We only have one
set of lights left,

so the last member of the
exploration team'll be...



Tungsten's tough as hell,

so we're going to need your
brute force to collect it.

[SENKU chuckles]

We're a trio of
spelunking buddies.

You ready to go cave diving?

To the real live
treasure dungeon!

Senku, Chrome, and Magma?

I don't know about this.

Sounds kinda dangerous to me.

[GINRO] Yeah, I mean, are you
sure this is a good idea?

He could be all like,
"I'm the chief now, Senku!"

and attack you or something!

We need to start moving,
A.S.A.P. All three of us.

We're gonna go down there and
mine the magic stone we need

for making vacuum
tube filaments.

Scheelite, which glows blue
under ultraviolet light.

And from that, we'll get
the most heat-resistant metal

in the world: Tungsten!

And this little nugget is just a
taste of what's waiting for us.

There's gonna be a whole
bunch more down there!

[SENKU] I'm counting on you
to take us to the cave

and lead the expedition, Chrome.

No problem!

[MAGMA] So it'll just be me and
those two science users, huh?

In a place where
nobody can see us...


[GEN chuckles]


It appears as though we've
finally gotten rid of Senku.

Gone without a clue that he's
in for the surprise of his life.

The water feels lukewarm.

[SENKU chuckles]

There's definitely gonna be
some treasures up ahead.

Hey, Senku.

You sure about this? Was it
really a good idea to bring him?

He's just a big ape
who only cares

about being king of the hill.

I bet he's thinking right now
about how to k*ll you down here

so he can take over the village.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Maybe, but either
way, we're still in a bind.

We can't make our cell phone
happen without this Tungsten.

There's a supply waiting for us
in the depths of this cave.

But Magma is the only one strong
enough to actually dig it out.

The situation's ten
billion percent simple.

It's our only choice,

so there's no use in worrying
about if it's the right choice.

I mean, that's really
all there is to it.

Yeah, I know, but...

Magma could easily
push us into a hole

and say we died accidently.

It'd be the perfect crime.

Plus, if he takes our heads
as proof for Tsukasa

that science is
officially extinct,

they won't have to
worry about the w*r.

Get real.

There's no way the big ape's
thought that far in advance.



Stay back!

What is it? What's wrong?

It's mica.

A lot like baumkuchen,
which you've never heard of.

The point is, it's a rock
that's brittle enough

to break with your fingers.

[SENKU] You see?
It forms natural pit traps.

[CHROME] Damn, nature's got
some bad ways to get ya.

So if you accidentally fell
into one, you couldn't get out?

For sure.

Try getting back up
with a rope or ladder

and it'll cave in on you
and bury you alive.







[SENKU grunting]

Just let him go, Senku!

Or else you're gonna fall
in there with him!

You realize what
happened, don't you?

Magma tried to shove us
down into the mica pits!

He tried to k*ll us!


You better believe I did!

The only reason I came along is
to get rid of you two for good!

You little wimps act like
you're so big and important,

but you're completely useless!

You can't even hunt!

The strongest deserves
to be the chief

and get all the women.

That's how the whole
village gets stronger.

That's how life works.
It's how nature works!

"Science"?! Ha! My ass!

Maybe back in your world

the weak controlled
the strong, Senku,

but not in this one!

'Cause this is the Stone World!

And here, you're only
getting in my way!

Damn you, and damn your
stupid science, Senku.

If you'd never set foot in
Ishigami Village back then,

I'd be the one in
power right now.

Because I'm the strongest
out of everybody!

[MAGMA] I should be the
one calling the sh*ts,

you understand me?!

No, Senku! Magma!




Stop pacin' around, would ya?!

You're wearin' down
my last nerve!

I'm not pacing, I'm measuring.

You said there's no way
we're gettin' out of this hole,

so what's the point?

It's not like sitting around

and waiting to die
will do us any good.

And if you keep shouting
like a dumbass,

the whole thing could cave in,
and then it's game over.

Yeah, yeah, know-it-all.

What the hell?! Is this
some kinda joke?!

I'll k*ll you!

Did you not hear me?

Keep on shouting and
you'll k*ll us, too.

[CHROME] If I can manage
to pour in enough water

from that pool over there,

you might be able to
swim your way out.

Oh, yeah?

Then why don't you
figure out a way

to pour it in here faster?

Slow and steady always
wins the race, right?

Just takes some diligence.

[SENKU chuckles]

Hang on, that's not bad.


[SENKU] But I don't mean
that "where there's a will,

there's a way" crap.

The key to making
this work is science.

Connecting the gas mask
tubes will give us

a good meter of drop height
from the surface.

The diameter's two centimeters,
so by Torricelli's Law,

the flow will be .00139
cubic meters per second.

If the hole measures
28 cubic meters,

that's 20,131.68 seconds.

Five and a half hours in
lukewarm water wouldn't k*ll us.

Hey, Chrome, if I tell you
how to craft something,

could you do that for me?

Yeah, of course I can, man.

I'm a science user,
so don't underestimate me!


[SENKU chuckles]

What did I tell ya?

We'd be screwed if any
one of us was missing.


Do you actually
believe that the weak

controlled the strong
back in my world?

That's obviously not the case.

We just split up the work.

In a technological civilization,
there are roles for the wimps

and roles for the brawny
meatheads like you.

Even someone who's got no real
special skill can come in handy.

It doesn't matter who's calling
the sh*ts or who's tougher.

The fact is, there are all kinds
of people in the world,

and true strength happens when
everybody works together.

I don't wanna listen
to this crap.

My point is,

the throne shoulda been
mine and you took it.

End of story.

Yeah. I sure did.

But you do get something.

With me here,

you get to see all the
ridiculously awesome stuff

that humanity worked together
for two million years to build.

And I'll show you enough
to make your head spin.

Huh? How the heck's the water
able to travel up like that?

Time for a grade school
science project.

We're making a siphon!

I'll explain for those
who don't know.

Now, the first step is to
fill up a tube with water.

Then put one of
the ends at a point

lower than the water's surface.

The water will then flow
upward in a steady stream.

You can even go over
to your bathtub

and give it a try right now.

[SENKU whimpering]

Ah. This is bad.

It's gonna take a while longer
for the water to fill up,

but Senku can't take
much more of the cold.

You should go on and get
up there, ya little wimp


I'm the strongest
guy in a village

that was built on the water.

I'll get you there.


I don't care if you're
in charge anymore.

At least, not until we deal
with that Tsukasa guy.

But if you stop showing me
awesome stuff, I'll k*ll you!

[MAGMA yells]


All right. Sounds
like a plan to me.

Because there's no way science
isn't gonna be totally awesome.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Thanks to
Magma's brute strength,

we were able to avoid
the worst-case scenario.

And by that, you mean...?

Obviously, he means dying,

which woulda happened
if he'd gotten colder.

This is why you runts
need meat on your bones.

You're wrong!

The worst-case scenario
I'm talking about

is that we both got colder
and colder until...

...we both got so cold we
had to hold each other tight

to preserve our body heat.

I think I would've been fine
without that mental image,

thank you very much.

[SENKU cackles]

Just as I predicted.


You see?

That striped rock face
is what I was looking for.

That tells me, this dungeon
we're in right now?

It's a skarn deposit!

We can get a ridiculous amount
of amazing minerals from this.

We're looking at nature's
treasure chest here!

This is so bad!

White, black, blue, gold.

It's all separated so clearly
into those stripes!

I've never seen a rock
like this before!

Just looks like a rock.

[SENKU] The hot magma
underground boils water

that sh**t up into the
cracks in the limestone,

the white rock that you see
all over the place down here.

That water has all kinds
of stuff inside it.

It seeps into the rock
and transforms it

into other kinds of rocks.

And that's how you get
a skarn deposit.

Nature's treasure chest.

Oh, wow.

That's why only the parts
around the cracks

transform into those stripes.

Even scientifically speaking,

you could say it was
the power of magma

that made it possible for us
to acquire these rare gems.

All right, this is it.

The precious stones we're
after are inside this wall.

The rock is hard as hell,

which means us
wimps are useless.

No way we could dig 'em out.

[CHROME] Sounds like a job
for the strongest guy!

I didn't wanna
attack you head-on

and get countered by whatever
crazy science weapons you got.

But now you've handed
me a pickaxe.

You two won't so much as flinch
when I raise this thing up.

You wouldn't dare, Magma!

Oh, you bet I would!

And you two idiots left
yourselves wide open for me

to strike a death blow while
your backs are turned!

[MAGMA] And I was gonna
m*rder you, too.

[chuckles] Yeah, sure.

Probably why you couldn't stop
yourself from saving me.

You kept me from falling
into the mica pit.

I know that you weren't
trying to shove me in.

You were actually trying
to push me outta the way.



I'm sorry.

I insulted you. I shouldn't
have run my mouth.

So hit me, okay?

Ha! I don't care about that.

Because the fact is,
I was gonna k*ll you!

I just had a change of plans!

[CHROME yells]

[CHROME] The most heat-resistant
rock in the world... is ours!


Tungsten's an
unbelievable treasure.

But in this dark, gloomy
dungeon full of treasures,

we found something more.

I'm talking about the
precious treasure

that we call "friendship."

You really said that.
That's so lame.

Yeah. Super lame.

Ah! Shut up!

I regretted it the exact moment
it came out of my mouth!

And what's the deal with you two

getting all buddy-buddy
over it, huh?

Ah! This is bad!

There's way too
much treasure here!

Check this out!

We can make tons of batteries
with this manganese!

[SENKU laughs]

That's copper pyrite!
And lots of sphalerite!

It's still just a bunch
of damn rocks!

Now focus and finish up!

The sun's gonna set!

Be sure to get Senku back by
nightfall three days from now.

And then...


We're leaving, now!

[CHROME] Ah, come on!
Just a little bit longer.

[SENKU] Yeah, we're tryin' to
enjoy our treasure, okay?

[MAGMA growls]

I said, we're leaving!

And you little wimps can't
even carry that much!

Hurry up!

Why are you in such a rush
all of a sudden, anyway?

[SENKU gasps]

What the hell's going on?

[CHROME] Whoa, where are
you taking Senku? Hey!

Aw, you're back, Senku.
Welcome home.

Huh? What is is all this?

Ha. Now don't waste your breath
by crying out for help.

Everybody's working
together with Gen.


I guess you sneaky b*stards

finally figured out
the hack, did ya?

All you gotta do is present
my head to Tsukasa,

tell him science is dead,
and the village is safe.

Perfectly logical.


I honestly don't have a clue
as to what you're talking about.

You made... a telescope.

No, you made a
whole observatory.

I'm going to space.


January 4th is Stone Day!

Today's your birthday,
isn't it, Senku?

This is your gift.

[SUIKA] And everybody chipped
in to help make it for you!

It appears as though we've
finally gotten rid of Senku.

[GEN] Everyone! I have
an awesome idea!

But I'm gonna need your
help to make it happen!

[GEN] I mean, I just kinda
remembered that you

can put two lenses in a tube
and fashion a telescope.

I'll admit it's half-assed,
but whatever.


I have a crew here that
would love to help out.

Well, I'm hoping that
ol' Senku sees all this

and decides to get me something

even more awesome
for my birthday.

We're putting in a lot of
hard and sweaty labor.


[GEN] The whole village
worked really hard

to put this together.

But I trust you can handle
all the fine tuning yourself.


Uh-oh! What's wrong, Senku?

Are you actually
moved by all of this?

Even you're allowed
to cry, ya know?

You don't have to
hold it in. So...

Why do you always have
to be like this, Ginro?

Excellent job, everybody!
This is extremely practical!

We can use it on our watchtower
to keep an eye on Tsukasa.

Uh, yeah. That's true.

Good to see you can still
keep your emotions in check.


[SENKU] I'm not the type
of guy that would ever

bring up his own birthday.

Not my style.

How did you know it was today?

My internal clock is messed up.

Must be due to
the petrification.

I couldn't even tell you
how old I am anymore.

Don't you know how many
days you've been alive?

You don't, right, Senku?

Six thousand, two hundred
and sixty-eight.

Ah. You baited me
with that question.

Still, it would be impossible
for you to figure it out

if you didn't know
when I revived.

Do you not remember?

You wrote down the date you
broke out of the stone.

[GEN] Right by the entrance
to the miracle cave.

It was probably the
first thing you did.

[GEN] So he wrote this
when he was depetrified?

How did he know what day it was?

No way. Was he...?
The whole time?

This guy is freaking azy-cray!

Who does that?

[GEN] Come to think of it,
ever since the beginning,

even before I met you...

Let me put it this way,
I was a big fan.

No matter what side we're on.

And I'm not the only one.
The whole village agrees.

You might think that's kinda
lame to say, though.

Yeah. Just a little bit.

Called it.