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01x21 - Spartan Crafts Club

Posted: 09/15/22 11:06
by bunniefuu
Now that we have
gears and a waterwheel,

the age of manual labor
has officially ended.

[SENKU] With an infinite machine
that requires no fuel...

...we're finally
truly harnessing

the incredible
power of nature.

[ALL gasp]

[SENKU] Say goodbye to
relying on manpower,

and hello to the age of energy!

So what is this thing?

A hydroelectric generator.



This is on another evel-lay.
You realize that.

[chuckles] Don't look
at me for this one.

You can thank Chrome
and old man Kaseki.

They built this gigantic
waterwheel on their own.

[KASEKI, CHROME chuckle]

It's not done yet, though.

All of the precious electricity
this is harnessing

is still leaking away.

Um... okay. What do
you mean by that?

I mean, we need to build
containers for it.

Uh! Wait, we can store
that spinning power?

Yeah. Although they're gonna
be kind of a pain to build.

Heh. So get off your
asses, you two!

We've got an insane amount
of hard-mode crafting to do

before we're able to
make our cell phones,

so there's no time to rest.

[ALL grunt]

That's bad.

It's the beginning of our very
own Spartan crafts club.

This is gonna be
fun. Get excited!

[SENKU] To make our container,
otherwise known as a battery,

we take two sheets of lead,
put 'em in a bottle,

and introduce 'em to our
two-faced goddess Sulfurina.

[SULFUR LADY giggles]

[SULFUR LADY screams]

Who's that? Oh,
the sulfuric acid.

Feed some electricity to this
and we've got stored power!


It's simpler than
you'd think, isn't it?

Yeah, I'm sorry. What about
this process has been simple?

Now we just make five more
of these and connect 'em all.

[KASEKI cries]

I know that we're the
crafts team and all,

but have some compassion!

We just worked three days
straight and now this?

I dunno... are these tiny
things really holding

all that much power?

We had to work our
butts off to spin--


Yep, it's definitely
all in there!

[GINRO] So does that mean that
Kinro and I don't have to do

all that grueling work
by hand anymore?

You bet. Never again.

I told you, didn't I? We're in
the age of energy now.

Hooray for the age of energy!

I'm not surprised
Ginro's happy.

But even the diligent,
hardworking Kinro's celebrating.

They turned that
thing so much.

Must've been a tougher
job than we thought.

It's not like you're
free from labor.

We're just gonna use your
manpower elsewhere now.

And finally, the fighters
can focus on their training!

Put your back into it!

[KINRO yells]

[KOHAKU] We only have a few
months until the big battle.

You need to be in shape to b*at
Tsukasa and Hyoga by then!

This is not the best time to
be taking a break, you guys!

I don't think I can
take much more!

Old Man Kaseki's gonna
die at this rate!

Well, there's one additional
use for the waterwheel

that's worth croaking over!


It's time to make us
some gears, you guys.

They'll work off of the
waterwheel's constant motion.


Damn it, it broke again!

I thought I copied the
blueprints perfectly.


Because there's only
teeth on half of the disk,

they catch the top
and bottom in turn,

which converts the
rotational motion

into a back and forth one.

These ideas humanity came up
with are incredible! And badass!

Now you've done it.

The craftsman in me
is getting so excited

it's starting to piss me off!

Here, kid.

Why not leave the intricate
work to a professional?


They were worn out
until a second ago,

but now they're being all tough

just 'cause they saw
some drawings?

[ALL gasp]

Is this what I think it is?

We've upgraded our
blowing capability again!

Level one!

Level two!

And now, level three!

Blowing air into the furnace

was the most exhausting
work we had to do

to get a bowl of ramen!

The hellish iron-making work
has finally been mechanized!

Hooray for the age of energy!

Like I said, this doesn't
mean you're done with labor!

And finally, the
non-fighters can focus

on prepping for the winter!

This is all brand new to me.

Ah. Is this that bottling
thing you mentioned?

Yes, the ancestor of canning.

Oh, boy.

I can't believe we can
preserve meat for the winter.

I must be in heaven!

[GEN] So what's the Spartan
crafts club making this time?

Light bulbs.

[GEN] You know, that's
absolutely azy-cray,

but I'm starting to get used to
being blown away at this point.

[SENKU] This gets up to
about 2,000 degrees Celsius

once it's lit,

which makes the metal
connections melt apart.

So to keep it all together,

we're gonna have to use
glass as an adhesive.

This is such delicate work,

even I'm a little
stressed about it.

[CHROME gasps]

Aw, bad! Why is this so hard?

[SENKU chuckles]

What's the matter? Are you
gonna give up already?

Hm? Not at all!

Although my body gave
up a long time ago.

I knew I could always count
on a craftsman's spirit.


I've lived such an easy life
here for the past 60 years.


[KASEKI] But, Senku,
ever since you showed up,

it's been a hell of a lot
harder, that's for sure.

But more importantly, it's been
a hell of a lot more fun.

Aside from a select
few of us here,

I bet everyone in the village
feels the same way.

Whoa, cool.

But last time we made
a light source like this,

didn't it burn itself
out immediately?

You know, that time
up on the roof?

So what's the plan?

Well, when you want something
to burn, what do you do?

You feed it a ton of extra
air with a blowing machine,

like what we started doing
with the waterwheel?

Then what do you
think you would do

to keep something from burning?



Take the air out of it?

[SENKU] We'll take advantage of
the way mercury absorbs air.

It'll suck it out of the
lightbulb as it passes by,

creating a vacuum.

[KASEKI gasps]

No matter how hot it gets,

if it doesn't have access
to air, it won't burn.

That's why it can last
for such a long time.

It won't burn out
like the last one.

Senku, I brought everyone
like you told me!

Great. Just hang out
for a sec. Almost time.


Ah, bad. It's snowing.

We callin' off the test?

No. I'd like to do it today.


[KASEKI] All set.
Ready whenever you are.


Good. Then let's turn this on.

So pretty!

They're like twinkling stars
sitting right in the tree!

Some decorative lighting.

It feels like I'm suddenly
back in the old days. How fun.

It took us two whole months.

Oh, man. That's a
long time, isn't it?

[SENKU] Nah, we're
right on schedule.


Wait a second.

Don't tell me today's
actually... Christmas!

Oh, yeah.

Now that you mention it...
it's quite the coincidence.

You liar.

Whoa, I got a bad idea!

Let's go check out the caves!

We can go way deeper
than we could before!

And we won't need
torches anymore!


With the help of batteries
and light bulbs,

we could go ten
billion times farther.

I bet there are
loads of cool rocks

that were hiding just
beyond our reach!

I hope you're ready to go,
science spelunkers!

We're gonna nab us some
bad mineral resources!

Hear that, Senku?

You may be leagues ahead
of me in science,

but when it comes to exploring,

I'm ten billion times
more skilled!

Naturally. You
have experience.

What do we need?

Just name it and Captain Chrome
will go find it for you!

We gotta be missing something!

We have that whole cell phone
roadmap to complete!

Oh. What materials
we're missing?


What do you mean "none"?!

We already have
everything it takes.

Thanks to our hard work
in our previous missions.

Then do we actually
have a reason

to go exploring at the moment?

We're short on labor as is.

I'd bet anything he
just wants to go

'cause he's got some new gear.

He gets to play with it
while we work.

[CHROME grunts]

[SENKU chuckles]

Well, it wouldn't
k*ll us to have

some extra copper lying around.

There's no telling
how much we'll use

during our next brutal
crafting session.

Yeah, there it is. I knew
there had to be something!

Leave it to me!

Just be back here soon.

Like, at latest, New Year's
next week, all right?

So... what's this brutal
crafting you mentioned?

I wouldn't mind having
something complicated done

by the time Chrome's
back to surprise him.

You can think of it as
a next level light bulb.

Oh-ho! The regular light
bulb was already brutal!

This sounds like it's
gonna be a challenge!

We're making computer eggs.

Basically, electronic gears.
Vacuum tubes.

Vacuum tubes, huh?

We're getting to the point

where I have no idea
what you're making.

Or, rather, I do know, but I've
only ever heard the name.

If you asked me what
they actually do,

I wouldn't be able to tell you.

They emit electrons when
their temperature increases,

letting us control the
direction of the current

and make it stronger.

Like I said, you
can think of them

as the gears of electricity.

They're the heart
of a cell phone.

[KASEKI sighs]

This is still tough work,
but it's almost the same

as what I had to do to
make all those light bulbs.


But as the name vacuum
tube would suggest,

it's a vacuum.

So we've really gotta get
rid of all the air inside it.

We'll place a bit of phosphorus
right on the filament,

where it'll get hot.

That little flame will burn up
all the oxygen inside and--

[BOTH gasp]

Oh! I swear I didn't
do anything different!

It looks like the cracks
started at the base of it!

[SENKU grunts]

The wires are expanding.


We've got a metal line
going through the glass

and it expands a
bit from the heat

of the burning phosphorus.

That size difference of just
a few microns broke the glass.

We're dealing with change
that's happening

on the scale of microns?

What do we do then?
This is errible-tay!

This kind of thing's normal.

Nothing ever works right
on the first try, does it?

[SENKU chuckles]

Yeah, it's just trial and error.

When is it ever anything else?
Let's give it another go.

Yo! Guess who's back?


I copped me some copper!

[SENKU, KASEKI grumble]

Uh. No pun intended?

[SENKU] Hey, your timing
couldn't have been better.

[CHROME yelps]

Okay, then. A copper tube?

It makes the most sense.

A tube will expand
inward instead of out,

which means our
glass won't cr*ck.

It's finally working!

Boy, these vacuum tubes
sure gave us a hard time.

[BOTH gasp]

That's bad.

The bamboo filament,
it just b*rned out instantly!

Damn it all.

Bamboo filaments are just
fundamentally too weak

to use in vacuum tubes.


I'm not gonna claim
to understand

the science behind
it, but basically,

we need something stronger.

Then what's your call?

Captain Chrome is ready
to ship out at any time!


We might be outta luck.

There's nothing
better in this era.

[VILLAGERS chattering]

What about this one?

Okay, these are all the minerals

I was able to collect in
the caves around here.

There's gotta be one we
can use! Something!

Anything strong enough
to take the heat!

Ooo, this one looks
like a gemstone!

That's a jewel bug
corpse, actually.

[RUBY screams]

What about this?

It's really dark,
but light as a feather!

Must be special!

Raccoon poop.

Ah, poop!

[SENKU] A dead end.
After coming this far.

[SUIKA] I may not be a rock
doctor like Senku is,

but I've seen a lot of rocks

while playing in the
mountains and forests.

So maybe I can find a rare
rock that could help us out,

and be useful to everyone.

If we can't make cell phones,

we can't make cell phones.

I don't have time to sulk.

Come on, just think
of something else.

Oh, Senku! Wakey-wakey!

It's officially the new year.

And everyone's planning to go
watch the sunrise together.

[GEN] It's important
to have a mental reset

every now and then.

Trust me, I would know.

[SENKU] Yeah, yeah, you're
a mentalist. I get it.

Uh. I wanna come, too.
Wait up, you guys!

[CHROME] Suika, were you going
through rocks all night?

[RURI] It's because you want
to be useful, too, huh?

That's right.

Already New Years. My
internal clock is messed up.

Must be due to
the petrification.

I couldn't even tell you
how old I am anymore.

Don't you know how many
days you've been alive?


Who in their right mind could
possibly remember such a thing?

You don't, right, Senku?

Six thousand, two hundred
and sixty-eight.

[GEN chuckles]

[KOHAKU chuckles]

We're almost there.

The sun is just about to rise.


A blue... gemstone?

So pretty.

Uh. Huh? But-- What the--?

Why is it glowing?

I can tell you why.
It's scheelite.

It glows blue when exposed
to ultraviolet light.

Reactions to ultraviolet
light are especially visible

right before the sun rises.

So only right now.

It would only glow
in this moment?

Quite the poetic magic rock.

I've never seen
this. Like, ever!

Yeah, you're not the only one.

That's an ultra-rare
mineral right there.

An insanely good find from the
Chrome and Suika tag team.

This is the exact stuff used
in 21st century filaments!

Atomic number 74: Tungsten!

[SENKU] The strongest
metal known to man,

that can't be defeated by heat!

This small chunk
won't be enough,

but it came from
upstream in the cave.

So there's gotta be
more farther inside.

A bona fide treasure trove of
this heat-resistant tungsten!

We only have one set
of lights left,

so the last member of the
exploration team'll be...

It shouldn't be me.

I have to keep training
our fighters.

But who, then?

If I'm called upon, I will go.

Yeah, no way!

Just pick one of the others.
I'm too scared!

If they need me,

I'll make myself as useful
as I possibly can!

[KASEKI] I wouldn't mind, but
we're exploring caves, right?

My back may give out.

[GEN] I get the feeling
you won't be needing

a mentalist in the caves.



Tungsten's tough as hell,

so we're going to need your
brute force to collect it.

[SENKU chuckles]

We're a trio of
spelunking buddies--

you ready to go cave diving?

To the real live
treasure dungeon!
