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01x16 - Black Dog Serenade

Posted: 09/14/22 19:47
by bunniefuu
Hey, did you do that by yourself?

Pretty good!

Hey, let’s be amiable.

We shouldn’t waste what our
whimsical god has given us.


Or rather, for these guys,
it would be the devil.

Want some? It’s Dom Perignon.


To this ship that has
charmed the devil.


What in the world is going on
with the showers in this place?!

This is the fourth time!
The fourth time!

Even Buddha gets upset
after the third time!

Hey, are you listening?

The shower broke, and only
cold water comes out.

And the faucet fell off.

If you know about it, fix it!

I’m busy right now.

You can do that any time you want…

We’re busy!

Don’t just hang up!
What if it’s an emergency?

Oh, all right.
You’ll be happy if I fix it, right?

Hi, he’ll call you back.
What’s your name?

OK, Fad. I’ll tell him.


Did you say Fad?

It’s not hot?

Why don’t you fix that?

I told you I’ll fix it.

No, your arm.

I mean, reconstructive surgery
doesn’t cost that much nowadays, right?

This ship is my ship.

And this arm is my arm.

Don’t tell me what I need to do.

Now, you death row inmates.

I’m sorry to say, but the cruise to
the prison on Pluto has been canceled.

This ship will now
enter a mystery tour…

What are you going to do?

Do you think this ship
is enough for you to escape?

I wasn’t talking to you…

S-Stop wasting your time like this.

If you surrender peacefully…

I told you to shut up.

Don’t get so hotheaded, Dig.

Oh, man… there goes
our precious hostage.

I’m not letting anyone
tell me what to do.

If you got a problem with
that, step forward!


I remember…

You’re… yeah…

That assassin for the syndicate…


Caught you red-handed
tossing a cigarette butt.

That would be a fine of
woolongs, Jet.

Then I’ll need to collect
that loan I gave you…

…with years’ worth of interest,
to cover it… and then some…

When did you buy me that coffee?

That’s long past the
statute of limitations!

So you still think you’re
a gunman with a g*n like that?

Sure is a waste of ISSP tax money.

This is?

No, your salary.

Yeah, really…

No, I quit.

Huh, I see…

Tenth day. It’s a hard world
to live in for smokers, anyway.

Hmm… I never thought you would…

And, what was it that
you wanted to tell me?

There was trouble on the prison
transport ship headed for Pluto.

That was six hours ago.

Apparently there was
an electrical malfunction…

…the prisoners took advantage
of it, and rioted.

I don’t know the details.


Udai is on that ship.

We don’t know where the ship went
after it left the Ganymede Gate.

The ISSP is frantically searching…

Hey, you… don’t get any stupid ideas.
It’s out of your jurisdiction.

You think it’s a stupid idea?

The reason you quit being a cop was…

…because of when…

Now that is past the
statute of limitations.

If after all this, he lives on…

…wouldn’t that left arm
of yours cry, Jet?

That story doesn’t
interest me anymore…

Jet! I’ll go around from this side!

Got it!

Udai Taxim!

You are under arrest!

A trap?!

What are ya gonna do?

The guys from the ISSP are
gonna come any minute!

And the pilot’s dead.

We’re gonna break through, of course.

Easy for you to say.

We only got enough weapons
for self-defense.

What are ya gonna do?

I’m sure they’ve set up a barricade.

It would be better for us to attack…

…and break through
where they’re thin.

Can you… steer this thing?

I was a cop on Venus once.

And now you’re imprisoned for life?

Cops are human, too…

You got back?

I’m heading out.

It’s dangerous, so stand back.

You’re going out. Get souvenirs!


If I don’t come back,
water the bonsai for me.


Bonsai, wise guy, chicken pot pie.

Lights shine bright in the many towns.

HQ, do you read?

This is Group D- .

We have spotted the
prison transport ship.

The ship is sending an SOS.

Apparently they ran into
some mechanical trouble.

We are releasing a lifeboat.

On the boat are officers
and inmates.

We’re requesting a pickup.

Number , Number , no response.
We request emergency backup.

Repeat, we request emergency backup.

We have lost sight of the transport.
Current location is seven-four-five.

Group D- , initiate code ten-eight.

Repeat, we request emergency backup.

No good.

Apparently the police don’t
know where they went, either.

What do you think their
next move will be?

If they are to hijack another ship…

They’ll be somewhere close
to their original route…

At a place where they can hide…

I don’t think so.




What makes you think that?

If I was Udai,
I would go back to Europa.

But, Udai is already…

He hasn’t contacted the
syndicate in quite a while.

He is old-fashioned.

So much that he’s not the right kind
of guy to live in this day and age…

He’ll go back. I know it…

The Black Dog that won’t
let go once he bites, huh?

OK, Europa it is.

If you’re wrong,
you’re paying for fuel.

Wait! What the… Ow!

What part of this is fixed!

What’s this? Jet’s gonna have a fit!

He asked me.

He’s not comin’ back!

It’s okay, just bring
something to wipe this up.


What’s up with him,
leaving his precious bonsai here?

Hey, Jet! What the hell is going on?!

It’s me.

You seem to have done
something outrageous.

We need a new ship.

There is no further relationship
between us and Udai Taxim.

Are you betraying me?

If you want to feel that way, go ahead.

I have information.

That threat won’t work anymore.

Times have changed…
while you were in prison.

You win. He’s there.

We should split up.
I’ll come around from the other end.

You’re crazy!

That ship doesn’t have
any decent weapons!

You know how I work better
than anyone else, right?

Hey, Jet…

Why don’t you quit being a bounty
hunter and pair up with me again?

I’ll think about it if we get back.

Heat source detected.

Someone after us?

If it’s the ISSP,
I doubt they would come alone.

I found something good
in the cargo bay.

And we have the perfect target.

All right, Jet…

We’ll approach them using this ice
for cover. Stay there until I signal…


I don’t know who ya are,
but we’ll give ya a warm welcome!

Here ya go!


That guy’s got guts…

…to come here alone.

What the hell is he?

Hey, where are you…

He’s my visitor.

You’ve got to be kidding.

I’m not gonna put up with all of this!

You came all the way here to see me?

I didn’t come here because I wanted to!

Don’t say that, I came
out here just to greet you.

I didn’t want to come…

…but something else
wanted to see you…


The left arm that I lost!

What a happy camper you are.

You never knew anything, did you?


I wasn’t the one who
shot you back then.

It was your partner.

Jet! I’ll go around from this side!

Got it!

It was all planned out
from the beginning…

To get rid of you, who was
a threat to the syndicate…

Udai Taxim!

You are under arrest!

You were long since betrayed…
You were used…

A trap?!

Why did you sh**t?

Was it because he was
telling the truth?

You came here to shut him up for good?

Why aren’t you answering me?!

It was your fault, Jet.

It ended up this way because
you went in on your own…

You know what happens to people who
go against the syndicate, right?

Either they all quit like you…
or they die.

We can’t live on with
our pretty little ideals.

That’s why you betrayed me…

…and kept fooling me?!

I wanted to team up with
you like back then.

Time for farewells, Jet.



You didn’t…

Did you let me sh**t on purpose?

Can I have… a smoke?

I guess… I couldn’t quit smoking…

Aishiteta to nageku niwa…
Too much time has passed by…

…amarinimo toki wa sugite shimatta
…to lament that we were deeply in love.

Mada kokoro no hokorobi wo…
The wind keeps blowing, while my heart…

…iyasenu mama kaze ga fuiteru
…cannot heal all the tears in it.

Kawaita hitomi de dareka naite kure
Someone, cry for me with parched eyes.

The real folk blues.

Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake
I only want to know what true sadness is.

Doro no kawa ni tsukatta…
Sitting in muddy water…

…jinsei mo waruku wa nai…
…isn’t such a bad life…

…ichido kiri de owaru nara…
…if it ends after the first time…


This time, the three of us
will try to do the previews!

Do you think we can do it?

We only have seconds!
If you’re too slow, it’ll all be over!

You sure are restless…

Anyway, what kinda story
is it next time?

I can’t remember…

What are you doing?!
We’re already running out of time!

Come on, at least tell them the title!

Next episode… Wait, what was it?

Next episode… Wait, what was it?


We couldn’t do it after all!