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01x08 - Waltz for Venus

Posted: 09/14/22 19:43
by bunniefuu
Soon, this flight
will arrive on Venus.

Some people may have an
allergic reaction to…

…the floating plants used
in the terraforming of Venus.

It has a chance of degenerating
into Venus-sickness…

…so if symptoms appear, please
consult a doctor immediately.

Quiet down, everyone!

Both hands behind your heads!
All of you!

I-I’ll give you money!

I don’t care about the others,
let me off…

Anyone who makes a ruckus
ends up like him!

Dammit… why did this
have to be the day…

You over there!


You listening to me?!

You! Get up!

All right.

Quietly put both hands
behind your head…

Hey! Don’t fall asleep!

Who the hell do you think we are?!


Whoops, sorry.

That’s enough!

Enough of you, Ms. bounty.


Don’t be silly!

This is ?!

Special price.

That’s not written anywhere up there!

But it’s not to
normal residential quarters.

I’m asking ya for a favor here…

All the way out there to
the middle of the desert…

Hey! Don’t rip me off here!

W-Wait a minute…

Make sure it gets there! Got that?!

Hey, wait!

Thanks for the business.



My share.


I need it now.

That’s all you get.

I know that!

Depositing it at the casino again?

It’s better than a bank!

She never gives up…

I don’t need any more pickpockets.

Amazing… You’re really amazing!

You’re the one that rounded up the
hijackers with some amazing moves, right?

I have a favor to ask.

Can you teach me how to move like that?

Is it judo? Or kung-fu?

Hey, wait a minute.

I want to be strong, like you.

You’re an annoying guy…

A no is a no.

Oh, come on. Just a little.
Please, master!


Hey, wait a sec!

What was that guy?

C-Come on, just a little bit.
Think of it as helping me.

You got a little bit
of mercy in ya, right?

I’m out of that right now.

Come on, please, it’s not
like you’re losing anything.

Quit it already?!

Venus has a lot of helium
in the atmosphere.

You can fix it quickly
with some medicine.

Come on, that’s not fair! Man!

You’re the one that…

That was just a throat drop.


Oh! Hands-on training?


I’m Roco Bonnaro.
Nice meeting you, master!

Our first income in a while.

I’ll feed you something good.

This is all thanks to the mastermind.

And next up…

I’m telling you to not tense up!

But you can’t defeat enemies that way.

The flow is more important…
not power.

You have to be like the water.

You get it?

Not one bit.

That’s what I thought.

All right, come after me with a knife.

You’ll get hurt.

Just do it.

All right, here I come!

What’s going on?

I’m not tensing up anywhere.

I’m just using your excessive force.

I control the flow of power…

…and to do that,
I have to relax the whole body…

…to be able to
react to any movement.


I become like water.



Water can take any form.

It can flow along slowly or
beat down aggressively, right?

I dunno if I get it or not…

You should take care of your elders!

Here, hold this!

Tonight… No, tomorrow night.

At the cathedral on the
outskirts of this town!

Hey, wait!!

There he is! Don’t let him get away!


The ones around here are
famous for being stingy…

Don’t worry about it.
It’s not our money.

On top of it, she takes off like a b*llet
and we don’t know when she gets back.

Hey, no use wasting time.
How about making some pocket cash?

Piccaro Calvino.

Usually a stingy little thief,
but went in big this time.

Price is doubled if
we get the whole crew.

And this is the stolen goods.

It makes the remedy for Venus-sickness,
but apparently it’s…

…hard to grow them and
they’re worth tens of millions.


Shit, where did he go?

Shit, he’s sure good at running.

I say we take it. I mean, it’s worth
much more than nabbing that group.

No, we can’t!

Hey, you thought for a moment!

Idiot! It’s better to not be involved
with dangerous stuff like this!

It’s okay if they
don’t find out, right?

So, how much did you lose at the casino?


I’ll leave Piccaro up to you.
I’m going after Roco.

Why don’t you wait?
You’re gonna see him anyway.

They say that Lady Bounty
only has bangs.

You mean Lady Luck.

Remains of a shuttle?
Why in such a place?


There might be some weirdos that do
live out in the desert, but still…

Don’t move!

Don’t move!
Both hands up!

I’m nobody suspicious…

That makes me sound even
more suspicious, doesn’t it?

Who are you? Why are you here?

Answer me!

Let go.

I just came here to see Roco…

You’re… Roco’s friend?

Huh? Um, no…

I’m glad…

Hey, make sure you wash your hands.

We can’t find him, Boss.


You know, it’s all because
of those floating plants.

Sometimes they send spores
that look like snow.

Most people are fine, but my
body isn’t… and my eyes…

Isn’t it inconvenient?

No. It’s not a big deal once
you get used to it.


Sometimes you understand
more when you can’t see.

You’ll get better, right?

If I put money into it…

I don’t mind staying as is…
but Roco…

He cares about his little sister.

Roco sent me this yesterday.

Everyone says bad things about him…

And he seems to hang out
with some bad people…

But Roco is a good person.

I might be one of those bad
people he hangs out with.

Maybe. Maybe you are.

But you’re different.

I can tell.

Both you and Roco have
something beautiful deep in you.

It’s hard to tell, but it’s there.

I can see it. That’s why
I’m offering you tea like this.

Something beautiful, huh?

I probably lost that long, long ago…

I want to see Piccaro.
Tell me where he is.

What? I don’t know who that is.

Can you remember?

I-I remember now!

What did you just say?

The price of a gray ash seed?

I’m just asking.

Don’t be a fool.
Those things are like gems.

You’re lucky if you ever see one…

Well, it might be difficult to
sell them once you get them…

…but I would say million each.

You got some?!


Thought not…

How about Piccaro?

Oh, just a little more.

Don’t screw up on your end.

So, little Roco.

You can be nice and tell
us where the pot is.

If you don’t want to tell us…

Sorry. I dropped it.

That ain’t gonna work, is it?

My little Roco.

I’ve heard that you
have a little sister.

She has nothing to do with this!

Oh, really? Then where is it?


I want to see Piccaro.
Tell me where he is.

H-Hyu don’f haff to be so suhhen…

Huh? Where did you say?

I can’f breef…


O-Oh, you’re here.

And I brought it, like you told me to.

Sorry, but I snuck a peek inside.

You know what it is?

Grey ash. Something
spectacular unlike its name.

I mean, it’s times the
bounty placed on all of you.

You’re a bounty hunter, aren’t you?

Are you here to nab me?

Stella needs this, right?

Run, or you’ll be k*lled!

What is this?! I was just
sent on some wild goose chase!

Jet! Are you listening?!

S-Stop, please…

The grey ash is back.

Come on, let him go. I’m asking ya.

Sorry to make you deliver
it all the way here.

I give my thanks.


Get rid of him. Quickly!

Piccaro Calvino!

Stay still!

Can’t she be a little more elegant?!

Don’t k*ll them!
Ya trying to k*ll our bounty?!

Bounty hunters?
Get that thing back, now!



Shit! Idiots!

Really, you’ve caused
me enough trouble.

Come on, hang on! You alive?!


Master… did you…
see that right… now?

Yeah. Don’t speak anymore.
I’ll call a doctor right now.


I have… a favor…

In… the music… box…

I know. Leave Stella to me.

I trust you…

All right, hold on.
Now, don’t die. Don’t die!

Hey… if I knew you… earlier…

Would we… have been… friends?

Come in.


It’s you, Roco?

I’m taking his place.

You’ll do. You know what?

Roco got me some grey ash!

And the operation fees!

They told me my eyes will be better!

Isn’t it wonderful? What should I do?

I want to see Roco first.

So, tell him to come here right now!
To hurry over here!

Did he… get caught?


Then why isn’t Roco coming?

He’s dead, isn’t he?

I see…


It’s all right… Leave me.

I know.

Roco died because he
did something bad, right?

Please, leave me for today…


I never got to see
Roco once with my own eyes…

Hey, what was Roco really like?

You know without looking, right?

He was a great guy.

Just like the one you knew…

Aishiteta to nageku niwa…
Too much time has passed by…

…amarinimo toki wa sugite shimatta
…to lament that we were deeply in love.

Mada kokoro no hokorobi wo…
The wind keeps blowing, while my heart…

…iyasenu mama kaze ga fuiteru
…cannot heal all the tears in it.

Kawaita hitomi de dareka naite kure
Someone, cry for me with parched eyes.

The real folk blues.

Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake
I only want to know what true sadness is.

Doro no kawa ni tsukatta…
Sitting in muddy water…

…jinsei mo waruku wa nai…
…isn’t such a bad life…

…ichido kiri de owaru nara…
…if it ends after the first time…


Starting next week, Ed will appear.

Wait, who are you?

Um… Let me introduce myself.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu
Tivrusky the fourth!

That’s a long name…

Who the hell is this?

I made that name up myself!
Isn’t it cool?

First of all, what do
you mean “the fourth”?

Next Episode: “Jamming with Edward”!

So, anyway… who is this kid?

So, anyway… who is this kid?


Watch it!