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01x12 - Dogma in Ergosphere

Posted: 09/14/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
This is Earth, seventy million years ago.

Mayuri? You were sent here by a time machine.

Is that you, Mayuri? Mayushii has looked for Okarin in many, many, many world lines, chasing him.

Mayuri? You could say that the Okarin here is one of many Okarins.

And you could say that he's the original Okarin.

And you could also say the Mayushii here is one of many Mayushiis.

And you could say that she's the original, too.

And so, I think Okarin and Mayushii are gonna die here.

But I believe that our wills will carry on to the Okarin and Mayushii, in Akihabara, seventy million years from now.

So It's okay.

Dogma in Ergosphere Okarin! Kurisu-chan says to come in, because she's almost done.

And Mayushii's cosplay Well Come on! Come on! Do you think you could hold this? Like this? That's right.

Keep it spread out like that! That ribbon's cute.

Right? Want to try it on? I still have some cosplay outfits for Comima.

Cosplay, huh? Interested? N-No way! I couldn't wear this around others It's done! I win! We were racing.

I lose.

But we're done, too.

Now we're done.

This is a time leap machine.

It looks like an evil organization's brainwashing machine.

It's like Phone Microwave-chan, now with headphones! It may not look like much, but theoretically, this can transmit memories into the past.

Especially now that we can use the LHC.

The LHC's involved? Yes, it's basically a problem of compression.

Me on 2010/8/13 AD Hippocampus Like I said, Me on 2010/8/13 AD Hippocampus this machine reads the signals Me on 2010/8/13 AD Hippocampus Scan Memory Data (3.

24T) Nerve Pulse Signals -- Encode to Electric Signals comprising memories in the brain, encoding them as data.

In total, it's 3.

24 terabytes.

Scan Memory Data (3.

24T) Nerve Pulse Signals -- Encode to Electric Signals But the Phone Microwave Time Leap Machine But the Phone Microwave Generate a black hole with the LHC Time Leap Machine But the Phone Microwave But the Phone Microwave Generate a black hole with the LHC can only send a little over 36 bytes.

Generate a black hole with the LHC Of course, data at the terabyte level is out of the question.

Generate a black hole with the LHC So we send it to the LHC, Generate a black hole with the LHC SERN Time leap machine Use the black hole with the data Compress! 3.

24 T -- 36 byte So we send it to the LHC, use the black hole to compress it, SERN Time leap machine Use the black hole with the data Compress! 3.

24 T -- 36 byte and then send it back, Time Leap! (Same as D-Mail) Time Leap Machine and then send it back, and then send it back, Time Leap! (Same as D-Mail) Me on 2010/8/11 AD Overwrite Memory Data! Receive and then send it back, using the same method as the D-mail to send it to the past.

Me on 2010/8/11 AD Overwrite Memory Data! Receive Me on 2010/8/11 AD Overwrite Memory Data! Receive Like putting a futon that won't fit in a closet inside a compression bag? Strictly speaking, it's different.

But that's close enough for you to get an idea.

Just as with the D-mail, we can send data to the past.

Then we use the cell phone's spread spectrum waves to copy the future memories to the brain in the past.

This creates a "you" with memories from the future.

The furthest back you can send data is forty-eight hours at a time.

Any further, and the two brain states' difference is too large, and it might fail.

And there's one other problem.

What? Unlike the Phone Microwave or the D-mail, we need an experiment subject, or we can't do it.

Since we're sending memories, the only way to know if it succeeded is to use a human.

In other words, one of us has to do it? I'll pass.

Okabe, tell me what you think.

Not Hououin Okabe.

Daru? 'Sup? We still don't know why the line connected to SERN, right? Yeah But there's nothing to indicate the hacking has been discovered.

I agree.

If they'd really noticed, they would have done something.

Can we really overcome time? Part of me wants to find out.

Th-Then Can't Mayushii buy some bananas, so we can time leap the bananas that Mayushii bought Mayuri, I explained, right? Bananas have no memories.

But we won't do the experiment.

We'll announce this to the world.

We'll give the time leap machine to an appropriate organization.

I agree If you're okay with that.

Mayushii really agrees! Hashida ordered pizza, right? Yeah.

Then I'll just make the salad.

And we'll need Wait.

What? You said salad, right? Yes, grapefruit salad.

Then why do we have natto and ground beef in the cart? You can make some good stuff by combining things.

The grapefruit is sour, so you can combine anything with it.

No, you can't! You can! You'll see, once you try.

If you want salad, there's a complete salad right here! And it's 50% off! It's no fun buying something that's already made.

This is why guys only interested in experiments are no good Ah, here's the coriander.

It's me.

The Organization's agent has finally made her move.

Send help! Now! You look like a cat just out of the hospital.

Your face says, "I'm free at last!" I'm surprised.

I expected you to say we were starting the time leap experiment immediately.

Dissatisfied? I guess so.

On a fundamental level, humans are temporal creatures.

Heidegger said that.

Honestly, I was relieved when you said we wouldn't do the experiment.

I think everyone else agrees.

Hey, if we're having a party, can I call Ruka-chan and Feyris-chan? It's a development conference.

Mayuri might have been thinking we should stop, for a long time now.

That's true.

Actually, she may have seen more than the two of us, since we've been obsessed with the experiments.

When do we announce it? The sooner the better, I think.

Tell me ahead of time.

I want to contact my mom.

And My dad will also find out that I made a time leap machine.

Maybe we won't be able to go to Aomori.

This is going to be big.

Don't worry.

I'll solve my lab members' problems.

Right, right.

You just want to abuse me as your assistant, right? Because you're my dear companion.

Th-Thanks Ow What are you doing? I thought you might have a fever because you're saying un-assistant-like things! I-I'm not I'm not grateful to you.

I'm just being polite What kind of tsundere is that? I'm not a tsundere! And what about you? You always, always say the craziest stuff, and now you're talking about companions? You're all over the place! Don't be stupid! I never waver.

My lab members are my allies, and the world my enemy! That's all.

I'm so stunned, I can't speak.

You just spoke! Don't try to trip me up! Welcome back! Snacking while everyone's out? That's bad manners.

Pizza doesn't taste good cold.

Anyway, why are all three of them the same? My personal taste.

Why, you You think you can be so dictatorial?! See? I was right to buy the ingredients, wasn't I? Wait a second.

I'll get started.

Why didn't you stop her? I did! With all my might! With all I had! Okarin, you said you'd protect your lab members, right? Don't give up.

It might not be over yet.

It's still possible the apple pie was just a failed attempt, and normally I forgot radishes I guess sweet pickles will work.

When this meal is over, I'm going to retire and get married.

I'm back! Mayuri, I'm so glad.

I'm back! Mayuri, I'm so glad.

Get to the kitchen! Yo! What? I smell something good.

The pizza's here already? I'll get my kara-age Why is Makise Kurisu here? Because I'm a lab member.

What are you doing here? I'm a lab member.

What's going on? No idea.

Kurisu-chan, did something happen between you and Suzu-san? Nothing.

She just keeps blaming me for the craziest stuff.

She said I'm a SERN spy.

I'm not crazy.

It's the truth.

How can you be so certain? Do you have any proof? I don't have any proof.

But it will happen.

Huh? It's a prophecy.

I know more about you than you do.

Who you really are, and what you're going to do after this.

I'm sorry.

That makes so little sense, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kurisu-chan Suzu-san! Get back, Mayuri Only Hououin Kyouma can handle this situation.

Assistant! I raised you better than that! You didn't raise me.

I'll tell you what the most important thing is about being a mad scientist I'm not listening, and I won't be a mad scientist.

Part-time soldier! I warned Okabe Rintaro, didn't I? Beware of Makise Kurisu.

Yes, you did say that You did, huh? So you believed her, did you? I did not But you didn't tell me I was wrong.

Um Aren't you making things worse? Shut up! Why don't you try? You knowâ Um Mayushii doesn't like fighting Mayuri.

I-I don't really like it, either.

When we're all together I think it'd be more fun if we were friends! Consider well.

Is that card a link? Or a virus? Part-time soldier, your fate as a soldier, and the last slice of cake, rests on this.

When in doubt, attack! That's my motto! You fell for it, girl.

Now you have three viruses.

Tell me you give up, and I'll give you the cherry on top.

Miss Amane is taking this too seriously.

Okarin, you're being mean to Suzu-san.

In the world of games, it's live or die.

That's how I was raised.

The ones lined up in the corner are definitely link cards.

Knowing Okabe's personality, I'm sure of it.

Take one.

She's right! Assistant! You're my assistant, yet you betray me? Stop calling me assistant! I hate that arrogance of yours! I I won't thank you.

Mayushii will help, too.

Then would you get tea for everyone, Mayuri? Sure! Now then Thank you, Kurisu-chan.

For what? Mayushii is happy you made friends with Suzu-san.

We're not really friends.

But I think you're right.

When we're all together, it's more fun to get along.

I was talking with Okabe You may be the one with the clearest view of the lab.

That was the only time Okabe's looked serious.

It was kind of creepy.

That's mean to Okarin! I'm sorry.

But Curse you, part-time warrior! You won, but not of your own ability! Don't be so arrogant! This is really good! I'm off to plan for round two.

Enjoy it while you can The last dessert of your life! Wanna go check on him? I'll take care of this.


Okarin! What? I couldn't find a flashlight.

The Cyalume Saber is Future Gadget #6.

Don't use it as a flashlight.

But it's bright You seem to be having fun.

I am! The pizza was good, and Suzu-san and Kurisu-chan were having fun.

I'm not! Hey, we've got lots of lab members now, right? So I was thinking that lately, we've been lacking a bunch of stuff.

A bunch of stuff? Um, chairs? And we need more utensils Wait just a bit more.

If we announce we've made a time leap machine, we'll get some kind of reward.

That will solve everything.

Really? We can buy chairs and utensils? Yup.

What if I said we could buy those and still have money left over? Then a microwave, too! I miss being able to heat up my kara-age.

I'll consider it.

It's kind of strange.

You looked really lonely in the spring.

The lab was always quiet.

All I could hear was the sound of your computer.

And now there's Daru-kun and Kurisu-chan, and Ruka-chan, Suzu-san, Moeka-san, Feyris-chan, and Mr.

Braun and Nae-chan Mayuri? It's okay now, isn't it? Even if Mayushii isn't your hostage anymore.

Okarin! Mayushii! Big trouble! The trains stopped! b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

For those of you just tuning in, b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

the following lines have been shut down, due to a b*mb threat.

b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

Yamanote Line.

b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

Soubu Line.

b*mb threat? Akihabara in panic.

A b*mb threat, huh? What a pain.

I need to call home.

This party was to celebrate the time leap machine's completion, right? That's right.

Why mention that now? Are you still hacking into SERN? I guess you could say that.

I got in deeper.

What do you mean?! I got a direct connection to SERN.

Everyone! You need to I'm sorry.

I'm leaving! Suzu-san! What was that about? What will you do, Mayushii? Take a taxi home? Hmm Don't have the money for a taxi.

Huh? My watch isn't working That's strange.

I just wound it.

What is this? Wh-What? have been suspended Don't move.

All of you, put your hands up.

Moeka-san Kiryuu Moeka SERN will take the time machine.

SERN? What do you mean? Makise Kurisu.

Okabe Rintaro.

Hashida Itaru.

You three are coming with me.

What about Mayuri? Shiina Mayuri is not needed.


Don't do it.

For FB FB FB Mayuri? Mayuri! Mayuri? What is this? What the hell is this?!