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01x06 - Butterfly Effect's Divergence

Posted: 09/14/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
It's been five days since the satellite fell onto the Akihabara Radio Building.

Since morning, many people have gathered here again today to see it.

But the satellite's origins remain unknown, and there's no timetable for when it will be taken down.

Mail Received Could I have a moment? Are you here to see the satellite? Would you tell us where you've come from? Butterfly Effect's Divergence This is it? It's delicious! Miss Amane, you've never had gyuudon? No.

I'd heard rumors of it.

It's delicious.

It's even better if you put a raw egg on it.

If you call yourself a warrior, you should be able to come to a gyuudon place by yourself.

Well, Daru and I come here often.

If you invite us, we'll go with you anytime.

I remember! Last time, I had to pay for Okarin's meal.

It's possible that happened, yes.

It's not just possible! It happened! Give me back my money! Sadly, I've none on me today.

It's me.

Transfer the funds to my Swiss bank account.

What? The Organization hacked into the Geneva servers? No cell phones.

The Organization hacked into the Geneva servers? How terrible No cell phones.

How terrible Um, he's just pretending.

How terrible Um, he's just pretending.

So you were with them, too, Suzu-san? It was time for my lunch break.

If you'd been a bit earlier, you could've joined us.

Then, you want to all go together tomorrow? I'm sure Okarin would be happy to pay What? The Organization's sabotaging the process, and it will take one week to bring the servers back online? It's Kurisu-chan! Assistant, did you get some sleep? Don't call me assistant.

Hey, part-timer.

If you're done with lunch, get back to work.

What's with her? A round table? Indeed.

What's that? A meeting of lab members.

We ever do one before? Do you even own a round table? Not a physical one.

But the round table lies within all lab members' hearts.

Right? Whether it's true or not, don't put anything weird in my heart.

Do you think there's one in Mayushii's heart, too? Yes, there is.

Is there? Yay! But what's a round table? Why a round table? Are you supposed to be King Arthur? I'm only a temporary lab member anyway.

At any rate It's time for a round table.

We need to tell Mayuri about the situation we find ourselves in.

Situation? And so, in order to beat SERN, we must perfect the Phone Microwave (name subject to change) as soon as possible.

It's too hard for Mayushii to understand! Just know that SERN is evil.

But how do we perfect it? We've succeeded in sending messages to the past, right? Only twice! And we don't know under what conditions the phenomenon occurs.

From what we observed last time, it only occurs when there's electricity.

Right! Did you find out something? No.

"Mails Sent to the Past" is too long.

First, we need to find a name for them.

Another failed attempt to sound leet? Don't say "another"! Do you dare mock the great Hououin You'll just give it a stupid name anyway.

How rude! Then I'll tell you.

I've given this name to the phenomenon of e-mails going back in time I call it "Nostalgia Drive"! You write it with the kanji for "journey crossing over time," but you read it "Nostalgia Drive.

" Too complicated.


Hey, you're the assistant, you can't reject Then let's have a vote.

Who agrees with "Nostalgia Drive"? Et tu, Mayuri? Daru? I think Kurisu-chan is right.

Mayushii can't remember a long name like that.

It's like something invented by an emo teenager fixated on sci-fi.

We should focus on making it easy to understand.

Since it's an e-mail going back in time, What's "flies against time"? That's not easy to understand at all.

It should be "The Mail That Leapt Through Time.

" It's a bit formal.

And hard to say.

You don't get to say that.

Your "Nostalgia whatsit" was long, too! It's romantic! If it's romantic, it's okay! So we can shorten it to TimeLeap.

Then we don't know what leapt through time! Is it an e-mail? A girl? A banana? Mayushii has an idea! Um "Back to the Mail"! That would be going back to the e-mail, not back in time.

That doesn't make sense.

Then "DeLorean Mail"! That makes even less sense! Hey Why don't we just shorten it to "D-mail"? I like that.

Okay, it's decided then.

We will now begin the experiments with D-mail (name subject to change).

We can also cut the "(name subject to change).

" The operation is called Operation Urd.

We don't need that, either.

But we don't know what it takes to make the D-mail happen.

Or what it's got to do with electricity.

That's what we're going to find out.

I, Hououin Kyouma, have an idea.

We forgot the simplest and most important condition.

In other words, the time it occurred! The first D-mail was between 12:00 and 13:00.

The second occurred around 18:00.

If we attempt to replicate it at those times, we will succeed.


That's gotta be too simple.

It's worth trying.

Mayuri, the banana! Mayushii's running low on bananas.

Do we have to put the banana in? "Put the banana in!" Daru, not now.

I want to see if it turns into a jellyman.

Now, assistant.

Put the banana inside.

"Put the banana inside" Enough, you pervert! I'm sorry.

I'll buy you a new banana later.

Really? I'm so happy! Okarin and Daru never buy me any.

Jeez, you two Ow! Stop trying to show what a klutz you are.

I'm not! Pain, pain, go away! Thanks, Mayuri.

Stop making a Yuri Field and prepare the D-mail.


Is 120 seconds okay for the time? Indeed.

Begin Operation Urd! Now! It's here.

It's here! Where's the banana? It's a gel-bana! I've solved it at last.

As I thought, time was the D-mail's missing factor! Nice job, Okabe.

It was so simple, I didn't notice.

Does it bother you? Still, I respect you for having the guts to gaze upon me so admiringly.

Anyway, did the D-mail arrive? It did.

It says it was sent five days ago.

Did you send two messages, Miss Makise? No, just one.

It's split into two messages.

By the way, what does this message mean? Look it up yourself.

Come to think of it, the last D-mail was also split into multiple messages, and some of it was lost.

And it went back in time five days, too.

Yeah, there's some kind of rule to it.

Which means that D-mail was calling me an empty-headed idiot? Took you a while.

Curse you, Christina.

Taking advantage of a Wait a minute.

Why are you buying so much? The only food we need is non-perishable cup ramen.

One bag of the cheap chocolate is plenty.

I'm celebrating our experiment's success.

Go put it back.


That's right.

I was so happy about the experiment's success, I forgot.

We learned SERN's terrifying secret.

And I even involved Mayuri.

Was this really for the best? It's Shining Finger.

What? What are you doing? You don't have your cell phone? The great Hououin Kyouma's cell phone is currently being used for an experiment that will be remembered throughout history.

It's not here.

O-O-Okarin! Who's that sweet-ass I mean sexy 3D girl? I'll introduce you.

This is Shining Finger, Kiryuu Moeka.

H-Hi, Kiryuu Even I once had hope for the 3D world.

Yo! Are you guys doing something fun? Indeed.

We are performing an experiment that will become legendary Legendary is fine But the boss is really pissed off.

He says the vibrations from the second story are really bad.

"I'll raise your rent 10,000 yen!" he was saying.

10,000 yen? Okay, leave this to me.

Tell my assistant to stop the experiments for a moment, Daru.


You're shining like never before Is Makise Kurisu still there? Oh, yeah.

You were staring at her back there, weren't you? So, what happened earlier? What's your deal with her? Did something happen in the past? Nothing in the past, no.

Yes, it was the summer we were eight.

And on the dry riverbed of the Mississippi, your red-eared slider ran away It was nothing! I saw her for the first time earlier! Anyway, you should go see the boss.

What are you doing upstairs? It's been shaking like an earthquake.

We're performing an experiment that will rewrite scientific history.

But don't worry.

We won't do any more today I said stop! What are you doing? I said stop! Miss Makise said to let her do it just once more.

I sent you a message.

Did you see it? Of course not! I warned you five days ago Don't be stupid Oh, when we weren't doing the experiments, your phone went off a bunch of times.

Shining Finger Really! Shining Finger Sorry! Shining Finger Are you maybe Shining Finger How've you been? Shining Finger ? Shining Finger Well? Shining Finger Hey Shining Finger Hey How've you been? Okabe-kun Shining Finger Well? Find out anything about the IBN 5100? Why didn't she just ask me?! What's wrong? I don't know, but he's probably not getting enough calcium.

Whose fault is that? Well, I got plenty of data, and I pretty much figured out the rules for how the D-mail works.

What? Send a modified command to the microwave's heading function (reverse spin) Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

Send a modified command to the microwave's heading function (reverse spin) Open the microwave door while heating (Timing - Unconfirmed) Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

Electricity Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

While the electricity is sparking, send message to the phone Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

Prerequisites to making the electricity appear? (time between 12:00 PM and 18:00 PM?) Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

Number of characters that can be sent with a D-mail - (12 half-width, 6 full-width) x3 Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

You can control the time the Phone Microwave (name subject to change) sends a message back.

Each second on the timer represents one hour back in time.

120 seconds is 5 days.

You can control the time the Phone Microwave (name subject to change) sends a message back.

One second on the timer = One hour in reality 120 seconds is 5 days.

At the same time, anything placed into the Phone Microwave becomes a jellyman (teleportation confirmed, as well) 120 seconds is 5 days.

It's amazing that she figured out how to control how far it goes back, isn't it? But the maximum amount of information that can be sent back is 36 English characters or 18 Japanese characters.

It's too small.

I'd like to fix that.

I'm sure you can't send anything too big, or send too much.

Maybe that Curb black hole The Kerr black hole, right.

The hole is too tight! Can you repeat that, Mayushii? The part about the hole? Shut up, pervert! Anyhow, we can work on the details tomorrow and going forward.

But I'll say this: August 2, 2010, is a day that mankind will remember forever! For the Future Gadget Lab has succeeded in developing humanity's first time machine! It's not the first one, right? SERN beat us.

We didn't "develop" it, anyway.

It was all coincidence.

All of you, disrespecting my great declaration But Okarin I'm glad your experiments worked.

Where am I? You're not moving.

Time and space have changed places here.

The event horizon? You can't move through space.

And time is extended forever.

One second of your time will be an eternity for me.

The end of space is running away? No, it's not.

It's being extended.

What is? The universe? Or me? You mustn't look back.

Eternity isn't infinite.

Even if time extends toward eternity, an end still exists.

When will it be one second later? Look forward.

Reach the end.

You mustn't turn back.

That mail freak again? Her persistence Shining Finger You there? Her persistence Shining Finger It's dark Her persistence Shining Finger Wake up Her persistence Shining Finger I'm here Her persistence Shining Finger I'm here Shining Finger You asleep? Shining Finger It bug you? Shining Finger It bug you? Sorry for yesterday Moeka Sorry for yesterday.

Shining Finger It bug you? Sorry for yesterday Moeka Can I come see you? Shining Finger I'm here At least answer me.

Or are you pretending not to be there? Moeka It didn't occur to you that I was asleep? Shining Finger I'm here At least answer me.

Or are you pretending not to be there? Moeka Shining Finger I'm here At least answer me.

Or are you pretending not to be there? Moeka Shining Finger Wake up Were you asleep? Moeka I was! Shining Finger It's dark I'm coming up the stairs right now.

Moeka What? Shining Finger It's dark I'm coming up the stairs right now.

Moeka Shining Finger It's dark I'm coming up the stairs right now.

Moeka Shining Finger I'm outside.

I'll knock.

If you're there, respond.

Moeka Shining Finger You said I could come see, right? Moeka Why use your cell phone? I'm right here.

I'm not looking at it.

Just say it.

I can show you, but I didn't think you'd come this early.

I get it! You're really after an interview with me, aren't you? Why don't you talk? I see So that's it.

You're terrified of Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma's sinister aura! It's easier to send mails So show me the IBN 5100.

Very well.

But I'm just showing it to you.

Once you've seen it, leave! Is that all right? Is she just a retro-PC fan? Shining Finger Let me take a picture Moeka But not my face.

If you photograph my face, I'll have to silence you forever Shining Finger Please! Shining Finger Please! I'd like you to loan it to me, okay? I'd be happy if you'd help me carry it.

Moeka I'd like you to loan it to me, okay? Shining Finger Please! I'd like you to loan it to me, okay? I'd be happy if you'd help me carry it.

Moeka I'd be happy if you'd help me carry Shining Finger Please! I'd like you to loan it to me, okay? I'd be happy if you'd help me carry it.

Moeka I'd be happy if you'd help me carry Why am I suddenly lending it to you? And if you really want me to loan it to you, then look at me and say it.

You'll loan it to me? Sadly, no.

I'm only borrowing it myself.

When I'm done, I have to return it to its original owner.

Its original owner? Yanabayashi Shrine.

Guten Morgen.

You're Miss Kiryuu from yesterday, right? I didn't introduce you yesterday, did I? My favorite right arm, Super Haker Daru.

It's "Hacker," man.


Anyway, I thought I'd improve the Phone Microwave a little.

It's currently a bit of a pain in the ass, right? Sending the D-mails to the past.

Shining Finger What does he mean, "sending mails to the past"? Moeka I-It's nothing.

You misheard.

He didn't say, "sending mails to the past.

" He said, "Sen Dingma Ils Tot Hepast," which is ancient Sumerian for "Did you eat breakfast?" Good morning, Okarin! Can Mayushii use the microwave before you to make her kara-age? Okabe, I had an idea about the time machine.

Can Mayushii use the microwave before you to make her kara-age? Okabe, I had an idea about the time machine.

It's me.

This is bad.


Information about #8 has been leaked to a third party.

What's going on? He's totally ignoring all three of us? We can't let the Organization find out Don't mail while I'm on the phone! Was that maybe Shining Finger It can't be Shining Finger It can't be It can't be FB? FB? Very well.

I'll tell you everything.

Kiryuu Moeka, from now on, you're Lab Member 005!