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01x03 - Parallel World Paranoia

Posted: 09/14/22 17:33
by bunniefuu
Makise Kurisu! I did knock, for what it's worth.

How did you find this place? I asked Hashida-san.

He called it a "laboratory," so I was expecting something more than this Daru, did you betray me? You were deceived by this three-dimensional woman's wiles I'll never forgive you! Ever! You You Bitch! Can you do anything about him? Just think of him as confused by events.

This is an emergency.

The Organization finally sent an agent to the lab! What? Then this, too, is the choice of Steins Gate? Steins Gate? Something Okarin made up.

It doesn't really mean anything.

I'm sure.

He's mixing up his German and English.

Take your shoes off! I'm sorry.

I've been in America too long.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Makise Kurisu.

You can't even shake hands? Japanese men don't know how to do anything.

You're freaking out too much.

It's because I can feel murderous intent seeping from your every pore.

Is this what they call the "martial arts"? Where are you going? Honestly, I came here to see if your claim that I was stabbed was real or just an excuse for sexual harassment.

But this is more important.

There's no damage to the connecting area.

It's not some kind of trick.

She may attempt to set some kind of expl*sive.

Don't look away from her for a second.

No, she won't.

Got any tweezers? No! I see.

It's mushy inside.

It tastes Nothing.

Ew! You zombie! If you're hungry, say so.

I'll give you a banana.

I'm fine.

Who'd eat a pervert's banana anyway? Pervert? You poked at me, trying to touch me, out of nowhere.

Yes? Can you say, "Who'd eat a pervert's banana anyway?" once more, you think? If possible, with an upset expression.



Why the blushing? Did you imagine something? Say it, girl genius.

Let's hear what the genius thought! It looks like you're both perverts.

Oh, my It's not a compliment.

I would say the person with the perverted imagination is the pervert.

You're a perverted girl genius! Who's a pervert? Okay To be honest, we're at the point where I could sue you for sexual harassment this minute, but I'll forget it for now.

For now? So tell me the details.

This banana has something to do with that microwave, right? It's top-secret! Future Gadget #8, the Phone Microwave, is my lab's secret w*apon.

But Miss Makise might be able to explain how this weird thing works.

But You need to understand, we'll never figure this out on our own.

But this is the Future Gadget Lab's You! Christina, you said? No, I never said that.

I'll tell you the secrets of the Phone Microwave, but on two conditions! One, you must become a Future Gadget Lab member.

You want me to join your lab? But I'm returning to America in August It can be just until then.

And one more.

There's more? Forget about any sexual harassment I've done.

That's it.

Okarin, you're a small person.

A very small person.

And I love that.

Love it! Shut up! Well? I think the conditions are very favorable Favorable to you.

Jeez You're making my brain put out too much noradrenaline.

What will you do, Christina? There's no "-tina!" Sorry, "The Zombie.

" Say it right, Hououin Pervert-Kyouma! What? Pervert Girl Genius! Perverts glaring at each other Win! Shut up, pervert! Oh, fine.

All right.

I accept.

So no more "Pervert.

" I'll stop calling you one, too.

Very well.

Then from now on, you're Lab Member 004! Christina! No "-tina," either! Juicy Kara-age #1 Wow! You think it's a teleporter? I'm back! It's dangerous to jump to conclusions.

Then what do you think it is? If nothing else, it didn't teleport the Juicy Kara-age or the banana bunch.

One, two, three, four it didn't teleport the Juicy Kara-age or the banana bunch.

One, two, three, four A guest? Hello there.

I'm Makise Kurisu.

I'm sorry to just show up, out of the blue.

Shiina Mayuri.

It looks like I'm a lab member now, too.

A lab member? Yes A girl lab member! Is it that rare? Yes! Yes! Yes! You're the first girl lab member after Mayushii! I see.

Nice to meet you.

Yes, nice to meet you.

What? What happened? There was some electrical release.

Why didn't you tell me earlier? Give me the details.

Um Well Some kind of lightning came from the microwave.

When? Yesterday, around noon.

You saw the thing about the satellite crash and ran out, and I connected my phone to it.

Then, when I sent that message, your phone was hooked up to the Phone Microwave? The one about Miss Makise being stabbed? That was a week ago, wasn't it? No, that was yesterday! Where is it? Where is it? Why isn't it here?! When this happened, what was the microwave doing? I was doing a systems test So I think it was during the reverse spinning testing.

We should try to recreate this.

Mayuri, bring me the Juicy Kara-age #1! Okay! You want some, everyone? I can give each of you one.

Do we need to put something in there? I want to see what happens to its contents when it revolves backwards.


Assistant, send a message to my phone.

Since when am I your assistant? And I don't know your address.

Useless assistant.

Daru, your phone's fine.

What should the subject be? Let me see.

"Christina is a pervert.

" I told you that's off-limits.

Then we'll split the difference and go with "Okarin is a pervert" What? Hashida-san, good job! Okay, sending.

Now we wait for the message to arrive at the phone I bet it's ready now! Wait! Are you okay? Yeah Gotta turn on the fan! What is this? The EM waves maybe? Don't be stupid.

A microwave's EM waves couldn't split a desk so quickly.

They're all black! And I just bought them, too! What do we do about the hole in the floor? If Mr.

Braun finds that, we're in serious trouble.

Well? It's here.

7/24, 17:30.

It went back to the past Did you find something? Yes.

It's all coming together! I can see it The one answer this all points to! Really? The banana, split off from the bunch, returned to it! The message traveled five days into the past.

No way.

You can't mean That's right! The Phone Microwave is a time machine! Thirteen messages? The lightning Oh, right.

I dubbed her the "Shining Finger.

" But this many? "Message me now.

" "Are you asleep?" "How long are you going to sleep?" Daru? Wanna go for a walk? What's wrong? Damage is pretty bad.

I worked all night, with nothing to show for it.

I regret trying.

Why aren't they turning into gel-banas anymore? Hell if I know.

That was the only time we were able to send a message.

Shouldn't we call Miss Makise back? You know that's not happening.

No way.

A time machine? She never came back.

What was that? What is this? The LHC.

The Large Hadron Collider, SERN's particle accelerator.

Makes you feel better, just looking at it SERN maintains an exclusive monopoly on time machines.

John Titor Oh, the one you were talking about.

@channel can't get enough of the guy.

What is SERN? Titor was saying that they finish a time machine by 2034! I have no idea what you're talking about Just tell me! What is SERN? Calm down.

It's the acronym for the European Organization Its HQ is just outside Geneva.

Like the name suggests, its main work is in particle physics.

And it has some of the world's best facilities for it: The Low Energy Antiproton Ring.

The Large ElectronâPositron Collider And the last boss, the world's biggest particle accelerator, Large Hadron Collider-tan! There were rumors that the LHC could generate a mini-black hole.

A black hole Daru.

'Sup? Didn't one proposed time travel method use a mini-black hole? Yeah, it did.

But you heard Miss Makise's lecture, right? She said creating a black hole was impossible.

But if the LHC exists, then it's possible It is! then it's possible No, it isn't.

SERN's publicly denied it.

But they say that where there's smoke, there's fire.

It's me.

No Cell Phones It's me.

No Cell Phones That's right.

I know.

No Cell Phones El Psy Congroo.

Who, exactly, are you fighting? There's only one thing for us to do now.

Go see Feyris-tan! No! You're a super haker, right? You should smile knowingly! It's "hacker," not "haker," okay? You understand the rest? Not a bit.

Hack into SERN.

That's it.

Okarin This is a joke, right? You need to find out what evil they're up to and get a hint about the time machine.

Whether we make the Phone Microwave into a real time machine or let it rest forever in the lab storeroom, is up to your skills.

Don't blame me for the outcome! Two orders of gyuudon.

800 yen, total.

Okarin! Slacking off again? Yeah, the shop's boring.

Nothing to do.

You're more of a bicycle shop now.

Anyway, what are you doing on the second floor? Future Gadget Lab, right? Where did you learn that name? Future Gadget Lab If you know that much, then fine.

We're fighting against an organization that rules the world from the shadows.

Just now, we're hacking into that organization.

So, is SERN that organization? How did you know? I'm sorry.

Actually, I overheard you guys.

I said I was bored.

So, accidentally You were spying on us? I can hear you.

But don't worry.

I'm good at keeping my mouth shut.

Again? What? A message that someone died? Someone died? N-No I was just kidding.

This girl's obsessed with some old PC called an IBN 5100.

An IBN? You know it? Um Yeah.

You heard that, too? No, I saw it on the internet.

You know, that guy who claimed to be a time traveler? John Titor, was it? Titor? It was on @channel.

The IBN 5100 was created before BASIC.

So it can read IBN's proprietary programming languages or something Really?! Yeah.

Come to think of it, the Titor who appeared in 2000 also You all seem to have fixed ideas about the nature of time.

031 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

John Titor took a dump, and now the universe is doomed You all seem to have fixed ideas about the nature of time.

You all seem to have fixed ideas about the nature of time.

032 Name: Chestnut Rice and Kamehameha [sage.]

This is getting more disappointing None of this is really concrete I realize you're doing your best to sound realistic, but you can't fool me.

Time isn't a single line, moving from past to future.

032 Name: Chestnut Rice and Kamehameha [sage.]

This is getting more disappointing None of this is really concrete I realize you're doing your best to sound realistic, but you can't fool me.

Time isn't a single line, moving from past to future.

Let's say I go back in time and k*ll someone we'll call "A.

" This alters something called the divergence number, and the world line moves to a world without A.

When there's a world line move, people's memories are altered.

In other words, memories of the world line where A existed are deleted, replaced with memories of a world line where A doesn't exist.

I'm more interested in how SERN, 214 Name: Chestunut Rice and Kamehama [sage.]

I'm more interested in how SERN, a research organization, ends up as planetary ruler, a question I've been asking for a while now.

I'm more interested in how SERN, a research organization, ends up as planetary ruler, 214 Name: Chestunut Rice and Kamehama [sage.]

I'm more interested in how SERN, a research organization, ends up as planetary ruler, a question I've been asking for a while now.

a research organization, ends up as planetary ruler, a question I've been asking for a while now.

Don't believe what SERN says.

343 Name: Nameless Prophet [sage.]

And this results in a dystopia? Don't believe what SERN says.

They've already succeeded in creating a mini-black hole.

357 Name: Nameless Prophet [sage.]

What's a dystopia? They've already succeeded in creating a mini-black hole.

It would be easiest to describe a dystopia as the revival of communism, and the world's reversion to 18th-century living standards.

By 2036, SERN holds most of the world's science and technology.

472 Name: Nameless Prophet [sage.]

Guess what I had for dinner tomorrow! By 2036, SERN holds most of the world's science and technology.

473 Name: [sage.]

By 2036, SERN holds most of the world's science and technology.

And you need the IBN 5100 to change this future? 473 Name: [sage.]

And you need the IBN 5100 to change this future? That's correct.

I need the IBN 5100's abilities to stop their plans.

The John Titor who appeared in 2000 said the same thing.

558 Name: Hououin Kyouma [age.]

The John Titor who appeared in 2000 said the same thing The John Titor who appeared in 2000 said the same thing.

559 Name: Nameless Prophet [sage.]

Dude, just shut up already.

558 Name: Hououin Kyouma [age.]

The John Titor who appeared in 2000 said the same thing The John Titor who appeared in 2000 said the same thing.

The "me" who appeared ten years ago? As I said, I've unfortunately never been to the year 2000.

But it's possible you saw me in a different world line.


I'd like to talk to you in detail.

This is my address.

In 2015, WW3 occurs.

In 2036, Earth is polluted by nuclear warfare.

I've time traveled from 2036 to get an IBN 5100.

The IBN 5100 has a hidden function.

Only a few IBN engineers know this.

This is my address.

If you contact me, I'll answer.

In 2015, WW3 occurs.

In 2036, Earth is polluted by nuclear warfare.

I've time traveled from 2036 to get an IBN 5100.

The IBN 5100 has a hidden function.

Only a few IBN engineers know this.

If you contact me, I'll answer.

I've almost got it.

If I can just get the SQL table list, figuring out the password should be easy.

Good morning! If I can just get the SQL table list, figuring out the password should be easy.

If I can just get the SQL table list, figuring out the password should be easy.

Mayuri? What brings you here so early? I heard you've been up two nights in a row, so I brought snacks.

Here you go.

Canned oden! Great! Bring me another sometime, Mayuri.

Mayushii doesn't have enough pocket money to treat you too often.

Upa again? So I want you to enjoy this! There's some for Daru-kun and Kurisu-chan, too.

That's not it! He's not listening at all.

I told him to rest, though.

His super haker's soul is burning bright! Don't say "haker"! But it's bad to nose around in other people's secrets, isn't it? This is to reveal SERN's plots.

Even so I'm sure Kurisu-chan left because she was mad.

No, that had nothing to do with the hacking.

My assistant ran off on her own.

I wonder if she'll come back Huh? What? I'll trade a satsuma for a beef strip.


I like uzura almost as much as I like beef strips.

Mayushii likes uzura, too! Then I'll give you a chikuwa instead.

I guess I like chikuwa more than satsuma.

Okay, then negotiations are concluded.

Then here's my beef strip I ate it already.

When did you It was good.

I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! Now give up, and show me everything.

I got it! ID get! You did it? ID get! Mission complete! Wow! I don't understand, but wow.

Well, the hacking's done, but there are limits to what I can see, without being an admin.

It's like I can only see the boobs.

You're so naughty, Daru-kun.

What did you get? So far, just some e-mail.

English? Let's get Dr.

Excite in here.

No way, that's a pain.

It says "Hi Paul!" We don't need your acting.

No? "The LHC is working well.

It's as fickle as a cat, but for the past month, it's been working surprisingly well.

" What's he talking about? Anyway, does anything here mention a time machine? The phrase "time machine" doesn't show up, but in the last month, the word "Z-program" has been used over one hundred times.

Let's see "Z-Program Experiment Report 137.

" "The mini-black hole mission has already been established, so I'll skip that report.

" Mini-black hole Looks right.

They publicly said that those experiments were a failure.

What else does it say? "Experiment result" "Human is dead, mismatch.

" Human is dead? Someone died.