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01x19 - The Great Escape

Posted: 09/13/22 13:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Other Kingdom.

Oh no my last pair of trousers.

Save Evermore Woods!

Your own son is actively campaigning against you.


Brendoni's numbers just sky rocketed.

We're locked in!

The Time of the Dimming is beginning.

My powers they're gone!

Which powers are those, exactly?

My witty conversation skills are disappearing!

(heavy breathing)




Oh no, it's already happened!


The council.


It's time to evacuate Athenia.

There's still a chance with Astral.

My king... it is time.

We are too vulnerable.

Um excuse me.

Let me help, King Oberon.

That's not hiding, Winston!

What can you do, Other?

I might be able to buy you a little more time.

Until the Dimming has passed and your powers are restored.

Yeah, just do it, goodbye.

That front loader should be leveling the woods by now!

Okay it's gonna be that kinda job is it?

Look don't worry, we're gonna have

the place leveled in no time, okay?

We only have two hours before it's over.

What do you mean?

Just do it!

If I have to, I'll go down there and drive it myself!


And get those kids out of here, this is private property.


Mr. Quince!

Is there anything you'd like to say about the protestors

that have shown up here and at Evermore Woods today?

Sure, sometimes progress is messy.

But a research center like the one

we're about to build will bring jobs,

innovation and a look to the future for the community.

Thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

We need to get to the woods.

Find that Astral girl.

Morgan: Come on Astral.

Devon: You can do this!

Try again!

She just blew her fairy fuse.

The Dimming takes all their power away.

Hailey: No cell service, I'm off the grid, people!

What if someone is trying to communicate with me?!


My lips are chapped!

I know I made my birthday wish to be locked in the gym

with Tristan, but I don't remember wishing

for the rest of you duds to be here.


Not sorry.


Brendoni: Astral.

We have to use our heads.

Step aside.


That didn't work.

This is all your fault.

Pointing fingers isn't gonna help right now.

No I agree with Astral, Brendoni did run in here

and knock the door closed.

I didn't touch it!

She was ripping down my posters.

I was doing a public service.

Beautifying the school by removing your uggo muggo.


Who cares?

The woods are in danger.

We've gotta get out of here!

You know what else is in danger?

My carpets if I don't get home to walk my Yorkie.

(yelling in chaos)


Thank you.

Okay there's gotta be another way out of here.

We just have to calmly find it.

See this is why he should be Beach King.


But can he burp the alphabet backwards?




Tristan: Come on guys, let's actally use our heads.

We'll find a way out.

We've gotta do it soon.

Or I'll never see my home again.

Astral: I'm not like Other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess.

But here I could be whoever I wanna be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways,

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isn't always easy.

But my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

You're world or my home.

Time is running out.


Tristan: We're officially locked in.

This is a disaster.

My little Yorkie Sinclair must be totes distraught by now.

Everything is gonna be fine.

I've got an idea, all the girls shave off their hair.

Great idea.

That way we could braid a long rope to climb out!

I didn't even think of that I just thought

I'd be funny to to see you all bald.

How can you joke at a time like this?

It lightens the mood.

Plus you guys would look hysterical bald.

Hey look - there's an underground service passageway.

There is?

Maybe that's a way out.

Everybody move.


Yorkie Sinclair has anxiety and behavioral issues.

She's very high-strung.

I wonder where she gets that.

I'll follow her just in case she finds a way out.

And to protect her from the rats.

There's rats?!

Who knows.

Maybe they'll make you their queen.


Morgan, Devon, you go check backstage and see

if there's anything we could use to break down the door.

You got it.

On it.

Do you think we could get up there?

Let's give it a shot.


Right now, here we go.


If you think you're going without me,

your head is filled with goop.

And not smart goop.

Goop that goes "Duh duh duh."

You can't come.

As long as the eclipse is happening,

you don't have any powers.

Neither do you.

If you go out there, you'll just be a little point of light.

Good for finding lost keys, not saving the world.

But I've never been to the Other world

and I've always wanted to try a churro.

Are they as fun to eat as it is to say?



Alright, alright.

But stay close.

One, two, three - churro!

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Astral, I've watched enough spy movies

that I know how to get out of impossible situations.

I just need enough height to shimmy through the window,

come back in the school, open the door,

and then speed away in a cool foreign sports car.

I mean unless you wanna do it.

You're pretty light on your feet.

I don't want to ruin your fantasy fun.

Go for it.


You got this, Agent Tristan!


Come on, come on, come on.


If I was a foot taller.

Or had cool extending robot arms.


Not helping.

It's no use.

They're gonna destroy the woods.

Maybe not.

You have a lot of people to go to the protest.


Morgan: There has to be something useful down here.



Why would anyone keep this?

It's from last year's production of Music Man.

It was a loose adaptation.


So why didn't you go into the tunnel with Brendoni?

What are you talking about?

That old saying: those who go to dances together,

burrow through tunnels together.

That's not a saying.

Yes it is!


Neato burrito!


It's a magician's box.

You know, for sawing people in half.

I always did wonder why lumberjacks

never glom on to this technology.

Too bad it's not one where we step inside

and appear outside the gym.

Keep looking.

If Brendoni found it you'd think it was cool.

For someone who didn't even want to go to the dance,

you sure are Mr. Opinions right now.

Why do you care?

I don't.

Then why'd you bring it up?

It's not like you were gonna ask me.

Wait, were you?





I don't know.

Just forget about it, okay?


Uh-oh, oh no, oh no, I'm stuck.

It's like that dream I have where I'm stuck in a giant box

of chocolates and no one picks me because I'm coconut.

It's not stuck.


Owe, owe!



It's stuck.

But I know how to get you out.


Yeah yeah, yeah yeah.

Peter: What's going on,

I thought you had this under control, let's go!

Worker: Yeah well we've been trying to get rid of these kids.

Save Evermore woods!

Time's a wasting, let's go, let's go!

Peaseblossom: Remember you've got to pull the orange wire!

How do you know?

You've never even seen a car before.

I don't know, I just can't stand orange!

It's not working!

Fix it!

Winston one, frontloader zero.


You fool, ugh!

Brendoni: And it turned out that the

chicken was actually a duck the whole time!

Anyway, that was the second time I went parasailing.

The third time--

This is your problem!

You're always joking!

No, that's my skill!

I can turn the world on with my smile!

You should joke more.

Who has a year plan at ?


I had a five year plan in Kindergarten.

And I would have finished ahead

if I didn't get that frowny-face in "plays well with others."

Look, I haven't eaten in minutes

and we can't let ourselves get weak on this mission.

Want a bite?


Great, now which way do we go?

That's easy.


What did you just do?


If it's good enough for bats, it's good enough for me.


We go right.

That's not what bats sound like.

Maybe you just don't know 'em like I do.


Who hides ropes under wrestling mats?


He hates climbing.

Afraid of heights.


Spot me?

Oh, you're, you're right there.

Okay sorry, not a great time for cheesy jokes.

No, no, that one was pretty gouda.




It's okay!

Swing me over a foot.




It won't open any further!

(saw revving)

Replaced the hydraulic cable.

So we're good to go now.

Get it moving.

We're running out of time.

I didn't know they had another cable, Peasey!

It always works in the cinema.

Now what?!

Don't look at me!

I'm just here for moral support.

Save Evermore woods!

I got this Winnie.

Hey what are you doing there, what are you doing in there?

Ahh. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

Winnie help!

What's this?

I got a lightning bug!

My daughters gonna love that.

That's not a lightning bug!


You can't be here!


Okay, no saw.

But this should work.

Hold still.

Ahh, can you try something, less...bludgeon-y.

Have we definitely ruled out sawing you in half?

I can't believe this.

I'm trapped in the gym, and I'm trapped in this box.

Don't forget, you're also trapped in an oppressive school

system that doesn't appreciate your uniqueness.

You know me all too well.

We're not going to make it to the woods in time, are we?



I think we're getting close.

This isn't working.

It's echo-location.

What part of this don't you understand?

The part where I ended up with you in a tunnel.

Blindly following you around like some mole.

First, don't besmirch the noble mole, they do good work.

And second...

we haven't seen this piece of salami before.

That's from your sandwich.


Go left.


No, I'm going right.

Suit yourself.

But I'm pretty sure I heard rats down there.




At least a dozen of them.

I hate him!


That's close.

It's more like "Ca-Caw!"

Peter: Keep him out of here.

He's trespassing.


You don't understand.

You're going to destroy Athenia!

Please, don't.

Make sure he doesn't get back in.

Hey, you!

Give me that bottle!

That's my friend, please!


Tristan: Astral come on.

Astral: You heard the chainsaw.


Astral, stop.

You're just gonna hurt yourself.

My people are out there and I promised them!

Any luck?

We tried our best.

What happened?

There are days and then there are days,

know what I mean?

I failed.

Come on.

Maybe Hailey and Brendoni found a way out.


I told you I'd find a way out.


We're back where we started.

Echolocation more like echo-joke-cation.

It would've worked if you hadn't been yammering the whole time.

I don't yammer!

Oh see, you're yammering--



I've been looking for you everywhere.

I wouldn't have found you if I didn't hear your screeching.




Thank goodness!!

I know I don't know you very well,

but I completely love you.

Thank you!


Wait for me!

Did the weird girl just hug me?

What's going on?

A pure nightmare, let's go, my little furbaby

must be in full panic mode by now!


Where do you want these?


Come on!

It looks like Astral's not coming.

Start the evacuation.

Not everyone will make it out in time.

We'll create a diversion and give them time.

Summon the fairies.


k*ller fireflies?

What-- hey, what is this?


You brought this on yourself!

Get 'em off me!

Get 'em off me.

You okay, Peasey?

It was horrible, Winston!

It smelled like the worst smell I ever smelled!


Grapefruit juice.

Peter: Get back to work!

They're harmless!

They can't hurt you!

The eclipse.

Come on, let's go!

Out of my way!

Save Evermore Woods!

Oh no, it's too late!

No, it's not!

Let's go, everyone!!

We've gotta block their path!!




No, get back!

Form a chain!

Morgan: Lock your arms!

Peter: Get out of the way!

You're gonna get hurt!

We're not moving, Uncle Peter!

Wait for me!

Ah, ah, ah, ah!


I'm stuck!

(truck engine roaring)

Protect the tree!


Stay with the tree!


Astral: Stay with the tree!




You okay?

I didn't see her!

Let me help you up.

Are you okay?

I think so.

That was so close!

I woulda just karate chopped that frontloader

right on the face... but that was really brave.

Devon, I was so scared.

What are you doing in this thing?

What, I'm not allowed to try new hobbies?


Thank you.

We gotta look out for each other.

Morgan: The eclipse is over.

I'm sorry for all of this.

I let old fights get in the way of what's really important.

What's most important, like family.

Everyone, go home.

We're done here.

You too, jobs over.



Do you have a statement on what just happened?

I'd like to thank everyone who came out to support our cause.

But more importantly, I'd like to thank Peter,

for saving the woods.

It looks like all it takes is a few brave kids

to make the world a greener place.

For Channel , I'm Marla Cavanaugh...

and I'm gonna go climb a tree!

Hey, ah I'll go get you a jacket, I knew you could do it.

Thank you.

For everything.

(royal horns)

You made a wise choice, Petrathon.

Mom, Dad!

I'm so proud of you, Astral.

Me, too.

I helped, too.

Can I get my wings now?

And where do you think you're going, Sir Winston?

I'm trying to find Peasey a churro.

I kind of promised.

Oh ah, excuse me?

Might I ask where you got that?

Buzz off, m'lord.

I'm partaking on a well-deserved victory snack.

Wait a minute--

I'd know that voice anywhere!



You lied to me about being a wizard!

Hey, listen, bud--

You made me jump in a mud puddle!

Oh, yeah, that was a fun day...

And you almost ate me!

That was a lifetime ago!

I'm a changed troll.

Let me make it up to you.

Oh no, no, no, no.

Anything but that.

Come on, Peasey!

You're my churro hero!

Okay, but now we're even!

Ha, ha.

When I first came here,

I thought I was coming for Tristan.

And that I would have to change for him to like me.

Hey Tristan, hey, hey Tristan!

What are you doing?

But that's not true.

Being myself is the best gift I can give someone.


With your friends you can do anything.

But hopefully you'll join us, to save Evermore woods!

Ahh, get it off!

We saved Athenia today, and if that's not a reason to party,

I don't know what is.

No, no, noooo!!!


This is hardly the hero's welcome I was expecting.

You almost hit my boots.

You're back!

This quest you sent me on, it was very difficult.

Were you able to complete it?

Has Oswald the great ever not been able to complete a quest?


Okay once, yes yes, once, but to be fair everyone

succumbs to the siren song and eventually

I did leave that island so technically speaking--


Did you find out about the boy?



It's exactly as you feared.


That should make Astral's dance tomorrow quite memorable.