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01x18 - The Campaign

Posted: 09/13/22 13:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on the Other Kingdom.

I told him you and I were all like muahhh.

[kissy sounds]

Let's go to this fall dance thing together.

The only way that Spartanians will ever let

Athenians live there is if you and I are betrothed.

Do I have to marry Cliff to save Athenia?

I'll do it.

I don't have to like it, but I'll do it.

I'll marry that Spartanian to save my people.

Spoken like a true Queen of Athenia.

Good think you don't have to.

And proud, and I will give my life-- wait, what?

You don't have to marry that spineless creature Cliff.

He becomes more like his father every moon.

Ugh, so oily.

But what about Athenia?

The Spartanians were trying to abuse their privilege,

making that a part of being granted refuge.

But your father and I would never force you to marry anyone.

We sent King Reed and his whiny son packing.


Oh thank goodness, because he is so gross.

Gross to say the least.

Spartanians don't respect our peaceful ways.

So what happens to Athenia?

We will stay and defend our world

as best we can while we look for another realm.

If only Peter would change his mind.

Or maybe we could change the minds of everyone around him.

We can still win this.

Stay safe, Princess of the Second Kingdom.


Alright, Winnie.

Time to get busy livin' and get busy flyin'!

Are you quite sure about this, Peasy?

I'm the only fairy my age who doesn't have wings.

And I'm tired of all the other Fairies

shoving their wings in my face.

It's rude, and it makes you sneeze for like an entire day!

But surely they'll come in eventually?

I'm done waiting, Winnie!

If my wings won't come out, on their own,

I'm gonna make 'em come out.


Did it happen?

Did I get 'em?

No Peasey.

But you will.

You just have to be a little patient.

In the meantime, you know what's fun?

Staying awake to stave off concussion.


I'll go find you some ice.

Save Evermore Woods? Save Evermore Woods?

Save Evermore Woods? Save Evermore Woods?

Save Evermore Woods? Save Evermore Woods?

Any luck?



There's never a leprechaun when you need one.

Throw a party and they're the last ones to leave.

Does no one care about nature anymore?

These people are awful!

Uhhh... I mean... Evermore Woods?

Did you see that?!

We gave away our first one!


This is crazy.

There's gotta be something

we can do to get people to care about the woods.

Vote Hailey for dance queen.


Polling update!

No change.

You and Tristan are still tracking to win.

Here, have a heart-shaped cookie,

they're homemade, by someone.

The key to a great dance is Hailey.

Get it?

'Cause it's a keychain.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, he gets it.

Vote Hailey for Dance Queen.


That's a well-oiled machine.


Polling update!



I just beat level on Fruit Smashies.

Take that, Fruitfly King.

If only we could use

Hailey's intensity for good instead of evil.

You're right.

We can learn from Hailey.

We need to do something that everyone will notice.

We need a--



One that doesn't involve getting people's support with cookies.

I know right.

So tacky.

Oh my goblin.

So good!


Where did you get these cookies?

Don't mind me, I didn't pack a lunch.

Excuse me.

I'm not like Other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess.

But here I could be whoever I wanna be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways,

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isn't always easy.

But my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

Your world or my home.

Time is running out.

Focus here.

This is serious business.

The fate of my people hangs in the balance.

I just have one question--

Why did I have to wear this costume?

You're the only one who could fill it out.


Hey everybody!

Listen up!

What is happening right now?

I mean, they're my friends and I support their cause--

but I can't not heckle them, right?

We're the lunch rappers and we're here to say,

Evermore Woods ain't goin away.

If we want to save it, we must act soon,

Come to the rally this afternoon.


It's your part!

I'm hemorrhaging fruit!

And I still don't even know

what I'm supposed to be dressed up as!

I can't hold it back any longer.

You guys REEK!!!

Hey Astral, is that a turkey dog because your rap is fowl!!

Crowd: Ooooh.

Warm up your vocal cords girls and boys,

Cause at the protest we're gonna make some noise!

Say hey, ho--

Unless we have to move the rally inside due to rain,

in which case we won't be able to make as much noise.

If you want to be kept updated,

you can sign up on our email list.


Polling update.

The good news is, Astral isn't even polling

after dressing up like a hot dog.

That happened like three seconds ago!

We live in a very on-demand age.

Technology has to keep up.


Let me guess: you beat the banana level

and have moved straight on to pear?


Brendoni's beating Tristan in the polls.

Everyone loved his sick food-themed burns.


Gimme that!

There is no way this queen bee

is going to share a throne with that drone.

If you want something done right... Tristan.

You haven't been pulling your weight in this campaign.

You have to be in it to win it.

I literally don't care about being Dance King.

I might not even go to the dance.

Besides crowns make my head look weird.

I told you on the first day of school

that you're an integral part to my plan,

and I've come too far not to have this work out.

I'm not just thinking about me.

Okay, it's mostly about me, but I'm also thinking about

your rise up the social and political ladder.

You'll thank me someday.

Now slap on a smile and start tossin' cookies.

If I do, will you leave me alone?



Vote Hailey and Tristan.



I found you some ice!

I hope the giant doesn't mind warm lemonade!


It finally happened!

I got my wings!

Uh... Peaseblossom, those aren't exactly--

I just turned around and there were!

It's like they've always been a part of me!

Oooh, I named this one Wingston!

And the other one I named Wing # , after my great-uncle.

There's something I have to tell you, you see--

I'm so excited that I'm finally a real grown-up fairy!

There's nothing more I've wanted in this entire world.


Now what were you gonna tell me?


I'm thrilled for you, Peasy.

You look smashing!

And I feel smashing!

Now come watch me try 'em out!

I'm gonna fly straight to the moon

and high-five that guy right in the face.

Let's goooo!

Sorry, Devon, I can't get it unstuck.

I guess you're just gonna have to be crazy

fruit boy from now on.

Astral, don't you have some kind of fairy zipper spell?

Hold on.

I'm reading an article called Guaranteed Strategies

to Connect with Teens.

Apparently number seven's gonna blow my mind.

We know why you're still wearing the dress.

But your hat isn't stuck.

Why are you still wearing it?

The hat completes the outfit, Morgan.

I'd look stupid without it.

Ohh, number three: a "flash mob?"

You need people for a flash mob.

We don't even have enough people for a flash-casual-hangout.

Number five: a "celebrity endorsement."

Oooh, Devon, don't you have Channel Five

Meteorologist Chuck Hanson's home address?


But I'm no longer allowed to go within feet of him.

It's a long story.

I just, think he's the greatest.

They were right: number seven totally blew my mind!

A viral video.

Those things just kind of happen.

You can't force something to go viral.

Well this article says you can.



[kittens meowing]


Awww, look at the widdle pawsies!

Uhhh, I mean... Football.

You don't know what you're missin'

if you don't vote Hailey and Tristan.

Your eyes will be mistin' if you don't vote Hailey and Tristan.

Vote for Hailey and Tristan, just do it, okay?

It's exhausting campaigning for two people.

The rhymes alone are wearing me out.

It's like Tristan doesn't even care about being Dance King.

What gave you that idea?

Him saying, "I don't care about being Dance King"?

Can you tell this is photoshopped?


It's amazing what they can do with computers.

Just so you know, this whole Dance King and Queen

thing is a tall glass of lame-onade.

I mean, you'd have to be crazy to spend so much time

and effort for some dumb prize.

What's the prize again?

If you win -- unlikely -- you get a crown

and the first dance of the night with the queen.



I mean -- this school deserves a chance to see my moves.

There's gonna be food, right?

There's an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I'm in!

I'm going to bankrupt this school!


You think this is a whole joke!

Well, it's serious to some people.

You have your fun, but it's going to be me

and Tristan wearing those crowns

and you'll be drowning your sorrows in pigs and a blanket!

Well get those pigs ready cause this guys gonna be king.


Your campaigning for Tristan is paying off.

He's edging out Brendoni.


I knew it.

Run along, Bren-Dumpy!

Morgan: Here kitty, kitty.

I thought directing kittens would be easier.

Hey guys, I think we should hurry up.

The Cat Lady on my street wants these back by five,

and I sense she's quick to anger.



Can't you reason with these cats?

They'll listen to you.

I'm trying.

But you have to remember, they're basically babies.

I knew it.


We shoulda gone full cat.

Try Professor Mittens, she's the most mature.

I'm just gonna start sh**ting.

Whatever you do, stay quiet.

Hello, everyone.

I'm sure these adorable kittens made you click on this video,

but hopefully you'll join us to save Evermore Woods.

Oh my face!

Owe it's claws.


Get it off.

Astral: Humans, animals, plants:

are all part of a delicate ecosystem.

It stings!

Ah my flesh!

And just as no harm should ever come

to these adorable, kittens--

Owe it's so cute but it hurts.

No harm should come to Evermore Woods.

So come to our rally!

He's eating my brain!!

But he's so cute!

Quit provoking her.


You're being such a baby.

What is going on?!



Maybe this'll help?

Awe, you're so sweet.


I take it back.

She's two pounds of pure evil, ah!

We're doomed.

That was fun.

Until they all started coughing up furballs.

That's what life is.

One giant furball hacked up right in your lap.

I really thought this was gonna work.

Hey, guys?

I didn't wanna tell you, but I figured what the hey,

and I uploaded Astral's video.


Now I can be both homeless and a humiliated.

Maybe not.

I made a few changes.

No harm should come to Evermore woods.

It's got over , views!


My theory?

People secretly hate cats and are waiting for a cat wreck,

take that professor Mittens.

It's working.

People are talking about the woods.

"That's where I proposed to my wife. We have to save it"

"I love that place, protect the woods"

"The girl chasing the kittens is super cute."

Wait, what?

Is there a picture?

What do they look like?

Okay, come on.

Back to business.

We'll gather.

We'll mobilize.

And we will rock those woods!


And we'll try to do it at ground level.

Hailey: I can't believe Astral's ahead in the polls.

Princess Pollen hugs a tree and gets to be queen?

This is a dirty game.



Fruit Smashies.

I'm stuck on level .

As your King, I will set the tone

for this year's social calendar.

The dances will blow your minds.

Halls filled with endless burritos.

Homework will end and parties will begin.

For, under my regime, every month will be ROCK-TOBER!!!

Party on, Baby Wets-a-lot, party on.

Cheap pandering.

No substance.

He totally stole my playbook!

Enjoy it while you can, Brendoni.

Because nobody's going to out-me me, except me.

Say whaaaaaaat?

You know what I mean.

Come on, let's go!

Out of my way!

No photos!



No hard feelings, right?

Of course not man, you obviously want it way more than I do.

Or, at all.

You've got my vote.

Thanks, man.

Hey why is your hand wet?

Oh sorry.

That baby needs a change.

Oh, man come on!

Save Evermore Woods.

Save Evermore Woods.

Save Evermore Woods.


Morgan, I need more flyers.

I run out!

Me, too.

But it's okay, we're all over social media.

We can shift our campaign online.


'Cause saving trees by handing out fliers made out of trees

seemed to send the wrong message.

Hey, Astral.

I want to help out with the campaign however I can.

I've got a lot of nice memories of the woods.

Like what?

Once I found a fully intact snake skeleton.

And, of course, it's where I got to know you.

Hey Astral.

I just got an e-mail.

Channel News wants to interview us about our video.

That's amazing!

There's one condition,

"The fruit hat boy needs to be there in full costume."

Uh-uh, my fruit hat days are done.

Devon, please.

Do it for the woods.


Hello again, old friend.

It's time to face the music.

Great, let's do the interview.

We are running out of options, Titania.

We must think about the kingdom.

I have faith in Astral.

Just give her time.

Hello, your royalness-es.

Are you looking at my wings?

I know, shocking.

I was speechless for about seven and a half seconds!

Now allow me to demonstrate.

Ah, is she gonna be alright?

I think the stress of not having wings

has made her a little...nutty--

Woosh! Wooooosh, ha, ha.


Good show Peasy!

I can barely see you!

I'm so high up in the air, everything is teeny tiny.

[clears throat]

My lord, you have no time to waste.

Our annihilation grows closer with every passing hour.

Yes, a fact I know all too well.

Then we must work on our plans!


We have been fighting for so long,

I just want to see the fairies that we're fighting for.


I'm up so high!

They all look like little ants!

I think those are actual ants.

Yep, she's, she's standing on an anthill.

And now for my grand finale:

a triple flap-tastic somersault dismount, wheww.

Oh, Peasey--

Okay! I admit it!

I'm a fraud!

I didn't really get my wings, just two fronds!

I was a frond fraud!

That's fun to say really fast!

Frond fraud!

Frond fraud!

Frond fraud!

I'm just saying: smear campaigns often backfire.

Can it, Gigi.

Brendoni, yeah!

You guys like this?

It's official.

I've entered an alternate dimension.

You have really captured the inner me.

You mean the outer you.

And it's totally disgusting.

I remember that hoagie.

He was a good soldier.

I mean sandwich.

You can't possibly think that this is an appropriate poster?


It shows the real me.

It gets inside my head.

Or at least my mouth.

Don't you get it?

This is a negative ad!

It is?

My loyal subjects seem to disagree.

You're no king!

Not until the dance, anyway.

Hailey, I know it's hard to admit defeat,

but I think there might still be some room

on the Brendoni bandwagon.

Brendoni's numbers just skyrocketed.


Tristan will be king!

And only Tristan!

Astral: Quiet guys!

--Initially drawn to your video because of its silliness,

but you actually had a serious message to share,

is that right?


Evermore Woods is too precious a place to be bulldozed.

It's so weird.

You guys are right here, but you're also in there.

Anyone who wants to join our protest,

show up at the woods this afternoon.

We'll be forming a human chain to block the bulldozers.

Tell 'em who's boss.

Save Evermore woods!

You know what?

I make fruit look goooood.

--The head of the development project, Peter Quince.

Mr. Quince!

Did you know that hundreds of people

are ready to protest your project?

And that your own son is

actively campaigning against you?


No comment.

Why here?

Why are the woods the only place you can build?

This has all been discussed in City Council meetings--

Devon, I'm sorry--

You're still gonna help us save the woods, right?

Hey ah, there's no shame in not having wings.

I don't have wings.

And I'm the star bat wiper on my school cricket squad!

Oh, don't cry!

Oh, I'm not crying!

I'm pressing on my eyelids to do crazy colors.

It's like an entire rainbow inside my face!

Bloop bloop bloop!

You weren't crying over your wings?

Well I was at first.

But then I remembered: wings or no wings,

I'm still Peasy! I'm cool and I'm smart.

and I have the biggest pinecone collection

this side of that pine tree over there,

and I'm a million other things too!

I don't need stinkin' wings to be me.

I'm proud of you, Peasey.

Oh no.

My last pair of trousers!


That wasn't you!

I did it!

I knew if I was just a little patient--

Didn't I tell you that?

Get off my back, Winnie.

I need this.


Are you sure you should--

Worth it.

Hey, what's the big idea?

Your campaign is a joke and so are you!

I don't disagree.

But quit ripping down my posters!

I spent a lot of time making those.

Oh really?

Okay, so I got some kid to do it.

But he spent a lot time making those.

Give them back.


As Abraham Lincoln once said, "You're going down."

Come back here!

There that's the last one.

Let's head to the woods.

Great, I'll go get the backpacks.

We have to hurry to get to the woods before the solar eclipse.


During an eclipse, fairies lose their powers.

I wanna try to it rain on Mr. Quince's crew,

maybe slow them down until the eclipse is over.


A united front from us humans,

plus a little push from Mother Nature--

Mr. Quince won't stand a chance!

I don't know if I can be a part of this.


My dad isn't some evil villain.

He's the guy who made us ham sandwiches

and root beer floats,

he's the guy who's always been there for me.

Your dad's not a bad person, Devon.

He's just wrong about this.

Step off.

This race belongs to me and Tristan.

Brendoni: No!

It belongs to me!

And also me!

What are you doing?!?!?

What no one else has the guts to do!

We have to leave now.

Are you coming or not?

What the?

We're locked in.

We're locked in!!