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01x16 - You Can't Go Home Again

Posted: 09/13/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on the other kingdom.

It still say that Evermore Woods is the building site.

Get ready for crush time.

The fall dance is cancelled.

Get the bulldozer crews,

I want to make sure we're all set to go next week.

Tell my little brother Oberon if he wants to stop me,

he should come here himself.



This is not a drill, people.

Wake and quake!


Duck and cover, man!

Duck and cover!!

Find a doorway.

I've done some reading!

You're safest in a doorway.

This isn't an earthquake, Dev.

What's going on?

Are you guys all right?



Uncle Obes!

The king with the wings.

The helm of the realm.

Rockin' the house.

I was wondering when you would show up.

Hello, Petrathon.


It's a fairy name.

It's been a long time, brother.

We aren't brothers, Mighty Oberon.

Not any more.

What does your son think of his father's secret?

Dad, let them work it out together.

I'm not one of you.

Tell them dad.


So is Devon a faerie?

I'm confused.

We don't know yet.



Devon, what's wrong with being a faerie?

It's not a bad thing.

The son follows the father.

You're wrong, dad.

It isn't fair to compare Devon with Peter.


I am the King.

You're no one's King in this house.


Oh man.

When Uncle Obes brings the thunder,

you know it's gonna be good.

Astral, Brendoni...

pack your things.

We're leaving.


My Otherwalk!

She'll be safer here than in Athenia.

Because of your plans to destroy it.

Science and technology are the future.

This is the way forward.

Here with the Others.

You'll see soon enough.

If this thing goes sideways,

I have a nest in Athenia with your name on it.

I've heard enough!

There has to be a way to get along.




Dad, I'm not sure I want to leave!

I'm not like other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home I'm a princess,

But here I can be whoever I want to be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways.

And have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isn't always easy,

but my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon,

Your world or my home.

Time is running out.

Astral, let's put faeries visiting your house

on the list of things it's okay to wake me up for.

After fires, scary movies, and raccoons fighting on the lawn.

I can't believe Uncle Obes let us stay.

I can't believe Peter let us stay.

I can't believe it's Sloppy Joes for lunch.

Life is one big mystery.

Tristan: I'll grab one of these.

Mr. Quince has been an Other for so long,

he's forgotten the magic of Athenia.

What magic?

My dad left.

You left.

Brendoni keeps going on about how you can't get tacos there--

One taco truck.

Is that so crazy?

What if I was going to bulldoze your house.

You'd lose your drawings, your rocket boy jammies--

My Nana gave me those!

That's how it would feel to lose Athenia.

It's a magical place.

But Astral, if your dad couldn't stop the construction,

how will you?

We'll remind Peter what losing Athenia means.

The magic of nature...


Or, we can hypnotize him!


That stuff doesn't work...

[finger snap]

[clucking like a chicken]

[finger snap]

What just happened?

He has forced our hands.

Petrathon has planned construction

for the Time of the Dimming.

With the moon eclipsing the sun,

all faeries will lose their powers.

We must strike first.

Before the Dimming, and end the Others.

w*r will destroy both our Kingdoms.

This isn't right.

w*r isn't about what's right, it's about who's left.


Gather the council!

Oh, this is bad.

I told you that goat milk had gone off.

But you wouldn't listen.

I was talking about Athenia.

If the Others go to w*r with the fairies,

will they be at w*r with me?

I think so, Winnie.

You aren't safe here anymore.

You have to leave.

Maybe you're right.

Don't argue with me, Winston!

I'm not arguing.

Don't make this harder than it has to be.

You have to leave and you have to leave now.

You're right.

We should ready my escape.

I'm so glad you've finally seen this my way.

We must ready your escape.

Capital idea.

You know, they say one of the first stages of grief

is organizing your locker.

I'm not grieving. I'm grooving.

I've never been better.

So what if my dad was a fairy king

who gave up his throne to marry my mom?

So what if Astral and Brendoni are actually my cousins

and I'm half fairy.

NBD, right?

There's no reason why I can't lead a normal,

productive life as a human.

Or am I an "Other"?

Or am I a faerie?

Who even cares?

It's all good, right?

Sounds like you are in denial, Dev.

And I don't mean the river in Egypt.

Did you know that the Nile

flows through nine different countries?


I'm still me.

I don't think wings are just going to pop out of you

Not on my watch, Morgan.



My Watch.

Please let us have lunch with you.

As a thank you for letting us stay on our Otherwalk

until everything gets settled in Athenia.

I'm just glad Oberon recognized

that this was the best place for you.

Are those Inka-Berries?

We used to pick these when we were little.

My mom would say, "They're a good source of Vitamin Fun."


Where did you get these?

There's an Inka-berry bush right at the edge of the woods.

[Brendoni playing pan flute]

This one time I made your dad eat peppercorns

by telling him they were Inka-berries.

He had the nose tickles for a week!


Receptionist: Peter, that meeting's starting on line .

I have to take a conference call.

No one can resist the power of the pan flute.

[Brendoni playing pan flute]

Well well well.

If it isn't the fun ruiners.

The joy destroyers.

The happiness....


Ugh, curse my tenth grade vocabulary!

It's not our fault the dance is cancelled, Hailey.

I stand corrected.

Astral's your exchange student,

which makes this is all your fault, Devon Randolph Quince.

She finally knows my name and for all the wrong reasons.

Who cares what Hailey thinks!

Do you know what I would do to trade places with you right now?

You're half-fairy!

I don't want this, Morgan.

What about Astral?

And Brendoni?

You guys are related now.

Lucky me.

A family tree filled with nuts.

It'll be okay, Devon.

[bubblewrap popping]

Devon, you do not sprout wings overnight.

How do you know what's going to happen, Morgan?

How do any of us know what's gonna happen?

I've woken up in a celestial nightmare!

Nothing has to change.

You can go back to being the same,

unremarkable guy you've always been.

You don't understand me, Morgan.

No one understands me.

I'm sorry it's come to this, Peasey.

It's not your fault Athenia is about to crumble.

You can't help being born an Other.

Just like a cat can't help being born a dog.

I've packed a few mementos.

Here's some rosemary, for remembrance.

Some pansies for thoughts.

And here's a little acorn cap.

Because it's fun to pretend you have a little hat

and a very big head.

You're the best friend I've ever had, Peaseblossom.


Can I have something to remember you?


I'll take one of these.

You don't want both?

What would I do with two, silly?

Tristan: Can I ask you a question about Astral?

I'm sure she's just a regular, everyday girl.

Just like me.

Except I'm a guy.

A normal guy.

Just a regular Guy-o Normal-issimo.

That's Italian for Normal.

You know, I wish everyone was like you.

It was so goofballs yesterday.

The cupcake fundraiser

turned into that sugary Lord of the Flies.

It was intense.

I remember being like you.




What do you mean?


I'm just rambling.

It's what you do when you' learn something

you can never unlearn.

There's something different about you today--

No there's not!

I'm the same old regular guy.

Same old Guyo Normalissimo.

Remember that?

From two seconds ago?


Anyway, I have to go study for my tectonic plates test.

Hailey was zero help.

I had that test last week.

I made flash cards.

Do you wanna borrow 'em?

You are the man.


I am the man.

[bubble wrap popping]

I guess I should have stretched before practice.

Now on to Phase Two.


Where should I put the goat?

Hey Game I'm...

What's going on here?


What have you done to my house?!?!

You enjoyed the lunch so much,

so we thought we'd bring Fairyland home.

Is that a GOAT?

You know it.

But don't mention his beard.

He's trying something new.

Astral, the time of the faerie is over.

And no walk down memory lane

is going to change my mind about the woods!

[Peter's cell phone ringing]

Principal Williams: Mr. Quince,

is this a good time?

It's as good a time as any.

I wanted to set up an appointment to talk to you.

Apparently Astral and Brendoni left school grounds

without permission slips or signing out.

Yes, they came to see me at work.

Can you hold on one moment?

You ditched school.

You destroyed the living room--

Clean this place up.

And there better not be a faerie canopy over my bed

or lilypads in the tub.

Faerie time is over!!

We've totally blown it.

Peter is so mad.

There's no way he'll listen to us now.

Athenia was a nice place.

I'll miss that rock that looks like two dogs fighting.

I get it.

Peter meets his true love, but if he marries her,

he can't be king, but if he becomes king,

he can't be with her.

So he follows his heart, and what happens?

Just like that, she's gone.

Of course he wants to abandon magic and turn to science.

His heart is broken.

Oh no.

What's happening to me?

I'm becoming sensitive.

[loud, long belch]

Never mind.

It was just gas.

We need to find a way to mend his broken heart.

I'm glad everything is under control.

You can never tell with foreign exchange students.

Sometimes there can be a little culture shock.


Everyone is getting along.


It's good when people...

get along.

[Peter's cell phone rings]



You're the principal of my heart!

And you're the...

Devon's dad of my heart!

Well... that oughta do it.

I don't care, Morgan.

I'm so over all this faerie junk, okay?

I don't want to talk about faeries anymore.

Mr. Quince.

What do you think of the role of the faeries

in A Midsummer Nights dream?


No thanks.

I'm okay.

Not what I asked.

Get up here, Devon.

[bubble wrap popping]

[nervous lagh]

This play is messed up.

Those faeries just waltzed in, did whatever they wanted,

and let the chips fall where they may.

Like, who just does that?

They should've left those guys alone

and let them live their normal lives.

Frankly, I don't think this play should be read in schools.

In conclusion, this play stinks.

Thank you.

Very compelling, Devon.

You have to pull yourself together.

I am pulled together.

In fact, I'm packed super tight.

Oh no.

Oh it's happening, Isn't it?

Nobody look at me!

Completely normal human coming through!

Morgan: You dusted them, didn't you?

I went into faerie default.

It's what I do best.

It'll only last hours, but maybe that's all the time

we need for Peter to see the woods with an open heart

and stop the Evermore Industrial Research Project.

Watch this.

Morgan and I were just talking about what a nice day it is.

Too nice to be cooped up in here.

I have been inside all day.

Let's take a walk.


I'll come too.

Peaseblossom: Okay Winston, say goodbye to Athenia.

This way.

Here it is.

All you have to do is close your eyes and think of home.

The summerberries will do the rest.

Goodbye, Peasey.

Thanks for everything.

Athenia would not have been the same without you.

I'm going to be so bored here without you here.

Who's going to let me stick my fingers up their nose?

I never let you do that.

I know.

It was more of a general question.

Imagine how it will be in England.

I have to live with the butt dentists.


Butt dentists.

That's what you called botanists.

I wish I could stay.

No, Winston, you have to get out of here.

Go on.

I don't wanna see your donkey face here ever again!

Go on, git!

This is one of my favourite views.


It's lovely here.


This really is special.


Oh my!

I'm sorry, there's a rock on the ground or something.

I must have slipped on something.

But it's all going to change.

This is where Mr. Quince

is building his new research center.



Even the trees know it's bad.

Look at them!

They dropped their leaves early.

Your firm is building the research centre?






You're so close to the school.

We can look at each other while you build!

Why don't I accompany you to that dance

the kids are always talking about.

We cancelled it.

The students were acting too bananas.

I love bananas!

But I'm starting to understand why a little more now.

Come to the ground-breaking later this week.

It'll be great.

So did your wings grow?

No, and I can kiss the one chest hair I had goodbye

thanks to this tape.

Good bye, Fernando.

I wish none of this ever happened.

Devon, we're all changing.

You can't hide from it.

But why'd it all have to come at once?

Deep down, you're gonna be the same guy you've always been.

The guy who is my best friend.

This guy.

This is just part of you now.

That's all.

All this sentimentality is giving me a rash.

Sentimentality and tape adhesive.


Easy, Tiger.

That bag punches back pretty hard.

Ever have one of those days?

Yeah, all the time.

No matter what I do, I can't get anything right!

You too, huh?

I want to be the best gymnast ever.

And some days, I think that's never gonna happen.

But those are the days that I have to push the hardest.

You think I should keep fighting?

For sure.

Like coach always says, why was six afraid of seven?

Because seven eight nine.

Coach has a lot of bad jokes.


I thought I heard you, Astral.

I've been thinking I overreacted.

Being out with you and Peter today,

I realized we all need a little whimsy.

The dance is on.

Enjoy your workout, kids.


That is so great!


This is what you've been fighting for, isn't it?

Among other things.

Tough day?

Look, I know you need time to process this but we--

we've gotta talk eventually.

How could you not tell me?

You go on about how I have to be responsible

and how much you trust me, yet you didn't trust me

with the biggest thing in your life.

Our lives.

We should have had this talk ages ago,

but there was so much of my past that I had to put behind me.

I wasn't meant to be a King, but I was meant to have you.

And love you.

Why did you leave Athenia?

Bringing an Other back wasn't allowed.

"Impossible," my brother said.

"An Other could never be queen!"


Did you ever regret it?

No, my time with your mom was too short but it was magical.


what would she want you to do?

She would tell me to be peaceful and to let my heart decide.

She would tell me to keep moving forward.

Look, Dev, the world is changing and the fairies

either have to be part of that, or get out of the way.

[bubble wrap popping]

What's this?

I didn't want my wings to pop out at school.


You expecting someone?

So you know what I said about moving forward?

I have a date.


Hello, Devon.

You didn't tell him?


I was just getting to that.

Know what?

I don't need to know about this.

So awkward...

I hope you're okay with it.

Have fun.

Be home early.

Never mind.


You're terrible at goodbyes.

I'm not leaving.

Athenia is precious and worth protecting.

I'm going to stay and fight for the faeries.

I always knew you were a hero.

I'll need your help.

Will you stay and fight too?

You bet your beanstalk I will!

Now we just need to convince everyone else.

I knew you wouldn't leave.

You did?


You can't get very far with only one shoe.

All my life I've been taught

that faeries and Others shouldn't mix...

And that the Other Kingdom is a place

where you go to visit but not live...

You are princess of Athenia, heir to the throne of light.

But here's the thing, we might not all look the same

or act the same, but we feel the same feelings.





And if that is the case, then why can't we get along?

Isn't going on an Otherwalk

the whole point of learning how to do that?

Even if we can save Athenia, will I ever go back?

Perhaps I made a mistake letting her stay.

You had to let her stay.

She is safer in the Other realm.

If we don't find a new home,

all of our people will be destroyed with Athenia.

We still have another option to explore.

We said we wouldn't.

We may have no choice.