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01x12 - Let There Be Cake

Posted: 09/13/22 13:08
by bunniefuu
Astral: Previously on The Other Kingdom.

We're about to open a veil to talk

to my parents about the destruction of my home.

The Other World is no longer safe for you.

I will help you get to know her.

She put me in the friend zone.

She remains too young to face this grave threat to our realm.

The truth about Peter's enough to send anyone into despair.

Life gets complicated here.

Others have a need for the truth.

You like him.

You totally like him.

Yeah right!

We just don't need Hailey hanging around.

Even when they don't know they need to hear it.

As technology has progressed, we've forgotten about

the importance of nature in our lives.

Sometimes there are different truths.

Don't you like nature?

This research center is going to attract environmental scientists

from all over the world.

It's helping nature.

Is there ever just one that's right?

How long does it take for the city council

to decide on building permits?

Maybe they already have and he's out celebrating.


What are we celebrating?

The destruction of our world.

Our way of life.

End of Athenia.

Oh yeah.


How could you eat at a time like this?

There is never a bad time for Tex Mex.

You scoop it into your mouth and the fiesta begins!


Hey guys.


City council turned down my permit.

Sorry g*ng, I don't feel like cooking tonight.

Just order Chinese food.

Wan sui!

Gong bao ji ding.

It means, "Hooray!

Kung pao chicken!"


There's more to me than just outrageousness.

Alright, save me some mu shu.


Don't mind if I do.

Nacho appetizer before a Chinese dinner.

Stomach, you're goin' around the world in burps.

Come on.

Did you hear that?

Of course.

Trolls have super hearing.

Also, we were all in the same room.

Morgan, we did it!

We saved the woods!

No more building in the woods!

No more building in the woods!

No more building in the woods!

Hey guys?

[record scratch]

My dad worked really hard on that project,

and you guys are happy that it's cancelled?

That's not cool.

I feel badly for that young Other.

Who cares?

Our baby just saved the day.


Ahem, I feel bad for him too.

Seems like a nice young man.

Is there no end to your thievery?

We're making a scrapbook.

Out of plant scraps.

Scrap is a funny word.

Scrap, scraaap, scrrrrrap.

It's lost all meaning.

Father would be so impressed with these cuttings--

You know, Madame Versitude,

"please" goes a long way.

Winston Althazar, you are under arrest

for crimes against Athenia.

If loving my new home is a crime, I'm guilty as charged.


You think this is a game?

It isn't?

Only if you consider your life a trivial matter.

If it's not one thing, it's another.

Remove him!!!


You can't do that.

Watch me.




I'll wait for you!


Astral: I'm not like Other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess.

But here I could be whoever I want to be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways,

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isn't always easy.

But my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

Your world or my home.

Time is running out.

Please, say something.

What's new in the world of geography?

Have they discovered any new oceans lately?

Oooh, tell us the story of that time you found

an onion ring in your fries.

It's a real doozy!

You can't give us the silent treatment forever.

Try me.

Ha, just did, and you spoke.

Arghhh, you guys are so tricky.

We're not happy about your dad losing his project.

We're happy about the woods being safe.

For you!

It's organic.

Because I care enough to polish the very best.

That research center means a lot to him.

And he can still build it, just somewhere else, right?

I guess.

Just remember: there's nothing we could have done!

Astral, Morgan, how was City Council?

Uh, it was very informative.

It was uh, council-icious?

Since when do you care about politics?

You thought Veto Power was the Italian exchange student.

Don't forget to turn in your essay on municipal government

for extra credit.

You skipped school to go to City Council

the same day my dad's building was rejected.

There is a perfectly good explanation

for why we were there.

Uh Astral is running for mayor.

Are you kidding me?

There are things that you don't understand.

Yeah, like how you can wreck my dad's project

and still live in his house.

You're supposed to be my best friend.

Oh, Hailey, Mr. McGillroy tells me--

Hailey, I know you heard me.

Oh, hey Aunt Maddie.

Hold on, vibrating.

Mom, you don't say!

Got it, on the way.

Love to stay and talk, but mom just told me

she had to rush Benji to the vet.

Benji's your brother.

I know, right?

It's gonna take two of us to hold him down.


Hailey Grimm.


Why do adults only use your last name

when they're really, really serious?

Hm, no incoming calls.


I knew it.

I'm psychic.

My mom will call, and want to take my brother to the vet.

Any second now.

It's time to make up your incomplete

in th grade Family Studies.

Why can't we just move on with our lives?

Forget that ever happened.

Leave the past in the past.

Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.

Also, those who forget their pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Hailey, finish your assignment by end of day tomorrow,

or you get a failing grade.

This is your last chance.


I know you want to graduate with honors.

But you won't with an incomplete.

You have nothing to be afraid of.

You weren't there when it happened.

End of day or your incomplete is an F!

In the case of Winston Percival Althazar versus

the Realm of Athenia, you are charged with:

corrupting a Fairy with video games.

Even at my lowest, I still looked adorable.

Re-aligning the perfect works of nature.

Okay, that one looks kinda bad.

No, I didn't--


And finally, trying to eat Reggie Van Kleekan, stag beetle.

Winston, you tried to eat Reggie?

He has a wife and larvae to take care of!

I can explain, if you let me just tell you I can--

I've heard enough.

Oberon, these are serious charges.

We have to treat Winston like a citizen of Athenia,

under Fairy Law.

Versitude: My queen, you are correct.

For crimes against the Second Kingdom, you, Winston Althazar,

are sentenced to the Bogs of Nevermore where you will spend

the rest of your life digging tunnels for the trolls.

Where are the bogs of Nevermore?

At the edge of Athenia.

Wear shorts, it gets really, really hot there.

Oberon: Wait!

If he is to be treated as a citizen of Athenia,

he will be allowed to stand trial.


This'll be so fun.

I've never been on trial before!

Sorry Winston, I'll rein it in.


Well if it isn't little miss exploding cake.

Come back to finish the job?

I still have some hair in my ears.

Take a spot next to Brendoni over there.

Brendoni, keep a careful watch on that one.

Trouble seems to follow her.

Follow me?

This guy's a disaster waiting to happen!

I don't wait for anything.

I'm a disaster in progress.

I don't know how to respond to that.

Alright, everyone, let's learn some cooking.

You can only survive on mac & cheese for so long.

Stand back.

I don't want you to be blinded by my brilliance.

I think my retinas are safe.


I'm so ova you.

Get it?

'Cause "ova" is the Latin plural for egg.

I could do this all day.

I have to tell him the truth.

That you're a Fairy!?

No way Devon can handle that.

He gets stressed out if someone asks him

if he wants fries with that.

He thinks we hurt his dad.

We did.

If I tell him why we did it, then he'll see we were right.

No he won't.

Of course he will.

It's the truth.

You're asking Devon to accept that the person

who's always been there for him is doing something wrong.

He is!

That's what we see.

All Devon sees is that his dad is hurt.

How do I change that?

For starters: don't tell him you're a fairy.

Good news!

They're letting me go?



I'm going to be your defense attorney!


Have you ever practiced law?

Uh yes!

For like the last fifteen minutes.

You wanna hear?




Oh, I'm going to the Bogs of Nevermore.

Brendoni: Knock knock!

It's troll o'clock.



Your work space is like outer space.


And unexplored.

Oh, you think you're so awesome, with your spanokopita,

and your samosas, and your cupcakes

and your three-tiered cake, and your chocolate soufflé.

Good golly, you're an artist.

I can be very productive when I get to eat what I study.

Which is what got me kicked out of biology lab.

What do you have to show for yourself?


Less um, more yum!

'Scuse me while I collect my A-plus-plus.

[baby talk]

Looking good Brendoni.

I mean chef Brendoni.

I will not let one class get in the way of my plans

to graduate as Valedictorian.

Well, Ms. Grimm.

All ready for your big test?

I Hope you've learned a few things from Brendoni.

I can do this!

I'm a winner!

It's just me and a tub of flour.

Nothing to it.


You have to listen to me!

I had to stop the research center.


Because you're suddenly some expert on

what's right for the world?

Come on Astral, you're just an exchange student

without an accent.

I'm sorry, Devon, but your dad doesn't want

to see everything that will happen.

An entire world would have to move as a result.

And It would be dangerous.

How about you hop on the first plane home,

and we can forget we ever met.

I don't need a plane ticket to fly home.


I am fairy.

How are you even doing that?

You showed him?

You knew about this?!



But Devon, you can't tell anyone.

Why not?

Do you want to see Astral on Fairy Autopsy?

Fairies are way more popular than aliens.

People will take her away, cut her up, look inside,

and try to figure out what makes her so different.

They'll think she's a freak of nature.

Hey, If you guys are in here, it means you're late for Geography.

You look like a dog's breakfast.

And I should know, 'cause yesterday I had breakfast

with a bunch of dogs.

Is it hot in here?

Am I sweating?

Are the lights really bright all of a sudden?

Oh no.


Is this what being a loser feels like?

You're really weird and gross right now, and, honestly,

you've never looked better.

But you don't seem to like it.

Let me help you.

You can't help me.

No one can.

This is not the Hailey I've come to know and loathe.

Oh, I was like you once.

I had Family Studies tied in a bow.


--the last assignment of the year.

Here you go.

Chocolate Vinegar Cake?

More like Chocolate Winner-gar cake.

Okay, that one needed work.

Just give me the A-plus now.

In the expl*si*n, my mixer flew across the room,

which set off a chain reaction that lead to--


All because of me.

You talk about this expl*si*n like it's a bad thing.

Get in there!

I can't.


That's not in your vocabulary.

It is.


I just said it.

A contraction of can and not.


The Hailey I know laughs in the face of chocolate cake.

Ha ha ha.

She does?


Now are you gonna crawl in a hole or swing from a tree?

Did you not try to eat this bug?

I-I-I-But Brendoni said if I eat that--


That's him.

Take him away!

I'm sorry, Reginald, I do not wish

to traumatize you any further.

The only way we can assure our fellow Athenians are secure

is to send this Other to the Bogs of Nevermore

to toil for the trolls.

The defence may speak.

I've got this.

♪ Lawwwww.

Devon: How come you never told me about this?

We're supposed to be best friends.

I promised Astral.

What about Brendoni?

Does he know too?

The thing is, he's half fairy, half troll.

Come on!

I let that dude sleep in my laundry basket!

Hey, fun bunch.

Let's open the ears and close the mouths, okay?

How did all this happen and I didn't know about it?

Do you know how many secrets I've kept for you?

That thing in fifth grade--

Everyone carried around an extra pair of pants Morgan.

It's not weird!

I'm sorry, Dev.

We didn't know if you could handle it.

You didn't even give me a chance.

Last warning.

Extra homework or not?

Peaseblossom: Objection!


Badgering the witness!


You're out of order!

Thank you.

The defense rests.

You haven't argued anything.

Just said law things for ten minutes.


Now, Winston, you tried to eat Reggie the bug.

Technically speaking--

Answer the question!

I love Athenia, and all its fairy folk.

And so what if he mercilessly tried to hack off a piece

of the summerberry bush.

At least he didn't try and eat it.

And a good thing too, because that plants were sick.

That's right!

And I cleared away the trash!

And nursed it back to life!


Have you no shame, Other?

When did this happen?

Well, we tried to tell Versitude,

but she was all "Run along!"

and "Too busy!"

and "I have scary twig things in my hair!"


She's weird.

Is this true?

Why wasn't I told?

These are the silly ramblings of a common wood fairy.


My ramblings are delightful and charming, but never silly.

Okay, well there was that one time--

I found this near the vale.

A whole briar of summerberries is dying.

It's his fault!

Away with him!

You can save the summerberry bush?

Yes, your majesty.


Without our protection of the natural world,

this planet would cease to be.

Go forth under the protection of Athenia

and with our deepest gratitude.

Thank you!

Thank you!

We did it Winny!

Your faith in Others could signal the end of us.


Measuring cup.


One cup of vinegar.


I need flour!

Where's the flour?!

Stay calm.

Remember: you own the cake, the cake doesn't own you.

Easy does it.


Two cups of flour.



Don't move.

Why are you yelling at me?

This is not good for my Chi, Brendoni.

That's baking soda, not flour.

We woiuld have had quite a mess on our hands

if you'd poured that in there.

Vinegar and baking soda.


Wait a second.

I didn't make the mistake last year, you did.


I never make mistakes!

Last week you told us that bread was a vegetable!

Science will prove me right!

Principal Auntie Maddie wants a Chocolate Vinegar cake?

I'll give her a Chocolate Vinegar cake.

I'll get the flour!

Frankly, Mr. McGillroy owes Me a major apology.

I could press charges.

Seriously, Hailey?

Okay, I hope your taste buds are ready for a trip,

because we're going to flavor country.

Behold, the greatest ever Chocolate Vinegar Cake.


Where's my cake?

Did you want some?

Aunt Maddie, this is unacceptable!

This dog just ate my homework!

I'll take Mr. McGillroy's word you completed your assignment.

You are the most annoying, odious,

disgusting creature I know.

I work at it.


So, how was it?


Of course it was.

It's what I do.

Here's the tricky thing about the truth:

You never know how an Other is going to take it.

There are things that you don't understand.

You're supposed to be my bestfriend.

In Athenia we don't lie because it weighs us down,

and makes it impossible to fly light.

I don't need a plane ticket to fly home.


I am fairy.

But here Others get hurt by the truth.

You knew about this?



But Devon, you can't tell anyone.

Why not?

And when an Other is hurt anything can happen.

There's leftover Chinese food for dinner.

We don't have to arm wrestle over the last egg roll.

You could have it, see?

Same old me.

Just like this morning.

Y'know, I think I'll just call it a night.



Oh, It's good to see you, darling.

What are you doing here?

I know, we said we wouldn't interfere, but--

It's alright.

I'm one of those cool moms.

You're her--


Her mother.

The Queen of Athenia.

I wanted to thank you in person.

Our home was in great peril, but now my people are safe.

I don't want to hear any of this.

This isn't real.

It is.


And you have been kind to the princess.


Yep, that's me.

Fairy princess.

Devon, you can't tell anyone what you' ve seen and heard.

The lives of thousands, and of my daughter depend on it.

Peter: I'm home!

He'll see you!

Keep Astral's secret.


It's to protect her.



Dad, you're home.

Yeah, it happens every day at this time.

You guys okay?

Uh, yeah, just busting through some geography.

That Mr. Trainer.

Yeah, he really cracks the whip.


Are you guys hungry?

Why don't I take you out to Snug's?

Uh, sure.

That'd be great.

Titania: Fairwell Peter.