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08x24 - Rites of Passage: Part 2

Posted: 09/12/22 16:38
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both,
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin',
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪♪

I've lived with tootie
for eight years,

And I never realized how
heavy her clothes were.

Just think of it as
being in training, jo.

When I leave for europe,

You'll be in perfect shape
to carry down my luggage.

theater, here I come.

You promise to write every day?

Natalie, you have to realize

That summer stock
takes up a lot of your time.

I'm gonna be busy building sets,

Making costumes,
selling tickets...

Okay, okay, a postcard.

Setting lights, collecting
props, hanging posters...

Never mind. I'll write.

Here you go, tootie. I
packed some vitamins,

'Cause you're gonna
need your strength

For all the great
acting you're going to do.

Thanks, beverly ann, but,
please, this is my first year.

I'll be lucky if they
even give me a bit part.

Bit part?

As in not the
center of attention?

Blair, you don't understand.

This is my opportunity

To work behind the scenes,

To watch and
learn from the best.

I dabbled in the arts once.

Well, uh, it was only a
small role in a school play.

I studied my part day and night,

And when those lights came on

And I walked out on that stage,

I was not only playing broccoli,

I was broccoli.

Well, I'm sure that
whatever you do,

You're going to be great.

Knock 'em dead.

I'll try.

Hey, I hope you do well
on your job interview.

That makes two of us.

Oh, that's my ride.

Um, I'll be right there!

Say hi to jeff for me.

I will.

Bye, tootie.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

By jeff, do you mean
your old boyfriend jeff?

Yeah, he got a grant to do some

Marine biology research
up at woods hall.

He's only gonna be a
few hours away from me.

Oh, how cozy!

Well, do give jeff my best.

But not your best.

If you need anything,

Here's where I'll be staying

When I'm in europe.

Chateau warner.

You'll be the
first person I call.

Oh, nat! Oh, toot!

I'm gonna miss you.

Me, too.

I'm gonna miss all you guys.

I've spent half of
my life with you.

Now here we are all going off

In different directions.

Most people are lucky

To have just one good friend.

I got a whole houseful.

You better go before
you get sentimental.

Okay. Bye, you guys.

Bye! Good luck!

Be careful.

Tootie's gone.

What am I going
to do without her?

I'm gonna have my own
room for three months!

A summer roaming through europe.

Oh, blair, that's
so exciting for you!

It was the first 20 times.

But every time I go, it's the
same old beautiful buildings

And great works of art.

Well, I'm sure it's tough

To get your heart into europe

When your mind's
on your lsat scores.

If I don't score high enough,

I can't get into law school.

Then I'd just have to spend
the extra time in paris.

Life is so unfair.

Hey, have you seen my mitt?

Oh, try the closet.

The trip andy and I are
taking in the winnebago

Isn't exactly
the riviera, but...

We have some real fun
things planned. Right, andy?

Oh, yeah.

We're taking a botanical tour.

We're going to see every
different kind of flower and leaf

That grows on the
eastern seaboard.

I can hardly sleep.

See you later.

Well, I'm off.

Excuse me. I don't
believe we've met.

All right, all right.

Jo, it's you!

There's something
different about you.

I know. You're only
wearing one pant leg.

No, it's a skirt.

Well, I think she looks
terribly sophisticated.

Jo, you're not
seriously thinking

Of showing up for a
corporate job interview

Wearing sneakers.

They're my shoes, they're
my feet. I'm comfortable.

If you're listening,
please help her.

My dress shoes are in here.

I just love doing that to her.

Well, that's a relief.

I know what this
job means to you,

And I want you to put
your best feet forward.

Thanks, I will.

Jo, please! I'm begging you.

Here's $50. Buy yourself
a decent pair of shoes.

Well, all right, if
you really want me to.

I can't believe that umpire.

You would've been safe if
you had slid into the catcher

With your spikes up.

Well, I thought about it,

But she is your sister.

Hi, andy.

And who do we have here?

That's my buddy jeremy.


And what?

And who am i?

Beverly ann.

Oh! Beverly ann, jeremy.

Jeremy, beverly ann.


Very nice to meet you. Me, too.

Andy tell you about
the trip we're taking?

Yeah, tough break.


What's a tough break?

Uh, hey, i... I gotta,
uh, take off.

See you later?

Yeah, see you later.

What's going on?

Well, it's just that jeremy
and his dad invited me

To their lake house
the same time as our trip.

You know, swimming in a big lake

Filled with women in bikinis.

I see. And of course you'd
rather go with your friend.

Well, no, I'd much rather
go with you on that, um,

Leaf trip.

Well, I'll tell you what,

You go with jeremy,

And we'll postpone
our trip to next fall

When the leaves are
closer to the ground.

All right! Thanks, beverly
ann, you're the greatest!

First class is booked?

What else is there?


Isn't that where
the suitcases are?

Tell you what, I
need to rethink this.

I'll call you back. Thanks.

Hey, jo. How'd it go?

Pretty well. I think
I got a good chance

Of getting the job.

Not that. The shoes!

Show me what you bought.

Oh, these are nice.

They look an awful
lot like those other...

Give me back my $50, jo.

Can't. New sneakers.

I'll pay you back out
of my first paycheck.

So you really think
you got the job?

Well, I hope so.

And the department
head I'll be working with

Seems like a really nice guy.

Really nice guy, hmm.

I never thought
the day would come

You would use
your feminine wiles...

Such as they
are... To get a job.

Blair, try and use your brain...

Such as it is... To
understand this.

He interviewed me, I
might get hired, that's it.

Sure, jo. Anything you say.

Take a last look at natalie
green, ex-taco queen,

Now abdicated.

What's that supposed to mean?

I asked mr. Simmons
to reduce my hours

Since I'm going to
summer school,

And he said if I was going
to push tacos for him,

It was gonna be the
whole enchilada or nada,

So I told him he
could take his burrito

And stuff it.

Loosely translated,
I'd say she quit.

Anyway, I'm really
looking forward

To this creative writing course.

The professor's one
of my favorite authors.


Yeah, this is jo.


That's great!

Yeah, I'm looking forward
to working with you, too, eric.

I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

I got the job!

Congratulations! Thanks!

Oh, this is great!
I'm gonna go change.

"Looking forward to
working with you, eric"?

Well, what was I
supposed to say,

"Drop dead. I'll see you
in the morning, dog face"?

Oh, hi, jo. How was your day?

Oh, fine.

Hey, blair's lsat score's here.

Hey, blair!

Blair: I'm on the phone!

Well, when you're done, could
you hurry up and come down here?

I've left you alone all week.

I can't stand it any longer.

Tell me about your job.

Well, right now they
have me developing

Computer programs
for elementary schools.

Well, you're good at that.

You like working
for a big company?

Yeah, it's great.

Every year you get
a promotion review.

I have my own little office.

No window, but it's a start.

Jo, you just interrupted a
very important conversation

With my assistant manicurist.

Well, excuse me, but
your lsat score is here.

Can't move.

I'll open it.

Please, let it be a 42 at least!

What is it?

It's a 42.

Oh, no!

So what's wrong with that?

You got the highest
lowest score you needed.

But it's the lowest of
all the highest scores

Langley will consider.

There's no guarantee
I'll be accepted.

I feel so... Ordinary.

I'll go cheer her up.

I know just how she feels

Waiting to hear about
getting into law school.

You applied to law school?

No, but I'll come
up with something.

This is an emergency.

Eric, what are you doing here?

Well, I had this crazy idea.


You invite me
in, and I say okay.

Come on in. Okay.

Have a seat.

Even better.

Uh, will my
motorcycle be all right

In the driveway?

Mine generally behaves itself.

So what brings you by?

Well... I quit today.

Great! Can I have
your parking space?

Cute, but I'm serious.

You see, for years
I've been walking out

Of my boss's office
saying, "what a pea brain!"

Well, I want people
walking out of my office

Saying, "what a pea brain!"

We all have our dreams.

Jo, I got a chance to
start my own company,

Whole new concept in
educational software.

That sounds great.

Then it's settled. You're hired.

Wait a minute. Did I
miss something here?

Look, I know it's not as secure

As the job you have, but
I'm offering you the chance

To get in on the ground floor

Of something new and exciting.

It's a risk, but if
we can pull it off,

We can do some fantastic things.

Wait a minute, slow down.
You're gonna hurt yourself.

Jo, I respect your talent,

And I want you working with me.

Well, the job sounds great.

Here's the best part.

The job's in los angeles.

The one in california?

What do you say, you with me?

Los angeles? The
one in california?

Well, okay, no need to panic.

Let's just weigh the
pros and the cons.

On the one hand,
there's los angeles.

Big, exciting city,
wonderful weather,

Magnificent scenery,
gorgeous guys.

On the other hand,
there's peekskill.

Case closed.

Blair, it's not that simple.

Hey, if you don't want
my help, just say so.

I don't want your help.

Lucky for you, I know
you don't mean that.

Okay. When I have
trouble making a decision

I look for a sign. For example,

If the phone rings
before I count to ten,

You go to los angeles.
If not, you stay.

Blair, that is the
dumbest idea I have ever...

One... Two... Three...
Blair, forget it!

Four... Five... Six...

Would you just cut
that out? Seven...

Eight... Nine... Nine
and a half... Ten.

It's settled. You stay.

I am not gonna base

A major decision like this one

On one of your childish games.

You're right.

Next person who walks in here,

If they're wearing
something blue,

Anything at all, you
go to los angeles.

Blair, we could be
sitting here for hours

Waiting for someone to
come through that door.

Some professor!
What was I thinking

When I signed up
for that course?

Who cares about that? What
color is your underwear?

Blair, why can't you flip
a coin like everyone else?

Ignore her. What happened?

C-minus, that's what happened.

Who does this
professor think he is?

So he's won a nobel
prize for literature.

That doesn't mean he knows
anything about writing.

Yeah. Some guys just
luck into those things.

Look at this comment. "Wordy."

I'm a writer. Writers use words.

It's like telling a
carpenter it's too woody.

Who needs school? I'm going
back to señor sombreros.

I thought you burned
your burritos behind you?

Oh, yeah. Scratch that.

I guess I'll just
have to do a rewrite

And try and make
this idiot happy,

Although there's
not one word in here

That isn't absolutely necessary.

Well, maybe this one.

And that one. Maybe this
whole sentence could go.

Ok, jo, back to your problem.

Thanks, anyway, but I think

I'd like to make this
decision on my own.

Suit yourself.

One... Two... Three...

Now you take the night crawler,

And you stick the
hook right through it

So it wriggles around real good.

It's neat.

And make sure you bring
some really thick hiking boots.

They have got some
humongous snakes up there.


Yeah, most of 'em
aren't even poisonous.

You just have to watch
out real good for 'em

Because it's pretty dark
when we get up at 5:00.

In the morning?

Great. Next thing you'll
tell me there's no bathroom.

Of course there's a bathroom.

Acres of it!

I better be going.

Oh, um, and the
women in bikinis.

What time do they get up?

What women?

I thought so. See you later!

Oh, beverly ann, you are just
the person I wanted to see.

You're improving. You're getting

A lot more lift off that couch.

Oh, no, um...

I've been doing some
thinking and, uh,

Even though the lake
sounds really great...

I'd rather spend
the time with you.

Andy... That's so sweet.

What can I say? I'm a sweet guy.

You're worried about
hurting my feelings,

But that really isn't necessary.

I want you to go with
jeremy and his dad

And have fun. But...

I won't hear another
word about it.

Okay, look. They get
up at 5:00 in the morning,

They go hiking with snakes,

And you know where
the bathroom is?

The same place they
go hiking with snakes.

I get the feeling

You're not too
thrilled about all this.

Well, I'm not,

But I can't let
jeremy think I'm a wimp.

I tell you what.

How about if you and I
take our trip as planned

And stop by the lake
for a couple of days?

Oh, that's genius,
that is brilliant!

The snakes, they can't get
in the motor home, can they?

Oh, andy, don't be such a wimp!

Jo, shouldn't you be making
a decision pretty soon?

Yeah, I have to let
eric know by today.

Jo, the man is
interested in you.

Get him before his fever breaks.

Guys, at the risk of
being slightly immodest,

I am a genius.

I just finished
rewriting my assignment,

And it's better... A lot better.

So the professor's
comments really helped.

Well, he pointed me
in the right direction,

But I'm the one who actually...

Yeah, he helped a lot.

Well, good.

I mean a lot.

It's been so long since
I've been in school,

I'd forgotten how
much I didn't know.

What I'm trying to say is, um,

I've decided to go back
to college full-time.

Oh! That's great!

Natalie, that's wonderful!

Of course, tootie'll
be a year ahead of me,

But I can still boss her around.

Anyway, I'm gonna go upstairs,

Look at the catalog,
and pick out courses.

Well, at least somebody's
made a decision.

Hi, eric, come on in.

Uh, this is beverly
ann and blair.

Hello. Hello.

This is eric sandler.

I don't care if the
job's in china. Take it.

So nice meeting you!

Nice meeting you.

You, too.

Well, I certainly
clear a room fast.

Uh... What's the verdict?

Look, eric,

This job is all the
way in california.

Well, you don't have to walk.

We'll get you a ride.

Eric, I would love
to take the job,

But this is my home.

This is where my friends are.

Oh. Well, if you're
gonna be serious,

Then I'm gonna be serious.

Jo, it's hard to
leave good friends.

I'm leaving good friends,

But I'm doing something
that's important to me.

What... What is so funny?

I'm pouring my heart out here!

I would love to work with you,

But I just can't. I'm
gonna stay here.

He started slowly for the door,

Hoping she'd say,
"eric, come back.

"If I'm gonna call
anybody a pea brain,

I want it to be you."

He was wrong.

Come on, now, I know
you're gonna do great.


Your mail's here.

Their eyes met, and...

I guess I'll see you around.


Hey, blair, it's here!

Blair: it's here?


The letter from langley?

Wait, wait.

Let me sit down
before you open it.

No, wait. You sit down,
and then I'll open it.

No, wait. Let's both sit
down, and jo can open it.

I'll open it.

Wait, before you open it,

Shouldn't we take
a picture of you

Poised on the brink
of your future?

Aren't you being a
little melodramatic?

Tootie's gone.

Someone's gotta
pick up the slack.

Okay. Here goes.

"To miss warner..."

I got in!



Oh, blair, I couldn't
be more proud

If I were your own mother,
which I'm glad I'm not,

Because I couldn't afford you.

I gotta go call my parents.

Oh, well, I have to go pick up

A registration form at langley.

Oh, wait for me. I have to get

Some travel maps
from the auto club.

See you later! Bye!


Love you.

Bye, daddy.

He's so proud of me.

I'm so proud of me.


What's with you?


Oh, I get it. I'm sorry.

In all the excitement,

I totally forgot to
ask you about california.

I'm staying here.

Staying here. Oh.

Well, that's probably
the wise choice.

Wise choice?

Come on, blair, show some guts.

Why don't you tell me
what you're really thinking?

Okay, I will.

I think you probably
made a wrong decision.

So, in other words,
you think, "oh, sure,

"Jo talks a good game, but
when push comes to shove,

"She holes up in her
nice, safe, little coop

With the rest of the chickens."

Jo, why are you so
angry at yourself?

I'm not angry at myself.
I'm angry at you guys.

What'd we do?

I turned down a
great opportunity

In california to stay
home with my friends,

Only you've got law
school, natalie has langley,

Tootie has her acting
career, and what have I got?

You have your first
job. That's a big step.

A big safe step.

You guys are out there doing
exactly what you want to do,

And I'm just sitting here.

Well, what do you want to do?

I want to take the
job in california.

Then take it!

All right, I'll give it a shot.

And, jo...

I know, I know.
You're gonna miss me.

Probably, but before you leave,

You still owe me $50.

I hate saying good-bye.

It always means
someone's leaving.

Oddly enough, I
know what you mean.

Just this morning I
expressed how I felt,

How much I care about her,

How much I'm gonna miss her.

I really don't think it mattered
that she was out of the room.


This is it.


Bye? That's it?

Jo, you're going clear
across the country.

Can't we at least get a
little more than "bye"?

All right.


Much better.


I haven't known you as
long as the other girls have,

But in the short time
we've been together,

I've often wondered,

Do you carry a spare
on your motorcycle?

You don't carry a
spare on a motorcycle.

Well, what if you're all alone,

You're stuck out there,
and you have a flat tire?

Who's gonna help you?

Hi. Jo, ready to go? Oh, hi.

Uh, yeah, eric, I'm all set.

Did I forget to mention

That eric and I are
traveling together?

Natural oversight.

Well, I feel much better.

Speaking as jo's close friend

For the last eight years...

You'll find out soon enough.

Okay, jo. All finished
polishing your bike.

Not a spot on it.

Thanks. I see where
they all went.


Well, I'm outta here.

Well... Bye.