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01x11 - Trouncing the Council

Posted: 09/11/22 20:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Other Kingdom.

You really want biscuits to like you, troll potion.

The secret ingredient is love.

Who's Dee-vo the party king?

I lied, I'm not your king.


You need to turn it off.

You're gonna have to help me find

the ingredients to counteract the potion.

What happened?


If this gets approved, it'll destroy my family, my home...


How goes the cleaning?

Mr. Quince, you can't do this!

Grounding falls well within

my student exchange program guardian rights.

And I checked the handbook.



You can't build in Evermore Woods.

Plants, animals...


Calm down guys, okay?

We've done a very thorough impact study.

There are no significant indigenous species to that area.

It'll be fine.

But it won't!

Ah... my little secret cleaning formula.

You're just vinegar and water, but I'll never tell.

(phone ringing)

'Sup, Hail.

It's Dev.

S'goin' on?

What are you saying?

I think you're breaking up.

Listen, I heard something about you.

Is it about my rocketboy pajamas?

My Nana sends me those.

If I don't wear them it's rude


And lame.

I heard you're the equipment manager for Tristan.

I mean for the gymnastics team.

Which also includes Tristan.

Yeah, you know it.

The team started calling me Mr. Mat.

Mostly because of my work with the mats.

Except for one guy who thought my name was Matt.

So... do you need an assistant?



I can make noise too, you know.

Bleep, bloop, beep.


Hey, why won't you just play with me?

What's so special about that noisy rectangle?

It's a video game.

There's no cell reception but the app still works.

Winston, we're in a magical realm.

Why are you playing a dumb video game?

Honestly, Peaseblossom?

You've seen one centaur, you've seen them all.

That's because we've only got one centaur.

Wanna try it?

Sure, seems pretty boring though.

So you move the fruit into the big...

Oh, oh, oh...

Oh, you lost.

Don't worry.

It's not for everyone.

Want to do something else maybe?


Lemme just try one more time.

Gimme it.


Don't you like nature?

This research center is going to attract

environmental scientists from all over the world.

It's helping nature.

Why does it have to be these woods?

Plenty of reasons, okay?

Location advantages, topography, energy considerations--

Mr. Quince, please.

Build your center somewhere else.

Anywhere else.

I'm sorry Astral, but the ball is already rolling.

I've got one last meeting at City Hall tomorrow and then--

And then what?

Then the bulldozers come in.



I'm not like other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess,

but here I can be whoever I want to be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isnt always easy,

but my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon,

your world or my home.

Time is running out.


I can't believe I'm going to meet a fairy King and Queen!

Morgan, we're about to open the veil

to talk to my parents about the destruction of my home.

Maybe tone down the excitement just a notch.

No promises.


Tuatha Dé Danann!



Oh my goblin.

All of my dreams are coming true!


Who is this?

Dad, this is Morgan.

She's my best friend.

She knows everything about fairies.

The twelve realms are Athenia, Spartania, Laconia, Corinthia--

Alright, Morgan, chill.

You're not being graded on this.

Is everything okay?

Your cheeks are so pink.

Are you unwell?

Mr. Quince is going to demolish the woods

to put up a research center.

I can't believe it's come to this.

The Other world is no longer safe for you.

Your mom is right.

Astral, you are returning to Athenia immediately.

What? Can I come?! Cool!

Dad, no!

I came here to warn you, not to come back.

A princess of Athenia doesn't run at the first sign of danger.

She stays and fights.

A troll doesn't.

There's a hammock in Athenia with my name on it.

Brendoni, if Astral stays, you stay.

But Uncle Obes, look at me.

I'm a shell of my former studliness.

We know you'll do what's best for Athenia.

And Astral...

Be careful.

That was the greatest moment of my life!


I mean, this is a very serious moment and joy is inappropriate.


Hey, Tristan.

Can I ask you something about girls?

Yes, Morgan likes you.

I know.

We're like, best friends.

What has that got to do with anything?

Anyway, this girl I kinda like

asked me to be assistant equipment manager.

You need an assistant?

Restringing tennis rackets is a fun activity

to share with a partner.

But, I think she's using this as an excuse to get close to me.

I dunno, I'd have to know more about the girl.

Well, she's edgy--

some would say mean.

And eccentric--

some would say crazy.

But she's definitely got a strong personality.

Like weight-lifting championship strong.

Like Gorgonzola cheese strong.

Does her name happen to rhyme with Hailey Grimm?

I didn't want to say anything since you guys have a history.

It's not really a history as it is a her-story.

As in, she made the whole thing up.

So you mean you don't like like her?

Oh Captain, my Captain.

Oh, hey Tris.

Where are you headed?

Just gymnastics.

We've got a big meet coming up.

You're on the team.

I totes forgotsies.

(clears throat)

Oh, right.

What's our first assignment?

(squeeking noises)

Hailey, can you just give us one second?

I'll give you sixty.

But no more.

A couple things.

One, don't worry, I'm not into Hailey.

And two, if you like Hailey, I'll help you get to know her.


One second.

And you need all the help you can get.

So I think we've addressed most of your concerns

in our preliminary meeting

by adding more square footage to the main building.

And I've also dissected the green space...

Look at Mr. Quince in there with all those city councilors.

What do you think he's saying?

"Duh, I'm Mr. Quince.

I pretend I'm a good guy,

but then make plans to eradicate an entire realm.



It's like he's in the room with us!

We need to get in there and fairy things up.

How else are we going to stop Peter?

Yeah, but we can't just barge in there.

We don't barge.

We crawl.


Tristan: Okay.

So Hailey likes power, and you are a powerful guy.

Team equipment manager.

So what you're gonna do, is you're gonna go over there

and you're gonna be the man...ager.


I can do that.


You got this, Dee-vo.


So glad you could join me.

Are you ready?

This equipment isn't gonna manage itself.

That's great, Devon.

One of the highlights of the job

is wiping sweat off things with a towel.

Now, different types of equipment accumulate

different amounts of sweat.


That is fascinating.

Take these gym mats for instance.

I'm okay, don't worry about me.

Hey Tristan.

How many reps have you done today?

You know, you should wait hours

before working your arms again to maximize muscle growth.

Just another one of my patented Healthy Hailey Hints!


You know who else has lots of great tips, is Devon.

You know, he really knows how to restring a tennis racket.


How is that boy still alive?

We all hope this crisis will be averted,

but we must plan for the worst.

Namely, evacuating Athenia

and dispersing to one of the other realms.


My Graces, where do you propose we go?

The other realms are too many leagues away.

All except--


And relations with them are frosty at best.

What choice do we have though, Versitude?



Against Others?

Such a thing is unprecedented!

As long as there is any other option, we will not go to w*r.

I won't put our subjects at risk.

Let us hope Astral finds a solution.

She is but a child, your majesty.

Why would we trust a kingdom to a child...


You wouldn't believe what's going on.

(video game noises)


Are you still playing that game?

I'm on level .

I think it might be time to take a little break.

There's a whole fate-of-our-realms

thing happening and we can't be--

Take it and I'll break you, Winnie.


Astral: Move your dumb arms!

My arms aren't dumb!

They're smart as whips.

Whip arms.

That'd be rad.

Wi-cha, wi-cha wi-cha, wi-cha!!

Why are you here?

Because your dad said I had to take care of you...

Plus, I thought I smelled lasagna.

Getting around was easier when I had wings.


You don't "shhhhh" me!

I "shhhhh" you!

No, shhhh.

Fascinating proposal, but could you tell me more about the--

I mean, he's already started.

We're too late.

Maybe not...


Now, what total square footage are we looking at?


Such an insightful question, Brian!

I agree, and the answer to that is--

I just love how insightful you are, Brian.

No one chairs a committee quite like you do, Bri-Bri.

You should have seen him propose

an amendment to the municipal tax code.

He was on fire!


You know, my father warned me about this.

Local politics drives the ladies wild.


My eyes are here.


And so is my heart.






Uh... weird.

This isn't...

High school?


You know these two?

Don't just stand there.

Glimmer these rubes.



My model!!

What just happened here?

How did the ceiling fall in?

What are you doing after work?

Let's take a break and get some fresh air.

Mr. Quince, I still want to hear more about your project.

I'm very interested.

Me too.

Almost as interested as I am

in what kind of cologne you're wearing.

If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to run to the restroom.



We haven't stopped anything at all!

What do we do now?

Don't worry.

I got this.

Wi-cha, wi-cha, wi-cha.



She's alone.

She's usually alone.

People are afraid of her.

You're funny.

Okay, now go over there and say something funny.

I dunno, Tristan.

Every time I try and talk to her, I say something dumb.

Earlier I said, "see ya later, cheese grater."


It'll be fine.

Mind if we sit here?

Of course not!

Mi table es su table.

So, Hailey.

I see you went with the chicken fingers, eh?

Aren't chicken fingers weird?

Because, like..

I mean, chickens don't have fingers.

Or lips.

Which is why you could never

teach a chicken how to play the saxophone.


He's so right!

He is so right!

I mean, check out Mr. Wry Observations over here!

And I see you've got a head start on those fries.

Lemme see if I can "ketchup" to you.



Can you even believe we are hanging out with this guy?

No, actually.

He takes the mundane and just turns it into the extraordinary.

Did you bump your head in gym today?


This guys is like the coolest, funniest guy at this school.

He is?

I am?

Uh...yeah, I am so cool!

I'm cool as a Cucumis sativus.

That means cucumber.

Cool as a cucumber.


All the guys on the team think so.

And gymnasts are a notoriously tough audience.

This guy....

Defininte prom king material.

Prom King?


Yeah, it's all we talk about in the locker room.

Devon, we should talk.


(video game noises)

Give it backsies,

give it backsies!

I'm doing this for your own good!

I was in your place once.

It's a dark place.

You need to find a balance.

I have balance.


Whoa, whoa!


Gimme it!


Since you started playing this game, you've bitten me,

pulled my hair, and threatened to let the giant eat me.

Edgar would never eat you.

He hates British cuisine.

Hand it over!




Out of service.

They found an alligator in the toilet.


I know what you're up to, Devon.

I'm not up to anything.


You're using Tristan to get close to me.


Pfft, no.

Devon, I invented the game you're playing.

I'm using you to get close to Tristan.

This whole school is a chessboard, and you're a pawn.

Who backed right into it.

Actually, pawns can't move backwards.

Only forwards.

And diagonally when capturing--

You're done.

We're just getting in each other's way.

But this whole experience has made me see you

in another light.

Don't get me wrong, you'll never be my boyfriend.

No offense.

Some taken.

There might be room in my circle for someone like you.

Here's your A to Z Hailey Grimm Primer.

Study up.

And pay special attention to the chapters about ballet.

It's where I really found my voice.

I have to read this to be your friend?

No, silly.

You have to memorize it.

You will be quized.

Study up.


So how'd it go?

She put me in the friend zone.

That stinks, I'm sorry.

No, it's a relief.

I realized she's not the girl for me.

She's a little too much of...


Very true.

Man, I feel for the next guy she gets in her sights.

Oh, that reminds me.

You're back in her sights.


Peter: Could someone help please?

Hey, the door!

Uhhh, can we help you?

Did you get separated from your field trip?

We're not here about a field.

We're here to talk about the woods.

We're starting a very important meeting about the reasearch--

The proposed research center in Evermore Woods.

You can't do this.

We're really busy, kids...

You have to listen.

The relationship between nature and Others...


Just say "people."


Has changed over the years.

As technology has progressed, we've forgotten

about the importance of nature in our lives.

But that doesn't mean we still don't need it.

Did you just climb up on something?

I'm sorry.

This is just a very emotional topic for me,

and when I get emotional I--

She stands on her tippie toes.

The door, the door!

I'm late!

You could say it's just a bunch of trees.

But generations of people have enjoyed them,

and generations more will continue to do so

if you make the right decision.

I shouldn't let my personal feelings influence me, but...

I built my first tree fort in those woods.

You're going to make a wonderful father, Brian!

Marry me!

You're very eloquent, and you've given us a lot to think about.

Thank you.

What is going on here?!





What in the--

Well... gotta go.

Thank you for listening,

and I hope you three can still work together after today.

What just happened?

You're late, Mr. Quince.

The bathroom door was locked--

I'm sorry, we need to move on.

We have to go watch our telenovelas in the break room.

But I didn't finish my presentation.

I think you've made your case.

We'll get back to you tomorrow.

But it's looking good, right?

Well, we may have some misgivings.


Don't make him say it again!

Actually, Brian, you can say it again.

I just love the sound of your voice.

We'll have an answer for you tomorrow.

Thank you, Mr. Quince.



Well, we broke into a government building,

destroyed a conference room,

and totally ruined a major public works project.

Getting involved in the community is fun!

Let's not pat ourselves on the back just yet.


If you want something done right,

you should do it yourself.

We still don't know if the project's been cancelled.

I have a good feeling about it.

You know this is the first day on my Otherwalk

that I haven't thought of Tristan once?

Yeah, and I only thought about food like six times,

not counting when I was actually eating food.

What's happening to us?

You've found a higher purpose, Astral.

Some things are more important than crushes.

Or food.

Look Morgan.

I know emotions are running high today,

but let's not lose our minds here.

Boy, am I glad to see you guys.

Both: How was your day?

Both: Crazy.



It was like a colorful little world in my hands

and all I wanted to do was win!

Score points, level up...

smash fruit!

But it changed me, Winston.

I'm glad you finally stopped playing.

Well, thanks for weaning me off that horrible game.

You're welcome.

Maybe you could show me one of your games?

Yeah, sure!

We have lots of games here!

Here, you wanna play walnut shells?


That's it?

That's all there is to the game?


You wanna try?

Okay, I'll give it a go.

Well, could I have it back?



When I first started my Otherwalk...

There's nowhere I would have rather been but here.

But when I found out Mr. Quince's plans for the woods,

all I wanted to do was be with my mom and dad.

It would have been easy for me to go back home to Athenia

and let my parents handle it.

But sometimes you have to do what is right

instead of what is easy.

And even though you might get into some tight spots.

Hopefully you have friends there to help you through.

Our Astral showed real bravery today.

She has proven herself to be a leader.

With respect,

your majesty's affection for Astral is blinding you.

She remains too young and too flighty

to face this grave threat to our realm.

Your opinion is duly noted, Versitude.


My apologies, your majesty, if I have overstepped my bounds.

I only want what's best for Athenia.


Versitude is rarely wrong...

I believe in Astral.

Why hide things from her?

She must discover things on her own.

Too much at once will overwhelm her.

You're right.

The truth about Peter's enough to send anyone into despair.