03x36 - Grandpa Retires

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x36 - Grandpa Retires

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt.

- With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

- Hey bud, come here!

We're going to grandpa's
and grandma's next week.

Spring vacation!

- Yeah? Hey mom, are we really?

- Well, i... I don't know yet.
- Well, let's go.

And m... Maybe grandpa
will take me rabbit hunting

Like he used to.

- Oh, no, he can't
go rabbit hunting,

He... He's not feeling well.

- Well, maybe that's
what he needs,

To get out and hunt a little.

I'll pack my r*fle anyway.

- Now, wait a minute.
I'm not sure we're going.

- I don't understand this part.

Why does your
mother want me to come

And help your dad sell his
business, so he can retire?

He knows more about
his business than I do.

- Well, read further.

She says that he's gotten so
nervous and... And crotchety

And... And confused that he can't
seem to handle things anymore.

I can't imagine emmet like that.

Besides, I don't see
how I could help.

- Well, you could give
mother some moral support

And, uh, well, you know
how much confidence she has

In your advice.

- I don't remember ever
giving them any advice,

Certainly not papa.

I remember him giving
me plenty of it though.

- Well, how about it, mommy?

Should I go up
and start packing?

- Uh... No, I think not.

Your father has
decided against going.

- Oh!
- Well, now wait,

I didn't say that?

- Well, if... If you feel

You shouldn't take time
off from your work...

- No, I can take the time.

And if there's anything I can
do to help them, I wanna do it.

- Oh, I know, but
it's a lot of trouble.

- Oh, it's no trouble at all.

Kathy, you better go
up and start packing.

Tell bud and betty, too.

- Okay, you bet!

♪ Over the river and
through the woods ♪

♪ To grandpa's house we go ♪

You know, you're a
wonderful father.

You're so nice to let mommy
maneuver you into doing things.

So nice.

♪ ♪

- I'm so glad you came!
- Oh, thanks!

- Oh, my goodness,
look at these two!

Kathy, have you got a
nice kiss for grandma?

- Where's grandpa?

- Oh, yes, how's he feeling?

- Oh, poor man.

- Is he yet up and around?

- Oh, yes, he's down at
that print shop every day.

That's where he is now,
trying to wind things up.

But he's... Well, he's confused.

Oh, I'll be so happy when
he gets away from there.

- Uh, here we are, martha,
with enough luggage

- For an african safari.
- Oh.


You and emmet will have
to move out to the barn

To make room for all of us.

- Oh, no, no, we can make room.

And, my goodness,
this is our boy.

Have you got a nice
kiss for grandma?

- Well, look, where's grandpa?

I wanna talk to him about
a little rabbit huntin'.

- Rabbit hunting?
- Bud, not now.

Where do you want
to put us, mother?

In the back bedroom?

- Yes, it's all ready for you.

You go right on in.

- All right, come on, girls.

- I want to talk
to jim for a minute.

- Go ahead.
- Oh, jim, I'm so glad you came.

You've got to help him, jim.

- Well, I'll do
everything I can.

- It's not gonna be easy.

- What seems to be
the main, uh, diff...

- It's not gonna be easy.

You see, he resents the idea
of your coming here to help him.

- He does?

- Oh, not you, personally.

He thinks the world
in all of you, jim.

- But he keeps saying, "I
can manage my own affairs.

I'm perfectly capable," he says.

- Well, I'm sure he is.

- You'll see.

These last two months, I
hardly know him at times.

Forty-one years he's been
running that print shop.

Forty-one years.

He's earned his
rest, don't you think?

- Oh, yes.

If anyone has, he
certainly has earned a rest.

- Here he comes now.

Now, we've got to
be very tactful, jim.

You've got to help him

Without letting him know
you're helping him hardly.

- Oh, with him, that's a pretty
rough assignment, but I'll try.

Well, there's a
vaguely familiar face.

Hello, emmet!

How are you, you
ol' printer's devil?

- Hello, jim.

Martha said you were coming.

- Family all with you?

- Oh, yeah, sure.

You know, I can't get
away from that tribe.

- Are you tired, emmet?

- It's a shame martha
had to drag you

All the way down
here unnecessarily.

- Oh, nobody dragged us.

We've been intending to
make this trip for a long time.

- Hey, emmet, can I get you
something to make you feel good?

A nice hot cup of tea?

- I don't want a
nice hot cup of tea.

Margaret all right?

- Oh, yes, yes, fine.

- Well, I'll go in.

I'll let you men talk.

Ah, emmet, you ought to see
where the young ones have grown,

Regular young ladies now.

And bud, he's grown at least...

Well, I'll go in.

I knew you men wanna talk.

How's margaret?

Is she all right?

- Yes, she's fine.

Well, how are things
going with you?

You're getting your business
pretty well wound up?

- Oh, I don't need
any help with that.

- No, I'm sure you don't.

- I don't know where
some people got the idea

That I'm a confused
old cocker spaniel.

- Martha just doesn't understand

That you don't
turnover a business

That you've run for 41 years
to a new man in 15, 20 minutes.

- No, you don't.

- And this young fellow
that's buying the shop,

This verle wisman, I don't know.

He just doesn't
seem to catch on.

- Well, maybe it
just seems that way,

Because you're, uh, sick
and tired of the whole thing.

- Oh, I'm tired all right.

Can't sleep nights,
stomach's all sh0t.

- Have you been to a doctor?

Oh, what can they do?

Give you a few pills, keep
you going a little longer.

- No, jim, a man just wears out,

Like an old linotype machine.

Got one down there
now, ought to be replaced.

Just like I ought
to be replaced.

Oh, emmet,

I think you have the wrong
slant on the whole thing.

You talk as if this is the
end. This is just the beginning.

Now you're really gonna
begin to enjoy yourself.

I understand you're
gonna buy a trailer.

- Yeah, I guess so.

Here is the trailer
I've been looking at.

- Oh, yes. Yes, that's good.


- Now, I'll tell you, when
you get this out on the road,

You'll begin to
feel like a new man.

You'll really begin to live.

- Yes, sir, new man.

Of course, you
don't really believe

All that claptrap, do you?

Come on, we better go.

- Gosh, I wish we hadn't
have come on this trip.

- Oh, kathy, that's
not a nice thing to say.

- Well, gee, grandpa
isn't any fun anymore.

He's so cranky.

- Well, he's old.

- Oh, he's not so old.

He'll be all right once he gets
away form that shop for good.

He just needs a rest.

- Well, he needs something.
Boy, he sure has changed.

You know, I mentioned
going rabbit hunting with him.

I might as well have suggested
going over niagara falls

In a laundry basket.

- Good suggestion.

- Well, bud, I told you
not to bring that up.

- Yay! Get those cold
feet away from me.

- Oh, turn blue.

- That's exactly what
you're making me do.

- All right, calm down now.

And everybody get
some good sleep.

And tomorrow we'll, uh,
we'll all have, uh, a lot of fun.

- No, we won't.
- Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Kids all in bed?
- Uh-hmm.

- What do you think about dad?

- Oh, he certainly is a case.

He has poor martha not knowing
whether she's coming or going.

- Oh, I sure wish someone could
talk him into going to a doctor.

- Well, I don't think anyone is
gonna talk him into anything.

- Are you going down the
shop with him in the morning?

- If he'll let me.

I have a hunch if I do
go, you'll throw me out.

- Well, go anyway.

And get him out of that
shop as fast as you can.

You've got to
before it's too late.

- Nonsense for you to
pile out of bed this early

And coming down here.

You're on vacation.

- Oh, I always get up early.

Besides, you wouldn't
wanna leave me

Trapped in that house
full of women, would you?


- Well, you, uh, tell martha
that I won't be home for lunch.

- All right.
- And, uh...

Thanks for walking down with me.


How near are you to closing the
deal and turning the place over?

- Well, it's hard to say.

Sooner the better as
far as I am concerned.


I don't know.

- I, uh, don't suppose there's
anything I could do to help.


- Where's the man
who's gonna take over?

- Oh, he'll be along.
He's no early bird.

I doubt if a man can
make a go of this business,

Slipping in here in
the middle of the day.

- Middle of the day? It's
not even 8 o'clock yet.

- Good morning, mr. Merrick.

- Morning?

Uh, how do you do? I...

- Verle, this is my son-in-law,
jim anderson, verle wisman.

- Verle, I'm very
glad to know you.

- I'm glad to know
you, mr. Anderson.

I have heard a lot about
you from mr. Merrick.

- Well, I deny every word of it.

Here, verle, you
better sit here,

So you fellas can get to work.

- No, no, sit down.
That's all right.

Mr. Merrick, uh,

There are one or two
things I'd like to get settled.

- Yeah, all right, all right.

Now, verle, we better
go over these ledgers,

So you'll understand
the bookkeeping system.

- We've been over
those, sir, several times.

I understand that.

What I'd like to know is...

- A man has to have a
fundamental knowledge

Of the bookkeeping
system of a business

- That he intends to run.

- Yes, sir, but...

- For 41 years, the merrick
printing and engraving company

Has held a reputation for
high standards and integrity.

- Yes, sir.
- Never failing

To turn out a job on time.

Never failing to meet
every deadline in crisis or in...

Yes, ed, what is it?

- That old linotype
machine again, mr. Merrick.

She's all sh0t.

- All shot, eh.

- Oh, hello, mr. Anderson.
- Hello, ed.

- How's the other
machine holding up?

- She's okay.

We got a heavy load
coming up tomorrow

With that farm bulletin and all.

- You could send some of
that linotype worked out.

- No! We do our own work here.

The trouble with this
business, nowadays,

Is that everybody is
a sl*ve to a machine.

You fellas have to have
to set all the type by hand

Like I used to.

Uh, all right, all right,
uh, I'll have a look at it.

The trouble is it takes two days

To get a man out here
to repair that monster.


You run over those books.

Get the hang of 'em, boy.

- Frustrating, isn't it?

- Huh? Oh, yeah, sorta.

All we ever seem to
do is go over the books.

Why, I don't know. That...
That stuff's no problem.

I don't wanna be a bookkeeper.
I wanna run a printing business.

I wanna know how he operates

That... That composing
room and the engraving.

We've taken three
weeks to go over things

Which we could have
settled in a few hours.

But he... He is so confused!

He treats me like
some sort of a kid

He's hiring as an office boy

Instead of a fellow
who's buying his business.

I tell you, I've had it!

- Oh, now, don't
say that, verle.

- I've worked hard to save
money to buy a business,

And this is what I want,
but I don't want it this bad.

- Well, now, verle, you
mustn't pull out now.

Things will work out
fine after he's left.

And you don't know how much
he and his wife, in fact all of us,

Are depending on
you to take over here.

Uh, wait just a little longer.

- I can't wait any longer.

- Oh, just a few days.

- Well...

All right, but that's all.

Nothing concrete develops
in the next couple of days,

That's it.

- All right now, verle,
let's run over these books.

Get on the fundamentals.

♪ ♪

- How did it go today, jim?

- Oh, uh, fine. Okay.

- Good. I knew you'd
take care of things.

How soon you think
we can start our trip?

I've always wanted
to go to the coast.

- Don't worry, you will.

- Yes.

If emmet's well
enough to travel.

- Why don't you
insist he see a doctor?

- With emmet, you don't insist.

That just brings
out the mule in him.

What exactly is his trouble?

- Oh, just everything.

Mostly his stomach.

And then, of course, he
worries about the shop.

But the worst of it is,

The illness hit him
in such a bad time,

Right after we started
planning his retirement.

♪ ♪

- Grandpa, what are
you doing up so early?

- Eh? Oh, good morning.

Good morning, betty. I
thought it was jim coming in.

- Why do you get up in
the middle of the night

When you don't have to?

Don't you have any sense?

- A man never gets any sense,

At least not
until it's too late.

- Let me get some
more coffee, huh?

- No, I can't drink
coffee anymore.

Upsets my stomach.

I have to drink
that fooled cocoa.

- Oh, good morning, betty.
- Oh, hi.

- Has grandpa
eluded me? Is he gone?

- Oh, not yet, but I think
he went to get his coat.

- Oh.
- Can I fix you some breakfast?

- I'll just have some coffee,

I don't have time
for anything else.

You know...

I feel like a scotland yard
man trying to solve a crime.

Only solving grandpa
is even harder.

- Father, can I go down to
the shop with you today?

- Well, what for?

There's nothing for
you to do down there.

- Well, there's even
less for me to do here.

Bud and kathy have found
some kids to play with,

But all I do is sit around
listening to mother and grandma

Talk about relatives.

- Well, you can come
down if you want to.

I think you'll find
it pretty dull.


Yes, I think he's still here.

Who's this? Verle?

Yeah, I thought I
recognized your voice.

What's up?

Oh, well, good.

Yeah, maybe that'll
bring things to a head.

Yeah, just a minute.
I'll see if I can catch him.

- Who called?
- Oh, it's, uh, verle.

He said the, uh, escrow
man called and asked

If you could stop by his
office and sign some papers.

- Uh, papers?

- Yes, to, uh, wind up
the sale of the shop.

- Oh.

- Might be a good
idea to get that done,

Get you out in that trailer.

- No, jim, i... I don't
think I can make it today.

I... I'm not up to it.

I'm... I'm sick.

I... I have to go back to bed.

- Well, should we, uh, have
the papers sent out here,

So you can sign them?

- No, i... I... I'm not able.

It's... It's my stomach. Oh.

- Shall I get a doctor?

- No, I'm too sick
to see a doctor.

- Verle...

Uh, he's too sick to do it.

No, no, no, this
is on the level.

Now, wait a minute, verle.

Uh, I'm coming down
right away, and, uh...

We'll see what
we can figure out.


Okay, verle.

You know, I think I'm beginning
to get an angle on this.

- Angle on what?

I don't know yet.

Come on. If you're coming
with me, you better get dressed.

- Oh, no, mr. Anderson,

You're not gonna start giving
me that book routine, are you?

No, no, no.

I was just curious as
to what kind of business

The place has been doing lately.

- Oh, well, I can tell
you, it's falling off.

That doesn't worry me at all.

I expect to build it
right back up again.

Sales is one thing I understand.

- According to this, he
hasn't been very busy.

Verle, you say sales
is your long suit,

But you've had no experience
in the printing business,

Is that right?

- Um, yes, but that I can... I can
learn if I ever get the chance.

- Uh, excuse me a
minute, will you, verle?

I, uh... I'd like go
out and talk to ed.

- But, mr. Anderson, I thought
we were gonna have a...

♪ ♪

- You seem pretty
upset, mr. Wisman.

- Yeah, well, when a fellow
sets his goal and then...

Oh, but you're not
interested in that.

- Well, try me.

After listening to nothing
but relative talk at the house,

Anything sounds interesting.

- Well, the way I figure, if...
If a guy is gonna get ahead,

He... He's gotta own
his own business.

Of course, at first, you're
broke, but later on, you're set.

So I could go on
working for somebody,

And pearl and i...

Oh, she's my girl...
We could get married.

But that'd mean,
I'm... I'd be stuck,

Trapped forever.

- Yes, but sometimes a
girl gets tired of waiting.

Maybe she'd rather marry you
now and struggle along with you.

- Yeah?

You women all sound alike.

- Okay, now, verle,

I think the first thing
we ought to get settled

Or at least look into,
uh, is the matter of...

- Excuse me, mr. Anderson.

- Yes, what is it, ed?

- It's the other linotype
machine, mr. Anderson,

The good one.

It's gone out, too.

- It has? Well, is that bad?

I mean, is there some stuff
you have to get out right away?

- Well, that's the trouble.

We're only halfway
through the farm bulletin,

And then that has
to go out on time.

- Hmm.


Well, with mr. Merrick
homesick in bed,

I guess this is in
your lap, verle.

What do you think
ought to be done?

- Don't ask me.

I don't know anything
about that part of it.

- Well, you've got
to do something.

Uh, what's the recourse,
ed? Set the stuff by hand?

- Who around here can do that?

- Well, what then?

- We can send the
linotype work out.

I'll call the commerce
printing company.

- Uh, mr. Wisman...

I wouldn't do that...

Not without checking
mr. Merrick first.

- He's not here.
He's home sick in bed.

- I'd call him, though.

He's never sent
any work out yet.

He takes a lot of pride in that.

- Yeah, but...
- Ed could be right.

Uh, mr. Merrick's
long-cherished record

Is at stake.

He might not forgive
you if you don't call him.

But, of course,
it's your decision.



Never should have gotten
mixed up in this in the first place.

- What can grandpa do?

I doubt if he can
even get out of bed.

- Mrs. Merrick?

Oh, this is verle.

Yes, yes, I know
mr. Merrick's ill, but...

Well, I have to talk
to him right away.

Well, i... I... It's
an emergency.

- Can't you postpone
the emergency?

Oh, well, just a minute.

Oh, I don't know what to do.

Emmet gave orders
that if verle called,

He could not talk to him.

- Well, stick to it.

- But he says this
is an emergency.

Tell him we have
an emergency, too.

Father's in no condition
to come to the phone.

Well, verle, he's
just in no con...

He's in no condition
to come to the...


- Jim's on now.
- Jim?

- Yes, jim?


Oh, well, all right, jim,
if you say so, I'll tell him.


- Mother, you're not gonna
make him come to the phone.

- Well, jim says I'd better.


- Jim, what are you
trying to do to father?

Well, that may be, but...

No, I know it's not your fault,

But it seems to me you
could figure some way

To spare him his grief.

Well, you know
the shape he's in,

And... And how these
things upset him.

- No, emmet, wait! At
least put on your slippers.


- Here, here, I'll take it.

Hello. Hello, jim.

Now, what's this all about?

Uh-oh. The other
one went out too, eh?

Yeah, I see.

No! We're not
sending any work out,

Not while I'm still
the head of this firm.

- Emmet, your slippers.

- What have I got in mind?
Well, what do you suppose?

I'm coming down and
do the job myself.

I'll set it up by hand.

- Emmet, you... You
can't go down there.

You're forgetting your stomach.

- No, I'm taking it with me.


- Martha, this will probably
be a late-night session.

Make me a big jug of
coffee, hot and strong.


You know how coffee
upsets your stomach!

- That's the most ridiculous
thing I ever heard of!


- So the other old betsy
broke down too, eh?

Oh, I never figured it
will happen this soon.

But in this business, you've got
to be ready for any emergency.

A good printer is always rea...

Oh, here it is.

Well, I thought I'd put
this baby away for good,

But it looks like it's
got one more day in it.

Oh, uh, verle, you
call the farm bureau,

And tell 'em that the bulletin

Will be a little
later than usual.

But it'll still
make the deadline.

And, uh, when you've done that,

You come in the composing room,

And I'll show you how we
used to set type in the old days.

How's my little bettina?

- Bettina. That's what
he used to call me.

I didn't think he remembered.

- Is that the same fella?
- No, I don't think it is.

- Well, how did he
get well so fast?

Some new miracle drug?

- No, no miracle, just an
old-fashioned remedy, work.

- All right.

Maybe this work has
revived him for the moment,

But what will it
do to him later?

It was the work that put
him in the condition he's in.

- No, it was the lack of it.

He began to feel useless, so
then he talked about retiring.

And if you remember, martha
said that's when his illness started.

Verle, you can see now why
he's been stalling around.

And when you called this morning

About signing those
escrow papers...

That's what put him in bed.

He just couldn't
sign those papers.

It... It was too final.

- I realize all that now.

You know, he's the kind of
man who never should retire.

Certainly not.

You know, we all
make the mistake

Of thinking a man is
going to find happiness

When he finally stops working.

But the happiness
is in the work,

In doing the job a
man has put here to do,

In being useful and needed.

- Well, yes, but...
All their plans

And... And the trips mother
was looking forward to.

- Well, they can
still make trips.

And she'll enjoy them a lot more

Because she'll be traveling
with a man and not a shell.

- You know, you're
absolutely right.

Of course, this will let me out,

But it's better that I
find out now than later.

- Oh, wait, don't
go. He needs you.

- Me? What for?

- To build the business back up.

The busier you can
keep him, the better.

And it'll be good for you.

- Yeah?
- Go to work for him.

You couldn't learn the
business from a better man.

And eventually
you'll take over...

When the right time comes.

- Sure. And this way, you
could get married right away.

- You're bound to get me
in the harness, aren't you?

- Hey, I forgot to ask you.

How long you folks
gonna be in town?

- Well, I don't know, emmet.

- Ah. Well, don't
leave before sunday.

I wanna try to talk bud

Into a little rabbit
hunting on saturday.

Verle, I thought
you were coming in

And learn something.

Bettina, you come along too,

And I'll... I'll show
you how this is done.

- You know, it
seems a little odd

That that linotype machine
broke down just when it did.

Did, uh, you by any chance,
uh, do anything to it?

- Me?

Well, honey, how could you
accuse me of such a thing?

I never laid a
finger... Oh, ed, wait.

Tell mrs. Anderson,

Did I so much as touch
that linotype machine?

- Oh, no.

No, ma'am.

It wasn't him who...

I mean, he didn't touch it.

- Oh, I see.

All right, then.

Who did... Touch it?

- Well, I'm not at
liberty to say, ma'am.

But I'll tell you one thing,

That ed is a very understanding
and cooperative man.


♪ ♪
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