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06x03 - Florida's Homecoming: The Wedding

Posted: 09/11/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Anytime you meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times ♪
♪ Anytime you need a friend ♪

♪ Good times ♪ ♪ Anytime
you're out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit rip-offs ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' and survivin' ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' in a chow line ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪

Mama, come on. Hurry up with
my pants so I can get dressed.

Michael, when you
rented this tuxedo,

didn't you notice that one
leg was longer than the other?

Well, Ma, the tailor was a really good
salesman. He told me the floor was slanted.

Ma, you know, I was really nervous.
I've never rented a tuxedo before.

Well, I'm nervous now.

I've never had a daughter married
before, and I've got to get dressed myself.

Flo, I gotta talk...
Ooh, Gramps.

[Chuckling] You
mean to tell me...

you're embarrassed in
front of your Aunt Willona?

Hmm? If I had a dollar for
every time I talcumed your tush...

And what a cute tushy
it was. Here, Michael.

It's finished.

Whoops! Oh, boy. Go on.

Flo, I gotta talk to you.
Can't it wait till later, Willona?

I've got to get dressed now.
No, Flo, it's gotta be now.

I cannot walk down the aisle this
afternoon with Thelma as a maid of honor.

What? Yeah, I've been
thinking about it all night long.

People are gonna be expecting a friend of
the bride to come walking down the aisle.

You know, someone
around her own age.

Is that what you're
worried about?

Girl, you won't look more than
a few years older than the bride.

How few?

Ten. Four?

- Eight.
- Six?

Hold on, girl. You're
gonna pass me.

Now, Willona, you know you can't
disappoint Thelma and the rest of us.

You're right. I can't let
her down. Of course not.

So what if I look almost
30 to some people?


Bookman. How nice you look.


Thank you. You know, this is the
tuxedo that Violet and I got married in.

Looks like you could've held
your reception in there too.

It fits pretty good.
It was a little snug.

But last night, Violet
let the pants out.

It only took her three hours.

Oh, here's a
present for the bride.

Oh, how nice.
Thank you, Bookman.

You're welcome. Well,
see you at the church.

- Oh, by the way,
where will I sit?
- Where will you sit?

[Chuckling] The first two rows.

And, Booger, please try
not to lap over into the aisle.

[Mouths Words]
Slip over, hang over.

Now I know I'd
better get dressed.

Hey, Ma, you know the new
eyelashes I bought? I can only find one!

I think I know why.

Why? You got them
both on one eye.

Oh, my goodness! I
didn't know! Ooh-hoo, boy!

I've never seen
anybody so nervous.

[Clears Throat]

Well, if Ginger
Rogers were here,

she would swear
I was Fred Astaire.

Well? You look
more like Mr. Peanut.


Oh, Ma, I just wanna
look good for the wedding.

Well, you should look elegant.
You're paying for the wedding.

But, son, I think the
hat is a little too much.

It sort of makes you look
like an out-of-work magician.

In that case, I won't
show y'all the cape.

Now I know I'd better
get dressed. [Knocking]

Oh, not again. I'll get it, Flo.
Go on and start gettin' dressed.


Flo, get the pail and the
mop. It's Weeping Wanda.

Oh, Flo. Wanda, what is it?

When I saw them
deliver the flowers here...

Yes, they're for Thelma.

Oh, Flo. You're so brave.

How old was she
when she passed on?

Wanda, you think Thelma's dead?

[Screams] Don't say
that horrible word!

Oh, Wanda, get
a hold of yourself.

Thelma is getting married.

Married? Yes.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Well, thank you. [Sobbing]

Well, either way, it's a puddle.

It's all so confusing.

Yes, yes, yes, Wanda.

I understand, sweetheart.

Ma, this is my getaway dress.
Can you let it down a little bit for me?

All right, all right. You're wearing
that dress on the honeymoon?

Of course. Well, knowing Keith,
you won't need a getaway dress.

You'll need a breakaway dress.


Ma, this is the last time.

Let me handle J.J.

Oh, yeah? Handle this.

Thelma, you may be my sister
and you may be gettin' wed.

But that don't change the
fact: You still a coconut head.

You know, J.J., you remind
me of a writing utensil.

If you stand on your head,
you'd look like a pencil.

Thelma, even though you look
better than I've ever seen you,

if the school for ugly gave
out a crown, they'd queen you.

I gotta get in on this
one. Get him, Michael.

J.J., Brother, last night on
TV, I thought I saw your face.

But the scientist said it was a
black, ugly creature from outer space.

[Clearing Throat]

Michael, you may be smart
when it comes to books.

But lookin' at your face, I
wouldn't comment on looks.

All right, children.
Hold on, Ma.

I'm not through yet.

Thelma, you're
a pain and a pest,

and even though
you're leaving the nest...


Even though you're
leaving the nest,

Thelma, I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too,
Thelma. [Thelma] Michael.

Miss you too, Michael.

Children, stop crying.

A wedding is supposed
to be a happy occasion.

You're all acting as
ridiculous as Wanda.

You're right. You're right, Ma.


Oh, Ma, take it easy.

Go over there and sit down
on the couch. You'll feel better.

Ma, come on now. I just...

I just couldn't
help thinking that...

after the wedding,
you'll be gone.

Michael will be
going away to college.

And I just told Bookman
we're giving up the apartment.

Hey, Mama, don't worry.
We gonna keep in touch.

Matter of fact, I'm gonna
write you all the time.

And I'm gonna write you,
Thelma, and you too, J.J.

I'll write you too, Michael.
And you too, Mom.

[Voices Overlapping]
I'll write you too, Thelma.

And I'll write Keith, and
I'll write all the whole team.

I'll write the whole NFL,
everyone in the league.

Yes, I will.

Hey, hold on. If we
do all this letter writing,

we're gonna bring the
post office to a standstill.

Michael, we can do
that with two postcards.

Anyway, look at it this way.

We are finally getting
out of the ghetto.

After all these years.

The Lord moves
in mysterious ways.

Yeah, so does James Brown.

J.J., hush! [Knocking]

Hey, J.J., my man, that
was rude, brother. Rude.

You mean to tell me that
you ain't gonna invite...

Sweet Daddy inside
for the prenuptials?

Hey, look, Sweets, it's bad luck for
you to see the bride before the wedding.

Well, look, Sweet
Daddy ain't marryin' her.

But I'm the one lent you the
money to pay for her weddin'.

It's also bad luck for me to
see you before the wedding.

J.J., can I talk to you for a
second? Come on over here, boy.

Now look. When you
borrowed the money,

you neglected to tell Sweet
Daddy that you had lost your job.

Mm-hmm. Now, when
Sweet Daddy finds out...

that one of his clients ain't telling him
like it T-I is, he gets very, very hostile.

Right, boys?

I hope they just testin'
melons for ripeness.

No, J.J., heads. A-whoop-whoop!

Now look, you owe
Sweet Daddy, baby,

and he expects to be paid,
because money... have mercy...

Is the root of all goodness.

Trust me, Sweet Daddy.
I'll pay you back somehow.

I know you will,
'cause you're lucky.

See, Tight-lip Mary
ran it down to me...

that your sister is marrying
a big-time football player...

who is up for a
million-dollar contract.

So Sweet Daddy's gonna
use that sucker for collateral.

I'll pay you,
Sweets. I'll pay you.

I know it. Wait a minute now.

I got something nice here
for your pretty, little sister.

Tell her this is
from Sweet Daddy.

Oh, thanks, Sweets.
Hold on, brother.

Sweet Daddy didn't forget
you. Got something nice for you.


Sweets, what's this? Oh, that?

That's the jawbone of the last dude
who double-crossed Sweet Daddy.


Oh, Mr. Evans, may I
see you for a few minutes?

Certainly, Mr. Webster.
What can I do you for?

When you asked me
to cater this wedding,

you didn't tell me the
wedding list was so long.

Now I'm not going to
have enough caviar.

Well, can't we get
some Caviar Helper?

Very humorous, Mr. Evans.

Thank you so much.

Now, how much is a little
more caviar gonna cost me?



What's your motto,
"We shall overcharge"?

You certainly picked a strange
time to economize, Mr. Evans.


J.J., something wrong? Are
you having money problems?

Oh, no, Ma. Everything's
fine. Everything's fine.

Flowers all around,
everybody having a good time...

J.J., I'm your mother,
and I wanna know the truth.

Well, uh, Ma, I,
uh... I lost my job.

You lost your job? J.J.,
why didn't you tell me?

Thelma could have done
fine with a small wedding.

Aw, Ma, a small
wedding is fine for me and

Michael, but Thelma's
the only girl in the family.

She should have
something to remember.

I love you, Son. We'll
work it out somehow.

You just remember,
we're all in this together.

Mm-mmm! Thelma,
you look gorgeous.

Oh, it's you, Mom.

You looked so lovely, I
thought you were Thelma, baby.

Now, Keith, if you that blind,
you shouldn't be playing ball.

You should be a referee.

Ma, would you come help
me get dressed, please?

Ooh, Keith! Oh, my goodness!
Don't look! Don't look!

Oh, knock it off, Thelma.

Keith here has seen that old
bowling-ball head of yours. [Florida] J.J.!

Watch it, my man. That's
my nine-minutes-from-now

wife you're talking about there.

Just think, 20 years ago, I was
helping Thelma get dressed...

and wishing for this day.

Now it's finally here, and I'm
still helping Thelma get dressed.

J.J., my man, thanks for a
beautiful wedding. No problem.

You sure you don't want me to pitch
in for part of it? No, I can handle it.

I'm gonna be makin' lots of money
as soon as I sign this contract.

I know this must be costing
you an arm and a leg.

How'd you know? I mean,
uh, just a mere pittance.

A mere bag of shells.
Mere bag of shells.

If you need some money, I got it
for you. Keith, J.J., how's it going?

Freddie, man, where
you been? Huh?

The best man is supposed to
be by the groom's side all the time.

I knew he'd be late. You
got the ring? Relax, man.

I got the ring. I
got it right here.

I mean, right here.

Ah, here it is. Right here, man.

Oh, that's my heartbeat. Um...

He lost the ring. I put it where
I knew I wouldn't forget it.

All right. Ah!

Hello. Right.

Ma, you made sure I
had something borrowed,

something blue, something
new, but you forgot something old.

Oh, no, I didn't.

I've been waiting a
long time to give you this.

Oh, Mom. I'm gonna give it
right back after the wedding.

Oh, no, you won't.
It's yours for keeps.

Oh, Ma, this is something
you've always treasured.

That's why I'm
giving it to you, honey.

My mother gave it to me,
and she treasured it too.

Ma, I can't keep this.

Look, Thelma, there's still a few
minutes before you become Mrs. Anderson.

Now, as your mother, I'm
ordering you to keep that locket on,

or I'm gonna put
you across my knee.

Okay, Ma, I'll
never take it off.

Well, I better finish
gettin' dressed.


Are you ready for the cutest little
flower girl that ever threw a rose petal?

Oh, isn't she precious?

I don't wanna be no flower girl.

I wanna be a bride and
marry someone like Keith.

Aren't you kind of little to
be thinking about marriage?

That never stopped
Mickey Rooney.

Can I see Thelma?
Or is it bad luck?

No, honey, it's the groom who can't
see the bride before the wedding.

Then how does he know he's
honeymooning with the right girl?

Uh, well, he looks
at her driver's license.

And the monkey said,
"Let's go into the bar!"

Whoo-whee! Keith, you look bad!

And I do mean good. Thank you.

Would you gentlemen
mind posing for a picture

for my daughter?
Not at all. Not at all.

Of course, she wants me in it. Come
on, Penny. Come on in here. Let's do it.

J.J., you take the
picture. Will you, please?

Go on, J.J. Take the
shot. Thank you, darling.

Just one little snappy-poo.

All right. Everybody
say "mozzarella."

[All] Mozzarella. "Anchovy."

[All] Anchovy.
Look out. It's done.

Thank you. Willona, could I
borrow this camera for a little bit?

Why? I wanna take a snapshot
of the bride and groom...

and use it to paint an oil picture of them
as my own personal wedding present.

Good idea, J.J.


My, my, my, my, my. Lookee here.

I know I'm in a church,
but this is the first time...

I ever seen a walking
stained glass window.

Pardon me.

She's just jealous. It ain't my fault
she ain't pretty as Sweet Daddy.

What's happening, my man, J.J.?

Hi, Sweets.

All right, all right. Everybody,
the wedding is starting.

You may take your places.

♪♪ [Organ]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ On Earth together ♪

♪ It's you and I ♪

♪ God has made us ♪

♪ Fall in love ♪

♪ It's true ♪

♪ I've really found someone ♪

♪ Like you ♪

♪ Will it stay ♪

♪ The love you feel for me ♪

♪ Will it say ♪

♪ That you will be
here by my side ♪

♪ To see me through ♪

♪ Until my life ♪

♪ Is through ♪

♪ Well, in my mind ♪

♪ We can conquer the world ♪

♪ In love, you and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ I am glad ♪

♪ At least in my life
I've found someone ♪

♪ That may not be here forever ♪

♪ To see me through ♪

♪ But I found strength ♪

♪ In you ♪

♪ I only pray ♪

♪ That I have shown you ♪

♪ A brighter day ♪

♪ 'Cause that is all
that I am living for ♪

♪ You see ♪

♪ Don't worry what happens ♪

♪ To me ♪

♪ 'Cause in my mind ♪

♪ You will stay here always ♪

♪ In love, you and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ In my mind ♪

♪ We can conquer the world ♪

♪ In love, you and I ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ You and ♪

♪ I ♪♪


Dearly beloved, we are gathered
here to join in holy matrimony...

Keith Albert Anderson
and Thelma Ann Evans.

Now the bride and groom wish to
share with you their own personal vows.


I take this vow to
share with you...

that which God
shall let me share;

to give to you that which
God shall let me give;

to be one with
you, for I love you...

and ask only that this
love shall sustain itself...

for the rest of our lives.

I take this vow to love you
as I do now and will forever...

and pray there be no
bounds to this love...

so that it may grow
stronger and stronger...

in all the years that God
shall give us together.

Keith Anderson, do
you take Thelma Evans...

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I do.

Do you, Thelma Evans, take Keith Anderson
to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

The ring, please.

Would you place the
ring on the bride's finger?

Then by the power vested
in me in the state of Illinois,

I now pronounce
you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

♪♪ [Organ]

Aah! [Screams]

Keith! [All Gasping]

My leg! Wait a minute.

Don't nobody move
him. Don't move him.

[Groans] Oh, my God.
Somebody call an ambulance!

Is it that bad? It
looks pretty bad.

Oh, no!

J.J., my man, you in trouble.

♪ Keepin' your
head above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit rip-offs ♪
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em ♪

♪ Good times ♪♪