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02x07 - On and On

Posted: 09/11/22 06:16
by bunniefuu
Wake up, Carl.

Wake up! Carl? What happened? Carl! Easy.

Easy, now.

Take it easy.

- How long was I out? - About an hour.

Where's Piranha? Now, you just go slow, son.

Go slow.

Where is he, Dad? - I don't know.

I thought he's with you.

- What? You need to get that bass out of your voice.

You know you ain't grown.

Look, I don't have time to be polite.

This is a life or death situation.

Now, where is he? Well, he left about a half hour after you did.

Said something about chartering a jet at Teterboro and calling his mama.

He tried to call you, but you didn't pick up.

You had one job.

I serve the Lord.

God bestows on us free will.

Greatest gift he's given.

Now, your friend decided to use that when he walked out of that door.

What use are you, man? I did the best I could.

He wouldn't listen.

He was hardheaded.

- I have to go find him.

- You need to rest.

- I'm calling a doctor.

- No.

Takes a while to get your shot back, but you'll get there.

Captain, I'm done, all right? Just leave me be.

So, what're you gonna do? Audition for the New York Liberty? Yeah, maybe.

I need you back on the job, doing what you do.

I'm surprised.

I thought May May had you too wrapped around her finger to do anything about it.

Yeah, I stuck around in the observation room long enough.

Chang pulled me before you two started making out.

She's important to me.

But the law is the law, and I swear by it no matter what.

I am working a CI, off the books, at Harlem's Paradise.

Off the books? And you were all on my ass about freelancing.

It's delicate.

And I didn't want politics to derail this.

We do this right, Mariah is out of the game for good.

- Who's your snitch? - I can't tell you that, not yet.

- Captain.

- We are this close.

But I have one factor that I can't control.

Luke Cage.

You know, he's an ally.

Not a liability.

If Piranha Jones is so important to both the Jamaicans and Mariah's g*ons, he must know something.

I need Luke to hand him over safely, pronto.

I don't control Luke.

Luke's been spotted near a church, alone.

I could try to haul him in.

But we both know the handcuffs won't hold.

I'm sorry, Captain, but I can't.

Look, I'm done.

And I'm at peace with it.

You know where to find me.

Where is Piranha? Does Luke Cage still have him? Does Bushmaster? God damn it, it's not even about the money.

I have known Raymond since he was in grade school.

He is loyal.

We're searching everywhere.

Somebody has been running their g*dd*mn mouth.

I hate nothing more than a dirty-ass snitch.

I'm with Ridenhour, I should be talking about heads on pikes, crying my eyes out, being the victim.

He talking to me about Tone getting thrown off the roof and some shit that he's not even supposed to know about.

Relationships are the only thing that matter.

I put a premium on loyalty.

My grandmother thrived by it.

You know what else she taught me? Pressure reveals the truth.

When in doubt Hush.

I am loyal to my family.


Y'all got to decide whether you are still in my family.

Find Piranha.

Now! What are you waiting for?! Time is precious! I'm done talking, Hernan.

Then listen.

Fear doesn't always inspire.

It alienates.

Be better than Mama Mabel.

Be better than Cornell.

Otherwise, you're always gonna be looking over your shoulder.

Get our money.

Oh, I'm gonna get our money, baby.

Don't you worry.

I'm gonna bring Piranha home.

I'm gonna smack the shit out of some Rastas.

And then everything gonna be irie.

Hey, which way from here? I'm caught up in the pages of my mind And it's not so clear But it seems the hurt Is way too much this time 'Cause I see a vain look in your eyes You want me to tell her you're here? In a minute.

Now, tell me do you see the same? The same look in mine Hey, sandpaper kisses Paper cut bliss I don't know what this is But it all gonna lead to this You're gonna leave Her You have deceived Her She's just a girl You're gonna leave Her I found this in one of those old donation boxes.

It's a hoodie.

That's kinda, like, your thing, right? Yeah.

I got some back at the barbershop.

I think you should stay.

Nah, I think it's best if I keep it moving.

Boy, I am trying the best I can.

I worry.

I'm still your father.

Define "father.

" Boy, do not What? You think you can intimidate me? Just 'cause you're all swole? No, you're still the same angry little boy except you've got muscles.

And you still have the nerve to talk to me about truth and integrity.

You're a g*dd*mn hypocrite.

You will honor thy father in the house of the Lord.


Now you wanna talk to me about honor? Really? Boy, I don't care how bulletproof you are.

I will break my foot off in your ass.

I'd love to see you try.

Streets is calling.

I'm out.

They always calling.

You don't have to always answer.

There's the father I know.

You like water, my friend? Hmm? You swim? Water's nice, but I don't love it, though.

Your name, though.

It implies you like sea life.


I just dug the image, you know.

k*ller fish you don't see coming? I thought it was better to be a whale in your business, you know? I need information.


Everything that belongs to Mariah Stokes should be mine.

After you do what you do, it will be.

I can't do that, brother.

I mean, I can't.

I still have my professional integrity.

You can.

Whatever y'all got going against Mariah Dillard Mariah Stokes.

Mariah Stokes.


I ain't in it.

Okay? You can make this right.

Right as rain.

Hmm? Yeah.

You know Luke Cage is coming for me, right? I don't think so.

You can't k*ll Luke Cage.

Nobody can k*ll Luke Cage.

Type faster, man.

I will be happy when that woman is locked in a box.

- With bars or mahogany handles? - Doesn't matter which to me.

Yes, it does.

- I need Piranha.

- We all do.

He's key to everything.

Piranha gave up Mariah? Hook, line, and sinker.

Piranha has control of everything Mariah owns.

He's a walking, talking stash house.

He has access to all her money and her property? Everything.

She gave him power of attorney to close her shady stock deal.

Whoever gets those keys get the throne back.

And Bushmaster wants to be king.

- Where'd you last see Piranha? - The church.

A few hours ago.

- He's not there anymore.

- Hmm.

So he ditched your dad? Hey.

What? Another Lucas with pointed sermons about you? Come on, Ray Charles could have seen that coming.

Bushmaster may have Piranha.

If he dies, it's on me.

No, it's not.

Look, Piranha knew what he was doing.

He took the money.

He knew the risk.

Candace took the money, and she helped frame me.

But she also came around.

She deserved better than she got.

Just because people do the wrong thing doesn't mean they don't need our help.

- We're running out of time.

- Yeah, who you telling? Those cabs the Stylers were driving I caught a partial plate.

Traced it to a place in Brooklyn.

So why not call it in? You're off the reservation again, aren't you? Listen, we do this right, it won't matter.

You know I've got your back, right? But just so we're clear, when we're out there, what I say goes.

I'm not in the market for a, uh sidekick.

Who says you're not my sidekick? Me.

It's my show.

Remember, these dudes have Hammer weapons.

What, are you about to tell me to wait in the car? I didn't say all that.

What, you think I can't with this arm? - You got nothing to prove to me, okay? - But I have something to prove to me.

Hey, we got a few questions for you.

Come on, man, don't Wow.

You're making me rethink this whole sidekick thing.

Give me that.

Oh, no! You broke my nose! Ah! So, uh, where's Piranha? Something does not feel right.

You hear that? Shit.

Cornell used to do that almost every time he came in.

Are you done running? I never answered your call because I needed time.

- Mommy, I never asked for any of this.

- Do you think I did? That's just it.

You don't need any of this mess.

None of it.

Just get up, walk away.

I used to say the same thing to Cornell.

But he was right.

It's not that simple.

The Stokes family built greatness out of nothing.

Nobody pushes us off that.

But that is why you became a Dillard.

Daddy gave you the chance to escape that legacy.

You don't know all about your father.

I know I'm smart like him.

I have a feeling for healing people.

And not just with medicine, but by using the earth the way it was intended.

That's my daddy.

The Dillard name represented a choice.

It was a new start.

But don't think for a minute I didn't love my grandmother and the family.

Mama Mabel was hard.

She got me ready for this world.

Come here, let me show you something.


No way.

It's that much? Every sacrifice Mama Mabel and Cornell made was for me.

That someday, I would have something that I could pass on to you.

And you could pass on to yours.

It redeems all of this.

Redeems me.

- Jesus.

- Tell me about it.

Thought you were done.

You got in my head.

But I had to do things my way, on my own terms.

That worked out well.

Look, this has Bushmaster written all over it.

The flair for the dramatic.

But no real proof.

This doesn't help me.

Proof is an instinct.

He's going after Mariah.

I have no doubt about it.

So, with Piranha dead, you think Bushmaster got what he wanted? It sure as hell looks that way.

If your theory's right, Mariah will have lost the club and the money.


This gives me the perfect opportunity, and leverage, especially with what my CI has already given me.

"Leverage"? Wait.

Are you looking to cut a deal with Mariah? All I am looking to do is to stop the bloodshed and save some lives.

Your old prom date is a stone-cold m*rder*r.

She doesn't get a pass.

- Do not negotiate with her.

- I know what I'm doing.

No, you don't! This from a woman who was planting a b*llet to frame Cockroach yesterday, and who turned me down when I came to her today for help.

You're right.

I was afraid of becoming Scarfe.

But what's worse is becoming you.

Compromised and corrupt.

You don't have the seniority or the balls to ever question my commitment.

You know what? I don't have the seniority.

And I don't have balls.

But I can question your smarts as much as I damn well please, 'cause I'm not a cop anymore.

He wants to cut a deal with Mariah.

I thought at least he had a soul.

Hard to have a soul when you're dealing with somebody like Mariah.

Look, you lost Piranha.

I lost Candace.

You can't save them all.

Yeah? Says who? I appreciate the call, Misty, but you and Cage need to go.

It's protocol.

Bailey, dudes are getting m*rder*d by fish.

I think we are way past protocol at this point.

Both of y'all think the rules don't apply.

Poor Piranha was used as bait to lure a bigger fish.

Hope it was worth it, hero.

Nandi, you need to sit your ass down.

Why don't you go audition for The Voice or some shit 'cause this cop work isn't really working out for you.

Keep talking shit, and I'll be singing at your funeral.

- Bitch, please.

- Enough, okay? Enough.

We lost.

No one's way was better.

And no, Nandi, it wasn't worth it.

Piranha's mama's still here somewhere in Harlem.

Only family he's got left.

Family is a good thing.

It can be.

I'll, um catch you later.

In a fish t*nk? By the time we process the evidence that we found at the crime scene and from Piranha's home and office, I'm pretty sure we're gonna find evidence of insider trading when it comes to the Atreus Plastics merger.

So, fine.

The SEC spanks you.

It's your first offense.

With Ben Donovan as your lawyer, and you promise to return the money, that's Martha Stewart shit.

But when we dig deeper into how you got the millions to invest, that's when it gets fun.

If we have evidence to prove that you were part of a larger conspiracy, that's El Chapo shit.

But if you cut a deal with me, and say that you were coerced into running something by your late cousin and his henchman Hernan Alvarez, that you got in over your head, the public will stand behind you.

You walk, you connect Mr.

Alvarez with this whole Bushmaster thing, they'll both end up in custody, and you still have some salt left over in the political arena.

That's Marion Barry shit.

The decision's yours.

How do you want to live your life? On the run from Bushmaster? Or on the run from us? Bye, Tommy.

And I did mean it.

It was good to see you.

I still care about you, May.

I always will.

I don't want to see you hurt.

Even after what you've become.

Get out.

Don't go out like him.

Like Cornell.

Save yourself, Mariah.

And Tilda.

What do you know about what she needs, what my family needs? I know that you almost died when you gave birth to her.

- Shut up.

- Does she even know her real age? I said shut up.

- Does she know who her real daddy is? - Shut the hell up! We're done! Tommy.


Just let me think.

But if you really care about me, Tilda cannot know.

You have till the morning.

Oh! Madam Councilwoman.

He took it.

Bushmaster took it all! We're not safe.

We have to get out of here.

Get Tilda.

Go to the brownstone.

I've got money in the safe.

We'll take a jet.

- I'm on it.

- Go! Go! The g*n connect was yours to begin with.

Plus all that work you put in with Cottonmouth and Diamondback.

You the king, and she treating you like a jump-off.

She doesn't see me like that.

She's only loyal to family.

And you ain't family.

Piranha's not even the most important thing in front of us right now.

We gotta find that snitch.

That's easy.

It's Sugar.

Sugar? He left and he came back.

Sometimes, being a father changes people.

- How long you been eyeing him? - A while.

Look, I don't trust him, all right? He's one of those big, sensitive emo n*gg*s.

All right? He probably cries watching This Is Us.

I cry watching This Is Us.

I'll talk to him.

Or I could use a letter opener on that Mariah/Nino Brown shit.

Unless you want to handle it personally.


You got it.

I trust you.


Piranha's dead.

Mariah's bugging out.

I gotta secure the club.

- Look, I'll come with you.

- No.

You stay on Sugar.

We good? Absolutely.

What's wrong, Uncle? You're mad because I bought another suit? A Styler must style, you know? Yeah.

This hatred for the Stokes, it consumes you.


You have to let it go.

What would Gwen think? You remember how mad my mother would get when I would get my school clothes dirty? I hated wearing the ties.

And the shoes Ugh! But she insisted I look respectable.

She told me that being clean was an attitude that had nothing to do with money or your job.

Because she cooked and she cleaned, but she walked down the road like a queen.


It's how you carry yourself inside.


She would talk about my father, how proud he was.

And I'd come home, shirt ripped, knuckles bloodied, tie loose, one shoe, because I had to defend my name.

She never said a word.

But I knew I was in trouble.

I see that frown on her face, there would be no supper, but her eyes her eyes always smiled.

She couldn't hide her pride.

Because she knew that I was fighter, a warrior I'd always be free.

A McIver like my father.

Never a puppet or a sl*ve.

So I won't let go until we get everything that belong to us.

And nothing less.

You've got all the money you could ever need, respect from your people, while the cops are tearing the city apart, harassing hardworking Jamaicans.

And for what? What is it you really want? Mariah's soul.

For my mother's.

Life has taught me this.

You can't drown sorrow with tears.

If you want to erase sorrow, you must burn it.

My question is why don't you have more fury? More anger? Because you can't bring Gwen back.

Vengeance belong to the Lord.


Well, the Lord can have it back when I'm done with it.

It's time.

You used to do the same thing when you were little.

Just stare at me.

I saw about your friend on the news.

I'm sorry, son.

So am I.

I saw Mama today.

After Bushmaster pushed me off of that bridge and he paralyzed me with something everything went dark.

Then I just sort of I just let go.

I saw my life before my eyes.

I saw her.

Her hands.

You remember the last time you saw me at Seagate? When I told you I was innocent? - Daddy! I swear to God! - You leave God out of this! But she, sick as she was, she never gave up on me.

I haven't been to church in a long time.

I don't pray much, either.

But today, in that river, I think God was trying to tell me something.

What? The world may be my problem but it's not always my fault.

- He knows.

- All right, look - He knows! - Calm down.

He admitted to me that he saw Mariah k*ll Cottonmouth.

That's m*rder.

She goes away for life, right? Look, I told you I'd protect you.

And I meant it.

Just stay in it a little longer.

No, God damn it! I'm out.

Did somebody follow you here? Hold up.

Just hold on a second.

I got him, bro.

Sugar's old lady told me who he was snitching to.

I caught him first.

I'mma take care of Sugar next.

You don't have to do this.

Darius, I can cut you both a deal.

Your name is Hernan, right? He told me what you saw.


You testify against Mariah, I'll make sure you get the same deal.

Immunity, time served.

Darius? They probably got crime boards up and shit, man.

Like the movies.

You know how Sugar used to run his damn mouth.

You run my alias, you get a phone book.

Same as you.

We shot a cop.

How we gonna play this? No cameras.

That's good.

It's late.

There's no one around.

We can work with this.


This dirty-ass cop got to Sugar, and then he tried to flip you by threatening to send you back to jail.

- But you wouldn't play ball.

- Never.

Shit got heated, and he pulled his g*n.

You k*lled him.

It was self-defense.

Plain and simple.



You shot him first.

And then with his dying breath, he raised his g*n and He died first and you bled out later.

I was gonna get us both out.

Like he said.

I didn't want out.

It was gonna be different this time.

I know.

You remember that time? Coney Island? When we stole them hot dogs.

Almost got away with it, too.

Your mama beat your ass.

Why didn't you tell her it was my idea? You my n*gga.



Because I love you I was blinded by that shit.

I didn't see the snitch in you.

What the hell does that say about me? - What are you doing? - Get back from the window.

Okay, Mommy.

Slow down.

Not now, T.

Everybody in place? One out front, one out back, two circling the block.

- Where's Shades? - He's taking care of something.

- Sure you don't want me to stay? - No.

You get out of here.

It's not your side of things.

What the hell is that? Mom, you have the money.

What do you need a g*n for? A woman always needs a g*n.

The man leaves heads on pikes.

Do you really think he's gonna be swayed by this g*n? Your kid is right.

Your little g*n won't persuade me.

Hey! Hey, I should have recognized you for a Stokes when I saw you.

I almost feel sorry for you.

Were you in the w*r? Something like that.

A fighter.

And a lover? Depends on the cause.

And it depends on the person.

Who fights for you? Sweetheart, I can take care of myself.

You need to get that? No.

I'm not on the job anymore.

Bailey, the world better be on fire.

Hey! Where you going? I played this in my head over and over.

And somehow, this is sweeter.

You and me, son, we can't move forward if we can't forgive.

I don't think I can, Dad.

Two dishwashers.

One Jamaican, the other American.

Like brothers they built their empire together.

Bushmaster's Rum, Harlem's Paradise.

Until the Italian gangsters and the Irish cops and the politicians come for their company.

But my father didn't want to sell.

He's Jamaican.

We resist.

But Buggy Stokes, he caved when they told him that he could keep the bar and make a little profit off the rum if he got rid of my father.

So he k*lled my father.

You blamed me for Mama.

I was angry, son, when that cancer struck.

You did this.

Seeing you locked up in here is what's making her sick.

But not before my father shot him back in his belly.

It took Buggy Stokes five months to die.

My mother escaped to Kingston with me.

And it wasn't a problem.

We had our own life.

Until they found us.

I remember the bottle flying through the window.

- A Bushmaster bottle - It's not true.

filled with gas and a lit cloth inside.


When it landed, the flames went everywhere.

The fire moved so fast.

My mother put me outside the window and she told me, she yelled, "Run!" So I did.

I never saw her again.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

That's the last time that I saw her.

I hold that image so I won't forget.

I was wrong in blaming you for your mama's dying.

I'm so, so sorry, son.

I know.

But then I remember Willis.


And his mother.

I was innocent.

You were the guilty one.

Do you know what I was robbed of? All because of your lies? No, no! No, please! Please! You don't have to do this.


The door is open.

Let's see if you're a better daughter than I was a son.

You die, McIver! Die, McIver! You die, McIver! Oh! You die! Glad I caught you, B.

Mariah's brownstone's on fire, yo.

What? Smoke and everything.

I wonder if them Jamaican cats found her or some shit.

- Stay here.

- No, wait, Carl.


- I'll be back.

- Carl! Hey And they'll say it's a part of it So they buy and you sell your soul Well, my friend, the thought of it They'll sell your soul For a piece of gold While they and their companions slept Steady through the night Another baby mama wept, yeah For her baby's life Chase them Run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Run them politicians When I see them Hey And they'll say it's a part of it So they buy and you sell your soul Well, my friend, the thought of it They'll sell your soul For a piece of gold Can they and their companions slept Steady through the night Another baby mama wept Yeah, yeah, yeah For her baby's life Chase them Lord, them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Lord, politicians When I see them I get cold Chase Yo, I tell you run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Lord, them politicians When I see them Hey Tell ya this Yes, they'll say it's a part of it So they buy and you sell your soul Well, my friend, the thought of it They'll sell your soul For a piece of gold Can they and their companions slept Steady through the night Another baby mama wept Yeah, yeah, yeah For her baby's life Chase them Run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Run them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase them Lord, them politicians When I see them I get cold Chase Run, run, run Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Tell ya what Get them out, get them out Get them out, get them out, yeah Get them out, get them out Get them out, get them out, yeah Run them away Run them away Hey Run them away Luke.

You helped me.

I wanna hire you.