06x19 - Gone with the Wind: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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06x19 - Gone with the Wind: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Four healthy young women

With nothing to
do on spring break.

That's pretty sad.

Come on, kevin. You've got
to go someplace with me.

I've been cooped
up here for days.

I can't blair. I promised mrs.
Garrett I'd do this a week ago.

Please? I'll buy you lunch.

It's not that.

I'll buy you a car that
will take us to lunch.

Blair, it's 4:00.

I'll buy you a watch
that says 12:00.

Why don't you ask jo?

This is getting ugly.

Yes, blair, what
can I do for you?

Well, I thought
maybe you might...

Well, you know,
maybe you and i...

Absolutely no way.

God bless you.

Kinda bright in here, isn't it?

Tootie, are you gonna watch
tv your entire vacation?

Of course not.

I'm relaxing. I'm winding down.

You're vegetating. You've been
watching game shows for four days.

The questions are
getting harder.

My grandmother's a sweet
lady, but her timing is the pits.

What'd she do?

She just called and told
me she's going out of town,

So I should invite some friends
down to her condo for spring break.

Now she tells me.
Spring break is half over.

I wish she'd get a
push-button phone.

Where does your
grandmother live?

Fort lauderdale.

Guys, wait. We can still go.

It's only thursday.

School doesn't
start till monday.

Tootie, it's too late
to go down there now.

We can catch a ride
on my daddy's plane.

Look, the shop is closed,
mrs. Garrett is off with ted.

Kevin would be glad to
keep an eye on the place.

For a price.

Let's do it. We've got to do it.

My parents better let me do it.

I don't know if I can afford it.

What to afford? We've
got free ride, free rent,

Grandma throws in
oreos and cottage cheese.

What more do we need?

Kevin, you've been
there, haven't you?

Oh, yeah, I've done the
florida spring break scene.

It's just... Wall-to-wall,

Hyped up, crazy college
kids on the loose.

I'll die if we don't go.

We have to walk
on the wild side.

Think of it, girls.
Tans, men. Tan men!

That it, we're going.

We're going! I'll
get the suitcases!

I'll get the towels.
I'll warm up the plane.

I'll just finish
these chairs here.

Open the door. I'm trying.

Grandma has four
locks on this thing.

Hurry up, natalie. We're
spending our vacation in the lobby.

What, no alarm?

Your grandma has
four locks and no alarm?

She refuses to live in fear.

This is going to be great!

Hey, not bad.

Except for the
plastic furniture.

The furniture is not plastic.

It's covered in plastic.

Oh, I can see the flowers
but I can't touch them?

Ooh, what's this?

A very old egg wrapped in fur.

That's how I'm going to retire.

Be careful! It's a
precious antique

My grandma got as a little girl.

In fact, all these
knickknacks are precious.

Don't run around
picking them up.

No problem there.

I'm stuck to the seat.

The kitchen is great. It's
yellow. Isn't that great?

Have you been upstairs?

No, tootie, we want you to go.

Ok, ladies.

We need a master plan,
and I've got the literature.

Just point me toward the sun.

I'll take care of the rest.

All right, listen, guys.

Now, I've given this
a lot of thought,

And I have decided I'm really
going to cut loose this weekend.

Have fun, you know?

That's good, jo.

That'll fit right in

With this 1,000
mile trip we're on.

"The florida key,

Your entertainment guide
to the sunshine state."

Does it list the
men by colleges?

Oh, look at this, nightclubs.

The red claw.

Ooh, who's the
guy in the picture?

Tony, the owner, I guess.

Why is that couple in bathing
suits sitting in his booth?

I refuse to patronize
that hideous establishment.

I'll mark the page.

Do you really have
alligators around here?

Yeah, but they stick
to the pool area.


Hey, natalie. Ben!

Nat, you know this guy?


This is ben rutledge.

Ben, jo polniaczek,
blair warner,

And I guess you've
already met...

Tootie. Right.

Well, tootie, you seem to have
made good use of your time.

The upstairs is the best part.

We can see that.

She helped me replace
a window upstairs.

Oh? What were you
two doing up there?

None of your business.

Oh, this is great.

Perhaps I should explain.


Ben is a very good friend
of my grandmother's.

Ben seems to like all ages.

But not all types.

Sharks in those waters, ben.

Then exactly what is your type?

When I see it,
I'll let you know.

But do you know
what you're seeing?

I happen to come from
a very refined family.

I'm sorry. My father
makes a lot of money.

And what do you do?

I spend it.


What a grind.

It's a living. And
what do you do?

I'm kind of the
resident handyman.


Maybe you can tell us
where can we rent a car?

Oh, sure.

But you probably go
to college part-time.


There's a car
rental just a block

South of the condos.

So you just kind
of... Fix things.


Natalie, your
grandmother asked me

To keep an eye out for
you guys while she's away.

Now, I'm just next door.

If you need anything,
you just let me know.

We'll think of something.

It was nice meeting you all.

I like this state.

Blair seems to like it, too.

What? Him?

The man insulted me.

He was rude and sarcastic.

Yeah, I liked him right away.

Come on, you guys.

Let's pick a dive
and get over there

Before I reach the drinking age.

Hey, doll face.

Don't call me that
or I'll burn your hair.

She will, too.

Hey, wait a minute. Yes?

Weren't you in the movie fame?

Oh, wow!

I came here to get
away from all that!

This is absolutely
the last autograph!




Leon. One "l?"

This better be the last.

You have the telethon
after the video tomorrow.

I won't disappoint those kids.

She is show business.

Get over here. Sit down!

We could get in deep trouble.

I made those i.d.s
in ten minutes.

You were supposed
to keep a low profile.

We're here!

That's more like it.

I can't help it.
It's spring break.

We're in florida in a
sleazy joint lousy with men,

And I want to get to
know every one of them.

You know, I am so excited.

This'll be the first drink
I've ever really ordered.

Just don't order a
drink full of things

You can press in a book.

I'm trying to
attract a mature man.

All right, ladies. What's
to wet your whistle?

Could we see a menu, please?

Memorize this.

Beer in a bottle or beer on tap?

I'll have a beer on tap.

I'll have a white wine...
Without a head on it.

I'll take an orange juice.

We don't have orange juice.

We got tang.

This is florida, and you
don't have orange juice?

Bad crop.

One tang. Hold the pulp.

I'd like a whisky
sour, no rocks,

And put that in a shot glass.

Would you like a
cigar with that?

Tootie, what are you doing?

You're drinking
like hemingway here.

I'm not gonna drink it.

I just wanted to
hear myself order it.

Sounded great, didn't it?

I was impressed.

♪ There's one girl ♪

♪ On this earth ♪

♪ That I want ♪

♪ To be with tonight ♪

Jo, is that man in the
band smiling at you?

No, not at all.

♪ The feeling is waiting ♪

♪ And I know the
feeling is right ♪

So how come no guys
have picked us up yet?

Maybe I need more lip-gloss.

♪ All I want is you ♪

♪ All I need is you ♪

Jo, I think that
guy's singing to you.

♪ Be with me, stay with me now ♪

♪ I need you ♪

Jo, I think he needs you.

He does not. It's just a song.

♪ I'm taking you with me ♪

♪ There's no turning back ♪

♪ I want you ♪♪

He's perfect for her.

Look at him go.

That looks like fun.

Come on, kids, it's dancetime,

And that guy needs a partner.

Tootie should mingle more.

Here we are, ladies.

Look at jo. He pulled
her up on stage.

That xylophone can't possibly
be comfortable for her.

Looks like fun to me.

Why is this guy
drinking your wine?

Because I'm thirsty.

Where have you been,
all night, gorgeous?

Are you speaking to me?

A vision of beauty
in a sea of losers.

Thank you for noticing.

Thank you for being you.

You're welcome.

I'm morgan wilson.

Pre-law, brown.

This is my friend john.

So, what kind of tree are you?


That's ok. I enjoyed it.

I'm glad. My health
means a lot to me.

Howdy, kids.

Drinks for everybody.

Tootie, will you
stop ordering drinks!

Oh, listen, natalie, I invited a
couple of guys back to your place

After the bar
closes. Do you mind?

No. It's great. I'm glad
you found someone.

Who did you invite?

Everybody who got past leon.

You invited the entire bar?

I didn't want to offend anyone.

This way, guys.

What about my grandmother?

Don't tell me she can
get her own date! Yo!

That was great!

You socked him!

The audience went crazy.

Vassar? Forget it.

Now sarah lawrence,
wall-to-wall women.

Marvin, get off the piano.

There's no room
for a softball game.

I'm sorry, grandma.

Will you stop worrying
about grandma!

Her doily is home plate.
I blame you for this.

Natalie, we are
throwing a great party.

That's what we
came down here for.

Right. We're here to have fun.

That's what this place is for.

'Cause resale is out.

Having a good time?

I'm a little worried
about the damages.

Just give me the word, natalie.

I'll bounce anyone
out of here you say.

Would you get those three
out of the china cabinet?


[Doorbell rings] wait a minute.

There's someone at the
door, and I can't get through.

How does the
traffic work? Single.

There you go. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Is it raining?

No, it's just overcast.

Drip on the coasters, will you?

Hey, does this party
have college girls?

Yes. Take one home.

Your friend isn't very
discriminating about who she lets in.

I guess not.

Of course, I'm used to
only the best company,

Which is why I'm with you.

That's nice.

You're nice.

What do you say?

Let's lose these jerks,

Find a quiet corner
away from everyone.

That's a great idea.

I'll find a place.

Where can I reach you?

You know, when I
yanked you up on stage,

I didn't expect you
to dance like that.

Ah. Anybody can break-dance.

But I don't usually
sing that well.

I was impressed.

You were? I was surprised.

So, where'd you get
the name flyman anyway?

I don't know.

Neil, neil. Come here.

How did I get the name flyman?

Who wants to know? I do.

It's a good question.
Smart chick.

Thanks, neil.

He's old-fashioned, you know?

You could tell.

So, why did you pick me
out of the audience anyway?

It was your aura.

My aura?

Yeah. It drew me over.

See, I was playing
toward your table,

And when I got there, I
knew you were the one.


The cord reached.


Wait a minute, you guys!

That stuff is from
w*r-torn europe!

My grandmother did not crawl

Under barbed wire
to get you a frisbee.

What is the matter
with you people?

I wasn't doing anything.

Oh, I'm sorry, mr. Flyman.

How could I put you in
the same category as them?

Oh, lay off, natalie.

Look st this. Six
years of friendship,

And you side with a
man wearing b*ll*ts...

And too many, I might add.

"And miles to go
"before I sleep.

"And miles to go
before I sleep."

That's so beautiful!


It's beautiful!

Well, I guess we
like the same things!


We like the same things!


Peter, how long have
you smoked a pipe?

Oh, I don't really smoke!

You don't? Well, I don't
really drink, either!

Yeah, I guess we don't
like the same things.

Is he funny?

I don't know.

Isn't he cute?

Yes, tootie.

Ben. It's good to see
a responsible person.

Nice party, natalie.

And I was afraid things
might get out of hand.

I hate these people.

All that matters to
them is having a good time.

That's so selfish.

I know, but what can I do?

Just relax. Let me
worry about the storm.

Storm? Ben!

Excuse me, miss, you're
out of potato chips.

You're out of luck. Ben?

Don't worry. I boarded up the
windows strictly as a precaution.

I feel much so better now.



I like your perfume.

I like your hair.

I like your chin.

I like your eyes.

I like your hands off my face.

Come on, you're enjoying this.

No. No, I'm not.

Two such beautiful people
have no right to stay apart.

Ben! Oh, so glad to see you.

Oh, I'm sorry. Should
I come back later?

No. Now is good.

Is there something you need?

Morgan, this is ben
rutledge. Ben, morgan wilson.



I broke the window.
They're boarding it up.

The weather bureau is
predicting a terrible storm,

And, uh, the way the
winds get around here,

You have to be prepared.

Just like the boy scouts.

Can we help?

Blair, it's the guy's job.

Besides, it'll blow over.

It's really nothing
to worry about.

No, there's plenty of
other things to worry about.

So, blair, did I tell
you about my plans

After I graduate from brown?


Harvard law school.

My father's a
friend of the dean's,

But it doesn't matter.

My grades will get me in.

And your charm.


Uh, so what kind of
law are you going into?

Oh, corporate law, definitely.

It's the only area where
I'll be paid what I'm worth.

Can you live on that?

Look, why don't you just get
the job done and disappear?

I'm sure you've got
some drains to unclog.

Morgan, I'm hungry.
Let's get something to eat.

Honey, I'm not gonna let
you sl*ve away in here.

I'm taking you out.

I know this elegant
little restaurant.

The right music, the right
atmosphere, the right food...

The wrong guy.

No. I'm convinced that byron
never wrote without pain.

How well I know that.

I'm an actress, you know,

And we suffer every time
we go out on that stage.

Must be hard on you.

I can't pretend it isn't.

It's emote, emote, emote,

And then home alone on the bus.

And what do you get?

A sore throat and
tomorrow's call time.

Well, can I get you anything?

Yeah. Get me some of those

M&ms with peanuts
in them, will you?

No green ones.

So, I can't figure
out why you like me.

Why not?

Well, we're so different.

You come from another world,

And I come from... This one.

This is just part of the act.

I mean, underneath,
I'm just a regular guy.

I have two earrings
like everyone else.

Listen, I got
something for you, ok?

Stay right here.

Hey, guys, come
on, one more set!

This next song is dedicated

To my favorite lady with
the gorgeous green eyes,

The great rhythm...

Can we start the gig now?

Ok. Let's go.

♪ She don't care about my past ♪

♪ She looks only
straight ahead ♪

♪ Not concerned about the cash ♪

♪ There are other
things that turn her on ♪

♪ She'd rather be with me ♪

♪ Than show off with the crowd ♪

♪ She is in a different world ♪

Could you turn the amps
down a notch, please?

Yo! Just a tad!

Then we can save the
shattering glass for the finale,

Gives us somewhere to go.

Thank you.

Great guy, jo.

I know. He listens.

Hide me, jo.

Do you mind? They're
playing my song here.

Can you tape it?

What do you want?

I don't know what's
wrong with me, jo.

I don't have time to tell you.

Jo, this is important.

It's about morgan. You
know, the guy I met in the bar.

He's rich

And successful and
handsome and conceited.

He's perfect for me!

And I can't stand him!

What kind of car?

Mercedes 500. Nothing.

That's weird.

He keeps telling me

I'm the most beautiful
creature he has ever seen.

Even the truth doesn't help.

Don't worry about it, blair.

This is florida.

Another perfect smile will
come along in ten minutes.

In the meantime,
how do I lose him?

Tell him it's raining
in his sun roof.

Thanks, jo.

I found it.

♪ I've offered her furs ♪

♪ I've offered her
diamond rings ♪

♪ She says all
she wants is love ♪

♪ She is in a different world ♪

♪ How I want to
get her into mine ♪

♪ Such a sweet and lovely girl ♪

♪ She is in a different world ♪♪

Natalie, I don't
want to alarm you,

But they've just upgraded
the storm to a hurricane.

Telling them now
is not a good time.

Don't worry. Just relax.


Now, I've completely
secured the place.

There are plenty of flashlights
and radios in the kitchen

And plenty of canned goods. Ok.

I filled the bathtub with water,

But whatever you
do, don't bathe in it.

Most importantly,

Don't go outside, or don't
let anyone else out, either.

Can't I let some of
the dull ones go?

Here's my safety list.

I've got to go check a
couple other condos.

You stay put, you'll be fine.

I'll be right back.

Ok. Thanks.

I'm a little tense, but
I'm keeping a lid on...

We're having a hurricane!

All right, everyone.

The most important thing
is to remember not to panic.

Now, "moor small craft
and bring in your pets."

Nat, what's wrong?

Oh, I forgot.

We're having a hurricane!
A hurricane's coming!

What's it called?


You know, they have
names, like bertha or diane.

What's it called?

I'll gonna assume this is your
reaction to stress, tootie,

And move on.

"Transfer all valuables
to a higher level."

Keep tossing that
porcelain, guys.

So how does it look out there?

Not good. Palm trees
are passing each other.

Listen, maybe we
should keep singing,

You know, like they
did on the titanic.

Let's think more positively.

Ben, where are you going?

To check some other condos.

You need any help?

Oh, no. Thanks. I can handle it.

But I want to. Really.

It's a mess out there.

I don't care.

[Natalie] are you listening?

Don't use the phone
unless it's an emergency.

[Tootie] boy, when
we give a party...
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