06x16 - Jazzbeau

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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06x16 - Jazzbeau

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Here you go.

Drown your sorrows
in this popcorn.

It's not gonna
help, mrs. Garrett.

I've been humiliated.

It's not your mother's fault
she had to go out of town.

But I could've
stayed home alone.

I'm mature enough.

Ok, so I'm a little short.

Look, andy, we know you do
a man's job around the shop,

But you're still only 11.

Yeah, in years.

Unfortunately, it's the only
way we have to count age.

Well, we're gonna have a
really good time tonight.

The wizard of oz
is coming on tv.

All right!

Just, no munchkin jokes, ok?

I think it starts at 8:00.

Hey, tootie, look at this.


Oh, no.

What is it?

Remember our friend
art from the poconos?


"Arthur jazzbeau jackson,

Former jazz great, dies."

Aw, natalie,
tootie, I'm so sorry.

Was he famous?

You bet he was.

I saw him sing once in
chicago at the london house.

There was a blizzard outside,
but the place was still packed.

And you guys knew him?

Yeah, we met him the summer
tootie and I worked in the poconos.

We bussed tables
and he was a waiter.

Blair and I didn't get
to know him that well.

We were just there
for the weekend.

But if art was famous,
why was he a waiter?

You want to start?

Well, natalie's uncle max
promised us this dream job.

Actually, natalie
said it was a dream job.

You know, branching
out, meeting people.

It turned out to be a little
rougher than we thought.

Miss, I asked for a glass
of water ten minutes ago?

Sir, someone will
be right with you.

Honey, is there going
to be a floor show?

8:00 And midnight,
tuesday through saturday.

Dinner show on sunday.

Natalie. Later.

Sir, could you scoot
in just a little bit?

Thank you.

Fresh tub, gangway.

Miss. Young girl.

Wait a minute, honey.


This steak is not
pink in the middle.

Oh, bummer.

Tootie, would you mind
taking our order now?

Jo, we're swamped.

You said you
wouldn't mind waiting.

We didn't, for an hour.

Someone will be right with you.

How about a roll?

Uh, what happened to the
simpson anniversary cake?

I gave it to the simpsons.

Doll, you gave it to the kelleys
and they don't wanna give it back.

Don't worry, I'll
take care of it.

I'll put a candle
in their fruit cup.

I just had a horrible thought.

If I don't make
it as an actress,

I could be doing this
the rest of my life..

I don't want to hear
that kind of talk.

I told you, you can do
anything you set your mind to do.

You gotta believe in yourself.

Art, look at the odds.

Do you know how many
actors are actually working?

Tootie, you have
something really special.

One more week.

Just keep saying
that to yourself.

One more week.

And then I can say,
"ooh, what a fun

And exciting time we
had in the poconos."

"Hoo-ha," was that
how you put it, natalie?

Stack, tootie!

And what do I have
to show for all this?

Ringing in my ears,

And thousand island in my shoe.


Okay, let's get with it, girls.

I hired you as bus
boys, so bus, bus.

Ken, they're doing their best.

You got 'em
covering all stations.

Where's eddie?

He's gone.

He ran off with a maid
and six sets of bath towels.

And he didn't finish his shift?

I never liked that kid.

Ok, ok, we're a team.

You'll take care
of the clearing.

You'll cover the place settings.

We'll all pull together.

I'll be at the pool.

I'll do anything for that guy.

Well, you know what they
say, when the going gets tough...

No slogans.

Don't give me any slogans.

I don't like 'em, they
don't work for me. Ok?


Now look, we're not
gonna wait a minute longer.

Would you please
take our order now?

Now? The kitchen's closed.

I feel like I'm still moving.

Could somebody please
pass me the water?


You bet.


That was the worst
shift of the summer.

No, the 4th of july
was the worst.

Yeah, when tootie put
sparklers in the prime rib.

It was the birth of our nation.

Man, am I beat.

That last set of
tennis was exhausting.

No, it was the
swimming that did me in.

It was the swimming.

I'll tell you, if I don't get a nap, I'm
not gonna be able to make dancing tonight.

Running yourselves
ragged, are you?

Anything we can get
you? Sandwich, rubdown?

What do you say, guys?

Uh-oh, run for cover.

Carl, the staff took a vote.

No comedy in daylight hours.

Hey, new blood.

Carl, blair, jo.


Do you like the pointer sisters?


Yeah, I almost opened
for them in cleveland.

Tony orlando, almost
opened for him in vegas.

Carl's the comedian.

I didn't notice.

Yeah, I do mostly
improvisational stuff.

You know, I wing
it, I see what flows...

We know improvise, carl.

Anyway, I'm working tonight.

Catch me.

We'll try and make that.

They're awfully tired.

Exhausted. See you later.


Super babes.

Fix me up.

Hey, here he is, my main man.

Hey, bro.

Hey, I need your opinion.

You saw that second
show last night.

How come it didn't fly?

I say it was the room.

Carl, let me give
you a little advice.

You gotta learn how
to read your audience.

You gotta pick up
on their rhythms

And find out what they
want and give it to 'em.

And that's hard to do
with a moosehead on.

Hey, antlers are comedy.

How do you know so
much about performing?

Oh, you pick up
things here and there.


Hello. Art?

It's time for our shift.

He's not back yet.

Ooh, look, he got
some new magazines.

Oh, let there be a cosmo.

What are you doing?

Tidying up.

You're snooping.

I am not.

Tootie, get out of
the man's sock drawer.

He talks so little
about himself.

I just want to get
to know him better.

Try conversation.

Aren't you the
least bit curious?

You heard the way
he talked to carl...

No, I think there's more
to him than meets the eye.

Hey, what's this?

A box. We have them
in new york, tootie.

Let's go.

Hey, he's got
photographs. Tootie.

Here's art and his wife.

I don't wanna see.

And art and ella fitzgerald.

Ella fitzgerald?

It is ella fitzgerald.

Maybe she came
to the restaurant?

"To jazzbeau, the man
with the golden voice."

Art was a singing waiter?

And here he is with count basie.

Oh, my.


A picture of the
chairman of the board.

Lee iacocca?

Sinatra. Frank sinatra.

I don't believe this.

He's got his arm around
ella and everything.

You don't think he
pasted himself on, do you?

Art is jazzbeau, natalie.

I knew it.

He's been working
under an alias.

Now you see, I would
have said nickname.

Jazzbeau... Jazzbeau.

He must have had
something to do with jazz.


He must have been
somebody big, you know,

And then something must have happened
and he gave up all of his hopes and dreams.

Tootie. We have to find out.

You're doing it again.

This is a nice man.

We have a nice little
friendship going.

Why ruin it a week
before we leave?

Why would a man who's got his arm
around ella and was tight with the count

Give it all up to be a
waiter in the woods?

Doesn't he have a
right to his privacy?

Doesn't he have...
Jazzbeau... Jazzbeau.

Too late. I've lost her.

Tootie was determined to find
out why art had given up singing?

Well, you know how
she gets... Obsessed.


It's just that when tootie
cares about someone,

She wants to learn
more about them.

Thank you.

So that's why you were
ransacking his cabin.

"Ransacking." Where do you
kids come up with these words?

It's amazing. We never knew
any of this intrigue was going on.

Of course not, you guys were
too busy improving your backhand.

You know, I still have
trouble with that.

Maybe if I stepped
into the ball...

You don't know how much
art gave me that summer.

He was supportive
and he listened.

I was really discouraged
about my acting career,

And he inspired
me to keep going.

I wasn't prying.

I just wanted to do
something for him.

Give something back.

If I could.

Hey, kid, bring us two coffees.

Yes, sir.

Man on two wants coffee.

Man on two wants coffee.

Man on two wants woman on three.

Listen, I'll take care of it,

But don't talk about
me while I'm gone.

Look how easy he makes it look.

Now that's a man who
really loves his work.

It's all a show, natalie.

He hates this menial existence.

But he doesn't let anyone
see the torment in his soul.

I wonder what just keeps
him from breaking apart?

He gets good tips!

I don't like that guy on two.

So I don't think I'll give
him a choice of dressing.

That's torment?

I'm trying to work on my tan.

I can't accomplish that
with you doing cannonballs.

Blair, a pool is to swim in.

Swimming pool, you get it?

We splash. We have fun.

We actually get wet.

A swimming pool must
be like a novelty to you.

I mean, you're used to them opening
the fire hydrant on the corner.

Hey, did you hear this one?

Yes! Yes!

You know, people say
comedy isn't hard work.

Man oh man, if they
only knew the truth.

Carl, we don't care.

I'll wait for you here.

So, art, have you been a
waiter for a long time?

It seems like it.

It's funny, isn't it?

You can work with a
person a whole summer,

And not even know
if they can sing.


You should hear
me in the shower.

It's so obvious.
He wants to talk.

He wants to open up to us.

Will you leave the
man alone, tootie?

We've been up here
for two months.

If he wanted to tell
us, he would have.

What if he's in
trouble or something?

They have agencies
for those things, tootie.

Isn't it our duty to help?

So, art, where we gonna
go on our afternoon off?

Well, I picked out
this very special place.

Any place but the indian museum.

They got one
tomahawk and a canoe.

It's a beautiful lake, but
it's kind of a long drive.

A long drive? Great.

Plenty of time to just
kick back and chat away.

This is so great.

Nobody's ever won
anything for me before.

Well, that's the
least I could do.

Will you stop feeling
so bad about the lake?

So they drained it and
put up an amusement park.

We still had a great
time, didn't we, nat?

Come on, baby.

Natalie... Come to mama.

Okay, I'll just play
with my giant comb.

My wife and I

Used to take a boat
out on that lake.

We used to go to the center
and drift around, and eat a little,

Talk a little, sing
a little... Sing?

Funny you should mention singing

As I tried to in the
car several times.

Wanna see my comb, art?

Singing has always
meant a lot to me.

Does it mean a lot to you too?

This is one big comb.


Okay, it's like this.

We came to see you,
you weren't here,

We accidentally
glanced at some pictures,

And of course tootie
got all caught up in it.

It's no secret
that I'm a singer.

But jazzbeau was just a name somebody
gave me when I first started out.

Why didn't you tell us?

Because it was in
my past. I'm retired.

The old pipes let you down, huh?

No, that wasn't it.

My wife became ill,

And I stayed home
to take care of her.

I tried going out on the
road a couple of times,

But, you see, with
my performances,

I'd look out in the audience
and I'd see my wife's face,

You know, and I would
sing to that face.

After she wasn't there anymore,
I guess I lost my heart for it.

Don't you miss it?

I guess not.

It's been 15 years and I
haven't gone back to it.

It must've been so exciting...

I mean, the traveling,
and the people.

I remember the first time we played
new york, there was nothing like it.

There were great
performers everywhere.

And I'd go see ella and duke,

And they would come and see me.

Oh, I bet you're
as good as ever.

We'd love to hear you!

But it would be too much to ask.

Honey, I'm really flattered.

And if jazzbeau were here,

He'd be loosening his tie,
and taking a sip of water,

And cutting loose.

But it's only art here,

And he can't oblige.

Hey, it's getting late.

And I'm gonna get my jacket
and we're gonna get out of here.

He wants it back again, natalie.

Have you ever thought the
man might be happy with his life?

Not a chance.

You saw the way
his eyes light up

When he talked about new york.

He wants it all back again.

Okay, heads you
stay and clean up,

Tails you knock off early.


You know, I don't know why they
don't bag these midnight shows.

This place is full of
honeymooners couples.

All they care about...
Just flip, natalie.

If I win, I wanna sit
and soak in a hot tub.

Heads. You stay.

Art, tootie's gonna help
you clean up tonight.

What, you're not gonna stay
and keep your friend company?

I'm going back to the room.

And do what?

You can't have any
fun until I get there.

We can talk and have
our fun right now.

She's got a point.

Okay, start talking, tootie.

You better be entertaining.

Show time!

Jackson, where's the people?

It's a little thin
tonight, my man.

But break a leg.

Would you look at this house?

We got an old
guy in white shoes,

And a korean couple.

I should just tell
berman I've got the flu.

Is this clean?

Hi, guys, you look great.

Where are you off to?

We're going dancing
at the pine lodge.

Blair hears that's where all
the forest rangers hang out.

Do me a favor.

It's a biggie.

Take carl with you.

Carl? Why?

It's a long story, guys.

A career is at stake.

It's for art.

Oh, come on, tootie,
it's our last night.

He'll follow us
around everywhere.

He'll be doing comedy.

Guys, please. Take him.

You don't have
to bring him back.

Go get him. Thanks.


Carl, I don't know what you did
to those ladies this afternoon,

But they want to
take you dancing.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I didn't want to say anything,

But I felt it happen.

But of all nights, carl.

I mean, you got a
show to do tonight.

Yeah, that's right, I've
never let down an audience.

Aw, that's too bad. 'Cause
it's the girls' last night here.

Tell berman I got the flu.

You got me.

One down.

What was that all about?

We got no second show.

The guy walked out on us.

Do you believe it? Hi, girls.

Mr. Berman, carl won't be
able to do the show tonight.

He came down with something.

He came down with what?

The flu or something.

Wish I knew.

Don't you worry.

I got a big-time
singer lined up.

He just happens
to be in the area.

Okay, fine. Just
don't let the guests

Start a conga line again.

Last time I had to round
them up on a highway.

Two down.

I'm gonna go punch out.


Art, guess what?

Carl's not gonna be
doing his show tonight.

That's too bad.

We need somebody to replace him

And I was thinking you
might do us a favor?

I asked mr. Berman
and he said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, wait a minute.

Art, this is your big chance.

You got a band, you
got an audience...

Tootie, I told you, I
don't sing anymore.

I know you're probably
nervous and maybe a little rusty...

It's not that.

I don't want to sing anymore.

I don't need it.

I put that part of my
life to bed and moved on.

To what?

To what you see.

Just an ordinary guy
with an ordinary job.

Tootie, we go through

A lot of changes in our lives,

And we give up one
thing for another.

It's not suppose to be sad.

That's progress.

I don't understand how you
could give up your career.

We're friends but we don't
always have to understand

Each others' choices.

It would be nice if we could.

I'm sorry.

I'm always doing this.

Natalie says I never
know when to stop.

I push and I interfere

But I just want what's best

For people that I care about.

It's nice that
I'm in that group.

It's just that I think I
always know what's best.

Come on, art, bring
your totals in the kitchen.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Hello. Testing.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

The management is
sorry to announce

That there will be no
second show this evening.

Thank you for you cooperation.

What happened?

Know that nice
friendship art and I had?

I messed up.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

How you doing?

Hey, my name is arthur jackson

And I used to be a
singer for some time.

I gave my farewell performance

Several years ago.

But unfortunately,

A very good friend
of mine missed it.

So tonight, I'm
gonna do it for you

One more time.

♪ You're nobody ♪

♪ 'Til ♪

♪ Somebody ♪

♪ Loves you ♪

♪ You're nobody ♪

♪ 'Til somebody cares ♪

♪ Now you may be king ♪

♪ And you may possess ♪

♪ The world and all its gold ♪

♪ But gold won't
buy you happiness ♪

♪ When you're growin' old ♪

♪ The world ♪

♪ Will be the same ♪

♪ You'll never change it ♪

♪ Change it ♪

♪ As sure ♪

♪ As the stars ♪

♪ Shine ♪

♪ Above ♪

♪ You are nobody ♪

♪ 'Til somebody loves you ♪

♪ So find yourself somebody ♪

♪ Go and get somebody ♪

♪ Find yourself somebody ♪

♪ To love ♪♪

You should've seen him.

He was so confident, so smooth.

He was wonderful.

And a few weeks later, tootie
and I were back in school.

Well, you did keep in
touch with art, didn't you?

Yeah, we wrote to
each other for awhile,

Then he got a place
in the mountains

Near a lake.

What a great experience
that must have been.

That's the kind of thing
I need to round me out.

No problem.

Just get yourself
a job in the poconos.

Well, how about some hot
chocolate before the wizard begins?

Sounds good.

Mrs. Garrett?

What are poconos?

My name is art jackson

And I was a singer
for some time.

♪ You'll avoid a lot of damage
and enjoy the fun of managing ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ They shed a lot of light ♪

♪ If you hear them
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear them
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get them right
call her late at night ♪

♪ You got the future in
the palm of your hand ♪

♪ All you gotta do to get
you through is understand ♪

♪ You think you'd
rather do without ♪

♪ You will never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪♪
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