06x13 - Christmas in the Big House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Facts of Life". Aired: August 24, 1979 - May 7, 1988.*
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Spin-off of Diff'rent Strokes; focuses on Edna as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-girls boarding school.
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06x13 - Christmas in the Big House

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Thank you.

You have children, don't you?

Oh take these
they'll love these.

How about some brownies?

And merry christmas!

Mrs. G, stop giving things away!

We're the only store

Losing money at christmas.

That's the christmas spirit.

Losing money?


Sharing. Giving.

Every christmas, my mother
would bake 50 pumpkin pies

And give them away
to poor families.

We didn't have much for ourselves,
some years we didn't have anything at all.

But she always had
something for them.

She never let them down she really
had the true spirit of christmas.

That's nice, mrs. G,

But hold back on the fruitcakes.

Do you know what walnuts cost?

Merry christmas!
Merry christmas!

She won't hold back.

Are you planning to help today?

In a minute.

Okay, we get to
d.c friday night.

Then what's the plan?

We're just visiting my parents I
thought we would play it by ear.

Ok, let's move ahead
to the parties...

What parties?

Tootie, congress is adjourned.

Senate pages are on the loose.

You're right.

Let's make a plan.

Thank you.


Why not take two.

All right.

So what time do we go caroling?


Last year, people
slammed doors in our faces.

And dogs followed us.

How about you jo, are
you in a caroling mood?

Sorry, mrs. G.

I have so much to do and I have to be
on the five o clock train tomorrow.

My friends are
throwing me a big party.

Havn't seen them in years.

You're right you're right.

I mean we all have
so many things to do.

I just hope we
don't get too busy.

What do you mean?

Too busy to remember
christmas's meaning.

A real shame.

It certainly would.

Blair, have you been
touched by the spirit st. Nick?

In a manner of speaking.

That's why my friends and I
decided this year we would stop

Take a moment and do
something for the less fortunate.

That would include
just about everybody.

It took us a while
but we finally decided

That nickleby house
most deserving our time.

The nickleby house?

It's a little boys' home.

Doesn't it sound charles
dickens and christmasy?

We'll put on a show for those
little boys they'll never forget.

Oh, blair. I think what
you're doing is wonderful!

You see christmas time really
brings out the best in people.

I just can't help doing
something for others.

Hi, blair.

Melissa! Happy yule.

We just booked a jazz
band for the party.

Well I think your idea
of a band is terrific!

Kids love music!

The music's for the
party afterwards.

After we left the little...
We're having a bash at the club.

Oh well what are
you doing for the kids?

Oh she has a good point.

I've been giving that
alot of thought.

We'll talk about it
on the way to the club.

They're a little flighty,

But their hearts
are in the right place.

I don't know, jo.

A bash at the club?

Christmas sure has changed.

This is scrumptious
eggnog I have ever made.

Now I know your all on
your way but before you take

Off, we're all gonna
share in a christmas toast,

And that's that!

That's a nice idea, mrs. G.

I got six minutes.

Oh, blair.

Join us in a toast.

What? Oh yeah all right.

You ok?

Yeah. Of course.

Well, it's just that, uh...

The funniest thing
just happened.


Well actually, a
comedy of errors.

One of those
small print boo-boo.

What are you babbling about.

It's the nickleby house.

It isn't exactly a
little boys' home.

What exactly is it?

A big boys' home.

A bad big boys' home.

You see, the
nickleby house is...

Uh... Well its uh.

Spit it out blair!

The recreation hall
at the state prison

Named after the late
warden ben nickleby.

My friends and I will be
entertaining convicts.

How could you make
a mistake like that?

I just called
over at the prison.

But the assistant warden
has already left to pick us up.

So when he gets here,

I'll just have to do
the honorable thing...

Tell him we're sick.

Hold it.

Those guys up there
are expecting you.

You people cant disappoint them.

In case you havn't noticed jo
picture has changed slightly.

We're talking convicts.

People who have
done not-nice things.

They're still people, blair.

They still have feelings.

I should know, dad served time.

Well fortunately he's out now.

So I can cancel with
a clear conscience.

You can't cancel.

Look it's important those guys know
somebody on the outside cares about them.

Jo's right.

Christmas must be their worst
time of the year for those men.

Yeah I remember. My
dad's favorite song was,

I'll be home for christmas.

Look, jo.

It wouldn't be fair to them.

To parade an
attractive young woman?

Especially a blond.

You are like every other
socialite do-gooder.

You'll do anything for
the less fortunate as long

As you dont have to come
face to face with them.

Jo, that's not fair.

No, mrs. Garrett. Jo's right.

I've been protected from
those kind of people all my life,

And I'm grateful.

"Those kind of people"?

Like my dad?

I didn't mean that.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Miss warner?

You must be mr. Yeager?

Yes I'm assistant warden yeager.

Blair warner. Charmed.

Pleasure's all mine.

Van's right outside.

The one with the
bars on the windows?

That's us.

Ready to go?

Not really.

You see, there's been a
silly little mix-up here.

Blair thought nickleby house
was a home for boys... Little ones.

So I hope you understand.

My friends and I would love
to go, but we're afraid that, uh...

We're afraid, uh...
They're afraid.

Well, that's just plain silly.

You're right, but
we're not going.

Miss I can unsure you these
men are very well-supervised.

I'd put my daughter
on that stage tonight

If she had any talent.

I'm sorry, mr.yeager.

You won't reconsider?

I'm sorry.


I guess that's it, then.

Merry christmas.

Would you be interested
in a piano player?

We'd love it.

Jo what about your party?

You don't know my friends
will manage just fine without me.

Wait a minute I'm going, too.

I'll get my fruitcakes.

The thing is what would
be the point of us going?

We have nothing prepared
we havnt even rehearsed.

These men would be
grateful for anything.

They've been on
restriction for a month.

Should we ask why?


We're coming, too.

I'll change the
reservations. Okay.


All right all right. I'll go.

But I am not leaving the van.

♪ Joy to the world ♪

♪ The lord is come ♪

♪ Let earth receive her king ♪

This way ladies.

It's very cheerful
for a... For a...


I hope you'll forgive the
makeshift dressing room.

Will it take you
long to get ready?

No we'd like to
get on, get gone.

You know last-minute
christmas shopping.

Anything you need let me know.

Alright now have
you got this straight?

Yeah we are gonna do the christmas
show we did two years ago, right?

In you forgot we did
that show for kids.

These people are grown up.

And locked up.

We have no choice.

Now lets go over what
we have to do what to do.

Alright natalie and I
are gonna do our duet.

And im gonna do my
chirstmas carols.

And I'll do my jingle bells number
that will bring these guys to their feet.

That's not where you
want them trust me.

Ok, blair...

I am going to sit right over
here and hope this night ends.


The rest of us are...

Natalie, I told you how I
feel about this im sorry...

Forget it. Don't block the exit.

Ha ha ha!

Where did you get that hat?


Those of you with calendars

Are aware that it's
almost christmas.

If I have it my way
its not just gonna be

Christmas out there it
will be christ in here too.

That special yuletide pudding
you had for dessert this evening

Was just the tip of the iceberg.

That's what it tasted like.

Tonight we have a very fine
christmas time show for you.

They got johnny
cash at sing sing.

I heard that, hackmeyer.

Tonight we have a
very special treat

That your going to enjoy.

Now to open the show let's
hear it for the opening act.

Bah, humbug!

"Bah, humbug"? Are you kidding?

♪ Haul out the holly ♪

♪ Put up the tree before my ♪

♪ Spirit falls again ♪

♪ Fill up the stocking ♪

♪ We may be rushing things but ♪

♪ Deck the halls again now ♪

♪ For we need a
little christmas ♪

♪ Right this very minute ♪

♪ Candles in the window ♪

♪ Carols at the spinet ♪

♪ Yes, we need a
little christmas ♪

♪ Right this very minute ♪

♪ It hasn't snowed
a single flurry ♪

♪ But, santa, dear,
we're in a hurry ♪

♪ So climb down the chimney ♪

♪ Turn on the
brightest string of ♪

♪ Lights I've ever seen ♪

♪ Slice up the fruitcake ♪

♪ It's time we
hung some tinsel ♪

♪ On that evergreen bough ♪

♪ For I've grown
a little leaner ♪

♪ Grown a little colder ♪

♪ Grown a little sadder ♪

♪ Grown a little older ♪

♪ But I've got a little angel ♪

♪ Sitting on my shoulder ♪

♪ Got a little christmas now ♪

♪ Haul out the holly ♪

♪ Haven't I taught you well to ♪

♪ Live each living day? ♪

♪ Slice up the fruitcake ♪

♪ And mr. Scrooge,
it's one week ♪

♪ Past thanksgiving day now ♪

♪ But we need a
little christmas ♪

♪ Right this very minute ♪

♪ Candles in the window ♪

♪ Carols at the spinet ♪

♪ Yes, we need a
little christmas ♪

♪ Right this very minute ♪

♪ It hasn't snowed
a single flurry ♪

♪ But, santa, dear,
we're in a hurry ♪

♪ So ♪

♪ Climb down the chimney ♪

♪ It's been a long
while since I've ♪

♪ Felt good-neighbory ♪

♪ Slice up the fruitcake ♪

♪ It's time we
hung some tinsel ♪

♪ On that evergreen bough ♪

♪ For we need a little music ♪

♪ Need a little laughter ♪

♪ Need a little singing ♪

♪ Ringing through the rafter ♪

♪ And we need a little snappy ♪

♪ Happy ever after ♪

♪ Need a little christmas ♪

♪ Now ♪♪

I can't believe I almost forgot the
second verse, do you think they noticed?

No no the important
thing is we kept moving.

Hey you guys were terrific.

You did great!

Alright mrs. G., You're up next.

Oh you where so good
I can't follow your act.

Oh, so you want to follow mine?

I haven't sung for so long.

I haven't even vocalized.

♪ La la la ♪

♪ Oo oo oo ♪

Mrs. Garrett don't worry. They're
not going to get up and walk out.

No problem there.

Just introduce me as...

Edna with a touch of christmas.

"A touch of christmas." Got it.

Good luck, mrs.
Garrett... Break a leg.

Thanks, blair.

And here she is now.

Let's give her a
warm welcome her!



I'm edna. Who are you?


Hi larry. Where are you from?


Well I bet your glad to be
back with all your friends dear.

And what about you? Are you
looking forward to seeing your family?


I ain't seen them in 12 years.

Maybe they've got
the wrong address.

Sometimes things do
get lost in the mail.

I know how terribly
important letters are.

Because when my
sons don't write me...

Excuse me, excuse me but
are you gonna do your act?

I got parole coming up.

Yeah. Well I better
get on with my song.

♪ O holy night ♪

♪ The stars are
brightly shining ♪

♪ It is the night ♪

♪ Of the dear savior's birth ♪

♪ Long lay the world ♪

♪ In sin and error pining ♪

♪ Till he appeared ♪

♪ And the soul felt its worth ♪

♪ The thrill of hope ♪

♪ A weary world rejoices ♪

♪ For yonder breaks ♪

♪ A new and glorious morn ♪

♪ Fall ♪

♪ On your knees ♪

♪ O hear ♪

♪ The angel voices ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ When christ was born ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ O night divine ♪

♪ Fall ♪

♪ On your knees ♪

♪ O hear ♪

♪ The angel voices ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ When christ was born ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ O night ♪

♪ Divine ♪♪

And you worried.

You were great! Really?

I loved it.

I wouldn't mind but the prison's so
old, we still crack rocks by hand.

No, I'm sorry, no more.

We got to get on with the show.

So how about a big round
of applause for a lovely lady

With a new look and an old song.




♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bells swing
and jingle bells ring ♪

♪ Snowin' and blowin'
and bushels of fun ♪

♪ Now the jingle hop has begun ♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bells swing
and jingle bells ring ♪

♪ Dancin' and prancin'
at jingle bell square ♪

♪ In the frosty air ♪♪

♪ Sleigh bells ringin' ♪

♪ Are you listenin'? ♪

♪ In the lane,
snow is glistenin' ♪

♪ A beautiful sight ♪

♪ We are happy tonight ♪

♪ Walkin' in a winter
wonderland ♪♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪♪

♪ Have yourself a
merry little christmas ♪

♪ Make the yuletide gay ♪

♪ From now on ♪

♪ Our trouble will
be miles away ♪♪

♪ Here we are as in olden days ♪

♪ Happy golden days of yore ♪

♪ Faithful friends
who are dear to us ♪

♪ Gather near to us ♪

♪ Once more ♪♪

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell ♪

♪ Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bells swing
and jingle bells ring ♪

♪ That's the jingle bell ♪

♪ That's the jingle bell ♪

♪ That's the jingle bell rock ♪

♪ That's the jingle bell rock ♪♪

You were great!

I think they liked us.

Are you kidding
listen to the response.

I think we need to
take one more bow.

It's going great
it's going great.

Can't wait to see what's next?

We thought something simple,

Like "th-th-that's all, folks."

Oh no I promised them more show.

More show! More show!


I'll stall them while
you think up an encore.

There is no encore...

There is no more show there
is just us running to the van.

Alright come on guys...
It's not time to panic.

Are you kidding?
It's the perfect time.

I want to go home. Me too.

Wait a minute!

When we leave here we all go home
to have christmas with our families.

But for these men,

We're about all the christmas
that they are gonna get.

We all showed
christmas spirit today,

But how about a little more?

I can always go out there
and play some more music.

No, wait jo. I'll go.

It is my turn, isn't it?

[Crowd complaining]

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ You can plan on me ♪

♪ Please have snow ♪

♪ And mistletoe ♪

♪ And presents on the tree ♪

♪ Christmas eve will find me ♪

♪ Where the love light gleams ♪

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ If only in my dreams ♪

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ You can plan on me ♪

♪ Please have snow ♪

♪ And mistletoe ♪

♪ And presents on the tree ♪

♪ Christmas eve will find me ♪

♪ Where the love light gleams ♪

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ If only in my dreams ♪

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ You can plan on me ♪

♪ Please have snow ♪

♪ And mistletoe ♪

♪ And presents on the tree ♪

♪ Christmas eve will find me ♪

♪ Where the love light gleams ♪

♪ I'll be home for christmas ♪

♪ If only in my dreams ♪♪
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