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05x22 - Willona's New Job

Posted: 09/10/22 17:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You need a friend ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You're
out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' And survivin' ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' In a chow line ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky We got 'em ♪

♪ Good times ♪

And this matchbook

is from the restaurant
Mama and I went to last week.

Oh, Penny, you know,

your matchbook
collection is really growing.

And look at this wooden
one. The top flips open.

Hey, where'd you
get this one from?

Ferguson's Funeral Parlor.

Oh. I should've known.

It says "seal lid
before striking."

Yeah? Look at this.

Sidney's Meat Market,
Tony's Ice Cream Shop,

Venus Massage Parlor...

Venus Massage Parlor?

I found it on the bus.

Hi, y'all. Hi, Willona.

Whoo. Wait till
you hear the news.

What news?

Wait till you find out
what happened to me.

What happened?

Uh-uh. Guess,
somebody. Just guess.

You got mugged.

Now Gramps, you
know I didn't get mugged.

I always look like this
when I get off the bus!

Willona, tell us. What happened?

You are looking at
the new head buyer

at the boutique.

The head buyer! Willona,
you got the promotion?

Oh, that's fantastic!
Isn't that great?

Oh, Mama, I'm so
happy for you. Oh, baby.

Just think: my mother's a buyer.

Wait till I tell the other
kids my mother's a buyer.


Mama, what's a buyer?

What's a buyer?

A buyer is... Well, you see...

A buyer has to...

A buyer has to know
all about the fashion...

No. A buyer...
Never mind, honey.

A buyer is this.

If there wasn't no
buyers in the world,

we would be running
around in our jockey shorts.

Willona, do you think
you can handle it?

Honey, can I handle it?

Ooh, child,

when it comes to
spending money, I am good.

But when it comes to spending
somebody else's money,

I am sensational.

Willona, you'll be the best
buyer that boutique ever had.

Oh, thank you, Gramps.

You know what,

I can't tell you kids what
this promotion means to me.

Not just the glory of it,
although I sure will enjoy that.

But since I was 16, I been
scratching and scuffling

and struggling for survival.

Honey, ain't nobody
ever gave me nothing.

You hear me.

So now that's what makes
this promotion so sweet.

You know what I'm saying to you?

I earned it. That's my Mama.

Hey, hey.

Oh, Willona, there's
no stopping you now.

Honey, if I keep on keeping on,

Neiman Marcus,
watch your carcass.

Hey, Michael.

What's happening, Frank?


Well, you gonna
stand way over there,

or you gon' come
in kissing distance?

Oh, baby!



Penny, Penny, Penny.
Oh, you look good, Penny.

Thank you.

Oh, hi, Frank.

Hey, somebody's missing.


Yeah, J.J.

Even when he's
here, he's missing.

Frank, he's on a date
with Wanda the Watusi.

You say Wanda...
Thank you... the Watusi?

Yeah. "Wat-u-si"
is what you get.

Oh, Gramps. Boo.

What have you have
in the boxes, Frank?

Oh, just a few
little goodies here

for my favorite family.

Thelma... Oh, thank you.

Yes, and Penny... Thank you.

Michael, and one for J.J.

Hey, bro, where were
you at Christmastime?

I'll tell you what, kids,
why don't you do me a favor

and go open the
presents in your room?

What's wrong with out here?

Michael, how did
you get to be 16

and not know anything?

Oh. Oh, oh!

Oh, oh. Oh, oh.


Frank, what are you doing here?

I couldn't get an
answer at your place.

Oh. No, the last time we talked,

you were going to
Venezuela or something

to put up some buildings.

Well, I put them up,

and once they were going,

you know, it was adios, amigos.

Oh, well, señor,

where are you off
to, Argentina next?

Or Montego Bay?

Would you believe
Lakeshore Drive?

Too late.

Baby, they already
built that up.

No. I mean to live there.

Frank, you're going
to move to Chicago?

Frank, you're jiving me.

Look here, baby.

I'm going to buy a pad so bad,

the toilets won't even flush.

They'll hum.


It's that laugh, baby.

Oh, it's so good
to hug you again.

Mm, the "hug-ee"
don't mind it one bit.

Hey, you remember when I left,

you promised me
that if I came back

and settled down in one place,

we'd do it as man and wife?

I do have some vague
recollection of that.

Well, I'm going to hold
you to that promise,

Ms. Willona Woods.


There you go.

Oh, Frank.

Honey, this isn't a diamond.

This is a flash cube!

Hey, Mama...

Oh, are you two at that again?

Penny, um... It's all right.

You don't have to
stop on account of me.

Well, all right, then. Good.

Don't tease her.

Penny, how'd you
like your present?

Yeah, that's what I
came to ask you about.

What is it?

Well, it's a genuine
Venezuelan charm necklace,

made from real monkey teeth.

And the natives say
that it brings good luck.

Well, if it's supposed
to bring you good luck,

then why is some poor
monkey down in Venezuela

gumming bananas?

I never thought
about that, Penny.

But it'll be fun wearing
it. Thanks, Frank.

You're welcome, Penny.

Penny, wait a minute, baby.

Mama has a little problem.

I want you to help me
decide something, okay?


Frank has decided to
stay here in Chicago,

and he wants to marry me.

He does?

What do you think?



He'll do.

All right, Penny!

Michael, Thelma,
come here. Guess what.

What? What? What? What?
What? Hey, what's happening?

We're going to marry Frank.

My ring. Look at the diamond!

Frank, thanks for the
gift, man. Congratulations.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm so happy for
you. Thank you, Thelma.

Oh, Frank, I think we
got the seal of approval.

Yeah, it's the first
time I ever proposed

to a whole family.

Oh, Willona. I'm
so happy for you.

Thank you, baby.

Oh, what a day this has been...

First the promotion,
and now a proposal.

You got a promotion?

Yeah. Mama's a buyer.

Not just a buyer.

You are looking

at the boutique's
head buyer, Frank.

Well. Congratulations.
I'm proud of you, baby.

Oh, thank you,
baby. I'm so happy.

Well, Miss New
Head Buyer... Yeah?

When are you going
to hand in your notice?

What notice?

You know, your notice.

Hang it up. Quit. Say goodbye.

Quit what?

Your job, so we can
get this marriage rolling.

Honey, I ain't quitting my job.

Of course you are.

What do you mean, "of course"?

You are going to be
Mrs. Frank Mason.

Um, um, how many invitations
are we gonna need? Come on.

Frank, why do I have to quit
my job to be Mrs. Frank Mason?

Because you won't
have to work anymore.

Honey, don't I have any say-so

about whether I
want to work or not?

Hey, hey.

Listen, you lovebirds,
I got a great idea.

Why don't you get married in
Reverend Beasley's Church?

I heard that if you get
married on a Friday night

before midnight, you
get a free bingo game.

Willona, don't be ridiculous.

You've been
working all your life.

Frank, so have you, baby.

I'm not asking
you to quit your job.

Hey, can I be the flower girl?

But that's different.

Frank, all I'm
asking for is a choice.

Now, you are
acting like a dictator.

I'm going to be your husband.

It doesn't give you any
license to drive my life, honey.

Now, may I ask you,

have you ever seen
two people more in love?

J. Edgar Hoover and Ma Barker?


Willona, you're
something out of nothing.

Baby, it may mean
nothing to you,

but to me, it is
definitely something.

Hey, pretty, pretty,
you don't understand.

I'm gonna give you the world.

Jewels, furs, a car,

a chauffeur... A
white one if you want.

Oh, Frank.


Oh, baby, baby.

Look, you ain't gonna
have to lift a finger.

We'll hire somebody
to lift it for you.

Oh, Frank...

What are we doing?

Baby, it's been a long day,
and I'm excited and everything.

Why don't we talk about
it some other time, okay?

Come on, don't be mad,
now. Come on. Okay.

Hey, look.

I got over here so fast,

I didn't have a chance
to pick up my bags.

I'll go to the airport,
pick them up,

arrange for the hotel,

and I'll talk to you later.

Okay. Okay.

Say goodbye to
the kids for me. I will.

Oh, uh, you might as well think

about that letter
of resignation.

I'm sure you're going
to see it my way. Frank...

Frank... Good night, Mrs. Mason.

Hi, Mavis.

Hi, Willona.


What you want, Mavis?

Girl, where are you?

I'm in here.



It's a good thing
you came out, girl,

because I was just
about to get somebody

to come and mow your counter.

Whoo, child, isn't
this ridiculous?

I tell you, Frank is either
trying to build up points

or build me my
own Rose Bowl float.

Well, the last green thing
my boyfriend gave me

was a bottle of Scope.

Ahh, that's cold-blooded.

Do me a favor, baby.

Take some of these
flowers to your counter.

Oh, okay. Okay?

This is my first day as a buyer,

and I want everything
to go just right.

You know what I mean? Mm-hmm.

I'm expecting a salesman
to come in too this morning.

You know, I had a boyfriend
once who was a salesman.

A traveling salesman?

Aren't they all?

You ought to take
something for that.

Oh, boy, this is pretty, though.

Guess who.

Oh, no, don't tell
me it's Frank Mason

with more flowers?

No flowers. Candy, baby.

Oh, Frank.

You got chocolates
from Australia,

bonbons from Paris,
and Turkish Taffy.

All you got to do is
walk by this counter...

You get acne in 15
different languages.

Kiss me.

Baby, not here.

Well, why not?

Not here.

This is my place of business.

Now, why don't you do me
a nice favor and go browse?

I'm browsing. I'm browsing.

If you don't leave me
alone and get out of here...

Okay, I'm going. Go on.

Got nothing else...

Get going, Frank, please.

Yeah, okay.

Who was that man?



Hi there.

Skip Casey, St. George Fashions.

Oh, hello. Willona Woods.

You're going to love
our new spring line.

Everyone's wearing it.

Yaphet Kotto wore
a shirt identical to this

in his latest film.

Not only did he
look fantastic in it,

but after he was shot,

the blood washed
right out in cold water.

How many dozen
would you like, Willona?

Now, wait.

Before I decide,

I'll have to see one on a model.

Saved you the trouble.

I'm wearing one.

Let's see, now.

Oh, it's soft.


Silk, huh?

Very nice.

Working hard?

Oh, honey, uh... Mr., uh...

Casey. Skip Casey.

St. George Fashions.

Yeah, I'm Frank Mason, fiancé.

Frank, don't do that, darling.

Frank, he was just showing me

his line of shirts, dear.

That's right, Mr. Mason.
Care to feel the material?

Don't mind if I do.

Frank, put him down.

It's strong, yet lightweight.

Put him down, please, darling.

Uh, see? Not a wrinkle.
Not a single wrinkle.

Isn't he funny?


You see, he's a weight
lifter, so he keeps practicing.

You just stay here one
minute. I'll be right back, okay?

May I speak to you
one moment, dear?

Of course, darling. In private.

Nice meeting you, Skip Casey.


Are you crazy?
What are you doing?

I was only trying to help.

If the boss had seen
that, I would lose my job.


Uh, Frank... That's what
you're trying to do, huh?

Help me get fired.

Of all the rotten,
low-down things to do.

Hey, baby, okay. Whoo-wee.

Okay, okay, it was
a rotten thing to do.

I won't ever do it again if you
promise to have dinner with me tonight.

Oh... Anything,
anything, anything.

Just go away, Frank.

Mavis, do me a favor,
please. See Mr. Mason out.

I'll go, but dinner tonight?

Okay. Okay.

I'll be there.

What time?

Good morning, Mae.

Hi, Willona.

Whoo, child.

Got the coffee going?

Yeah, it's perking.


Has that new line of
imported French nightgowns

from Brooklyn come in yet?

No, but the Italian shoes
came in from Japan.

Good. I'll check them out.

Oh, there's something else
you should check out first.


Mr. Simpson wants to see you.

Lord have mercy.

Just three days on the job

and already the boss
wants to pat me on the back.

I hope it's my back
he wants to pat.

Mr. Simpson, you sent for me?

Yes, Miss Woods.

Perhaps you'd
care to sit in my lap?


I got you that time.

Frank, what are you doing?

What are you sitting
in the boss' chair for?

You know if he walked in that
door, I'd get fired right this minute?

Well, sure, Willona, but first,
you've got to answer my question.

Do you want to sit in
my lap or don't you?

Oh, Frank, come on,
baby, get out of the chair.

This isn't funny.
Get out of the chair.

Relax, baby.

You're going to
make me lose my job!

If the boss comes in here...

The boss is here.

Oh, baby, be serious.

I am serious.

I just bought this boutique.

Lord have mercy.

You said you just
bought this boutique?

Me and the bank.

Why? What are you trying to do?

Make money.

Looks like it's gonna
be a good investment.

Oh, Frank, you don't
need no more investments.

I know why you
bought this place.

You figure if you're the
boss, you can fire me, right?

Why would I do that?

Because you want a
stay-at-home, dutiful, boring wife.

Willona, you know
that's not my style.

Oh, Frank.

Oh, baby.


Okay, so I was wrong to
tell you you couldn't work.

That's my hang-up.

But baby, you got to realize
where I'm coming from.

My Mama worked
hard all her life.

I watched her work
herself into an early grave.

And I made myself a
promise no wife of mine

would ever go
through the same thing.

Oh, Frank, so did mine.

But they had to
work for survival.

But it's different with me.

I'm working for

Okay, you're
making it pretty clear

how you feel about that.

So if you want to work,
go ahead and work.

Oh, see? All that for nothing.

I got a surprise for you.

Oh, no, no, honey.
No more chocolates.

No more flowers.

No flowers, no
chocolates, just this.


This is your office.

My office?

This is your boutique.
My boutique?

You're in charge. Whoo!

Lord! Oh! I got a
million things to do.

I can knock out the
wall, bring in a new...

Honey, I am in charge!

My boutique,
baby. I'm in charge!

What do you know
about being in charge?

All you got to do

is sit over here and be pretty.

I sure will.

There you go.

All right.

Now if you want
to come in at 10:00

and go home at
3:00, that's fine.

If you want to take
three-hour lunches,

five-day weekends...
Frank, no, no.

Telling everybody
else what to do...

In fact, you don't even
have to be here. Frank...

You can just phone it
in from the country club.

What do you mean,

"phone it in from
the country club"?

I thought you said
I was in charge.

I have a million things to
do now that I'm the boss.

Now, wait a minute, now. You're
going to be Mrs. Frank Mason.

You're not going to have time
for all them little petty details.


Did you say "petty"?

I see we're right back to
where we started, huh?

You just don't want me to work.

Well, you may as well fire me.

But... But Willona...

I thought you'd be
happy about all of this.

Frank, I don't know
what I feel right now.

You're going to think I'm
crazy when I tell you this, baby,

but there was a time
when I thought all I needed

was a good man
to take care of me.

Well, I tried that, honey.

It didn't work out.

I found myself out
there in that world

with nobody to lean on.

And I wasn't gonna take welfare,

and I wasn't gonna
take no handouts.

I had to stand on
my own two feet.

I know that, Willona. Frank!

Listen, honey,
in just four years,

I came from stock
clerk to head buyer,

and now you come along

and want to knock the whole
thing out from underneath me.

Frank, baby,

you're trying to buy
my independence,

and baby, it's not for sale.

Willona, there is something
I don't understand.

Maybe you just don't
understand me, Frank.

I don't get it. I
just don't get it.

I mean, I could figure out

how to lay 50 miles of pipeline

through swamp and jungle,

but I will never understand
the female mind.

The female mind?

It has nothing to do
with being a female.

It has to do with
being a person,

a person that wants
to fulfill their life.

Now, Frank, we
couldn't even get married

because you were
fulfilling your life,

traveling all over the world.

I never tried to
stop you. Hold it!

I've been busting my butt here

trying to do something
good for you,

and all I'm getting
back from you

is lip-flap and backtalk.

Frank, you're getting my love.

But I guess that's just
not enough for you.

Where are you going now?

Someplace you can't buy.


Let's see what we got out here.

Forks, spoons, knives.

Thelma, something's missing.

What did I miss?

Where's the stomach pump?

Hi, Penny. Hey, Penny.

How's your mother?

Not too good.

I think she's bored.

Well, no wonder.

She lost her job, and
Frank didn't call her.

Yeah, Penny,

you know what you
should tell your mother?

She should get
interested in a hobby.

I tried that already.
Did she do it?

Yeah, she's playing with
my matchbook collection.

Venus Massage Parlor?

I found it on the bus.


Well, hi, kids.

Hi, Willona.

How's everything going?

Fine, Willona.

Willona? What, Gramps?

You're sitting on
my book report.



Want me to iron it out for you?

No, that's all right.
I'll take care of it.

Well, anybody care for
a movie or something?

Oh, no, thanks, Willona.

Hey, Willona,

why don't you go out
on the town by yourself

and try to forget about Frank?

Frank? Frank who?

I haven't thought
about him in days.

But, Mama, this
morning... Penny.

Yeah, that's right,

you haven't thought
about him in days.

I'll get it.

No, no, no,
please. Let me do it.

Make me feel

like I'm doing
something important.

Hey, listen... I'm not.

What do you want, Bookman?

Just wanted to let you know
I won't be on duty tonight.

I'm going out.

Oh, take me with you.

What am I saying?

Well, Mrs. Bookman and I

are just going to our
regular club meeting.

Bookman, what club
do you belong to?

The Jolly Janitors.

Tonight we're going to
discuss the relative merits

of pipe-joint compounds.

Oh, wow, that sounds exciting.

Oh, Miss Woods,

listen, I can fix
you up with a date.

Hey, my friend Leroy
Hackett You'll love him too.

I mean, you both have
something in common. Like what?

He broke up with his sweetheart
and he's out of a job too.

Mr. Buffalo Brain himself.

What ever happened
to "Buffalo Butt"?

Your butt and your
brain is in the same place.

Hey, that'll be the little lady.

She can't stand to
be away from my side.

Baby, you ain't got no side.

Kiss me, my little kumquat.

Don't you think we
should shake hands?

I think I'll wait downstairs.

Hi, Willona.

Um, Michael. Yeah?


Thelma, you better do something
about that nervous twitch.

Going like that... Come on.

You're gonna break your neck.

I'm surprised to
see you here, Frank.

I thought you'd be out buying
up half the city of Chicago by now.

Yeah, well,

I guess I deserved
that one, didn't I?

I just came by to tell you

I pulled out of the deal
to buy the boutique,

and I've arranged for
you to get your job back.

Is that true?

No strings?

No strings.

I've had time to think about it,

and I'm sorry for trying
to step on your dreams,

run your life.

Listen, I know how
much it means to you.

Look, I guess,

in all the time we've
known each other,

we never took the time

to really get to
know each other.

So what's going to become of us?

'Cause, lady,

I happen to love
you very, very much.

Frank, I love you too.

Maybe we should
take some time now

and try to work things out.

We know we love each other.

Now let's see if we
can like each other.

Sounds good to me.

Me too.

Now, about this.
Should I... Uh-uh-uh.

You leave that
right where it is.

I'm not going anywhere.

Neither am I.

You know something? What?

I'm hungry.

Me too, honey. I'm
starving to death.

Kids, let's go.

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watchin' the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinkin' how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times ♪
♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

Good Times was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Good times ♪