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05x15 - J.J. and the Boss' Daughter

Posted: 09/10/22 17:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You need a friend ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You're
out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' And survivin' ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Hangin' In a chow line ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky We got 'em ♪

♪ Good times ♪

J.J., will you get up?

You're gonna be late for work!

Thelma, he won't wake up.

He hung a "Do Not
Disturb" sign on his ear.

You know, he's
really tired lately.

Do you know he slept through
my breakfast all this week?

Thelma, that's not tired.

That's survival instinct.

Hi, y'all. MICHAEL:
Good morning, Willona.

Hi, Penny. What you got there?

My geography project for school.

Come on, Penny. Show them the
map you made of the United States.

It's wonderful. My
child is so talented.

She sings, she dances,
roller skates, ice skates.

I can't draw.


She's right, Willona.
She can't draw.

Girl, you're lucky
if you can trace.

Here. I gotta go to school.

Don't tell her that.

I keep telling her she can draw

to build up her morale.

That's why I keep
saying, "You can draw."

Even though I know

I'm lying through my teeth.

I came to ask J.J. for help.

Okay, I'll see if
I can get him up.

J.J., now, will you get up?

Penny wants to talk to you.

Penny, I don't
think it's any use.

Do you mind if I
try? You can try,

but I don't think it's
going to do any good.

Hey, big boy, this is
Boom-Boom Belinda.

Why don't you come out
and see me some time?


Where's Boom-Boom?

Boom-Boom went bye-bye.

Michael's going
bye-bye too. Later, y'all.

J.J., could you please help me
make a map of the United States

for my geography class?

Penny, you don't need me
to help you make your map.


The United States
is in a lot of trouble.

It's not due for three weeks.

Good, 'cause it's going to
take me that long to get to it.

They've got me doing
so much work at the office,

the only time I get
to go to the bathroom

is on my day off.

Then why don't
you go to your boss

and ask for help?

I needed help with my map,

so I came to you.

Penny, you're
just a little tyke.

Obviously you don't understand

the intricate "workeries"

of a big business organization.

"Ask for help" indeed.

Not a bad idea.


Yes, Mr. Harris?

Where's Evans?

At the prop warehouse
on the way to work.

You know, the Big Bear
Cola layout, remember?

Yeah, the minute he gets here,
I want to see him in my office.

And it's important.

I certainly will do that.


Which way to the North Pole?

Uh, who's your h*nky friend?

Get it? h*nky friend. Get it?

Look, Warren, you better
not mess with this cat.

He may just be hibernating.

Boy, I tell you Warren,
I am tired, man.

Zonked out. Worn out.

Well, don't get too comfortable.

Mr. Harris wants to
see you right away.

He wants to see me, huh?

Well, doesn't he know Evans
has got things to do too?

Evans has got a schedule.

Evans has got people
to see, places to go.

You know what I'm talking about?

I gotcha.

So he will see Evans when
Evans is good and ready.

Evans, get in here!

Evans is ready.

I'm glad you called me
in here, sir, because...

Sit down, Evans.

Because I want to sit down,

that's what I want to do.

What is this I hear about you
having too much work to do?

Me? Too much work? Mm-hmm.


Hey, work is my life.

Work means everything to me.

I love my work.

Well, I suppose you won't need

that assistant I
just hired for you?

You... You hired a
new assistant for me?

Yes, an assistant.

Why do you think I
called you in here?

Uh, because, uh...

Because you wanted to
tell me about the assistant.

Thank you there, Mr. Harris.

J.J., what happened in there?

Warren, I just laid it
on the man straight-out.

I told the cat,

I said, "Man, either you
give me some help in here,

otherwise, I'm walking."

Well, don't feel
too bad about it, J.J.

You'll probably find
work somewhere else,

I guess.

No, Warren, he
don't want to lose me.

You know what I'm talking about?

He begged me to stay.

That's how come, as of today,

I'm having my own assistant.

He gave you an assistant?

That's right, Warren.

That is right.

Give me some claw.

Is that your new assistant?

Get it? He's, uh... Yeah.

Warren, I just know

when this cat gets here,

he'd better be ready to work.

You know what I mean?

He better be ready to
take out the garbage,

take out the ashtrays,
get me some coffee.

That's what an assistant's for.

Well, I'm really glad to see

that success hasn't
gone to your head.

Not me, Warren.

Not me at all.

No, sir.

You know, Warren, in this world,

there are followers
and there are leaders.

Me, I happen to be
a leader of leaders.

Oh, I knew that.

Well, well, well, well, well.


Evans... Evans is the name.

Love is the game.

So you're Mr. Evans.

Hi, I'm Valerie Johnson,
your new assistant.

You're my new assistant?

But I thought that, uh...

I was supposed
to be a man, right?

Uh, well...

it's obvious to see
you're not a man.

Why don't you come
over here, mon cherie.

Sit down here with me

and possibly
have a little coffee?

Getting coffee?

I thought that's what
assistants were for.

Oh, that's right.

Johnson, get me some coffee.

Well, see you later,
leader of leaders.

Nice meeting you, Valerie.

I'm going to my desk now.

Uh, Valerie, let me
help you with that.

Oh, that's okay, Mr. Evans.

You don't have to
call me Mr. Evans.

You can just call me... J.J.

And I wish you'd call me Val.

Well, Val, now that we
have all the small chit-chat

out of the way,

why don't me and you go down

and skip the light fandango,

and have a little lunch break.

You know what I'm talking about?

Okay, J.J.

You know, it's a good thing

I was hired to
be your assistant.

You need one. Huh?


I see I made a little oops-oops.

I guess I'll go straighten up

down at the executive "toy-toy."

Well, how's it
going, honey? Fine.

I think it's going to work out.

Good. You want to go to lunch?

You should have asked me sooner.

I'm having lunch with... J.J.

You know, he seems
like a real nice guy.

Yeah. Does he know who you are?


And I'd like to
keep it that way,

okay, Daddy?

Whatever you say, honey.

I'll talk to you later.

I see you were talking

to old "Over the Hill" Harris.

J.J., is that any way
to talk about your boss?

Boss in name only.

Everybody knows

I make all the
important decisions.

Oh, really?

That's right.

Everybody knows Harris has been

taking credit for
my work for years.

You better watch out

around old "Grab
and Hold" Harris.

"Grab and Hold" Harris?

I tell you, no woman
is safe around him.

The man does more pinching

than an oversexed lobster.

The old bald-head geezer.


Well, look, I'm gonna
get my coat, okay?

Yeah, and watch
out for old Harris

lurking in the hallways.

Probably chasing after women.

Well, I really got to
hand it to you, J.J.

You painted a very
vivid portrait of Harris

for Valerie.

Bet you scored a
lot of points too, huh?

Well, you know, what can I say?

Maybe you should say goodbye.

Valerie is Harris' daughter.

Nice working with you, J.J.

I'm going to my desk now.

Goodbye, desk.

Goodbye, chair.

Goodbye, rubber cement.

Goodbye, big fella.

Keep a cold upper lip.

And goodbye, paycheck.

J.J., where do you
think you're going?

I thought we were
going to lunch.

Uh, lunch has been cancelled

due to a case of
big "mouth-nism."

So you found out I'm
the boss' daughter.

Oh, come on, J.J.
Put your things back.

I'm not going to have you fired.

But you know,

my father really isn't
as bad as all that either.

No, I know.

I mean, he's made this
agency what it is today.

He's a wonderful person.

He's a family man.

He goes to church.

He loves his family.

He loves his wife
and his children.

Matter of fact,

I was thinking of having
him made Saint Harris.

Wait a minute.

He's not as good
as all that either.

Look, J.J.,

I didn't tell you I
was Harris' daughter

because I wanted to
be liked for who I am

and not for who I'm related to.

Now, how about lunch?

Well, I did bring
a sandwich here.

We could share that.

Ah, boy.

Uh, you don't
want this sandwich.

Why not?

My sister Thelma made it.

Well, what is it?

Uh, green tuna.

Green tuna?

Well, you know,
maybe it isn't ripe yet.

Yeah, I would
feed it to the bear,

only he's an endangered species.

I don't want the poor
thing to become extinct.

J.J., tell me a
little about yourself.

Well, there's really
not much to tell.

It's a very short story.

I'm charming, witty...

brilliant, "de-bon-er," uh...

cordial, wonderful, superlative,

and just your everyday,
ordinary genius.

Is this for an ad layout?

Oh, yeah, that's just
a little sketch I did.

It ain't no big deal.

J. J., it's fantastic.

Can I keep this?

Oh, no, no, no. I'll give you
another one that's better.

This one's all smudged
up. No, I want this one.

Oh, no, this one's
not that good.

No, but I don't care.
I want... Uh-uh...

Well, uh... what are
we gonna do now?

Kiss her, turkey.

Oh, man! Come on!

What y'all guys doing here?

Hey, look, man, I just came down

to tell you we got tickets to
the roller derby, you know.

The championship playoffs,
three weeks from today.

The roller derby,

where the thrills are exceeded

only by the vicious brutality

of its demented participants.

Yeah, yeah, well, look here,

this is wonderful,
cats, I'll be there,

but there's a conference
going on right now...

J.J., aren't you going to
introduce me to your friends?

Uh, yeah.

Uh, Valerie, this
is Poppo and Head,

but they were just leaving.

Not so fast, Brother J.

Hey, man, can't you see
the brother wants to be alone?

Hey, man,

I can't see nothing
but the lady.

Hello, Valerie.

Oh, man, come on.
Your rap is tapped.

Hey, man, I was
just getting started.

That's what you told my sister.

Now, get on out of here.

You've got some
interesting friends.

Yeah, very interesting.

Now, look, Valerie.

Yes, J.J.?

Uh... where were we?

Hi, y'all.

Hey, Willona.

Hey, Thelma, you
got anything dirty

to take down to
the laundry room?

No, I did the wash
yesterday, Willona.

Honey, I ain't talking
about the laundry.

I'm talking about some gossip.

How about J.J.'s been
seeing Valerie every night

for the last three weeks?

Honey, that is not gossip.
That's ancient history.

Did J.J. finish my
map for school?

I don't think so, Penny. You
know, he's been very busy lately.

I don't know which
makes me feel worse,

that he's not helping
me do my homework,

or that he's going out
with that old, ugly girl.


Oh, don't be jealous.

He just likes Val, that's all.

Mama, what has she got

that I won't have
in a few years?

Right now, Penny,

she has a father
who's J.J.'s boss.

Oh, now, Gramps,
that's not nice.

Well, Willona,

things have been getting
better for J.J. at work

since he met Val.

Oh, now, darling,
that's nothing.

That's just a... coincidence.

I don't believe it.

It's unbelievable.

Justice has finally occurred.

What? What? What?

It's a miracle.

What happened?

Well, beloved
family, friends, and...


as of today,

the person in charge of the artwork
on the Big Bear Cola account is me.

Yours truly, the ebony prince.

That's right, that's
right, that's right!

Yeah, J.J.

When did you get the news?

Well, today, right after lunch.

Me and Valerie
came back from lunch,

and Mr. Harris
laid the news on us.

See? I told you it
was just... coincidence.

And would you believe

there are certain insidious
people down at the office

that believe that I
got this assignment

just because of my
relationship with Val?

Can you believe that ludicrous
and ridiculous assumption?


Well, I think I hear
my phone ringing.

I sure do. I'll see you later.

J.J., if that map isn't
done by tomorrow,

you and I are through.

I bet you heard that!

Well, things are
really going good now.

I'm now rising up
the corporate ladder.

Yeah, J.J.,

but whose shoulders
will you be standing on?

What do you mean by that?

Val is a very nice girl, but
she is the boss' daughter.

J.J., has it ever
occurred to you

that you might be using her?

Oh, come on, Thelma.

I happen to like the girl.

That's why I'm
going out with her.

The reason I'm rising
up the corporate ladder

is 'cause...

like cream, I always
rise to the top.

So does the garbage
in Lake Michigan.

I don't have to listen
to this anymore.

I've had enough of you cats.

I happen to have a date
with Val tonight, anyway.

Oh, what a surprise.

This is probably Val right now.

Huh. Okay.


Climb aboard, Brother J.,
'cause the Roller Derby Express

is on its way.


It can't be. Not tonight.

Ooh, lord.

Thelma, Thelma, Thelma.

Hey, look here,

if you were a socket
and I was a light,

could we get together
and twinkle tonight?

Poppo, if I were a
shoe... Yeah? Yeah?

And I were a sock...
Oh, yeah, yeah.

You know what I'd say?

Go crawl under a rock.

Hey, wait a minute, guys.

Hold on.

I don't think I can
make it tonight, man.

Hey, man, you gotta make it.

I bought you a ticket.

Cash money.

And I get mean when
you mess with my green.

Wait a minute. I got a
date with Val tonight.

Hey, man, you can break it.

No, he can't.

Why not?

'Cause she's the boss' daughter.

All right.

Now, come on. Hold on. Hold on.

Man, it ain't
anything like that.

I want to go out with Val.

I mean, I happen
to like the girl.

Is there anything
wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with that.

She's fine. It's cool with me.

J.J., we've been buddies for
a long time, right? Mm-hmm.

Now, has this fox
got you so wrapped up

that you can't get
away for one night?

Yeah, man. Come on.
Remember our song, now.

♪ United we stand
Divided we fall ♪

♪ We're tighter than
pantyhose Two sizes small ♪

♪ J.J. ♪

♪ Poppo ♪
♪ Good old Head ♪

♪ We're the Gleesome
Threesome Until we are dead ♪

Give me that ticket.
I'm going. I am going.

Oh, yeah? And what
are you going to tell Val?

Hey, Thelma, I'm my own man.

I can make my own decisions.

I don't know what
I'm gonna tell Val.

Well, whatever you tell her, I
don't want to be here to hear it.

I do. No, 'cause we're
going to Willona's.

I have to live in this house...

Stop talking... Hey, hey, hey.

Thelma, Thelma, Thelma.

Never, never, never.

She's starting to weaken.

J.J., let's get on out of here.
Let's go on out to this roller derby.

Man, I swear, those lady
skaters in those tight leotards

just turn me on.

All right, I hear you.

After this, we're gonna get
ready to get on, giddy-up,

get on, go to the roller derby.

Hi, J.J. You ready?

Oh, hi, Val.

Uh, come on in.

You remember Poppo and Head.

Yeah, of course.

Uh, can we get going?
We're running late.

Uh, Val, there's been
a slight change in plans.

We're going to the roller derby.

Roller derby?

Hey, man, I only
got three tickets.

J.J., I'm waiting.

Well, uh... "A-hum,
a-hum, a-hum, a-hum,

himiny, himiny, himiny..."

♪ United we stand
Divided we fall ♪

♪ We're tighter Than pantyhose ♪

♪ Two sizes small ♪

All right, guys,

we're going to the roller derby.

All right!

I'll meet you all down there.

See you down there.

J., take care of business, bro.

Right on.

You mean to tell me
you'd rather go with them

instead of me.

Uh, well, Val, see...

uh, you don't understand.

We've been lifelong buddies.

No, you don't understand.

You got to give a
little to get a little.

Now, uh, what's that
supposed to mean?

Don't tell me you haven't
been enjoying the fringe benefits

of being my boyfriend,

like the Big Bear Cola job?

Oh, now, come on, Val.

I got that assignment
because I deserved it.

Well, if that's what
you want to think...

Hey, Val, anything I
get I get on my own.

I don't need you.


Well, let's see how
far you get without me.

Hey, J.J., what are
you doing home?

You should have
been at work hours ago.

Thelma, I'm not going to work.

Why not?

After what went down last night,

I'm not sure whether I
have a girl or a job left.

Come on, J.J.

Now, think of the bright side.

Thelma, that is the bright side.

You got any of
that oatmeal left?


Since when do you
eat my oatmeal?

I don't.

I'm using it to make
California on Penny's map.

I want it to be

Oh... Excuse me.

I'm Mr. Harris,
J.J.'s boss. Uh-huh.

May I speak with
him for a moment?

Yeah, he's here. Come on in.

Uh, Evans, why
aren't you at the office?

Oh, you want me to come
down and clear out my desk, huh?

Clear your desk out? Hell, no.

I want you to get busy on
that Big Bear Cola layout.

You know, uh, me and
Val broke it off last night.

Yeah, I know. She told me.

And I told her she was
completely out of line.

You mean she had nothing to do
with me getting that assignment?

Evans, what do you take me for?

I run an ad department,
not a gift shop.

Now, you got that assignment

because you're a
damn good artist.

Well, if you feel
that way about it...

Evans, just be down at
the office in two hours.

I'll be there in ten minutes.

I think you're gonna
need a little bit more time.

Hi, J.J.

Uh, hi, Val.

Look, I know you probably
don't want to see me,

but I just wanted to
apologize for last night.

I was out of line,

and I said what I did
because I was being spiteful,

and, well, I guess
I better be going.

Uh, wait a minute, Val.

You know, uh... we
could start over again.

We could, couldn't we?

Would you like
to go out to lunch?

Well, I would love to,

but I'm waiting for
California to dry.


On Penny's map.

I used oatmeal
to make California,

and I'm waiting for it to dry.

J.J., the Mississippi River

doesn't go through New Jersey,

and Texas should be bigger,

and North Dakota

should be above South Dakota...

Uh, Valerie, Valerie.

Uh, you may be
the boss' daughter,

but around here, I'm the boss.

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watchin' the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinkin' how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times ♪
♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

Good Times was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Good times ♪