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07x13 - City of Refuse

Posted: 09/10/22 15:12
by bunniefuu

[Theme music plays]

...right up until 6:00 a.m.,

Roger armandale
with the traffic report.

Thanks for sticking with me
through the night.

If you've been up all night,
here's the song for you.

And for those of you
who just got up,

Here's how the other half lives.
The immortal glenn miller.

Hey, jablonski!

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Mm, give me some of that coffee.

How'd you sleep last night?

Not a wink, man.
I was up at 2:00, up at 3:00.

I couldn't sleep. I was
up cleaning my gear, packing.

Where's henry?

We're meeting him
at the station house.

Ah, I said to myself,
"get me out of that car.

Get me out of that job.
Get me somewhere that."

Come on!
We'll take it in the car.

my heart is in the highlands.

My heart is not here.

My heart is in the highlands,

A-chasing the deer.

White man, early 30s,
medium-length brown hair,

Blue windbreaker.
This is the third armed robbery.

Currency exchange last night,
18th and promontory.

White male, medium height,

150 Pounds.

Medium-length brown hair,

Blue windbreaker.

There will be a bunch of
boy scouts in the house today.

The captain will be talking
to them

At 1100 hours
on law enforcement as a career.

Anyone who
would like to attend is...

Law enforcement as a hobby?

That's in your case,
flaherty. welcome, thank you,

Oh, the captain
was looking for you.

I would like
you all to read and pay

Attention to the recommendations
regarding the carrying

Of a second or backup g*n.

You must have the registration
and permission in your file,

And you must qualify
with this g*n

As well as your service revolver
at the range.

We recommend the backup g*n,

And we recommend practice.

The life you save
may be your own.

Any questions?

Why is lieutenant goldblume
going undercover?

Lieutenant goldblume
is not working undercover.

For those of you who have kept
pace with the developments

In your community,

Sergeant stosh jablonski,
metro police retired,

Is going hunting
with several of our colleagues.

They're going out to k*ll bambi.

They're going out to slaughter
poor, defenseless creatures.

Hey, if you can eat it,
you can k*ll it.

Want to keep your personal life
to yourself, larue?

- All right!
- Ooh!

The new rotation figure's
on the board.

Officer katherine mcbride,

Who was sent
to polk avenue for special duty,

Is back with us
for several days.

Please show her
every kind courtesy.

And I thank you
for your attention.

Go around the corner,
get the car gassed.

Hey, sarge!


- How you doing?
- Just fine, never better.

Hey what's it like
on the outside, huh?

- You miss it?
- I miss what?

- Police work.
- Worse 30 years of my life.

Time to fill the kitty, ante up.
Let's go. Let's go.

I mean what do you do all day,

Eat bonbons and buff my nails.
Don't you have work to do?

Can you contribute
to the hunting fund?

Gas, oil,
condiments, lieutenant.

Thank you very much. Thank you
very much. I'll see you later.

I'll be back. I'll be back.

Can I have
two words with the captain?

Oh, quickly as you can, henry.

We gotta pick up the keys
to the hunting lodge.

Sergeant, I need a female
officer for an undercover slot.

- I don't have one.
- Well, can you find me one?

You can check
when the next rotation comes in.

Hey, I'm
jammed-up with this here.

I can't create a female
out of thin air.

If a guy could,

It would make all our evenings
more interesting.

I'll tell you

What else you can't create
out of thin air--deer.

But you got
the technology to k*ll a deer.

Sergeant bates,
if you would allow me a minute.

Women bond together as they do
to raise their consciousness.

To knit, to sew,
and discuss childbirth at times.

Why do you find it ludicrous
that men would do the same?

Boys club? Hunting?

No girls allowed?
It's so destructive.

Oh, you wanna come, sarge?

- No thank you. No!
- Then what do you care?

Hey, mcbride.

- Good to see ya.
- Hello, lieutenant.

What's new in the polk?

You got a minute,
buy me a cup of coffee, huh?

- So what brings you back?
- Light duty, a couple of days.

Get you off the streets.
New hat?

I knew they had you
in soft clothes.

You know, I'm sorry you scooted
out of here.

- Bounce in, bounce out.
- Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too.

Wanna put you undercover here.
Coulda used you.

You would pass for anything.

Listen, where are you strapped,
by the way, huh?

Where are you packing?
I can't catch a bulge.

How are you, kate?

- I'm doin' ok.
- Hey, you see that?

That's what I'm talking about.
This is what I need here.

Five dollars, I say she's not
even carrying a g*n on her.

Yeah, she'll pass for anything.

I got a little detail
I'm putting together.

You got some time, kate?
You wanna go talk?

She is talking.

She's talking to me.

I have to go sign in.

Ok, take your time.

I'll catch up with you.

Now what did I say?

Did you see last night's current
sheets from polk?

All right,
then what am I going to find?

She sh*t a man in a gunfight.

I.a.d. Pulled her badge
and her g*n,

Put her on bow-and-arrow detail
until after the hearing.

- She k*ll him?
- That's right.

That is a hard one.


Henry, if there were any other
way out of this, I'd take it.

It's an accident
I'm even here today.

I have two days off.

I just stopped off
to drop off the rotation roster.

I understand. I know.

I'm not going
to order you to do this,

But I'm on-call downtown
and there are going

To be 25 boy scouts
here expecting a lecture.

Somebody has to do it.

What about howard?
Seems tailor made.

He's jammed up
with overtime monthlies.

I'm sorry, henry.
You'll be through by 11:30.

The men are waiting in the car.

Can't you drive up
and meet them?


- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
Thank you very much.


I'm coming. Thank you, henry.

Got four cans up, and we're
ready to roll. Let's roll.

Hey, lieutenant goldblume.
Here we go.

I'm not going.
I'll have to meet you there.


I'm going
to be tied up here till 11:30,

Then I'll drive up
and meet you there.

I'm just--i just...

I'll meet you there.

Get off on 201,

Go east two miles
to the corner store,

Make a left. Four, five miles,

Come to a yellow house
with a red barn on the right.

You take the next dirt road
to the right.

You can't miss it.

[Clears throat]

Henry, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up to you.

Stan, how are you?

- Captain, how are you?
- Sorry to take your boy.

Oh, he'll catch up.

We'd wait, but we have to get
the keys to the cabin.

No, no, no, no. It's all right.
I'll meet you there.

"I slept
and dreamt that life was beauty,

I woke
and found that life was duty."

Henry, since you're here,

You want to stock the wall
request for overtime with me?

Nothing like a day in the woods,

I'm standing there
with a cup of coffee,

Guy comes out with a shotgun
from under his coat

And he starts to speak.

I cannot
hear a word that he's saying.

The next thing I'm aware of,

The paramedics
are taking him away,

He's still jerking like a fish.

Some guy in uniform
takes my g*n.

All I can think,
"guy with a shotgun,

What was he trying to say?"

I mean if you want
to say something, then speak up.

I've got the image of him,

All I can think
I wanna tell him something.

Then the thought
comes in that he's dead.

And then the thought
comes that I k*lled him.

I think you're still in shock.

I'm in what?

I'm in something. I don't know.

You saw a psychiatrist?

Oh, yeah.
The whole routine.

What did he tell ya?

He didn't tell me anything.

I didn't tell him anything.

Yeah, well, it's terrible when
something like this happens.

What happened to the guy
or what happened to me?

- We could
- no.

No, I think I just want
to sit here

Until they decide
if I'm a criminal or not.


- Blue pickup, michigan plates.
- What about it?

I think we have
the plates on the hot list.

Wrong vehicle.
Put it in neutral

And let's just kick back.

Just say to yourself,
"a man who is only his job,

What is he? A machine."

Not even a machine,
a cog in a machine.

We are not put
on this earth just to work.

The word
is recreation, re-creation.

Meditate on that for a second.

Come roll call monday morning,
we are not cops but men.

Men, in the woods.

Men at one with themselves.

Give me a sandwich.


You guys
think about the problem?

- I did.
- Tell me.

Deer breaks cover, runs to the
crest of the ridge. We lay low.

That's obvious.

wait till the deer's had time--

Right, no, that is
what we do not want to do.

Deer breaks cover,
runs to the crest.

You've got the advantage.


Because he can't hear you.
He's running too hard.

The deer's heart is pounding.
He's terrified.

His perceptions are dull
for one moment.

He is playing your game.

The deer is running
to the ridge, the thing you do,

You run to the ridge.

Odds are,
you'll get a sh*t at him

When he comes up
on the other side.

- Another thing--
- mm, this stuff's good.

Deer breaks cover on the flat--

Now, where are we?

Let's say we're in the brush,
here and here.

Man: please put your hands
on the dashboard.

Man in the back seat,
put your hands on the back of
the seat in front of you.

- Uh, we're--
- just do as I say
right now, please!

Uh, we're police officers

Right now, please! Right now!


I find an unfortunate aspect
of our society

Is the absence of an alternative

Means of establishing status.


Yes, there is a certain
status structure in any job.

Who is the boss?
Who is the underling?

And a too close adherence
to that structure

Causes jealousy of those above

And an indifference
towards those below.

Which is
why the company baseball--

I've got to write a talk.

Well, let me just make
this point.

I think the fact that you are
going hunting with men below,

While some may say
that is a violation
of the status structure

I--i've got to talk to 25
boy scouts in half an hour.



Would you talk to this woman,

I'm lieutenant goldblume. I'm--

Just if you have
just five minutes.

- Miss, uh...
- Fletcher.

Miss fletcher,
I have about five minutes.

I'll be brief. I, uh...

Many people are struck by the--

By what happens in the cities.

You--you think it will not
affect you.

You--people cannot stand
the stress.

And you...

Look at people around you,

And you see
what happens to them.

And you say
it won't happen to you

Miss fletcher, what
specifically is your complaint?


My boyfriend won't make
love to me.

They said the way to do it,
they developed a drill--

The thing is never give up
the g*n.

Statistics say,
never give up--

That's what I'm saying.
So they developed this drill.

- I've heard of this.
- You know what
I'm talking about.

A man gets a drop on your
partner, get your partner's g*n,

You work out a signal,
call him by something

Call him by a strange name.

Say for example "clarence,
give him what he wants."

Well, the word clarence
is a signal.

- He draws
- your partner draws.

Your partner hears that word,
he drops to the ground,

You draw and fire.

Chances that it's gonna work?

- My idea is to die
on your feet.
- That's right.

To die with the g*n
in your hand.

- That's right.
- Rather than go out
on your knees.

- I vote for that.
- Bad situation
can always get worse.

Some sucker gets the drop on me,

I'm gonna sh**t it out
right there.

Ok, word is my cousin
says when you get there,

Work your way back
from the dry creek.

3/4 Of a mile back, there's
a broken down stone fence.

That's where
he got a deer last year.

- Hey, man, we appreciate it.
- My pleasure.

No, no, no. That's on us.
Thanks for the advice.

Thank you. You just keep
looking for that stone fence.

Hey, why'd you pull us over?

Well, my partner thought
you looked a tad suspicious.

We've been having
some burglaries.

I said, "no, they're just going
to a costume party."

Costumes? These
are our hunting clothes.

- Uh-huh.
- See, it's always good

To show a little class
in the woods.

Stone fence, 3/4 of a mile back,
dry creek bed.

We better hit it.
We gotta pick up those keys.

That's great advice.

Always glad
to help a fellow officer.

My name is henry goldblume.

I'm a lieutenant
of the metropolitan police.

It might look as if I'm involved

In some undercover mission,

But I'm dressed
like this for a simpler reason.

It's my day off.

I'm speaking to you today

Because you have expressed
an interest in law enforcement

As a career,
law enforcement as a career.

Now, what does this mean?

It means many things.

It means a career which offers

Friendship, loyalty--

From those around you
and to those around you--

And pride.


And as I've been
reminded here today,


And this is what I would like
to say to you--

I'm speaking to you
not as children now,

But as men.

Because you've done us the favor
of coming here today

To see the way we live.

We are here to enforce the law.

To serve and protect
the populace

In need
of service and protection.

It is their will,

The will of the people expressed
in the laws of the city

And regulations
of the department,

That controls our life.

The bad cop,
straining against that will,

He bends the laws.

He flaunts
the rules of the department,

And his life in the force
will be an unhappy one.

Because this man

Forgoes the one,

The only constant satisfaction
he could have--

The satisfaction
of doing his duty.

They're all locked.

Well, dang, why did the states
have to stop us for anyway?

We missed our connection.

Can we catch up with your guy,
get the keys?

No, he's gone.

Where does he usually hide
the keys?

I don't know.
It's my first time here.

You never been here before?

The man's my lawnsman
from the old days at the polk.

He says, "use my cabin."

Gentlemen, I think the correct
answer here is to break in.

We will break in,
we will unlock the door,

And prior to leaving, we will
seal the window with wood

And leave your friend ample
funds to replace his window.

That, please.

Now, the thing is to chop wood.

Chop wood?

For the heat in the house,
my friend.

For we are in the country now.

Ray, your friend from the polk
is doing well for himself.

Well, we're just going
to have to take the bitter
with the better.


Let's get unpacked.

Then does this
mean no chopping wood?

Man, I may not even go
hunting tomorrow.

I might just stay right here
and order up a deer.

Ha, break out the cards,

And let's get into this weekend.


- Lieutenant?
- Yeah, catch me later.

- Mcbride?
- Yeah.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How ya feeling?
Nah, can't answer.

Come here.
I want to tell you something.

I read in the report how
you sh*t that guy last night.

I don't want
to talk about the sh**ting.

Well, I do. So shut up, sign
out and go home. You got me?

You're a hero,

And they treat
you like you're a dog.

Don't look down at me
when I'm talking to you.

You know what a hero is?
You are a hero.

What's it to you?

What's it to me?

What's it to me?

Two things--one,

Some point I need an undercover
female officer.

When you spring out of this,
I'd like it to be you.

Two, I'm a cop.

The only person
in the whole world

Gives a single damn about you.

So why don't you pack it away,
kid, and stand up straight.

This is a cop talking to you.

This is one of your own
talking to you.

And I say I may have
to reach out for you soon,

So why don't you stand
up straight and shrug it off.

The i.a.d.

The i.a.d. Is going
to clear you.

- How do you know?
- How do I know?

Because I read the reports,

And two,
I see it in your eyes.

You see what?

I see
that you did the right thing.

- I did the right thing?
- That's right.

Then why do I feel
the way that I do?

You want me to tell you?


Because you liked it.
Don't turn away,

This a lieutenant
talking to you,

So you just listen
to what I'm going to say.

You just got out of combat,
lasted two minutes.

Doesn't make a difference.
You did something

That few people
in this world do.

You stood up to another
human being in combat,

Where it was his life or yours.

And you're the one
that walked away.

I've been there, kid.

I've been where you've been.
And the guilty secret is--

It is the greatest exhilaration

That is possible to know.

Society says you go feel
contrite, so you feel contrite.

But deep down inside,
you say this--

"My god,
I'm afraid that I liked it."


I'm not done yet.
In a healthy society,

They'd say, "thank you, officer,
for doing your duty.

Thank you very much."
You put the thing behind you.

Not here.

Here they treat you
like a criminal, they shun you.

And you feel
like you're a monster.

You want ten years
with the psychotherapy?

Here, you say this to me.

You say, "norm, I liked it."

Go on, say it,
'cause you know it's true.

Norm, I liked it.

That's what you think,
you dumb fool.

You were scared crazy, and
you're lucky that you're alive.


But you did your duty,
and so I say, "good for you."


- Here, come with me.
- Where are we going?

We are going
to quell the disturbance.

I'm supposed to--

You do what
you're supposed to do.

It's the mark of a gentleman.

I am not here.
I am going hunting. I--

No, no, no, patrick, really.

Whatever it is,
save it for monday.

I was just going
to wish you good sh**ting.

Thank you, patrick.

Talking to boy scouts.

A woman's boyfriend won't make
love to her.


You sh**t 'em, lieutenant,

'Cause they'd do
the same to you.

Goodbye, goodbye. Free at last.

Goodbye, wage slaves!
It's vacation time!

That's the man!

That's the man that r*ped me!

He r*ped me in his office!

I came here for help. I--

Is no one listening to me?

I want to file a report!

Two cards.

- Two cards.
- Similar label.

Two cards for the man,
and the dealer takes...

Fretting off, as usual.

And time will tell.

And, stan,
I believe it's your bet.

- My bet?
- Mm-hmm.

All right, discretion being
the better part of valor,

I will bet...

How much money
you got in front of you?


That's my bet. $35.00.


And why did those states stop us
in their car?

I mean I know they said
some burglaries--

Come on, man, what is more
suspicious looking than a cop?

A thief don't even look
as suspicious as a cop.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm thinking about it.

[Door opens]


Oh, yeah.

Is that your guy?


- Sir?
- [Gasps]

What are you doing? Who are you?
What are you doing here?

Don't talk to them.
Just call the police.

Now hold on, we are police.
Hold it!

- Hold it!
- Hold it, for god's sake!

- Now, who are you?
- No, who are you?

We're friends of john swabota.

And who is john swabota?

Is this john swabota's cabin?

No, it's not. It's my cabin.

- And you are?
- Who I am?

It's none of your business
who I am. You're in my home.

What are you guys?
You're police officers?

Yes, sir.

I think you better give me your
names and badge numbers, guys.

Could I talk to you a moment,

Could I talk with you
a moment please, sir?


How did you get us out of that?

Guy had a wedding ring on,
woman did not.

I thought he didn't kiss her

Like the two of them
were married.

So it seems we're all of it.
Gonna forgive and forget.

So if we've got the wrong place,
how is henry going to find us?

And where is our hunting lodge?

Does anybody want
to chop some wood?

- I'm very sorry.
- Not at all, not at all.

I just don't know.

I don't know
what happened to my life.

Sorry to embarrass.

No, you didn't embarrass me.

I'm sure nothing
will come of it.

Nothing will come of it? But of
course, nothing will come of it.

He was in a vacant room
with an open door.

He was with this woman for
something under five minutes,

And it was
in full view of everybody.

Look, I'm on my day off.

Whatever the thing is,
let's talk about it

If we have
to talk about it next week.


Uh, hell.

Can anybody lend me $20.00?


Let's not all rush
up here at once.

Look, people, I'm on vacation.
I gave renko my money.

- I have no money for gas.
- Sorry, lieutenant.


Can anybody cash a check for me?


Oh, working
up a chill out there.

You think it's cold now,
wait till 5:00 a.m.

Well, this is the life, man.
I don't care, man.

- Henry, you are missing it.
- Yep.

This is something more
like hunting here.

Thank you.


You don't want
to drink too much of that.

You want to hit the hay.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed,
4:00 a.m.

Getting the jump
on some sleepy deer.

Funny how things come back.

What is it?

Sitting around here,

Cleaning the r*fles,
wood in the fire.

Hmm, the smell of oil.

That's right.

I remember one time '69, '70?

We were--bunch of us,

We were on the ridge
about ten kilometers north--

There's nothing to talk about.

Hey, he's your brother,
you tell him.

You told him to get it

Or I'll get
someone else to work there.

Look, four times is too much

- Sir?
- I don't eat.

- Sir?
- Well, find out.

- I'd like to cash a check.
- Call me back.

- Sir?
- Yeah, ok.

Sir, I'd like to cash a check.

I don't have an account here,
but I'm a police officer.

Oh, thank god.
Thank god. I just--

I was waiting.
I just I was almost held up.


Yes, i--

Look, did you call it in?

What do you mean
you were almost held up?

The circular, the bandit.
He came in the store.

How long ago was this?

- Ten minutes ago.
- He's gone by now.

- I'm sure these officers--
- lieutenant?

Pure coincidence,
I just walked in.

You boys know the drill.

I want you to pay special
attention to this man's--

Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Fine, fine. Sir, if you could
just...before you..

If you could just do
me the favor?

Drive me out of here,
and drive me out of here, fast.


And we were...

We were dropped into yugoslavia


And we were captured.

I never knew you were
with the air force, sarge.

Oh, I was. And I don't know what
it was, the pilot got it wrong,

Intelligence was wrong.

But we ran into an advanced unit

Of the german v corp.

And they--

There was some talk about it.

There were four of us
that they caught.

And they told us
they were going to--

Well, they tied us up.

They were in a barn,

An old horse barn, stone.

And we said, "what are you going
to do with us?"

And they said that the next day
when they left,

They'd be taking us
to their base camp as prisoners.

They left us under the guard
of this young kid, young kid.

He was just a little younger
than us.

He must have been 20.

And the kid was--

He knew they were going
to k*ll us in the morning.

They were going to k*ll you?

They were an advanced unit
of the armored corps.

They weren't going to burden
themselves with prisoners.

And the kid, we appealed to him.

Somebody said one thing they'd
like, 'cause it was obvious,

This was the last time
we'd ever have it,

Was we'd like a drink.

So the kid went up to the house,

The germans were staying
at the house,

And he brought back a bottle.

We started to drink.

We got the kid drunk.

Well, you know...

I've told the story
several times, as you do,

And it occurs to me that

It occurs to me
that every time I would tell it,

I would say that we got the kid
drunk and we slipped out.

The truth--

Truth was, of course,
we k*lled him.

Somebody's gonna have to die.
It's him or you.

Yes, that's true.

We knew it was true.

Yeah, you
sorry you k*lled him?

I'm sorry every day I live.

But I wasn't going
to let that man k*ll me.


Gentlemen, we're going hunting
in the morning.

I think we should get some rest.

Just don't drive.
Just keep on driving.

What's all that junk back there?

I asked you a question.

I'm going hunting.


It's hunting equipment.

That is very interesting.

What--what is that?
What the hell is that?

- A g*n.
- Why?

I'm a police officer.


I pick a cop.

Oh, all the stuff that's already
happened to me. Oh, man.

Oh, man!

Pull the car over.


I said pull over the car.

Get out.
I said get out!

Take the keys.

Open the trunk.

I think we
oughta talk about this.

I said open the trunk.

And when you open it,
then get in.

No, no.

Ok, you start digging.

Dig a grave.

My uncle was a cop.

My dad was a cop.

My dad was two cops.

I would have guessed
he was a cop.

You would?

Hey, hey, it runs in the family.
Some kind of genes.

He die in the line?

My uncle?


He d*ed of cirrhosis. Big deal.

Stress of the job.

No, he liked to drink.

He'd have been a drunk,
he was a crossing guard.

My dad d*ed in the line.


I'm sorry to hear that.

He was a hero.

I have no doubt that he was.

He was a hell of a man.

How old were you
when he went down?


Hell of a thing.


They get the guy that sh*t him?

- No.
- No, no.

Of course not, no.

And there you have it, huh?
You know what I say?

You know what life is?



Is when you're alive.


Hey, I'm a caveman.

I don't care.

Some swell sits in an office

All day long, well fine.

- Fine for him.
- That's what I'm saying.

Not for me.

No, and that
is your absolute right.

But, but

- Hey now, leave it behind you.
- But if you've done--

- Leave it.
- If you--

Katie, katie.
Look, look at me.

There comes a time when a man

If he is a man,
you see what I'm saying?

He must decide for himself
the way that things are.

You follow? You follow me, huh?


Now, now you sh*t
that dude last night.

He threw down,
and you b*at him to the punch.

An armed robber, and he is dead.

Now everyone else
in this world is gonna

Suggest that you went
and you did wrong.

You somehow misused some right,

But you don't got the right
to sh**t someone.

- I don't--
- nobody does.

What you did last night,
it wasn't your right.

It was your duty.


Hey. Hey now.

That is a strange idea.


Try that on for size.


I'll tell you what else--

I say that you---

You are ok.


They took your piece.

You want a hideout g*n?
I'll give it to you.

You want
to borrow a hundred bucks,

You just ask. It's yours.

You want someone to keep
a secret for you, norm buntz.

Hey, we all been there together,

I think I want one more drink.

Who rides decides.

- Bartender?
- Right away.

So, tell me about your dad.


Ah, give me some of that.

Ok, stand in the wood smoke.

It'll hide any city scents
that you have on you.

Yeah, the deer
don't mind the smoke,

But they'll run 15 miles
from the scent of aftershave.

Well, some of us more sartorial
types have that problem.


Ok, that's enough.

What a beautiful morning.

Mm, you said it.

I wish henry was here.


Let's move out.

No talking in the woods.

You got it.

All right.



That's it?

Now, you're gonna k*ll me?

Oh, man, you know
that I have to k*ll you.

You have to k*ll me?

I kidnapped a cop, man.

What about if you didn't?

If you didn't kidnap a cop?

- I mean, I know who you are.
- You know who I am?

They want you for those
currency exchange.

What do you know about me?

- Description.
- Description?

- We don't have your name.
- What are you telling me?

I'm telling you no one
has anything.

We have an m.o.

You lay off, you move off,
and I'm going to let this go.

- You're going to let what go?
- I'm supposed to be hunting.

No one knows where I am.
Nobody knows!

Nobody saw me get in that car.

No one knows where I am.

If I go back tomorrow, I can go
back and this never happened.

You take the car.
It has g*ns in it.

Food, take it.
I stopped by the road.

I'll say I stopped,
and you'll have hours.

Someone stole my car.

You hear what I'm saying?

- I kidnapped you, man.
- No kidnapping, no.

No, I never saw you.

Look, what's in it for you?

No kidnapping, no federal,
no capital offense.

You know if you do this,

You know they'll find you.

I'm saying...

Go free.

Whatever it is you want--
what you want to do, you do it.

I'm saying

I'm just saying, leave me here.

I'm begging you.

Whatever you wanna do,
you do it,

But I'm saying this...

This is the right thing
for us both.

You know
that I can't believe you, man.

No, you don't
you don't wanna k*ll me.

You don't want to

Because you'd be k*lling
us both.

Think about you.

I never saw you.
I never saw you.

I never saw you.



What is it?

Bobby, what is it?

I stepped on a--

I stepped on a--

I got a damn spike in my foot!



Hell of an ending
for a weekend in the country.

These things happen, my man.

Oh, I should have looked
where I was going.

Can't look where you're going

And look
at the deer at the same time.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, man.

I'm gonna get tetanus,
get a sh*t,

Walk with my foot
in a cast for the whole time.

It's just as easy to set
the styles at to follow them.

Come on,
I wanna get you to a hospital.


I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't go
making a spectacle out of me.

Let's get the place
straightened out,

And then
we'll head back to town.

You know, I'm gonna
save this spike, bobby hill.

Get it mounted on a big plush,
wall plaque hanging

In united pine den as a memento
of our hunting trip.

Now, wasn't that buck something?

Oh, had to go six points,
190 pounds.

190? Are you guys nuts?

That there was a ten-point buck.

Over 205, 210 pounds.
I got the glass on him.

He blotted out the whole sky.

And he's still there, babe.

He's still there,
next week we get him.

When are we going to all get
free time together again?

Then we will bury him
in our memory.

Oh, man. Oh, man.

I've never been so sick
in my whole entire life.

Well, that's good.

Why is that good?

'Cause if it's inside you,
it's gotta come out.

Can you make it up the stairs?


Oh, yeah, we solved those
problems last night, didn't we?

I don't know.
I don't remember.

Oh, what am I going to do today?
I have to go sign in.

Call in, take a personal day.
Stay home, look out the window.


Yeah? My friends call me norm.

- Norm.
- Yeah.

You really turned me
around a bit.

Yeah, I know.
I'm glad to do it.

- Thank you.
- Hey, thank you.

Glad for the company.

Why did you reach out to me?

Two reasons--

One, I need a woman
for an undercover bandit.

What's the other one?

Well, everybody likes
to be next to a hero.

Lieutenant goldblume.
We didn't expect you till--

Well, you know, i...

I'd like the form
for carrying a backup g*n.

- Could you please--
- yes, sir.

I'm surprised
to see you so soon.

Everything went well with your
secret society of hunters?

Yeah, my car was stolen.
I never got the--

Your car was stolen?

Back early, lieutenant.
Any luck?

Not too much.

Form, backup revolver,
carrying a--

Thank you.

Sir, you're going to have
to schedule some time
at the range to qualify.

Yes, yes,
let's do that right now.

- I can--
- let's do that right away.

Tell them I can come right down.

Morning, guys.

Hey, you get them all ready,

Am I gonna go out that door
and see a hundred 12-point bucks

to the fenders of your car?

He's free to come down...

I'm free right now.
I can come down right now.

They said he's probably still
in the area.

They said he was probably
in the area the whole time.

You could have seen
him on the street.

Could have even got
a look at him.

I didn't see anyone
on the street.

They said come down,
look at mug books.

I said, yes, if it's going
to help them catch that guy,

You bet I will,
before he kills someone.

And if you ask me,
though you didn't ask me,

I think that you should've
stayed to help.

Lieutenant, 1:30 this afternoon,
a range qualifying center.

Thank you.

Can someone get me a form
please for stolen car?


You're back early.

I--well, you know--

I want to thank you
for giving the speech.


I think it took
a little bit of courage

To talk to those kids
about some serious stuff.

You all right?

Was up all night.

Well, thank you.

Random nonsense.

Isn't there enough v*olence
in the world?

It's only nonsense
if it's not your thing,

And what's this name calling?

Oh, not for the deer.

Not if the deer is k*lled,
then it's not name calling...


Come in.

I was kidnapped last night.


Give one last sweep of the area,
then head home.

Didn't even fire a sh*t.

Well, sometimes that's
the way it is.

Leave it better
than you found it.
