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07x08 - Falling from Grace

Posted: 09/10/22 15:07
by bunniefuu
councilman wade say that he

Was acting in self-defense
when he--

Why don't you
just turn the sound off?

Figure you're going to get your
dose of mr. Wade at the office?

I felt I had
no other choice but to--

Yeah, the choice
is "sesame street", furillo.

Well, let's see what big bird
is up to.

[Knocking at door]

It's sid!

It's open.

Norm, what happened?

What does it look like?

Oh no, it's true?
Teddy falco clipped your finger?

- It's true.
- Oh jeez.

But they reattached it.

- Yeah.
- Where'd you go, county?

Uh-uh, mercy.

I don't even believe it.

I'm down at jerry's coffee.

Half an hour ago, sal ferugi,
a little guy with all the hair,

Says to me, "your cop
got his finger clipped."

I said, "excuse me, sal? My cop?

Would you mind explaining
that to me?"

He says to me, "your cop, sid.

I mean, who you kidding?
Everybody knows you snitch
for lieutenant buntz."

I say, "oh really?
Well, forgive me, sally.

I happen to be the one person
who doesn't know that."

Hey, give me a hand here,
will you?

Yeah, sure.

sal's talking to nicky myrtle.

Nicky myrtle happens to be
at the empire espresso,

Three o'clock this morning.

He says he hears teddy falco

lieutenant buntz's finger.

Listen, give me a hand
with my jacket.


- Anyways--
- take it easy now.

All right.

Slow, norm, slow.

All right.


Anyways, I say,
"forgive me, sally.

"The reason
I can't believe your story

"Is that it doesn't end with,
'so then, lieutenant buntz

Uses teddy falco to repave
the decker projects.'"

But now I get here,
I look, I see it's true.

Sid, please, huh?

Does it hurt a lot?


Looks like it hurts.

What are you looking for,
your keys?

Where do you usually keep them?

Don't help me,
sid, all right?

Will you leave my stuff alone?
Go on, get out of here.

- Can you drive?
- Yes, I can drive.

It's an a*t*matic,
I can handle it.

Just go on, go on, get out.


Well, excuse the hell out of me
for caring, norm.

- Ow!
- Norm!

[Police siren wails]

we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store,
corner of peebles drive,

And 24th street.

[Piano maudlin]


I'm just a country boy, frank.

To me, a w*r against cr*ck
sounds like something

A police department
might be able to get behind.

A guy who's making a go
sounds like someone

I'd want to be in harness with.

But not us, right, frank?

"Councilman sh**t drug dealer
in van buren corridor."

How are we positioned?

"Police investigate sh**ting."

That's our job, chief.

When there's a sh**ting,
we investigate.

You're an alchemist, furillo.

You convert bill wade
from this department's ally

Into its blood enemy.

And now, poof, you want
to turn him into a martyr.

By some accounts,

The man wade sh*t
was running away from him.

By some accounts, he wasn't.

You mean,
the councilman's press aide?

I mean a reputable citizen

Who's given a sworn,
corroborative statement.

Which detectives larue
and washington duly recorded.

They've just about finished
their case work.

Washington recognized another
possible witness running away

From the scene whose statement
they're trying to get.

The d.a. Will then decide
how to proceed.

Just us chickens, frank.

You know there isn't
a chance in hell

For the d.a. To prosecute wade.

- That'll be his decision.
- Sorry.

I had this lunatic idea

That we might be
a little forthcoming.

Use this to build a few bridges.

you all right?

No picnic being treated
like a criminal,

But yes, I'm all right.

Is he really all right?

Bill's a fighter.

Of course, it takes its toll.

The captain has promised
to clear things up

As expeditiously as possible.

I want the councilman

To be given
every consideration, frank.

Damn heroic.

Damn brave.

I remembered a few more things
about last night, captain,

Soon as I sat down,
cleared my head.

You have a right to add
to your statement.

- He can amend?
- He can add to.

His original statement
remains on the record.

The result ought to be
you exonerate me

From any wrongdoing.

We don't exonerate anybody
around here, councilman.

We just turn over our findings
to the district attorney.

Captain, when was the last time
someone threatened your life

And you could see in his eyes
he was about to blow you away?

Because that's what happened
to me last night.

I know your position is that
you sh*t in self defense.

With a registered firearm
to save my life.

It isn't a position,
it's what happened.

I was there.

I'm a big boy, councilman.

the factual circumstances

When you sh*t that dealer
last night,

I know there's little chance
of you being charged.

You just let us
finish our jobs.

Then you can do what you want

Without capitalizing
on the results.

Neal, j.d.

Councilman wants to add
to his statement.

Whatever you say, captain.

But all he's gonna do
is shine us off.

Yeah, captain, why don't we
just go find the last witness?

- Mouce?
- Yeah, we bring in mounce,

Wade and mars,
to dispute his statement,

D.a. Declines prosecution

And we go on
to something decent.

Then go find your witness

After you take
the councilman's statement.


You wanna add
to your statement too?

Not necessary.

Paul winchell
and jerry mahoney.

How you doing, sister?

Wonderful, detective larue.

Good morning.

- Sister.
- Morning, sister.

Good morning, patrick.

Are you ready to help

St. Cecilia's
find its outreach center?

Let's do it.


What's wrong
with that picture, huh?

2-11, Ladies.

What are you looking at, sir?

I was just noticing that despite
her habit and piety,

Sister chastity has retained
grace gardner's carriage
and gait.

You noticed that, huh?

Well, it's a distinctly feminine
sort of fluidity of movement.

Could we have
the call slip, sarge?

Oh, of course, sorry.

Now let me get this straight,

You're saying that the man
you sh*t, angel,

Whispered these words
in your ear?

"I got a g*n in my pocket.

"You're gonna give me your money

Or I'm gonna blow a hole
in your stomach."

That's correct, detective.

Is it possible
he also might have

Told you the caliber
of the g*n, councilman?

Like, did he say anything like,

Uh, "I've got a 44 magnum p*stol
in my pocket."

Very humorous.

Look, detective,

Will both you and mr. Mars
excuse us for a second?

Detective, perhaps I seem rude
or overbearing some times,

And I'm sorry about that,

But this is a deeply
trying experience for me.

I understand that it must be.

It's kind of crazy actually.

- What is, councilman?
- We're both on the same side.

We shouldn't be adversaries.

Now I'm telling you the truth
about what happened, so help me.

And as someone who is there,

I plead with you to search
your own recollection carefully.

Now you say you didn't see
the sh**ting incident itself.

- That's right.
- Are you absolutely sure?

You didn't see that man
whisper in my ear?

You didn't see him
gesture towards his pocket?

I mean, I've remember things
over night I didn't recall

In the immediate aftermath.

Can't say I remembered anything
more overnight, councilman.

All right.

I'm sorry about that.

- Captain.
- Norm.

I heard you lost a finger.

Uh, that shylock falco.

Then I had another accident
this morning.

Will you have use of it?

I don't know.

I got in for more sewing.

Look, why don't you
take the day?

I mean, we can postpone
on your loan shark bust.

I'd rather work, captain.

I can get the warrants ready
while I'm at the e.r.

When did we schedule
the arrest?


Falco was the last guy
we were getting evidence on.

We're moving in
on all five of these creeps.

And who's handling
the falco arrest?

- Me.
- Oh, no, wait a minute.

No, I don't think
that's such a hot idea.

Captain, the bastard cut
my finger off.

Look, suppose he falls
and chips a tooth

While you were
bringing him in.

Captain, listen--

Norm, you have history with him,
could look like payback.

Captain, I'm no dope.

I understand this pop's
gonna be under a microscope.

I just want the satisfaction
of taking him in.

Fragile on the package, norm.

Fragile on the package.

You know, even if he had
a heart att*ck,

I'd be inclined
to be suspicious.

Hey, captain.

Acts of god,
we draw the line, right?

Mm, man.

Rules, the car is approaching.

As soon as you are sure
he's pulling into the lot,

You punch in the time ticket.

Extra minute means
an extra half hour charge.

I understand.

All right, you're handing
the driver his ticket.

"How long you gonna be, sir?"

The full days,
you put in the back,

That way you can park the short
stays in the front of them.

- You with me so far?
- I'm with you.

I don't like any hot sh*ts.

Don't show me
how good you are.

My best employees
are invisible,

The guys I never have
to look at.


All right,
last, but most important.

- Are you ready?
- I'm ready.

The seventh floor
is off limits.

- What's on the seventh floor?
- Excuse me?

You said the seventh floor
is off limits.

What am I doing right now?


I'm looking at you.

That means you're not
being invisible.

- I just wonder--
- don't wonder, disappear.


Come on, pops,
up and at 'em.


Yeah, you know where
the men's shelter is, right?

Over on sheffield.

I know,
I thank you, officer.

- Hello, sis.
- Hello.

- Sister chastity?
- Yes.

Yeah, jake pickle,
salter realty.

Don't arrest her, officer,
she's our first nibble

Since the property
came on the market.

Come on.

No dog and pony pitch,

The place more of less
speaks for itself.

You could say that.

Look, I have clients waiting
at another listing.

Take your time.

If I'm not back
when you want to leave,

Just lock the door behind you.

Thank you, mr. Pickle.

Here, call if you have
any questions.

And sister,
if you can come up even 20%,

I can show you some listings
don't need a thing

Except maybe a new coat
of paint.

Thank you.

Well, I think this place
has definite possibilities,

Don't you, patrick?

I guess it's in the eye
of the beholder, sister.

You know, we can make
the reception area there

And then divide
the rest of the place
into counseling rooms.

It'll take
a little elbow grease.

I'm going to get
the neighborhood children

To help me.

We're going to sanctify
this place with our own hands.

Help! Help!

Yeah, I'm okay.

You okay, mr. Pickle?

Just need a change
of underwear.

Sorry, sister.

I would have liked a chance
to talk to that man.

Would you come back, please?

That lease figure
in the listings.

- Yes?
- Yeah, cut it in half.

Oh, how generous of you!

Just call me when you want
to sign the papers, okay?

- Thanks.
- You don't want to sign
a complaint, mr. Pickle?

I just want to get out of here
with my life.

Oh my goodness! Oh!

What's that for?

Oh, for lowering my rent.

Come on.

Definitely toes.

You all right, cowboy?

Yeah, yeah, I was just thinking
the best place for ol' buntz

To start on that loan shark
in the toe area.

The toe is highly underrated.

You lop off a couple toes,

A guy just falls flat
right down on his face.

Hey, wait a minute, you mean
if a guy chopped off
your finger,

You'd hack his toes?

Yeah. No, no.

I mean, I don't know.

But I'd have to do some damage
to his anatomy.

Over here, andy.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You know what
I'm talking about!

- You took my case--
- what case?

- And I want it back--
- I didn't steal your case!

I don't know nothing
about your case!

You better have that case!
I want it now!

Stand back!

- I didn't take it!
- What's the problem?

Hi, officer,
I'm al sanderson.

I'm a shirt salesman.

I work very hard
for my money.

My partner and i,
we parked our car over here.

I went across the street
to have some breakfast.

When I came back, this, uh--

This gentleman
was sitting in my car

And my sample case
was missing.

I was just listening
to the radio.

If I took his case, why would I
be sitting in the car?

'Cause you already
stashed it already.

You're going to be selling it

Sometime night
on a street corner, my shirts.

He's just a little excitable,
that's all.

- And what is your name, sir?
- Joel hirschman.

- Joel hirschman.
- I work with al.

Now, look here, sir,
do you think he stole it?

No, I don't believe he did.

He was in the car, yeah.

You see, the kid's my cousin.

Now he used to have a record,
used to have a drug problem,

But he's been
working out fine here.

Look, if he's your cousin,

Tell him to give me my case back
and we'll let it go at that.

Now, he says
he did not take it.

Do you want to prefer charges?

No, I don't want
to prefer charges.

All I want is my case back!

Look, officer,
if I prefer charges,

I'm gonna be tied up all day
with this, uh-- okay.

I get it.

You wanna shake me down, okay.

You did it.
Now here, here's 50 bucks.

Now go out and buy yourself

Some reefer or whatever it is
you people do.

Get that man away from me,
I'll cut him.

I swear I'll cut him!

Take this money, okay?
I just want my case.

Look, sir,
you got two choices.

You either come with us
or you drop the whole thing.

Oh, for crying out loud,

Do you know what
this is gonna cost me?

I don't care what it costs you.

You want me to come along?


I didn't take it!

Let's go.
Let's go.

[Car horn honks]

Hey, give me the keys
to that olds over there.

What olds?

The gray one in the back.

Where are you taking it?

What are you,
writing a book?

If the owner comes back,

I wanna be able to tell him
where his car is.

Look, this is
an all-day park , right?

- Right.
- Right.

So by the time the guy comes
for his car,

I'll have it right back
where you parked it,

All wrapped up
and ready to go.

I guess it's not my place
to ask what's going on.

You got it.

I bet it's going
to the seventh floor.

You know what you want to do,
smart stuff?

You wanna relax.

Enjoy the quiet.

In about five minutes,

It's gonna be
the lunch hour rush

And you won't have time
to ask anybody any questions.

Gotta get mouse levin,
let's head over there.

There, j.d., It's him.

[Police sirens wailing]

[Tires screeching]

Where the hell'd he go, neal?

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, looky here.

Well, look neal,
we trapped a mouse.

Let me go, man!


Very unusual.

Your friend mr. Merker
have a very distinctive style.


But, out of control,
and too elitist.

Where's the audience?

You're the expert,
you tell me.

All right, I will.

Read this.

Out loud, okay?

"Hill street cop:

Life in america's
roughest precinct."

By henry goldblume.

You gotta be kidding,
I'm no writer.

No one's asking you to be
harold robbins, lieutenant.

Look, I saw you on tv.

You were earnest, sincere,

Yet tough when you had to be.

A very appealing package
and I bet you have the stories.

Yeah, well, that I do have.

So, take the recorder.

Call me any time you like.

We'll work together on this.

What do you say?

I'll think about it.

I'm going to call
that other mishap.

I want to see everything
within our range

Before I sign any papers.

Wait a minute, you won't take
yes for an answer,

Will you, sister?

I mean, that mr. Pickle
offered you that place we saw

Before our first song.

Well, if you can arrange
for a mugger to appear,

Perhaps we can get
another discount.


You gonna make
another mugger appear?

Give me a break.

What's going on, flaherty?

What do you mean?

You and sister chastity.

She's my assignment.

You don't find it
a little unusual

That she gives you so much
personal attention.

She told me I'm her project

And that she's gonna bring me
back to the fold.

Ooh, the fold.

Now what fold would that be?

The church.

Sarge, what are you trying
to say, hmm?

Do you think
sister chastity's on the make?

I dunno. No.

I mean, 'cause I can't
even believe

That you're suggesting
the possibility that this--

I don't know
what I'm suggesting, okay?

I just find the whole thing
a little weird.

Join the club.

I'm heading back over
to the hospital.

Damn thing's hanging on
by a thread.

You don't want
to linger over that.
Here, your warrants.

Yeah, I'm gonna hand these out
over at the hospital,

So send the detectives
over when they get here.

I understand.

councilman! Councilman!


I have called
this press conference

In the very bowels
of the whale,

Hill street precinct,
to reclaim my good name.

Are you saying the police

Are trying to smear you,

I'm saying they're certainly
dragging their feet

On what was clearly
a case of self-defense.

I was attempting to dramatize
the deplorable condition

Which exists
in the van buren corridor,

Which is by no means
the only sector of our city

Which is run by cr*ck dealers
and other violent hoodlums.

I was threatened
and I responded appropriately.

- Want me to stop this?
- No, let him have his say.

I have fully cooperated
with captain furillo
and his men,

And yet they persist
in this witch hunt.

Do you think captain furillo

Was conducting
a personal vendetta

Because you publicly criticized
his stand on the drug issue?

Regretfully, I would have
to answer yes to that.

Furthermore, I find it ironic--
highly ironic--

That the chief
investigating detective,

One neal washington,

Has himself a history
of codeine dependency.

If you need proof,

I have his personnel records
right here.

That'll be all, councilman.

That's a reckless
and irresponsible statement.

Well, is it true, captain?

Do you deny that your detective
has a drug problem?

Neal washington
is totally fit for duty.

Do you know that for a fact?

Isn't it possible

He was under the influence
of dr*gs last night,

That his entire account
of what happened

Should be stricken
from the records?

I already answered that.
This news conference is over.

Sergeant, would you like to
escort these people out please?

Where is detective washington?

Out doing his job.

You can't ignore this,

All right, you have your
statement, gentlemen, ladies.

Thank you very, very much.

Where did you get
that information?

- That's my business.
- Wrong.

Those are confidential police
records you obtained illegally,

Which makes it my business.

Good day, captain.

You know, all you had to do
was wait a little while

And you could have
walked away from all of this,

But you just couldn't,
could you?

You're detective mazzio,
right, from polk?

Here's your warrant for longo.

Remember, we process 'em
at hill street precinct.

That goes for every shylock
we bust today.

Here, you get mcguire.

That leaves falco,
who's mine.

Look, lieutenant, I can take
falco for you if you want.

I mean, considering
your surgery and all.

I'll manage.

Okay. These busts represent
three months' work.

No screw-ups.

All right, good luck.


Norm, you seen the doctor yet?

Yeah, but I decided
to stick around

'Cause I love
the food so much.

No, I haven't seen the doc yet,
pea brain.

Good. Good.

Good? How would you like
a little of this throbbing, sid?

First off,

I wanna apologize again
for causing this latest duress.

I'm touched.

See, you're still angry, norm.

I understand,
that's perfectly normal.

But maybe what happened
this morning

Is gonna end up
being a blessing in disguise.

Maybe I'm gonna let you live
if you get out of here

Right now, sid.

Norm, you're very upset.

You're extremely uncomfortable.

Tell you what I like to do.

Relax, clear your head

'Cause I have
a very serious question

Of a financial nature.

Say it.

Are you sure you want
your finger re-stitched?

You got three seconds
to b*at it.


Standard compensation,
loss of limb.

Norm, you pull out the stitches,
the tip falls off.

Who is going to know?

It's a lock.

Three, two, one, out,
come on.

50 G's, minimum.

With a good attorney,

We're talking
possible retirement.

Time's up, sid.

Come on, listen I got an idea.

If this money is so good,

Why don't we chop off three
of your fingers, all right?

You're in
a very violent mood.

I'd check your medication.

Go on.

"Sat in the car,
turned on the radio,

Smoked a cigarette."

- You never saw
the sample case at all?
- No.

Your cousin tells me
you're doing a pretty good job

At the parking lot, mark.

You don't want to do
anything stupid, man.

I know.

Okay, I guess that's all.

Stay out
of other people's cars.

All right.

Now, what does it take
to get out of here?

Now listen to me,
you insult my intelligence

And then you cost me
my livelihood.

Please keep your voice down
to a decent level, thank you.

- Now what?
- We took mr. Lewis' statement.

If we need him,
we know where to find him.


You two guys are gems,
you know that?

First you waste my entire day,
then you take this--

This thief's word over mine.

Al! Al!

What are you doing here?

- I found it!
- Found what?

Your samples.

You left your case
at the motel.

What, are you crazy?
I turned that room upside down.

It wasn't in the room, al.

They found it later
at the checkout counter.

You must have forgotten.

It's an easy mistake.

My, my, my.

Mr. Sanderson, I think
you owe this man an apology.


Yeah, well, here.

Here's 50 bucks.

Excuse me.

That's beautiful, huh, joel?

I offer to make it right
and the kid cops an attitude.

It's typical.

You got your case back.

So why don't you
go sell some shirts?

Al, let's go.

Got a witness
in the wade sh**ting, sir.

Need an interrogation room.

"A" is open.

The captain wants to see you,

Yes, chief,
sure I'll call you.

Soon as I have anything
to report.

Found the witness, captain.

J.d.'S got him in interrogation.

Good work, neal.

Look, somehow,
councilman wade got a copy

Of your personnel record.

He's gone public
with your codeine problem.


He implied you might have been
on codeine last night,

That it could have impaired
your judgment.

I've been clean for two years.

If you want, I'll even take
a urinalysis test right now.

That won't be necessary.

- You want me off the case?
- Absolutely not.

Man, I can't believe this.

I thought that whole thing
was behind me.

How did wade get hold
of my records?

We don't know that yet.

It's gotta be somebody
in the station, doesn't it?

It looks that way.

Neal, is there anybody who would
have reason to do this to you?

Can't think of anybody, cap.

Kinda makes you wonder
who your friends are, huh?

Well, we're gonna find out
who did it.

Meantime, if you want
to take a few days.

Uh-uh. J.d.'S waiting for me
in interrogation.

Last night, mouse,

- Last night.
- Yeah.

Night, you know, when it gets
all dark outside.

Oh, scary.

You were in the corridor.

You saw councilman wade
and angel, right?

Oh yeah.

Yeah, yeah,
I remember that.

Oh, yeah, yeah,
sure I can, man.

Like, angel,
he was levitating

Maybe two or three inches
above the ground

And councilman wade,

He wants to float up there too.

But he can't do it.

He can't get himself free
from gravity.

Man, white dudes
got no lift-off power.

- Calls for you, detective.
- Thanks, doris.

Witness have anything to say?

Not about this planet,

No way we can put him
on the stand.

- Three reporters
called today, j.d.
- Forget 'em, neal.

It looks bad
if I don't talk to them.

Looks bad either way.

Parasites will be on
to something else by tomorrow.

Yeah, right.

Melvin started updating
the files this morning.

Under normal circumstances,
I would applaud his initiative,

But given the events
of the day--


I heard you found

The other dealer
from last night.

You've done enough damage,

I'm telling you right now,
go home.

If the man's made
incriminating statements,

We've got a right to know.

Hey, man, you had no right
to go digging in my files.

And you wouldn't have done that
if I'd changed my report.

We're gonna nail you,
you bastard.

Come on.

Can you claim
that this detective

Could be
an impartial investigator?

Get out of here,
councilman, now.

- The man threatened me.
- Get your boss out of here.

Let's go, bill.

Get melvin, bring him
into interrogation "b".

Oh, phil.

I never dreamed the feelings
could be so strong.


There you are.

Ready to go, sister?

In a moment, patrick.

What are you doing down here?



And connecting something

That's been building up
inside me for two days.

It's clear to me now, patrick,

That there was a hidden design
in my returning here

And in you becoming
my liaison.

I couldn't see it for
what it was until this morning,

When I felt the warmth
of your hard,

Brave body against mine.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, sister!

It's been a test to see
if I could complete

My novitiate year.

- You can do it, sister.
- No.

You were sent to show me

That I'm still too much
of this world.

The lure of the flesh
is too strong, patrick.


The bond is there,
can you deny it?

You're a nun.

His will be done.


I understand how this could've
happened, melvin.

There'd been a request

To cooperate
with councilman wade

And you may have felt
turning over washington's file

Was just another instance
of that cooperation.

Captain, I promise you
it wasn't me.

Mm, I suppose
if we believe that, melvin,

Next you'll be trying to sell us
some florida swampland.

Melvin, the only thing
left for you to decide

Is how this is going to end.

I mean, either you can cooperate
by incriminating wade

Or you can keep on lying.

That's the only choice
you have left.

It's your call, melvin.

Why don't you smarten up?



Let's use neal and j.d.
For surveillance.

I'll notify.

We formed a pretty potent
interrogation duo there,

Didn't we, captain?

Hit him with a wire hard.

I parked my car
and I want it now!

All right,
I'm on it, lady.

Shouldn't be allowed.

That lady should be required
to have a license.

Her assertiveness marathon

Was nothing more than
an exercise in sadism.

I was never so humiliated
in my life.

And those people--

No wonder they wanted
assertiveness training.

They just sat there
and took it.

Can you believe it?


- My keys aren't there.
- I know.

Don't tell me something
happened to my car.

Just calm down, lady.

I'm gonna be right back.

let's go, come on, come on.


What did I tell you?

The most important rule is
to never come up to this floor.

Lady came in for her porsche.

So why didn't you use
the intercom?

I would have brought
the car down to you.

That way,
you wouldn't have seen a thing.

Look, you guys wanna drop
a good engine,

Put in a clunker,
ain't no skin off my nose.

I don't care
how you make a buck.

I got enough partners.

Hold it!

Police officer,
you're under arrest.

Drop it! Get down!

You too, down!

[Tires screeching]

This is helper.

I got a code 37.

Red porsche.

Solemn and decker.

License number anq 251.

Driver possibly armed.

Get up.

[Tires screeching]

I didn't see that, right?
That was not my car.

It belonged to someone else,
the car that went out of here?

Lady, please.

You don't have a g*n
in your hand.

This is not happening to me.

I'm a police officer.

Which means
my car really was stolen.

I got the license plate number.
I put it out on the radio.

I guarantee you,
the man will be apprehended.

It better not come back dented.

I'll go in in my cover.

They're both packing.

It'll make it easier
to get the drop on 'em.

When do I go in, sir?

When I yell,
"you're under arrest."

[Knocking at door]

Mr. Falco, mr. Mcguire.

You don't learn, do you?

I'm late, I know,
I'm sorry.

I think this is
what you're waiting for.

How's the finger,
mr. Mains?

What, this here?

It's about to be
a whole lot better.

What the hell is going on here?
This is paper.

Aw, jeez, well,
you must be popped then.

You must be under arrest!

Eat the floor!
Eat it!

You're a cop!

Yeah, you got that right, pal.

How's that meat cleaver,
teddy, huh?

You serve up
any chipped beef today?

Listen, do me a favor,
would you?

You do the honors
on mr. Falco there.

I lay hands on him,
I might like to snap his neck

Like a thanksgiving gobbler.

Hey, listen, I'll tell you
the truth, officer.

And if teddy's honest,
he'll verify.

The other day,
what he did to your finger,

He made me sick.

I mean, it made me sick
to my stomach.

Yeah, yeah,
you're a real saint, mcguire.

You hear what I'm saying,

I'd turn that freaking mug
of yours into lemon meringue,

Except I'd wind up
in the jackpot.

I'm going to just have
to get my jollies

From watching you
get a double sawbuck.

Yeah, but some of that will be
about the v*olence though---

- Hey, what are you doing, kid?
- My cuffs.

- Watch it!
- [g*n sh*ts]

- Please don't sh**t me!
- Shut up, mcguire!

- Are you okay, kid?
- I'm okay.

Look at this.

Look at this!

This moron went
and made me k*ll him.

Now I'm going to get
all jammed up

On account of this.

- Don't snuff me out.
- Mcguire, would you shut up!

Shut up!

What's the problem?

I'll tell you
what the problem is.

Furillo's coming down hard
on anybody

Who even walks by the files.

But guess who's taking
the most heat.

Here you go,
two coffees.

He had me in interrogation.

You ever been in interrogation?

You've been true to the firm,
haven't you, melvin?

Yeah, sure.

But I need to take
a little vacation.

I'm gonna need tickets.

A whole new wardrobe
for the sun.

Calm down, melvin.

We've all gotta stay collected.

Easy for you to say.

I need more money.

Right now.

We might be able
to arrange another $200.

A thousand.

A little grandiose
for a petty thief,

Aren't we, melvin?

- I'll tell 'em everything.
- I don't think so.


- Six.
- Five.

Take it or leave it.

Councilman wade
needs to be assured

That this buys total silence
regarding detective washington.

Police, mr. Mars,
you're busted, sucker.

Come on, let's go, chump.

- Did I do all right?
- Yeah, you did great.

- What?
- What?

- Don't take it out on me.
- What?

Every time something happens
like today, you take it on me.

Renko, just knock it off,
all right?

No, you don't talk to me,

I'm not going
to talk to you, okay?

- Good.
- Okay.

Why won't you talk to me?
Why won't you talk to me?

- I love it.
- What?

I call that lewd public display
by both parties.

Is that whose car
I think it is?

I sure hope so.

You take
the passenger side, andy.

If it's that salesman,

We're going to put
his loudmouth butt away.

I can explain, officer.

Lose your sample case again,
mr. Sanderson?

Bobbing for apples again,

I think we're going
to have to take you in.

- She entrapped me.
- That's a joke.

How about we be
a little reasonable
about this, officer.

Oh, we intend to be,
mr. Sanderson.

Mr. Sanderson, could you
step out of the car please, sir?

You're under arrest.


I just want to talk
with you for a moment.

I'm leaving.

I wanted you to know.

Obviously I can't complete
my work here.

At least we provided
the order with a cut-rate lease.


I know one of the other sisters
will carry on.

I realize that
what happened today
was a great shock to you.

I misjudged the situation,
I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Don't condemn me, patrick.

Regardless of the circumstances,

We're two people
who made a connection,

However briefly.

And that's something
to be cherished.


So, uh, what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I have a lot of thinking
ahead of me.

But I'll come up
with something.

I wish you luck.

I think you have
a lot of good qualities.

Just maybe
you shouldn't be a nun.

Thank you.

Goodbye, patrick.


Move on.
Move on right through here.

I've seen the porsche
in impound.

Not a scratch on it.

We got the owner five blocks
from the garage.

They said you'd give me
a release form.

Detective belker,

I have a confession to make.

When I saw my car
fly out of that garage,

A wave of emotion
passed over me

The like of which
I have not felt in years.

- Adrenaline.
- Excitement.

And when you came down
the ramp with a g*n

And told me who you were,
every part of me tingled.

The old
me would have kept it inside,

But I know now
I have to take the chance.

- [Growls]
- [gasps]

My god.

You're a level four assertive!

- [Growls]
- [growls]

Good work, neal, j.d.

Thanks, captain.

- You won't make this stick.
- Oh, I think we will.

We have a signed statement
from the khaki officer
you bribed

And from
your assistant, mr. Mars.

My lawyers will be here soon.
I don't have to say a thing.

But you will.


You've been out
to hang me from the beginning.

You hanged yourself,

- Hey, liaison.
- You got a minute, lucy?

- Yeah.
- Catch you later.

So what's up?

You busy tonight?

Oh, you mean sister chastity's
dance card is filled up?

That's very funny.


It just so happens
the assignment is over

And I'll be riding
with you tomorrow.

Well, fine.

- Something happen?
- No, nothing happened.

She's just gotta do
some other work for a while.

Oh, good.

So is there gonna be
an answer here or what?

I figure we'll get a bite
to eat, right,

Then maybe go see a movie
or something.

Like a date.

Just relax, go out,
have a good time.

Yeah, like a date.
What's the big deal?

Sounds good.

right through here, gentleman.

Here's the file, captain.

Officer martin.

what to know
what this here proves?

[Man 2]
lieutenant, all I want

Is to get home while my supper
still looks like food.

You were
lieutenant buntz's backup?

Yes sir.

what it proves,
officer pomeroy,

Is it don't matter
how careful you are,

How much you're trying
to bring him in

In one freaking piece,

If it's not supposed to happen,
you are gonna whack the guy out.

It was my foul-up, sir.

I gave the perpetrator

The lieutenant
didn't provoke it?

No way, sir, guy didn't give
the lieutenant any choice.

I'm telling you, pomeroy,

See, so you might as well
do what you wanted to do
in the first place.

If it's going
to happen anyway,

You might as well get some
freaking satisfaction out of it.

oh, for crying out loud.

Look, would somebody
get this guy under control?

Enough, lieutenant,
come on.

All right, I thought he might be
a football, you know?

I'm going to have
a little trouble distinguishing

Between pre-
and post-mortem trauma.

Hey, god gives us all crosses,
doc, you know?

- Norm.
- Hey, captain.


You see
mr. Bad news here, huh?

Yeah, I see.

Captain, right hand to god,

I did everything but lay out
a red carpet for this creep.

Your back-up corroborates.

Will s.i.d waiver it
until tomorrow morning?

You got it, captain,
just get him out of here.

Officer pomeroy,
aces guy, huh?

Why don't you go home, norm?

Once more for good luck, huh?

Go home, norm.

All right, all right.

Sure you don't want me
to ride with you guys, huh?

Take teddy here
over to stiff palace, huh?

- Norm.
- [Laughs]

- Norm.
- All right.

[Recorder clicks]


Henry goldblume stares
at his pocket tape recorder.

He's feeling like a dope.

"Who am I trying to kid?"
He asks himself.

"I don't know
how to tell stories."

Henry, stop being
a self-conscious jerk.

Detective cohen
walked into the chief's office.

"Cohen, been reading
your report.

First-rate stuff."

It was the chief's
heartiest liar's voice.

Cohen knew it meant
the task force he'd suggested

Wasn't gonna get funded.

"Damn close call
on this, detective."

The chief screwed
his features into a pained,

Thoughtful expression.

"Damn close,

"But I don't think
we're going to be able

To get you the money
you asked for."

[Recorder clicks]

Had to be a smart guy, right?
He's got to be a tough guy.

And the stupid punk
couldn't listen to me.

[Knocking at door]


Go away.
He's gotta listen--

It's me, sid,
come on, let me in.


I brought you some soup.

Heard about the unfortunate
death of teddy falco.

He brought it on himself.

Hey, I don't doubt that
for one skinny second.

Yeah? Well, try telling 'em that
at my precinct.

Why, your captain thinks

You looked to get
this guy whacked out?

I practically begged
this little germ

To come in with me.

All right, so then he brought it
down on himself, am I right?

What was I supposed to do, huh?

Was I supposed to go in there
with a piece again,

Get the rest
of my fingers chopped off?

What do they expect you to do,
go in for a pop naked?

Sid, shut up.

You know where I'm going
in this department?

- You know where I'm headed?
- No, where?

No place.

Every time I put one foot
in front of the other,

Some hump gets 86'ed.

Right, fear or not,
you begin to get a reputation.

People begin to see a trend.

Het, to hell with reputation,

To hell with people,
and to hell with trends.

I'm talking about
career advancement here.

And to hell
with career advancements too.

And will you shut up
and stay put and don't move!


I'm going to bed.

- What, you don't want soup?
- No.

Can I say one thing about
your finger before I leave?

- No.
- A wound like that,

You raise the afflicted area
above the region of the heart,

The pain is lowered.

Do that for a while,
maybe you'll get a little rest.

What, I gotta do this
all night?

What are you talking about?
Prop it up with a pillow.

You want me to do it for you?

No, that's all right,
I got it.

Good night, norm.

[Door closes]


no problem.

I was sorry I m*nled it
to begin with.

