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04x03 - J.J. and the Older Woman

Posted: 09/09/22 15:26
by bunniefuu
♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime you meet a payment ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime you feel free ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime you're
Out from under ♪

♪ Not getting hassled
Not getting hustled ♪

♪ Keeping your
head Above water ♪

♪ Making a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Easy credit rip-offs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Scratching and surviving ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Hanging in a chow line ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em ♪

♪ Good Times ♪♪

Hi, Ma.

Hi, honey.

I tell you, Thelma,

with the price of food today,

the only folks

who can afford to
go into the market

are the shoplifters.

Well, it's all an economic plan.

As the size of
things get smaller,

the cost of things gets larger.

Hey, Ma, you wanna
taste something delicious?


You know my
teacher, Miss Bishop?

She's coming over.

She's gonna bring
me a book on ballet,

and I wanted to fix
something really special.


That's delicious.

Oh, Thelma, I don't know
when I've tasted anything better.

What is it?

It's guacamole, Ma.

Miss Bishop...

isn't that the teacher who's
taking you to the ballet?

Yeah. Oh, Ma, I can hardly wait!

Oh, Ma, wait till you meet her.

She's such a beautiful person.

Oh, and she really loves me.

Well, if she decides
to stay for dinner,

we'll have plenty.

I bought some of that
ghetto food stretcher,

"Ham Hock Helper."

After which you can take
some "Heartburn Helper."

Hey, Ma, did you
iron my shirt yet?

Oh, no, I didn't.

J.J., can't you
wear another one?

No, Ma, I need that
one. That's the one

with the palm trees
and the animals on it,

'cause I got date with
Barbara the Barbarian tonight,

and I need that
shirt to set the mood.

Well, I don't want
to break "the mood,"

so I'll get your shirt for you.

Hey, girl,

what you trying to
do, poison this family

with those green
clams in that dip?

That's guacamole!

Well, your guac looks
a little moldy, there.

Oh, J.J., you're
gonna stick around

and meet my teacher
tonight, aren't you?

Can't do it, Thelma.

I got a date with Barbara
the Barbarian tonight,

and if I don't feed her on time,

she roars like a lion!

But when I finish,
she purrs like a kitten.

Hey, J.J. Hi, Thelma.

THELMA: Hey, Mike.

Any calls for me? No.


Hey, mister... Freeze!

What'd I tell you

about spraying
yourself with cologne

from my personal arsenal?

Here's your shirt, J.J.

Listen, young man,
you could afford to share

with your brother. That's right.

Hey, Ma, I don't mind sharing,

but he been using my
cologne like a junkie!

He's been mainlining
his sneakers with it!


ALL: Hey, Willona!

Here's Willona Woods with
some out-of-sight goods.

Come here, Thelma,
hold it, and don't peek.

You see, Thelma,

your fairy godmother
has not forgotten you.

Silver lamé for
your first ballet!


Hey, hey.

Willona, this is beautiful.

Oh, thank you!

Willona, the dress is beautiful,

but we can't afford it.

Do you have any idea
what I had to go through

to get that dress
out of the shop?

I had to sneak out the
back, climb over the fence,

the dog chased me,
lost my eyelashes,

and you gonna tell me you
not gonna use that dress?

You got to be crazy.

Well, Willona, I hope you can

teach that dress to boogie down,

'cause I'll take it
dancing next week.


Well, I shall return!

Oh, I'm so excited!

I can't believe it. I'll
get some silver shoes.

Oh, and I just can't wait
until Miss Bishop sees it!

I know, Thelma, but remember,

when you sit down,
don't wrinkle the dress,

don't crease it, don't
spill nothing on it,

and don't perspire.

Can you smile in it?


Oh, that must be
Miss Bishop. Oh!

Thelma, Thelma.

Okay, Now, everybody
be cool, okay?

Just take it easy, right?

Got that, Michael?

Willona, I know
you know how to act.

You too, Ma.

This okay?

Hi, Thelma.

Oh, so it is you!

Oh, come in, come in.

Miss Mother, I'd like
you to meet my bishop.

Oh, I mean,

Miss Bishop, I'd like
you to meet my mother.

Hello, Miss Bishop.

How do you do, Mrs. Evans?

Cool enough for you, Thelma?

And this is my brother, Michael.

Hi, Miss Bishop. Hi, Michael.

And this is my
neighbor, Willona Woods.

How are you? Hi. How are you?

Nice to meet you.

And my brother J.J.
will be out in a minute.

Please sit down.

Ah, Thelma has told us

so many nice things
about you, Miss Bishop.


I'll bet you don't have to
hit your desk with a ruler

to get attention.


Thank you, Michael.

Oh, Miss Bishop,
would you like to try this?



I can't remember

when I've tasted
better guacamole.

Thelma made it.

Oh, have some more.

That's exciting.

Oh, it's just a recipe I
found in a magazine.

No, I'm referring to
this picture on the wall.

You know, it really
jumps out at you.

J.J. painted it.

Yeah, and he
painted this one, too.


He did this too?

Yeah, would you like to see

some of his latest?

Oh, I'd love to.

More guacamole, Miss Bishop?

You see, I'm sort of a
Sunday painter myself,

but nothing like this.

Miss Bishop, more guacamole? Oh.

No thank you, Thelma.


How do you like it?

Oh, yes, I love it.

It's got so much soul.

Yeah, well, J.J. calls this one

"Hassle on a Hot
Saturday Night."

Mm, mm, mm.

Oh, this is so moving!

Yeah, well, J.J. calls
this one "Funky Butt."


Mrs. Evans, you sure
have a poetic son.


Barbara the Barbarian,
you don't stand a chance,

because J.J. Evans
is set for romance.

You can't get more
poetic than that.

Well, my little heavenly body

is about to leave this abode,

so, arrivederci, Willona.

Bon voyage, little sister.

Auf Wiedersehen, mother dear.

Que seera, seera, little bra.

And, uh...

Hello there, mama!

Hello, J.J. I'm Jessica.

I've been looking at
your paintings, J.J.

Michael, get your
brother a glass of water.

Or some Kool-Aid.

He don't need no
Kool-Aid, honey.

He needs some first aid.

Why don't we all sit down

and have a nice visit?

Uh, but J.J. was just leaving.

I love your paintings, J.J.

[HIGH VOICE] Oh, really?


[NORMAL VOICE] Oh, really?

J.J., if you have to rush off

to your appointment,

I'm sure Miss Bishop
will understand.


What appointment?

Barbara the Barbarian!

Oh, uh, uh...

she called and said
she couldn't make it.

The computer dating service

fixed her up with uh, King Kong.

Miss Bishop,

can't I get you a cup of coffee?

No, Mrs. Evans, I
really must be leaving.

Oh, Thelma, I almost forgot

the ballet book I
promised you. Oh, yeah.

Thank you so much, Miss Bishop.

You're welcome. Do you
have to leave so soon?

I'm afraid I have to.

J.J., why don't you walk
Miss Bishop to her car?


Well, you just
Xeroxed my thoughts.

Well, if you parked
in this neighborhood,

you gonna need me

to negotiate the
return of your vehicle.

That's very nice of you, J.J.


ALL: Bye-bye, Miss Bishop.


You really love
to paint, don't you?

Uh, yeah.

I guess it's my thing.

You know, I can lose myself

and find myself
at the same time.

And it shows in your paintings.

They're so... so...
alive, so masculine,

so sensuous.

Well, uh, what can I say?

A man paints what he is.

Well, when did you
first start painting

all those beautiful
ghetto scenes?

Well, it happened
in high school.

My art teacher
used to always say,

"Paint something with grass
and trees, with cows in it,"

but I'm from the ghetto.

I ain't ever seen no cows,

and the only green
grass I ever seen

was on the top
of the pool table.

J.J., what would you do

if you had to suddenly
stop painting tomorrow?

Play fullback for
the Chicago Bears.


I can't imagine not painting.

J.J., you don't
ever have to worry.

You're great.

Say that again.

Say what?

Say anything.

I just like to watch your
mouth make those words.

You're precious.

I know.


J.J., turn that off.





Oh, no. He didn't
come home last night.

Michael, aren't you
going to be late for school?

No, Ma.

What time did your
brother come home?

Uh, I don't know. I was asleep.

Was it after midnight?

I was asleep then too.

J.J. hasn't been
home before midnight

since he met Miss
Bishop four days ago.

J.J., Michael has
to get in there!

Aw, Ma, that's all
right. I can wait.

Morning, Ma.

FLORIDA: Morning... Thelma!

Your brother's in there.

Well, if he was, somebody
must've flushed him.


I'll call the plumber.

Hold it.

Now, don't you pull that on me.

Where's your brother?

Hey, Thelma, it's an emergency!

If it is an emergency,
it's gonna be you!

J.J. didn't come home
last night, did he?

Oh, my God, something
must've happened to him.

Ma, don't worry.
He'll be all right.

Oh, my poor baby!

Ma, he'll all
right, don't worry.


If I see him, I'll tell him
you're looking for him.

Oh, J.J., I was so
worried about you, honey!

Oh, are you all right, baby?

Oh, my God,

I had all kinds of
thoughts about you.

I'm fine, Ma, I'm fine.

What do you mean

by staying out all
night and not calling?

How dare you worry me that way?

Ma, I'm not gonna
make up any stories.

I'm not gonna jive you.

I got a confession to make.

What is it?

I wasn't home last night.


All right, Ma.

I was with Miss
Bishop, painting.

You could have painted

the Empire State
Building by now!

Ma, you know how it is
when you're having fun,

time flies.

First we were painting,
then we ran out of paint,

so we drove downtown

to this after-hours
paint joint...

and, uh... J.J.

Not going for the
paint store, huh?

That's enough of that, J.J.,

and I want you to know

you're setting a bad example

for your sister
and your brother.

I don't think so, Ma.

I kinda like having
the bed all to myself.

Except for one thing.

I got lonely not having anybody

kicking or pulling
the covers off me.

Well, next time I
stay out all night,

I'll send somebody
over to kick you.

Oh, well, guess who's
coming to breakfast?

The scrawny sex
symbol of the South Side.

Hey, Thelma, I can't help it

if I was born with all
this charm and charisma.

It was thrust upon me.

Well, me and your charisma

are going to have a talk.

Thelma, isn't it time for you
and Michael to go to school?


Bye, Ma.

See ya later, Ma. Bye-bye. Okay.

Bye, big head.


Now, J.J., I'm not gonna...

Is school out so soon?

Uh, going to school, Ma.

J.J., I am worried about you.

Hey, Ma, there ain't
nothing to worry about.

Honey, I've worried about
you since you were a baby.

When you had chicken pox,
you had measles... Hey, Ma,

Jessica isn't contagious.

You ain't gonna catch her.

J.J., I know you think

you're the Hank Aaron of love,

but I just don't want
to see you get hurt.

Ma, no way that's gonna happen.

I mean, life has changed for me.

Especially in
the last four days.

I mean, before this, life
was just a hamburger,

but ever since I've met Jessica,

it's the end-cut of a prime rib.

J.J., I know that Miss Bishop

is a fine person,

and you're a very special
young man to me too.

Yeah, you know, what can I say?

Honey, this is the first time

you've ever gone
out with a real woman.

How do you know
you're ready for it?

Look at the girls
you've been dating.


Ma, the soul train of love

has chugged on by that stop.

I mean, I've out-matured them.

J.J., I know you're
not a little boy,

and I'm not trying
to cut you down.

Honey, you're flying high now.

I hope you're not heading
for a crash landing.

Hey... Ooh!

Hello, Tarzan.

I got the bracelet you wanted.


Did you get it
engraved, Willona?

Well, here's the
message you wanted.

"To Jessica,

"the most beautiful, enchanting,
exciting woman I ever met.

"From J.J. Evans,

the most beautiful, enchanting,
exciting man I ever met."

And at ten cents a letter,

the words cost more
than the bracelet.

Well, then, what'd you say?

"To J.B. from J.J. with L."

That says it all, Willona!

All right, All right!

Son, I hope you know
what you're doing.

Ma, everything will be fine.

I'll talk to you all later.

Bye. Okay, talk to you later.

Bye, baby.

Ooh, Flo, J.J. is as happy

as a kid at Christmas time.

Yeah, but I don't like

the toys he's playing with.

Something tells me

Jessica's tap dancing
on your last nerve.

Willona, tell me something.


You've gone out
with lots of guys.

Now, I ain't exactly
Elizabeth Taylor,

but on the other hand,

I'm not ready for
the convent, either.

You know, some of
them nice guys, Mm-hmm.

Some of them tall, Right, right.

Some of them skinny,
some of them richer,

and some of them
were a little older,

and some of them
were... A little younger?

Well, now that you've
said it... Uh-huh?

W-wha-what... how...

Flo, do you wanna know
what happens? Yeah.

Well, it was... romantic, Oh.

Exciting, fantastic, mystical,

and also heartbreaking.

Oh, Willona.

For him, honey.

I'll catch you after work, okay?

Oh, speaking of your last nerve.

Good morning, Mrs.
Evans. Is J.J. in?

I'd like to give
him a ride to work.

Uh, he just left.


But why don't we three sit
down and have some coffee?

Lord knows I wish
I could stay, ooh,

but I gotta get to the boutique.

We having a white sale.

A what?

We selling the landlord.

I think maybe I'd better go too.

Oh, please stay.

Can I get you a cup of coffee?

Or have you started
drinking Kool-Aid

these last few days?

No, thank you, Mrs. Evans.

I've had my breakfast.

Look, Mrs. Evans,

Uh, I didn't keep your
son in my apartment

against his will.

He wanted to be with me.

You probably served
him cookies and milk

at 2:00 a.m.

That'll get him every time.

Mrs. Evans,

why don't we talk to each
other, and not at each other.

All right, Miss Bishop.

You probably are
about... thirty-two?


I was thinking 37.

Exactly what do you
want with my son?

The same thing any woman wants

from someone she loves.

Just to be with him.

You really think you
love J.J., don't you?

Mrs. Evans, you love J.J.

Why can't you accept

that other people love him too?

I can.

But I'm going to
go on loving him.

What's gonna happen
to my son when you stop?

Mrs. Evans,

what makes you
think I'm gonna stop?

Miss Bishop,

you're 15 years older than J.J.

It's got to end.

Mrs. Evans, that's
not gonna happen.

That's not gonna happen.

I don't want you
to go home, ever.

Why don't you move
in with me tonight?

Hey, I will.


And the next night,

and the night after that,

and the night after that,

and the night after that.

And the night after that,

I'll go home and
change my clothes.

Why, J.J.?

Aren't we talking
about the same thing?

I'm talking commitment.


Uh, sure we are.

Uh, commitment?


Darling, I want to share
everything with you.

Our lives, our thoughts,

our feelings, everything.

Yeah, th-that sounds cool.

Why don't you go
home, get your things,

bring 'em back
here, and move in.

You mean really move in?


Yes, I want to share everything.

My friends, your friends.

Oh, yeah.

You'll love my friends,

especially Bouncy
and Cool Breeze,

and Munchie and Pop-O.

Oh, we can go to
movies, the museum,

walking in the park, everything.


It's gonna be so wonderful.

Uh, yeah, beautiful.

Uh, let me go get a
glass of water over here.

J.J., you're excited
too, aren't you?

Oh, uh, yeah.

Only, uh... Only, uh... Only...

Only what, J.J.?

Only, uh...

I don't wanna hang
my family up like this.

J.J., what do you mean?

Well, I can't walk
out on them like this.

I mean, Ma's the
best cook in town,

Michael does my income tax,

Thelma loans me money.

That family needs me.

J.J., it's not really
your family, is it?

You're scared of what
I've been saying to you.

Me, scared of moving in?

Ha ha.

Me, the dude who took
on five Satan Knights

and four Warlords at one time


Me, scared?

Me, the dude who walks
through the ghetto alone

at night?

Me, scared?

Are you?


See, Jessie, you
keep talking about "we,"

and I ain't had time
to be find me yet.

I see, I... I'm crowding you.

You've got to find
your own space.

Yeah, I guess I do.

But we can still be friends!

I mean, I can go out

and get us a pizza right now.

With some pepperoni and sausage.

What else do you like on it?

Thank you, J.J., but...

Pizza isn't in my diet anymore.



Do me a favor
and tell your mother

that it wasn't me who stopped.

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Just looking
Out of the window ♪

♪ Watching the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinking how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good Times, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Keeping your
head Above water ♪

♪ Making a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Easy credit rip-offs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

ANNOUNCER: Good Times is
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪ Good Times ♪♪