02x35 - The Ten-Dollar Question

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x35 - The Ten-Dollar Question

Post by bunniefuu »


Announcer: robert
young and jane wyatt,

With elinor donahue, billy
gray and lauren chapin,



Bud, it isn't polite
to snore at the table.

I'm not snoring.

It isn't polite to glare either.

I'm not glaring.

Well, something's
making my coffee boil.

I'm just waiting for you to finish your
coffee so I can discuss something with you.

That "something" being money?

Yeah. Bad timing, bud.

Betty just tried to get an
advance on next month's allowance.

How'd she do?


If you're thinking of
discussing money with me, bud,

You can consider
the subject closed.

But, dad!

I don't give you an allowance to see
how fast you can go through money.

I give it you to help teach you to
live within a certain set amount.

By so doing, I hope

It will help build
your character.

Well, on the allowance I get, it's going
to be a pretty dinky, little old character.

Okay, forget about it.

Doesn't matter what I
want anyway. I'm just a boy,

A piece of "flopsam
jepsam" on the sea of life,

Being tossed back and forth like
a piece of seaweed nobody wants.

Only way I can get any attention
around here is to be a girl, I guess.

Girls want new
dresses. "Isn't that cute?"

Go out and buy
them a half a dozen.

Or better yet, make it a dozen.

But what about poor, old bud?

That forlorn little guy huddled
in the corner of a cold dungeon.

Throw him a crust of bread.
That's good enough for him.

Ah-ah! No butter, though.

Might spoil him. Might
ruin his character.

Bud, old man, I've been
a fool. I've been blind.

You mean I can have
some extra money?

No, but the next time someone

Throws you a crust of bread
there'll be some butter on it.

Oh, for pete's sake.

Now go back to your cold dungeon
and sl*ve over your homework.

And if you encounter
your smaller sister,

Ask her to report
to me in the kitchen.

Kathy, don't you know your
mother's looking for you?

Shh! What are you
doing down there?

I knew bud was going
to ask you for money,

And I wanted to
hear how he did it.

Well, the same goes for you.
No advances on allowances,

No loans, no withdrawals,
the bank is closed.

All's I need is a
little over 50 cents.

How much over.

Um, about nine dollars over.


What good's a cash
register without money?

Margaret: kathy!

I thought I heard kathy.

Well, i, uh, don't
see her right now.

But when I do, I'll remind her

That she's to help
with the dishes.

The management would
appreciate your cooperation.

Thanks for not snitching, daddy.

You're welcome.

Now go help your mother.

Oh, okay.

Dad? Hmm?

You know that
money I asked you for

That I didn't get for
the car I can't have?

Huh, dad? Don't rush me, bud.

It takes a little while to
translate what you're saying.

Oh. You mean you
want to buy a car?

Well, me and six other guys.

You see, for 10 dollars apiece,
we can all buy it together.

You're not old enough

To get a driver's license. What
are you gonna do with a car?

That's the whole idea.

The car's a mess. The
motor doesn't start.

The wheels won't turn.
The horn doesn't honk.

Nothing works on it.

I know I shouldn't ask this,

But why do you want a
car if it's in such bad shape?

Because by the time we get it in
shape, we'll be old enough to drive.

That's the most impractical idea
I've ever heard, even from you.

Everything I want
to do is impractical.

Of course, what
kathy wants $10 for,

That isn't impractical.
What do you mean?

She wants to buy a genuine
imitation rocket ship.

And betty, what she wants. What?

She wants to spend
$10 on a charm course.

Charm course?

Yeah, you know, they
teach you how to walk...

And sit.

Bud anderson,

I told you not to say
anything to anybody about that.

Can't you keep your mouth shut?

Well, if dad's paying for it, at least he
should know what to expect for his money.

I'm not paying for any charm
course, so you can both relax.

But, father, it's
a real bargain.

And they teach you how
to do all those things.

You've been sitting and walking
and eating for years now.

I think your mother and I have done
an adequate job in that long ago.

Yes, but you didn't teach me
how to be charming about it.

You're charming enough for me.

I knew it. She's charming,
but I'm impractical.

Bud, supposing you explain to
me why you're not impractical.

Oh, ignore him, father.

Ever since this car business
has come up, he's been impossible.

Spends all of his time
at the used-car lot.

Now, wait just a minute. Who's
telling tales out a school now?

Bud, betty, I don't want to hear

Another word out of
either one of you tattletales.

Now, bud, you go on up and
work on your homework.

Betty, you go out
and help your mother.

Kathy, I thought I told
you to put away the silver.

You don't want me to put it
away if it isn't dry, do you?

I dried it! You did not.
They're wringing wet.

How can silver be wringing
wet? All right, girls.

If you don't mind, I prefer to
watch fighting on television.

She's always picking on me!

If you'd do your share of work around
here, I wouldn't have to pick on you.

Yap, yap, yap!

There ought to be a
law against kid sisters.

You better be nice to me or I'll tell
mommy you broke that cup this morning.

Bud pushed me, that's why!

You're just in time, dear.

Would you care to
referee while I go next door

And borrow a little peace
and quiet? Go ahead, honey.

I won't be long.

Well, is the "name calling and stool
pigeons club" adjourned for the evening?

Yes, father.

Betty always tells on me, so
why shouldn't I snitch on her?

Yesterday, she...
Kathy, that's enough.

Now, in exactly five minutes,

I want to see both of
you in the living room.

We're going to inaugurate
another kind of a club.

Frankly, I'm ashamed
of the lot of you.

I've never heard such
snitching and squealing

And tattling on each other
as I have in the last few days.

What's the matter
with you anyway?

We don't mean it, father. I do.

All right. Then
what I have to say

Should be of interest
to you in particular.

Tattling can become a habit

Unless you do
something to stop it.

Now, I have an idea how you
can break yourselves of it.

We'll make a game of it.

Are we playing with real money?

I thought I'd get
through to you.

Now, I take it each
of you wants $10.

Bud, you want to invest
in a car you can work on.

Betty, you want to
take a charm course.

And I want a genuine
imitation rocket ship.

All right. What do
we have to do, father?

It's very simple...
Sort of a contest.

Whichever of you does not snitch
on the other for one whole week

Wins this ten-dollar bill.

For one whole week?

I'm hoping that with a
week of concentration,

You'll break yourselves
of the habit. This'll be easy!

Oh, yeah? You can't keep your
mouth shut for two minutes.

Why, just yesterday,
she told joe phillip...

You see?

We'll try, father.
Honest. All right.

Now, in order not to spend this
on some foolish impracticality

Like food or doctors' bills,

I'm gonna put this right here.

Now, young lady, I suggest if you
want $10 in that cash register of yours,

You be very careful
what you say.

Now, this is our own
particular secret.

I'm not even going to
tell your mother about it.

She might think I was trying to
bribe you or something. Aren't you?

Of course not. You
have to earn this $10.

It's sort of a salary.

When do we get
the money, father?

Yeah, when's the big payoff?

One week from tonight.

Hey, we're on the first plateau!

Morning, honey. Morning, dear.

Daddy, mommy, do you
know what bud did?

He took my... What did bud do?

Bud who? Bud, bud.

Hey, wait a minute.

What did bud do?

Don't ask me, margaret.

Would someone mind explaining what's been
going on around here the last few days?

It's some sort of
conspiracy, and I don't like it.

You are looking at one of three
members of the a.s.p.n.c.c.o.m.s.

Well, thanks for
clearing that up.

What is it?

The anti-stool pigeon and
name-calling club of maple street.

Sounds like a very
nice club. Can I join?

Oh, honey, you're a
charter member. Jim...

Ah-ah! No more questions.

But, i... Hi, dad. Hello, son.

What's that you've
got on your hands?

Oh, that?

Looks like grease. Car grease.

I must have got
it at the library.

"At the library"?

Well, some of those
books get awful greasy.

I'd better go wash.


Oh, hi, father. Hello, princess.



Well, what do you think?

That's a very pretty
hat, if you like that type.

Father, it's not a hat.
I'm learning how to walk.

This is the first lesson
in how to be charming.


What's the matter, daddy?

Kathy, do you have
anything to tell me?

No, daddy.

Jim: bud, betty.

Anything you care
to get off your chest?

What are you
talking about, father?

Something wrong, dad?

Yes, there's something
wrong. Very wrong.

And one of you knows
what it is I'm talking about.

We've always believed in the "honesty
is the best policy" in this house.

Therefore, I expect
one of you has something

To say to me before
tomorrow morning.

And just remember
this one thing...

It's not snitching
to tell on yourself.

Oh, it's you.

Who were you
expecting? Ava gardner?

I thought it was
one of the children.

This early on a
saturday morning?

And if I might say so, it's pretty
unusual for you to up so early.

I couldn't sleep, that's all.

Are you gonna tell me
now what's bothering you,

Or do I have to play
guessing games?

I don't know what you mean.

Jim, I know when you're upset.

Now, what is it?

It isn't often that I can't
confide in you, margaret,

But this once, I can't.

Can't possibly.

In fact, I don't even want to.

But maybe I can help you.

This is probably the first time since we've
been married, margaret, that you can't.

It's something that
concerns betty, bud, kathy,

And me.

All right, dear. I won't pry.

I have a feeling my department's
the kitchen right now.

I'll make some coffee.


Oh, hi, dad.

Were you looking for me?

Uh, no. I mean,

I didn't even know
you were up yet.

What have you
got there? Nothing.

You mean this?

It's a screwdriver.

I didn't think it was
a pneumatic drill.

No, sir, it's a
screwdriver, all right.

You go in there and sit down.

Package for miss betty
anderson. I'll take it.

Sign here, please.

This is from the helen
of troy charm school?

Yes, sir. "How to be charming
in 10 lessons." That's us.

Any, uh, charge on this?

No, sir. All taken care of.

Morning, father.
Good morning, betty.

Is that for me? It is if you
were expecting something

From the helen of
troy charm school.


Well, yes, I was.

I... Well, it's a
little complicated

To explain, father, but... Yes?


May I have it, please?

Beep, beep! Look out
for me! I'm a jet propeller!


What is it, daddy? Bail out.

Is that the genuine imitation
rocket ship you were talking about?

Uh-huh. How'd you get it?

Can't say.

Why not?

'Cause you said we
can't tell on anyone.

Telling something you did
yourself is not telling on anyone.

Can't you see the difference?


My lips are sealed.

Kathy, go upstairs
and get your sweater.

I'm not cold.
Kathy, do as I say!

Jim, what's going on here?

That's what I'd like to know.

Honey, would you mind very much if I took
the children out to breakfast this morning?

I want to talk to them.

No, dear, of course not, but...

What's this all about.
Can't you tell me?

If I did, honey, I'd be
doing the very thing

I'm trying to teach the
children not to do... Snitching.

Not only that, it's something I
don't want to have to tell you.


Oh, boy, I think
I'll have a steak.

I want a half a grapefruit
with a cherry on it.

This is a real treat, father,
being taken out to breakfast.

I didn't bring you here
to enjoy yourselves.

Bring us four bowls of
cereal, please. Yes, sir.

I hate cereal.

Three glasses of milk
and one cup of coffee.

I had cereal yesterday morning

And the day before and
the day before and... Kathy.

I'll have cereal.

Never mind the cereal for me.

Just make it my usual crust
of bread without butter.

Bring the cereal.

Yes, sir.

What is it you want
to say to us, father?

Well, this isn't going
to be easy for me,

So maybe I'd better preface
what I'm going to say with this.

What does "preface" mean?

Be quiet. Father's serious.

I know how strong
temptation can be.

But taking something that
doesn't belong to you is...

Is... Stealing.

I don't want to
steal anything, daddy.

I just want a half a grapefruit.

Kathy, will you please be quiet?

Dad, what are you talking
about? Who stole what?

The $10 that was in
the drawer... It's gone.

We four are the only ones
who knew that money was there.

Did you take it, daddy?

I wish I could say that I did.
It would make it a lot simpler.

I thought perhaps one of you

Might have just borrowed it.

Perhaps forgot to put it back.

Or maybe one of you thought

It would be yours by the
end of the week anyway.

Maybe that's the explanation.

You still don't want to tell me.

All right.

Maybe it's unfair to ask you

When you're all together.

I'm, uh, going to
the office now.

I'll expect one of you there

Within the next half-hour.

Come in.

Come in and sit down.

I'll admit I would've been shocked
with whoever was behind that door,

But you... I'm sorry, father.

I guess I just wanted
to be charming so much.

That's all right, princess.

I'm glad you're honest enough to
come here and admit you made a mistake.

I would have been terribly upset
if I'd found out in some other way.

I know.

Oh, I'll pay it back, father.

I'll baby-sit every
single night until I do.

What about all your boyfriends?

They'll just have to
survive without me.

I guess that's atonement enough.

Not that I'm minimizing in
any way what you've done.

It doesn't matter
whether it's $10 or $10,000.

Taking something that doesn't belong
to you, even from your father, is stealing.

I know,

And I promise it won't
ever happen again.

I want you to be proud of us more
than anything in the whole world.

I am proud of you, princess.

It takes a lot of courage
to do what you've just done.

I guess admitting our
mistakes is just about

The most difficult
thing any of us can do.

I guess so.

But I think it's a little easier
when you know someone

Loves you and will understand.

Well, I guess I'd better go
line up those baby-sitting jobs.


I just wanted to tell
you everything's fine now.

We have some pretty
wonderful children.

Why, I've known that all along.
But what's been bothering you?

It doesn't matter now. I just wanted to
let you know that everything is all right.

I'll be home in a little while.


Dad, this is bud.

Bud anderson.

I couldn't face you, dad.

I'm the dirty rat
that took the money.


I'm the sneaky sneak thief.

I'll pay you back,
dad, every cent.

I'm going straight.

You can tell me what my
punishment is after dinner.

You will let me have
dinner, won't you?

Okay, dad. I'll see you later.

Kathy's voice: dear daddy,

When you read this,
you will know that

Your youngest
daughter is a criminal.

I stole the $10,

But I want you to know
that if you will forgive me,

I will give up
this life of crime.

Oh, you don't have to
do that, bud. It's all right.

I don't think I want to stay
around here for a while.

Oh, look, bud.

I don't think you meant to
do it. I understand. Honest.

I know you wouldn't
deliberately steal something.

You just saw the money
in the drawer... Look, sis.

Everything's all right now.

You can quit manufacturing stories to try
and convince me you didn't take the money.

You're a girl.

You're weaker than a man.
You just couldn't help it.

I know. That's why
I covered for you.

What are you talking about?

That's why I told
dad I took the money.

You told dad you took the money?

What are you trying to
do? Make a liar out of me?

I told you I covered for you.

You mean, you didn't
take the money?

Of course not.

But you've got that book from the
charm school. You've already had a lesson.

Of course I did. You
get one free lesson,

And they send the book on
approval if you say you're interested.

Oh. And what about you?

I know you've been spending the
last three days working on that car.

You must've bought
it. Well, sure, I did.

The guy I bought it from is letting
me work it off washing cars and stuff.

I was gonna surprise everybody.

Oh, bud.

You were gonna
take the blame for me?

Well, just 'cause you're a girl.

You need protecting, that's all.


It's because you do
like me, don't you?

Even if I am your sister.

Well, sure, I guess so.

Hey, now, don't take
advantage of my good nature.

If you didn't take the money

And I didn't take the money...

Kathy. Oh, no.

Just like a told you. She's a girl.
You gotta watch 'em every minute.

Margaret: betty, bud, come
down here this minute!

Now what?

I think I'll just
leave this here.

Might want to use it after all.

All right.

Now, I want to know what's
been going on all week.

All right, honey, I'll tell you.

It started last
saturday night...

A no-snitching
contest, as it were.

I promised a ten-dollar
bill to the winner.

"Ten-dollar bill"?

That's right.

I put it in this drawer here,

And yesterday it disappeared.

Much as I hate to believe
it, someone took it.

The evidence against the
children was so overwhelming...

Well, of course
someone did. I did.

Together: you?

I ran across it
when I was cleaning.

My own mother's a criminal.

Bud, I put it back in
your father's wallet.

Kathy, how did you buy a
rocket ship without money?

It was easy.

I charged it.

Oh, jim, it's very nice of you,
taking us all out to dinner.

Well, it's the least I can do.

I re-learned an old lesson
this week... Not to make

Hasty conclusions or to
trust circumstantial evidence.

I think the day's events
call for a celebration.

Order anything
you want. Anything?

The sky's the limit.
I'd like a falcon.

What's a falcon?

It's a sports car with
wire wheels from europe.

Stop looking at the advertisements
on the back of the menu.

I'll be lucky if I can
pay for this meal.

Which reminds me. The children's
prize money cleaned me out.

Do you have any cash
with you, margaret?

Not a cent. Not even mad money.

Gosh, dad, neither do
i. I spent mine already.

I took mine over to
the charm school.

I still have my $10,
daddy. You can borrow it.

Thank you, honey. I'll
pay you back tomorrow.

Cereal for everyone?

Not tonight. We're celebrating.

The cheaper dishes
are over here.

Oh, you don't have
to worry about that.

I'm picking up the
check tonight.


Don't worry about it. She
can afford it. She's loaded.

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