02x21 - Bud, the Wallflower

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x21 - Bud, the Wallflower

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

With elinor donahue, billy gray,

And lauren chapin...
In father knows best.

Kathy, will you run upstairs
and bring me the hand lotion?

Kathy! Birds can do it.

Kathy... Maybe
it's their feathers.

If I got some feathers
and pasted 'em on me,

Could I fly?

Angel, didn't you hear
anything I asked you to do?

Mommy, if I was a bird,
what kind of bird would I be?

Probably an
absent-minded lady bird.

Now, run upstairs and
bring me the hand lotion.

Fortunately your opinions
are not shared by other people.

At least not by
intelligent people.

Leave the intelligent
people out of it.

They're not gonna be
at the dance anyway.

Hello. Hi.

Hi... Smart people
don't go to dances.

Who wants to lug some girl
around the floor all evening?

Oh, pardon me, may I cut in?

You wouldn't be
lugging the girl around.

The girl would be lugging you.

Who's gonna lug
who to whose dance...

No girl is gonna lug me around,

'Cause I'm not even
gonna be there. Betty: good!

Very interesting...
What I've heard of it.

We're having a dance at school,

And I have to come
up with an idea for it.

You know, a theme, a motif.

It's gotta be
something brilliant.

Well, how about
"an evening in paris"?

That's good, but it's too
expensive for decorations and all.

Why don't you call
it "corny capers,"

With music by "the hominy five"?

Why is it brothers are
such beasts, actual beasts?!

Oh, what am I gonna do?

I've just gotta get
an idea of some kind.

Oh, well, let's think
about it for a little while,

And when your father
comes home you can ask him.

Between the three of us, we're
sure to come up with at least one idea.

Margaret, I'm home!

Hi, kitten.

Hi, daddy.

Daddy, if I was
inside of a whale,

Would it be dark in there?

I doubt if the average whale

Is wired for electricity.

Kathy! Hello, honey.

Hello, dear.

Well, where's the
hand lotion? Huh?

I asked you to go upstairs

And bring me the bottle of
hand lotion from my dresser.

Oh, yeah... I forgot.

Tsk. Why the, uh, bath towel?

She's not with us these days.

Her mind's way off.

Betty and bud home?

In the living room
big problem. Oh?

Well, if you ask me, I think
the whole thing's a dumb idea.

Well, nobody
asked you. Hi, kids.

Hi, dad. Hello, father.

Mother said you had a problem.

Oh, I'm going out of my mind
trying to think of an idea!

Just for a dance? Who
cares about it, anyway?

I'm chairman of the
planning committee

For high school freshman/senior
dance next friday night,

And I've got to
get an idea for it,

Some kind of an idea!

Well, you can have a costume
party. That's always fun.

Tsk. Oh, father.

No good, huh?

How about a square dance?

♪ Swing your partner,
circle to the left ♪

♪ All join hands and... ♪

If it's a freshman/senior
dance, ask bud for some ideas.

He's a freshman.

I'm not even gonna go to it.

You gonna have
it a square dance?


Well, I just had a thought...

How about a "sadie
hawkins day" idea?

You know, the... The
girls invite the boys.

Hey, that's not bad!

Oh, no, you're kidding!

She's not, either!
That's the best idea yet!

Everybody'll be crazy about it!

Oh, you're brilliant, mother!

The girls invite the boys?

I'll ask don fredericks.
Oh, it'll be wonderful.

All the girls'll be scrambling
like mad to take the best boys.

Oh, I can't wait to tell the
committee. They'll be wild about it!

What's wrong, kitten?

I'm worried.


If the girls have to
invite the best boys,

Who's gonna invite bud?

And that mildred davis,

She's been after me all day
trying to get me to go with her.

You going, claude?

Nah. "Get lost," I says to her.

"You tire me."

Are you going, kippy?

Calm yourself, boy.

I wouldn't go to that dance

If every girl at
school asked me.

Has any girl asked you yet?

Well, sure! I... I
don't know how many.

10, 15 Maybe.

Has anybody asked you, bud?

Well, a lot of 'em tried.

They've been following
me around all day.

I just ignored 'em.

That's what I did,
too... Just ignored 'em.

I-i'll bet that dance
is gonna be a big flop...

All girls and no guys!

Yeah, that'll be a
big one in no time!

You know any
guys that are goin'?

Well, a couple of guys.

Real stupid, though.

Yeah. Yeah.

Hey, here comes wanda marsh.

Hello. Hi, wanda.

Hello, beautiful. Hi.

Boy, we were lucky there, huh?

Y-yeah. You could tell
she wanted to ask me,

But I sure scared
her off, didn't i?

I got an idea. Let's go on
a campout friday night.

You, kippy, and me. We
can go up to jenkers lake.

Get away from girls and stuff.

Hey, why not!

That's a great
idea! Let's do it.

Then when they come around
beggin' us to go to the dance,

We'll just say, "sorry,
kid, we're going camping."

Right? Right. Right.

We can meet at my house
after school friday,

Pack our stuff, and
head up for the lake.

Both: right!

Oh, hiya, freddy. Both: hi!

You guys been asked yet?

Yeah, but we can't be
bothered. You been asked?

Uh, yeah, but I
turned 'em all down.

These girls make
ya sick, don't they?

It's embarrassing.

Well, we're going on a campout
friday night. You wanna come along?

Get away from girls and
the dance and everything?

Count me in. Attaboy, fred!

You're a good guy!

Four good guys.
We'll start a club, huh?

Yeah, the four musketeers.

All: yeah!

Hello, freddy.

Oh, hello, marion.

Would you like to go to the
dance with me friday night?


We were kind of talking
about a camping trip,

But... You fellas
won't mind, will ya?

It'll probably be pretty
cold up at the lake, anyway.

Well, if you had something else
you wanted to do, freddy, well...

Oh, no! We were just talkin'.

It wasn't a date or anything.

It's okay, marion. I can go.

Freddy: thanks a lot
for asking me, guys.

Maybe next time, huh?
See ya later, fellas.

How do ya like that!

Some guys don't have
any character at all.

They're just weak.

Imagine! Missing
out on a camping trip

Just to go to a dance with her.

Poor guy.


I sure feel sorry for him.



Oh, I've been trying to call
don for half an hour now

And his line's always busy.

If it's jeannie barrister
getting a date with him for fri...

Friday night!

Hi, mommy!

Hello, angel!

Where have you been?

Over at sylvia marsh's house.

We've been dressin'
up and stuff.

Her sister's named wanda.
Goes to bud's school.

Was givin' us a lot of
her clothes to dress up in!

She's real nice!
Well, that's fine.

But where's the sweater you
were gonna pick up from patty davis?

Huh? That's what you
went after, darling...

The sweater.

I guess I forgot.

What's that?

It's a brick. I found it.

As soon as I find some more,
I'm gonna build a clubhouse!

I'll keep it for you.

You run upstairs and
get washed for dinner.

Just find the corners, dad.

How many corners
are there on this thing?

Only four.

Four! I've already
counted seven.

Are you fellows
planning to camp here?

No, kippy and claude and me

Are going up to
jenkers lake friday night.

This is claude's tent,
and knowing claude,

I thought we'd better
have a preview of it.

Well, dinner's nearly ready.

Say, bud, isn't friday the night
of the freshman/senior dance?

Yeah, but I'm not going
to it. None of the guys are.

Claude, kippy, none of the guys.

It's all set! I talked to
don and he's going with me!

And imagine! He said three
girls had asked him already today

But he was waiting
for me to ask him.

Well, la-di-da.

What about you? Has
any girl asked you?

Well, it wouldn't do
any good if she did.

Claude, kippy, and me
are goin' campin'. Camping?

No girls... Just good ol'
claude, good ol' kippy, and me.

We stick together.

And just let any girl ask
one of us to that dance

And see what happens.

She'll wish she hadn't have.

Well, talk about
goony characters.

I'll get it. That's probably
kippy bringing over his stuff.

Oh, hi, kippy! Come on in!

Uh, I can't stay.

I just came by to tell
ya about friday night.

Yeah, well, dad and me
were just checkin' the tent...

She's okay!

Well, somethin'
came up, that is.

I don't think I can
go on the trip.

Well, why not?

Well, I gotta go to the dance.

Maxine malone asked me,
and... But kippy, you said...

I couldn't help it! You
know she's got a brother.

He's on the football
team. He'd clobber me!

B-big guy, and her
father's a big guy.

He might beat up my dad.

You know how it is.

Sure, kippy. It's all right.

Might rain up at
the lake, anyway.

Rains a lot up there.


Any of the girls
asked... You yet?

Well, no...

Well, they haven't come
right out and asked me.

You couldn't expect that.

But I wouldn't go anyway.

Huh, well... I'll see ya, bud.

See ya at school, huh?

Yeah, I'll see ya, kippy.

So long. So long.

You better get
ready for dinner, bud.

Okay, mom.

What happened?

Kippy can't go on the trip.
He's going to the dance.

Well, don't worry about it, son.

On a camping trip, two's
better company anyway!

Doesn't bother me.
Doesn't bother me a bit!

Take your old tent
out of the living room.

What's the matter?
Kippy get a date?

Who cares!

Bud, I have an idea.

Why don't you and claude make
up a list of groceries you need,

And I'll pick them up at
the market tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.

You might need a
couple of sleeping bags.

If you and claude wanna meet me

At gene's sporting goods
shop tomorrow after school,

We'll see what
they have to rent.

Yeah. One thing...

You don't have to worry about
claude backing out on your camping trip.

No. Claude's a good guy.

Not only that.

He's the last person any
girl would take to a dance.

Well, he is.

Well, I don't care.

Ol' claude and I stick together.

Now, there's a
good sleeping bag.

Has an air mattress
and everything.

Ah, we don't want
any air mattresses.

No, only girls use those.

We'll sleep right
on the ground, huh?

Yeah, that's the fun.

Gonna be pretty rugged.

The rugged-er the
better, huh, bud?

Yeah, the two
musketeers, huh, claude?

That's us, bud.

Well, let's go in
and talk to gene.

Hey, claude, wait up!

Oh, hi, marge.

I've been lookin'
all over for ya.

Ran from clear
down on the corner.

Hey, ya dated-up
for friday night?

Oh, gee, i... I was
goin' camping, but...

Aw, do ya have to?

Well, I probably shouldn't.

Claude: got an awful
sore left foot.

It's been hurtin'
real bad all day.

I guess I shouldn't go, bud.

Claude: hikin' and
all that stuff.

Well, how ya gonna dance, then?


Well, I only dance
with my right foot.

The other one I
just slide along.

Is it a date?

Well, sure.

You don't mind, do ya, bud?

No, i... I don't mind.

Where ya headin'?

The drug store. Come on!

See ya, bud! So
long, mr. Anderson!

Pretty tough to
figure, isn't it...

She ran a whole
block to catch him.

Hello, bud.

Hi, wanda. Hello.

What's wrong with me, dad?

Oh, there's nothing
wrong with you, son.

Why am I the last guy?

Everybody else has
been asked. Even claude.

Hello, jim. Hi, bud.

Hello, gene.

Heard you were
standin' out here.

You lookin' for somethin'?

Yes, you might say that we are.

Well, come on in.

Oh, this is kind
of a special item.

I... I don't think you
carry it in stock.

Angel, what is this?

I'm just married.

Oh, that's nice. What's
your husband's name?

John garbage.

Oh, that's an
unusual name, isn't it?

No. He works on his garbage
truck, and his name is john.

Well, mrs. G.,

It's time for you
to get cleaned up.

Run upstairs and
put on a clean dress,

The two-piece one
with the pink blouse.

I... I don't have that
blouse anymore.

Well, where is it?

I think I left it over at
the marsh's yesterday.

Oh, kathy!

Sylvia's sister wanda was
givin' us some dress-up stuff,

And... Guess I forgot.

If you don't start
wearing your thinking cap,

Soon you're gonna
forget who you are.

Oh, no, i...

What did I say my name was?

You'd better scamper.
Dad and bud are home.

Hi, mom. Oh, hello, bud.

"Lewis" and "clark"
are the names.

- Explorers by trade.
- Jenkers lake.

Where do you want me
to put this stuff, dad?

Well, pile 'em out
in the stockade, son.

We'll load 'em on the pack
train tomorrow afternoon.

I'll put 'em in the closet.

Your festive mood doesn't seem
to be shared to your partner.

Ah, poor old bud.

He's suffering from the
heartbreaking experience

Of being "he who
was not chosen."

Well, what happened to claude?

He was chosen. Claude?

Right in front of the
sporting goods store.

Little pony-tailed filly
galloped up and snared him.

Bud was left... Alone.

Oh, dear.

It's pretty rough on the boy,

But what can we do?

I'm goin' camping with
him in claude's place,

But that doesn't help much.

Oh, that sadie hawkins idea.

I could kick myself
for thinking of it.

Apparently he's the only boy in
the class who hasn't been invited.

Now, how do you figure it?

I don't know.

He's popular enough.

Girls like him.

Well, some girls, I'm sure.

You'd think at least
one girl would ask him.

All it takes is one.

Wait, lou jeffers has a
daughter in bud's class.

He owes me a favor.
I might call him...

Oh, I guess not.

Well, what'll we do?

Well, all we can do is
to get his mind off it.

Forget the party entirely and
concentrate on something else...

Your camping trip.

All right, we'll try.

Let's get the camping
stuff out in the living room.

Make plans.

Maybe we can get
him fired up enough

So he'll forget the darn dance.

We'll set the tent
up. The whole works.

Just the way it's
gonna be at the lake.

We may never have dinner,
but lead on, daniel boone.

What's that for?

Jim, what are you doing?

Looking for an encyclopedia.

Are you reading?

No, trying to hold
the corners down.

Oh, forget about the corners.

Find something to
hold up this middle.

There, it's solid. You
can come out now.

Ah, see how easy
that tent goes up?

Oh, sure. Nothing that
ten strong men couldn't do.

Are you planning to
take these books with you,

Or are you just gonna
camp near a library?

Oh, wait till bud sees it.

He'll get that old
gleam in his eye.

Oh, for pete's sake!
What's this? Shh!

Have you both flipped?
It's for bud. Is he upstairs?

Yes, he's sitting in his room
looking like the last rose of summer.

What's wrong with him?

He hasn't been asked to
the dance tomorrow night.

Claude, kippy, all the
others have been invited,

And bud's left out.

Uh, hey, bud! Bud: yeah?

Come on downstairs!

You mean no girl's
asked him? No girl at all?

You can understand
how you feels.

Poor kid. I don't get it.

Well, we don't, either.

But let's not say anything
about it, not a word.

Uh, push the camping trip.

Did you call me?

Well, what do you
think of our camp?

It's pretty good.

Well, I don't understand how
you're gonna cook on that stove.

I don't even see a stove.

Well, this is it right here.

You put your gas in here
and prime it and light it.

Puts out a lot of heat, too.

Yeah, just like a regular stove.

Can you cook your fish on it?

Are you kiddin'? This is the
greatest for cookin' fish.

Well, I don't know.

How about sleeping?

Are you going to take beds?

Oh, mom! We got sleeping bags!

Look here!

See, you just put these
right inside the tent.

Crawl right in. No
blankets or anything.

They're great. No kiddin'.

If it's a clear night, we can
even sleep right outdoors!

Sure. And I know a place we
can camp right near the lake.

The water would
be right out in there.

And if you hear a
fish jump at night,

You just get out of bed
and grab your fishing pole

And drop the ol'
bait out in there.

That's the best time to
fish, at night, you know.

The big ones come
in close to feed.

Can't you picture us out there?

Ol' campfire goin'...

Well, what about food?
What do you think, bud?

Oh, a few cans of beans.
Bacon and eggs, maybe.

Mmm, I can smell that
bacon frying now.

Mother, father, you
know dotty snow.

Hello, dotty. Oh, hello.

Oh, that's cute. What is it?

Oh, we're just getting
up a little camping trip.

Sort of arranging the equipment.

Oh, it sounds like fun.

Oh, what I wanted
to tell you, betty,

Was that you and
don and jack and I

Are gonna double-date for
the dance tomorrow night.

Well, dotty... We'll
go in jack's car.

Oh, really, mrs. Anderson.
Betty and I are the luckiest...

Getting our dates
early for the dance.

The only boys left now
are the real droops!

Did I say the wrong thing?

Dotty, come on up to my room.

Well, what's the matter?

Just come on.

Well, now, what gives?

Oh, it wasn't your
fault. You didn't know.

But that crack about
only the droops being left...

Well, it's the truth!

Dotty! Bud hasn't been asked.

Bud? Your brother?

But he has, too! No, he hasn't.

Oh, yes, he has!

Oh, somebody was
telling me that...

Well, some girl in
the freshman class...

Oh, I can't think of her name...

Well, said that she'd asked
bud for a date yesterday.

Are you sure?

Why, I'm positive!

Well, there's a
mix-up somewhere.

A real mix-up!

The look on his face...
I'll never forget it.

Well, one of us will have
to go up and talk to him.

I know.

But what can you say?

Tell me... What can you say?

Betty: see you tomorrow, dotty!

Dotty just told me
the strangest thing...

She said that she's sure
some girl in bud's class

Asked him to the
dance yesterday.

Oh, she's mistaken. Bud
said no one had asked him.

Oh, we would've known about it.

But dotty was sure!
She talked to the girl.

What was the girl's name?

She didn't remember.

Oh, hello, wanda.

Hello, mr. Anderson.

Won't you come in?

Thank you.

Well, it's nice to see you.

Uh, won't you come
in the living room?

No... No, thanks.

Hello, wanda.

Hello, mrs. Anderson.

Well, uh, we haven't
seen you in quite a while.

I know.

Well, wanda, hi!

Hi, betty.

Uh, betty, uh, would you run out

And turn the fire down
under the peas, please?

Well, is there
anything, uh, we can...

Mrs. Anderson, did bud have...

I mean, did he want
to tell me anything?


Don't go away, wanda! Wait!



"Dear bud,

"Would you like to go
to the dance with me

"Friday night?

Regards, wanda."

Hey, mom, dad!

Hi, wanda.

Hello, bud.

How are you?


I'm, uh... I'm sorry I
didn't answer your note.

I just got it.

Can you go? Sure.

See you tomorrow night?

Yeah... And thanks
for askin' me.

I'm glad you can... Go with me.

So am i.



You know what?
I'm goin'! I got a date.

Wanda asked me for a date!

Kathy had the note all
the time. She had it and she...

Well, uh, gosh, dad, i, uh...

I guess I can't go
on the trip with ya.

I'm terrible sorry.

I'm just terrible
sorry, too, bud.

Terrible sorry.


I have a message,
and I didn't forget it.

It's from betty. She's trying
on her dress for the dance.

Well, that's good service!

She wants you to be a
"shaboom" at the dance.

A what? A "shaboom"!

Could that be "chaperone"?

Yeah, that's it.

Are you dated-up
for tomorrow night?

Well, I was going
camping, but, uh...

All right, I'll
"shaboom" with you.

Tell betty we can do it.

You see! I don't forget anymore.

Well, hardly ever.
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