02x18 - Betty's Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x18 - Betty's Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

With elinor donahue, billy gray,

And lauren chapin...
In father knows best.

Hi, bud!


I'm making a scrapbook
all about betty.

All her pictures,

And when she got her
name in the paper and stuff.

When I get this finished,

I'm gonna take it to school
and show all the kids!

It must be fun going to
the same school betty does,

Having everybody
look at you and say,

"Gee, there's betty
anderson's brother."

What is it like, bud? Is it fun?

Yeah, it's a real picnic.

Betty: mother!


Mom: I'm upstairs, betty!

Guess what? I'm
gonna be on television.

The young america
speaks program.

I'm gonna be on television
thursday night! So I hear!

What's the occasion? You're
gonna be on television, betty?

No kiddin'? Thursday night.

What's all this?

Betty's gonna star
on a television show!

I'm not gonna star on it.
It's sort of a youth forum.

You know, a panel show with one
student picked from each high school.

And you're representing
springfield high? Uh-huh!

Well, they couldn't have
picked a better representative!

Oh, here's something you're
supposed to sign from school.

It's giving your permission
for me to go on the show.

I'm sure proud I have
a sister like betty!

Aren't you proud, daddy?

I'm proud of all my children.

Oh, bud, you came
in pretty quietly.

Hmm, why are you so quiet?

This is "admire
the children" day.

You should've been in on it!

There's something in there
you're supposed to sign.

Well, what's this? My permission
to let you go to congress?

You know what this is, bud?

This is from mr. Armstead, the
principal of your high school.

He says you're not only
falling behind in your work,

But you're becoming
an apathetic student.

Well, good for bud!

What's "apofetic"?

I had a talk with mr. Armstead
on the phone a few minutes ago.

He said that in addition
to your grades being low,

You've been sent to his
office twice this week...

Once for ditching class

And once for scuffling
in the classroom.

Now, what goes?

I don't know. It...
It's tough to explain.

Come and help with the dishes!

Bud's excused from the
dishes tonight, kitten.

We're talking. Lucky pup.

Bud, how do you
get to be "apofetic"?

Could I do it? Beat it, shrimp!

Aw, phooey.

This doesn't make sense, son.

You're as bright as any
of the others at school.

And why did you ditch class?

I... I was scared
to go that day.

Scared? Of what?

I don't know.

I guess I was scared I
didn't have the lesson right.

That was it, I guess.
Well, is that a crime?

They're not gonna sh**t
you because you don't have

A lesson absolutely perfect.

Well, the other kids can goof
and nobody pays much attention.

But when I do, well,
that's different.

And the guys give me a bad time,

Like fred wiletz and those guys.

One day I got sore
and shoved him in class,

So up to mr. Armstead.

Mr. Armstead said he had
trouble talking to you.

When you do come to his office,

He can't get a straight answer,

You mumble and fumble around.

Why don't you explain to him?

After all, he's
there to help you.

I don't know. I... I can't, dad.

When he looks at me...

My tongue gets
stuck, I get all mixed up,

I can't think, and I
feel like a real dope.

We'll get it straightened out.

Mr. Armstead asked if he could
stop by for a while this evening...

Is that him?! Now, take it easy!

He's not gonna bite you.

He's taking time to come
over here to help us.

We'll have a friendly talk

And get these
problems ironed out.

Just calm down.

Hello, anderson.

Well, mr. Armstead,
it's good to see you.

Won't you come in? Thank you.

I appreciate your coming
over here this evening.

Bud's in the living room there.

Go right in. I'll
join you in a minute.

Thank you.

Oh, uh, would you
care for some coffee?

Well, I would enjoy some coffee

If it didn't do much trouble.

I'll have mrs.
Anderson put it on.


You can go in the living
room. Bud's in there.

He is? Isn't he?

Mr. Armstead: there's
no one there.

Oh, he must be.

Dad: bud!

I'll see you later, dad.

Bud, come back here.

There's no reason to be
frightened or embarrassed.

You and mr. Armstead and I are
going to have a visit, that's all.

We're going to sit down
and talk things over.

Right, mr. Armstead?


Shall we sit down?

Sit down, son.

Bud, couldn't you sit
on the... No, this is fine.

Well, now that the three
of us are together under, um,

Unofficial circumstances,
shall we say,

I think we should be able...

Excuse me, mr. Armstead.

Bud, I'm sure you'll
be more comfortable

If you sit on the couch.

As I was saying,
it's rather difficult

To establish the
proper relationship

Between a principal and a pupil

Under pressures
of time and schedule

Of the school day.

I feel much more
can be accomplished

In the, uh, relaxed
atmosphere of the home.

I agree.

Now, relax, bud.
You're among friends.

If something is bothering
you at school, tell us about it.

Let's bring it out in the open.

Well, it's... I
just... I don't know.

We want to do
everything possible,

But we must have
your cooperation, bud.

If you'll just tell
us what's wrong...

Bud, did something happen?

Is it something someone's doing?

Gee, i... Well, gosh, it's...

Is the work too
hard for you, bud?

No, it's... It's not that...


Could i... Could i...

All right, son, go ahead.

Mr. Armstead and I will try
to figure out what to do.

Thanks, dad!

You'll see me, mr. Armstead!

Or I'll see you, I mean.

Thanks for goin'!
Coming, I mean!


Oh! Oh!

I can't figure out
what's gotten into bud.

He acts like a
frightened rabbit.

He runs like one, too.

He nearly went right over me when
he came tearing out of the living room.

He seems to have lost
all confidence in himself.

But was never any
tower of brilliance,

But he was at least average.

Why does he suddenly fall
on his face in all departments?

What does mr. Armstead think?

He can't figure it out, either.

Jim: maybe it's my fault.

Maybe I haven't been
strict enough with bud.

I assumed he was
getting along all right.

He never mentioned he was
having any problems in high school.

I had no idea he was
going downhill this way.

Did you?

Did you, margaret?



Oh, hi!

It's a little late to be
doing homework, isn't it?

I'm gonna get this
stuff if it takes all night.

Now you're talking, son!

Oh, I'm sorry about tonight,
dad, with mr. Armstead.

But I'm so scared I'm
gonna do something wrong

Or say something wrong that...

Well, I can't think or anything.

Oh, you mustn't be, bud.

Just be yourself. Be natural.

And don't worry
about making mistakes.

Why, everybody
does! It's only human.

Of course, son! Look at me!

I've made mistakes in my life...

Three or four, at least.

I'm not gonna let it
throw me anymore.

I'm gonna work as hard as I can,
and I'm not gonna let it throw me.

Let... Let what throw you?

Well, anything.

You're not gonna
be ashamed of me.

You're gonna be
proud of me, too.

Wait and see.

Yesterday your homework
assignment was to write a review

On one of the plays
of william shakespeare.

Will those who completed the
assignment raise their hands?

Bud, will you read your
review for the class, please?

Out loud?


This better be good.

A review of a play...
A midsummer's dream.

I mean... A midsummer
night's dream,

By, uh... By... Bye-bye, bud.

It's by... Betty anderson, jr.?

Bud! Bud!

Back in your seats, everyone.

What a shameful thing to do!

You may go to
mr. Armstead's office.

Anyone in here?

No. Just me.

Got ya sittin' on
the heat seat, eh?

The lady out there told me to come
in here and wait for mr. Armstead.

You in here for school
business or monkey business?

Oh! Monkey business.

Well, you'll probably catch a whole...
From the head man when he gets back.

Oh, don't let it
get you down, son.

We all kick over the
traces now and then.

Just figure that whatever you
did you're not gonna do again.

Mr. Armstead's
not gonna k*ll ya.

Well, I know, but...

Sure you're scared of
armstead, but you needn't be.

Now, you be respectful to him,

You do what he tells you to.

But there's no law around here
that says you gotta be scared of him.

He'd tell you that himself!

I'll tell you something
I read in a book once.

Whenever you run across a fellow
you think is pretty high and mighty

And you kind of shake in your
boots when he looks at ya,

You know how to cut
him down to your size?

Just figure how he
looks in his underwear.

Now, you know as well as I do

That the king himself
couldn't scare ya,

Standing there with his
knobby knees stickin' out.

Now, you put that in the back
of your head and think about it.

And if I were you...

Good morning, jeffries.

Oh, uh, thanks, mr. Armstead.

Bud, ms. Ames tells me that you
struck a boy in her english class.

Do you have an explanation?

Bud, your refusal to cooperate

Is making this a
difficult situation.

I can't understand it.

Boy from a fine
family, good parents...

Why have you suddenly
turned into a bully, a brawler,

Failing in your studies?

Bud, I must demand that
you at least answer me.

Bud anderson, will
you please look at me

When I'm speaking to you?

Now... What is your explanation?

I'm waiting.

Well! So you find this amusing!

What is so confounded funny?!


Oh, this is mrs. Anderson.

Yes, mr. Armstead?

I just don't understand.

We had a talk with bud last
night after you left and...

Well, he seemed so
determined to do better.

We were sure he'd
have no more problems.

Well, this just isn't like bud.

We've never had any
trouble with him before.

It's only since he
started high school.

Well, naturally we want
to get to the cause of this,

But so far we just...

We just haven't been able
to put our finger on it.

Well, we certainly wanna find
out what's wrong, mr. Armstead.

Margaret: thank you
so much for calling.

We'll do everything we
possibly can, I promise you.



Bud was sent to mr. Armstead's
office again today.

Oh, no! Mm-hmm.

Fighting in the classroom.
He struck another boy!

And after he promised!

Who started it? He didn't say.

Hello, mother! Hi, father.

Hello, princess. Hello, betty.

Anything wrong?

Oh, bud was in
trouble again today.

Has he come home?
About a half an hour ago.

He went straight to his
room. He didn't say a thing.

Well, there's no use
talking to him right now.

I don't even know
how to approach him,

How to break through this
wall he's put around himself.

Little brothers.
What a headache.

Now, don't you
start picking on him.

When you were 15, you
were no picnic, either.

Well, I certainly didn't
do things the way bud does!

And I at least talked to people.

Talking to bud is like trying to
carry on a conversation with a stump.

Beats me. Could
it be he isn't well?

Could he be sick or
something? The way he eats!

He had a physical examination
before he entered high school...

Nothing wrong.

Well, there's something
wrong somewhere,

And it's getting serious.

Now, betty didn't have any trouble
when she entered high school.

Been an honor student
all the way through.

President of her class,

Captain of the tennis team,

Chairman of all the committees,

Selected to represent the school

On this television
show tomorrow night.

Now, bud's had exactly the
same upbringing as betty.

Now, why the difference?

Maybe you hit on the answer.

Do you realize it might be
very hard to follow betty?

She made a big name for
herself at springfield.

And when bud came along,

The people at school probably
expected too much of him.

Well, could be, could be.

You know how high
school kids are.

When bud didn't
immediately measure up

To what they expected
of betty's brother,

They probably ridiculed him
instead of trying to help him.

What do you think, betty?

Kids can be pretty
thoughtless in high school,

Especially freshmen.

You know, I'll bet that's
exactly what happened.

Now he's lost all
his confidence.

Now he's afraid to try
anything for fear of failing.

He's afraid to even
open his mouth.

Oh, why didn't we
see this before...

Or why didn't bud say something?

You know bud... Old stone face.

Well, now that we think
we understand the problem,

How do we solve it?

Yes, how do we?

Well, good luck.

I've gotta get busy. I
have a ton of homework.

That's as far as her
interest in bud goes...

"Good luck."

Well, this time it looks
like we're gonna need it.

Are you thinking?

What do you want?

What's the matter with bud?

Nothing. Why?

Well... Bud said I
shouldn't tell anybody,

But this afternoon
when I went in his room,

He was crying.


I've never seen him cry before.

Is he sick?

He's all right. Don't you worry.

Are you sure? Mm-hmm.

Then why was he crying?

Oh... Probably had
a stomachache.

I guess that was it. Good night!

Good night, squirt.



You have a lot of
homework, too, huh?



You know that tv program I'm
supposed to be on tomorrow night?


Well, I have to get out of it.

Would you go in my place?


You tryin' to be funny?

Well, I asked you,
will you take my place?

I'm having a
chemistry exam friday,

And if I don't study tomorrow
night, I'll flunk for sure.

I've just gotta get somebody
to substitute for me!

And you're asking me to do it?

Why not?

Well, I'd be representing
the whole school.

I couldn't do it.
Oh, sure you can.


I wouldn't even know what to do.

I haven't studied
up on it or anything.

Look, silly, it's not a
test or anything like that.

It's just a discussion.

High school kids talking about
how they feel about things.

And you can talk, can't you?

Yeah, but not in front
of those cameras.

What's the difference
if there's a camera?

With everybody lookin' at me?

No, I couldn't,
I couldn't do it.

I'd... I'd be so scared I
couldn't open my mouth.

I'd keel over! You
wouldn't, either!

Thanks for asking me, but
you better get somebody else.

Oh, bud anderson,
you make me so mad!

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

I've just got to study tonight
for that chemistry exam.

Who am I gonna get to take
my place on my television show?

Can I do it? I can sing and
I can stand on my head!

I suggested bud, but
he doesn't want to.

I think that's a splendid idea!

So do i! Me, too!

Before breakfast, I phoned ms.
Eldridge... My teacher... At home,

And she thought it would be
just fine if bud took my place.

No, I couldn't do it.

It's not that I don't
want to help ya,

It's just that... Well,
I goof, that's all.

I'd butcher it all up.

Why do you keep saying that?

How do you know you'll
goof? Because I always do.

Now, that's the
wrong attitude, bud.

You've got to tell yourself
you're not going to goof!

I do, but I goof anyway!

I know if I got up there
I'd... I'd trip on the rug

Or knock something over
or say the wrong thing.

It always happens!

It won't happen this time, bud.

I'm absolutely sure if you
go on that program tonight,

You'll be a big success!

But I'm just a freshman,
and betty's a senior.

I can't take her place.

Well, that doesn't
make any difference.

The boy who's coming over
from glenview high is a freshman.

Just as long as
you're in high school.

B-but everybody in the school
will be watchin' the show.

What if I lose my voice or...

Bud, you won't lose your voice!

You can't lose it,
bud! It's fastened in!

Bud, look. We
all believe in you.

You'll come through fine tonight
if you'll just believe in yourself.

Shall I tell ms.
Eldridge you'll do it?


Will you do it for
your mother and me?


Man on tv: and now your
favorite school program,

Young america speaks.

Move back, kathy. You're
too close to the set... Come on.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

I'm william c. Clark,
your moderator,

And I welcome you once
again to young america speaks,

A program dedicated to
the citizens of the future

And their opinions of today.

And it is my pleasure to
present to you tonight

Five charming and
intelligent young people.

There's bud!

Now, if he'll just keep his
head and not get excited.

Take it easy, son.

Oh, I wish he'd worn
his other shirt.

On my left we
have miss joan ellis,

A junior from caldwell high.

I wish he wouldn't fool
with that glass of water.

From glenview high.

And on my right,
mr. George newman,

A senior from horton high.

And sitting next to mr. Newman,

Ms. Dorothy snow,

A sophomore from hillsboro high.

And last but not least,

We have mr. Bud anderson,

A freshman from
springfield high.

Phew! If that glass had gone
over, that would've done it.

And now to get our
discussion underway,

Suppose we start with you, joan.

Hooray! Bud doesn't
have to go first!

Goal in life? Well...

There he starts
with that glass again!

Self... Herself,

And never be satisfied
with just being good enough.

Always try to be better.

Very good.

Have you anything to
add to that, george?

Well, if you're
gonna set a goal,

It means you ought
to be satisfied...

Oh, bud, sit still.

If he goes over backward
in that chair, I'll die!

Well, I don't think you
should set your goal too high,

Because then if you should fail,

Well, it'd be worse than
if you had set it too low.

Well, that's another
point of view.

Bud, how do you feel about it?

I can't look! It didn't
go over. He caught it.

Say something,
bud! Say something.

Bud anderson, have
you anything to add?

Come on, bud, come on!

Get up, get up!

Betty: say something.
Say anything!

Margaret: oh, poor bud.

That's the stuff,
son. Now think, think!

Uh... I think you ought
to set your goals high.

The higher, the better.

You're started now.
Keep going, keep going!

Why not reach for the moon?

That's always been kind of a
saying meaning the impossible,

But scientists tell us now
that it's only a matter of time

Until man reaches the moon.

And why?

Because there are men
who have the courage

To keep trying the impossible...

Trying to reach the moon.

That's good, bud!

What do you think of your
son now? Shh! Let's listen to this.

The important thing is
to have faith in yourself.

You've got to really believe
you're going to succeed,

And then you will,

Whether it's flying to the moon

Or getting a good
grade in school.

Very good!

And what about your own
plans for the future, bud?

Well, I don't know what
I'm gonna be when I grow up,

But I'm sure I'll make a
goal of it, whatever it is.

And that's not conceit.

It's just faith in myself.

If the people I love the
most have faith in me,

How can I do any less?

Mr. Clark: that was very
well said, bud. Very well.

Honey, you're crying.

So are you.

Now as we conclude another of our
program series young america speaks,

I wish to thank our young guests

For their interesting
opinions and observations,

And I think we should extend
some special congratulations

To mr. Bud anderson

For his contributions
to the evening.

Wasn't bud wonderful?!

Just think, betty, he's
our very own brother!

He was like a different boy!

That program sure
worked a miracle for bud.

I hope you do as well
on your exam tomorrow.

By the way, shouldn't you
be studying for that exam?

What exam?
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