02x14 - Stage to Yuma

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x14 - Stage to Yuma

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

For tonight only, while
the family's on vacation,

We have the opportunity to
present a special program.

It's a dramatic story set
in arizona in the year 1860.

In a few seconds,
when again we meet,

I'll be one of five passengers
riding the stage to yuma,

Which happens to be
the title of our story.

Driver: hyah!

Sure you don't want
to get inside, son?

It's mighty hot
and dusty up here.

If it is not trouble
to you, señor,

I like it here.

It's not trouble to me.

I just keeping thinking what
that schoolmarm of yours will say

If you get them
store clothes dirty.

I think maybe she will say
it to me... Not to you, señor.

Excuse me.

I couldn't help noticing
the... The handcuffs.

Well, that's all right, ma'am.

I've been having the
same trouble myself.

May I ask what you
were arrested for?

For k*lling a man.

Oh, well...

I'm sure there must've
been some good reason?

I don't know, ma'am.
See, I didn't k*ll him.

Jury said you did.

All cousins of yours,
weren't they, watts?

Don't get funny, deuce, and
don't bother the passengers.

I don't bother the passengers.

They bother me. Especially you.

At any rate, you've got a good
reason for coming this way.

You can't help yourself.

I reckon the rest of us
just don't have good sense.

How about you, major?
What brings you this way?

I've been looking around
for a new place to locate.

Found myself in a
sort of rut back home.

How about you? Business trip.

I've got a friend in yuma pen.

I'm gonna try to bust him out.

Nobody busts nobody
out of yuma pen.

Some people try...
For friendship's sake.

"Greater love hath no man

That he lay down his
life for his friend."

I don't plan on going
quite that far, major.

I don't figure either
one of us has got to die.

There's a law against
aiding a criminal.

That's what I hear.

Except I haven't broken it.

At least not yet.

I hope you're joking, mr. Ibsen.

It's no joke to be convicted

For a crime you didn't commit.

I understand you're
a schoolteacher.

Yes, i... I'm going to teach
at a place called faraway.

I'm sure they need
you there, ma'am.

Even in a little
place like that,

You will find someone
with a thirst for knowledge.

They're anywhere.

Don't you think so, mr. Ibsen?


Better build
schoolrooms for the boys

Than cells and
gibbets for the men.

What are your
feelings on the subject?

Well, I'm not qualified to say,

But in my case it looks
like they built both of them.

Perhaps the schoolroom
was too small.

It was bigger than that cell

That's waiting
for me up in yuma.

I told you to shut up.

There's only one good,
namely knowledge,

And only one evil,
namely ignorance.

The man with the lantern.

You're familiar with diogenes?

We've got a lot in common.

I spent a long time looking
for an honest man myself.

Ma'am, if you can find
one youngster anywhere

That you can teach something to,

You're on a better
mission than any of us.

I already have one pupil.

The boy riding up
with the driver.

The hope of the
future lies in the young.

I like to think so.

Better a hope for the future

Than a regret for the past.

Driver: hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Boggs? Hey, boggs!

What's the idea?

I need some air.

Something wrong, tate?

Think you can watch
this team a minute, son?

Yes, señor. I am very
good with horses.

I take it this
ain't a usual stop.

Can you turn this outfit
around in a real hurry

And head back?

Not in a real hurry, no.

In that case, we
aren't gonna make it.

What do you mean, we
aren't gonna make it?


What's he up to?

Why don't you go
out and ask him?

You can unlock these
cuffs and leave me here.

I'm not curious.

Ah... Heh heh.
What's one apache?

Good or bad, that
don't make an ambush.

I said I only saw the
one. He may have friends.

You paid your fare,

But you don't pay my wages.

I got a schedule to keep.

Boggs, put the boy inside.

I'll ride up on the box with you,
at least till we get to the gorge.

Suit yourself.

You go ahead and
ride inside awhile, son.

Of course, señor.

This guy wants a little air.

Well, I still say
there ain't... Aah!


What's up? Apaches.

Don't anybody get out.

The driver! He's dead.

Easy, boy, easy. Easy!

Would you care to join me?

If you don't mind...
Perhaps someone else.

What about the team?

I cut 'em loose. They'd
have turned us over.

Uh... For the time being,
I say let's sit tight.

It's good cover against arrows.

It seems as if that's
all they've got.

Are there... Are
there many of them?

I'd guess not. They'd
have come down by now

If they were strong
enough to risk it.

Get that g*n away from him!

What do you think you're doing?

You're gonna have to turn him
loose, watts. We may need him.

You don't need him that much.

I'm trying to take a good
luck at what we're up against.

You'd better turn him loose. No.

I don't like to get bossy,
but I can if I have to.

Not with me.

There's other people
here besides you.

Seems to me they got a
right to have their say.

What about it, major?

I'd like to ask a question.

Go ahead.

I'm under the impression
that you're aboard this coach

To help deuce escape.

All right, suppose
that you're right.

Then maybe we should know
what takes precedence...

Our lives or helping
deuce go free.

Do you agree?

That seems like a
reasonable question.

All right, ma'am.
That's why I'm here.

But I didn't figure
on running into this.

I've got two horses staked out at
the end of the gorge for a getaway.

Deuce is a friend of mine.

He's also a pretty good sh*t.

Right now that's
all that counts.

You gonna take
his word for that?

Well... I'm not sure

That the decision
is entirely up to me.

Suppose we take a vote.

I vote for lettin' me go free.

Ibsen, get out of here.

I figure this whole thing's
a frame to spring deuce.

Nobody's been
outside this coach.

How do we know
there's indians out there?

You might ask boggs.

I thought boggs was dead. He is.

But he can still
answer your question.

You talk too much. Get out.

Oh, please, gentlemen.

You wouldn't really
sh**t me, would you, watts?

Don't give me a
real good reason.

It seems to me that
we're shorthanded as it is.

I'm sure that we
can't spare mr. Ibsen.

Thanks, major!

You're all right.

I'm very good with a bottle.

Unlock the cuffs.

Well, you seem to have
accomplished your purpose, mr. Ibsen...

With major alden's help.

Your friend is free.

Now I suggest that we
continue on our way.

You don't think
there are any indians?

The deputy doesn't
seem to think so.

Maybe he's the one to
step outside and find out.

How about it, watts?

D-do I get my g*n back?

Why not?

What's holdin' you?

Figure maybe there's
some trick about it.

It was your idea, yours
and schoolmarm's here.

Maybe that answers
your question, ma'am.

I'm quite satisfied.

I've been watching
out here, tate.

Another of them showed on
that north wall across the gorge.

Yeah, I've been figuring that.

Even if they were up there,

We'd be in pretty good shape

Once we got under that overhang.

If we were out of
range on this side.

We would be.

I think it's worth a chance.

Hey, no, no, no.

No point in everybody
risking their necks.

I'll give it a try.

I wouldn't ask you to.

No, no, that's not the point.

But somebody's got
to find out if it's clear.

There's always the chance
there'll be some of them up there.

I'll take that chance.

We'll watch this wall,

Try to keep you
covered from behind.

You'd better let me
take that window, son.

I want you to
know that i, for one,

Appreciate what you're doing.

It's nothin', ma'am.

He's made it!

I hope you know he's
running out on us.

He's trying to for sure.

You... You m*rder*r.

It was his own idea.

Not if you hadn't
put it into his mind.

You knew there were
indians there all the time.

I didn't know.

Any fool could guess.

Guessing wasn't good enough.

We know now.

And we're stuck with it.

One more question, mr. Ibsen.

Go ahead.

Do you actually
have horses out there

Or was there just
bait for watts?

The horses are there.

But it was still bait.

You wanted to find
out about the indians,

And the deputy
served your purpose.

I don't think I could've
done that, ibsen.

I'm not critical.

I only mean to say that I
would rather go myself

Than send another.

I didn't do it for fun.

I'm trying to figure out how to
get some of us out of here alive.

Namely yourself. That could be.

Or miss quimby and the boy?

That could be, too.

You said they were more
important than the rest of us.

The hope of the
future lies in the young.

The deputy would've
quit on them in a pinch.

I prefer not to be
used as an excuse

For getting a man k*lled.

It's better than
being k*lled yourself.

I'm afraid I'll have to side
with ibsen on this point.

We could probably spare
watts better than anyone.

I think we all
recognized the fact

That he was a coward.

A man could be a coward
under one circumstance

And a brave man under another.

We only got one
circumstance right now.

I've been wondering, ibsen...

Why didn't you send me?

That may come, too.

Well, I can't see any of them.

And it's only a couple
of hours till sundown.

I assume we leave as
soon as it gets dark.

No, we'll have to leave before.

Can't fight b*ll*ts
and arrows in the dark.

I've always heard that indians
never att*ck after nightfall.

Common belief...

Especially among people
who don't know indians.

Deuce: tate, you got
something in mind?

Maybe. Those
horses I mentioned...

They're in a box canyon
at the end of the gorge.

Can you handle a horse?

Si, señor.

How about you?

Don't bother about me.

Just concentrate on
miss quimby and the boy.

That school, you know.

I would not like for anyone

To worry about me
because of my age.

See what I mean, ibsen?

Take good care of him,
ma'am, and teach him well.

I'm sure he's worth it.

I'll do the best I can.

How many indians do you
figure there are, deuce?

Uh, six. Maybe eight.

Oh, we could
handle them all right

If they'd just come
down, make a fight of it

Before night comes.

I think what bothers
them is they don't know

How many of us
there are down here.

So far all they've seen
is the driver and the boy

And the deputy
and me... That's four.

They know two of them are dead.

As far as they're concerned,
there's only a man and a boy left.

That ought to tempt them down.

Except it hasn't.

Just what are you
proposing, mr. Ibsen?

That we give them better odds.

Heh. There's nothing
on earth quite as empty

As an empty bottle.

Unless it's an empty g*n.

You're wrong there, mr. Ibsen.

An empty g*n retains a
certain amount of authority.

But an empty bottle
is... Only empty.

If it's odds you
want, I'll cut out.

I can make a better job
of it than that deputy.

You're too good a sh*t, deuce.

If they do come
down, you'll be needed.

How about you, mr. Ibsen?

I'm a good sh*t, too.

Sounds as though I've
just won the nomination.

That's right.

Survival of the fittest.

I guess you could call it that.

No! No, I won't allow it!

Ma'am, you don't
have any choice.

What did you have in mind?

I'd like to make it look
like you were pulling out.

If I've got it figured right,

They'll think the boy
is all alone and strike.

You'd sacrifice another
life to save your own?

Is there no shame in you?

Sounds logical.

No! No, I won't allow
it, this sacrifice.

Ma'am, I have spent
several useless years

In search of some
reason for my existence.

I would hate to be denied the
privilege of having found it.

I don't know.

I don't know.

What can one say
that means enough?

If any good comes of it,

You can tell the boy.

That's how good things go on.

It all makes sense.

Tate, I'd better go.


I'd like to put my house
in order, mr. Ibsen...

Just in case i... I
better the odds.

You might send this to my son.

Mark alden ii.

Harvard college.

That's in cambridge, you know.

I know.

In that case, it's time to go.

The teacher and
the child, mr. Ibsen.

I think we've agreed
on their importance.

I leave them in your charge.

Good day.


Con dios, señor.

Alden: uhh!

They're coming down now.

Watch the north wall, deuce.

There are more of them up there,
and you're a better sh*t than I am.

I'll watch the south.

You'd better get
on the floor ma'am.


Ma'am, you'd better get
down on the floor now.

They're coming.

Can you handle a shotgun, son?

Si, señor. You sure?

I am named for my uncle...

A soldier with the
general winfield scott.

He has taught me how to sh**t.

Press the muzzle out the
window so that it's steady.

And don't sh**t
till I tell you to.

I understand.

They're coming over here.

Deuce: here, too.


There's one on the roof.

Well, looks like
they've had enough.

They've turned back.


Could you walk a
little faster, ma'am?

It's gettin' on towards dark,

And we've quite a ways
to go to reach the horses.

What's your hurry now?

You're still alive. That's been
your only interest, hasn't it?

That's why I asked if
you couldn't hurry more.

I made a count back
there. I can't be sure,

But I think two
apaches got away.

Well, get on board,
ma'am. It's time to travel.

Two horses for the three of us?

Why not? They carry double.

I'll help you mount.

It's your turn, porfio.

Looks like we'll
be saddle mates.

Señor. Look, señor.

At the edges of the canyon.

I think perhaps those
are the two who got away.


You have only one
b*llet left, señor?


But there are two apaches.

Doesn't seem to
come out even, does it?

Looks like we've got a
couple of visitors ahead.

I saw them.

From where they are, they
control the exit to this canyon.

Porfio, you stay
here. I'll climb up

And try to take
them from behind.

I'll yell when it's
time for you to move.

When you hear me, clear out.

Si, señor.

Miss quimby: mr. Ibsen.

So we're the last
bait you have left...

The boy and I and the horses?

The indians will watch
us no matter what you do.

That's right.

I've already seen you send
three people to their deaths.

Why should I expect
anything different for myself?

You shouldn't.

I'm sorry major
alden isn't here.

At least he was a man of honor.

I'm sorry, too.

Pretty soon the señor
will surprise them,

And we can move out.

No, porfio. He'll keep going

Right on over the ridge.

That's always been his plan.

Your pardon, señorita.

This time you are wrong.

No, porfio. He
told us so himself.

You don't understand. Mr. Ibsen
has proven his marksmanship.

If he had intended to defend...

You saw the two indians? Yes.

Señor ibsen has but
one b*llet left in his g*n.

Ibsen: maybe I do owe
you a thought, major.

Except that it's you
and your smooth talk

That's at the bottom of it all.

You saw me go to
work on the deputy,

And then you turned around
and used the same trick on me...

Throwing out your bid
to me to save the saints

And let the sinners go.

Well, I'm not ready for
the glory road yet, major.

They might make it on their own

With a fast run through the gap.

And the apaches still
don't know I'm here.

If I had any sense,
I'd cut and run.

That's what the
schoolmarm figures me to do.



We will go now!

Mr. Ibsen... I'm sorry.

Señor tate wants us to go.

Please, señorita!

There they go, major.

Alden: you're wrong, mr. Ibsen.

An empty g*n retains a
certain amount of authority.

Yes, major, you were
right about a g*n.

It's never really empty till the
one it's aimed at knows it, too.
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