02x13 - Margaret's Premonition

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x13 - Margaret's Premonition

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. If
you aren't a sight.

I can't help it.

I told you what to
do to prevent that.

Peel the onion underwater.

Underwater? I'm not
gonna take a bath

Just to get a few
old onions peeled.

All right, then stop peeling
then. You're breaking my heart.

I don't know why we have
to cook outside anyway.

It's so much easier in here.

Mother, why don't you
try and talk your boy chef

Out of this silly idea?

Mother, what's the
matter with you today?

Hmm? Oh, um... What'd
you say, betty?

Where's your mind today?
You seem a million miles off.

I've been thinking
about aunt maddie.

Aunt maddie? We haven't
heard from her in ages.

I know it. And for some reason,

She's been on my mind all day.

I keep worrying about her.

Worrying? About what?

That's just it. I don't know.

Heh. I know it's silly.

Betty, why don't you get
that sweet corn ready?

I think that bud wants
to roast corn, too.

Oh, mother, do we have
to do this outdoor bit?

I always wind up with six
times as many dishes to do.

Bud, it's ready!

I've got the charcoal in
the barbeque. Shall I light it?

Bud: no, I'll do it.

Kathy! Just look at you!

If we cook inside
like civilized people,

We wouldn't have
all this trouble.


Yes, that's right.


Oh, yes.

Yes, just a minute.

Mother... It's long
distance... Elk point.

That's where aunt maddie lives.

Hello? Maddie?

She... Mother's a
fortune teller.

Hello, maddie?

Are you all right?

Well, that's a relief.
It's a strange thing.

But I've been thinking
about you all day.

No. I said I've been
thinking abou...


Oh, really? Oh!

What happened?

Well, I hope it isn't serious.

What happened?

Well, that's good.

Jim? Oh, he's fine.

No, he's out playing golf,

And I know he'll be sorry
to have missed your call.

Oh, yes, he's fine.

Betty? Oh, she's fine.

Oh, certainly. Just a moment.

She wants to speak to you.

But what happened?

Uncle ira was in his rocker,

And rocked himself
right off the porch

And broke his beloved
railroad watch.

Come on, she's waiting.

Hello, aunt maddie!

What? Oh, I'm fine. How are y...

What? Oh, just a minute.

She wants to talk to you.

I don't know what to say to her.

I'll talk to her! She wants bud.

Come on, dopey.


Hello? What? Oh, I'm fine.

How are... What?

Oh, just a minute.

She wants to talk to flossie.

Floss... Who's flossie?

I don't know. She means kathy.

She always gets her mixed up

With cousin lydia's
youngest girl.

Take the phone, kathy. Oh, boy!



What? No, I'm kathy!

Just a minute.

Where is flossie?

Oh, I'd better talk to her.

Maddie, I think that
you've gotten flossie

- Mixed up with...
- Hello? Maddie?


Gee, what happened?

The operator told her
her three minutes were up,

So she hung up.

Man, everybody
got to talk but me.

Mother, do you
realize what you did?

You're a fortune
teller! You're psychic.

That was a premonition you had.

Oh, I don't know much
about premonitions,

But it certainly was
an odd coincidence.

Oh, coincidence nothing.

What's a... Premium-nition?

Well, it's when you can tell
things that are going to happen

Before they happen.

Gee, can you do that, mommy?

Oh, no, of course not.

But, mother, you just did.

Stop it, children.
All I did was...

Attention! Now hear
this! Now hear this!

Jim anderson,
former golf duffer,

Moved up into a new class today

When he scored a sensational...

Oh, father, the most
amazing thing happened today!

Ha ha! Not as amazing as this.

Jim anderson amazed the
golf experts today by scoring...

She got a call from aunt maddie.

What's so amazing about
that? You won't believe...

I'm trying to tell you!

Uncle ira rocked
himself off the porch.

Well, the old boy's off
his rocker again, huh?

Now, if you want something that'll
really knock you off your rocker,

Look at my scorecard!

Will you listen to what I'm
trying to tell you about mother?

Actually, he didn't
get hurt much.

You know how wiry he is.

Who is? Uncle ira.

The main thing is, he's pouting
because he broke his old watch.

Maddie says he keeps
insisting that she pushed him.

What is a railroad watch anyway?

Oh, for heaven's sake,
what an obtuse family.

I'm trying to tell
something sensational.

We have a genius in the family.

Oh, I wouldn't
say I was a genius.

But when a man
sh**t a score of...

Betty: I don't mean you,
father. It's mother.

She knew she was gonna
hear from aunt maddie

Long before the call
ever came. Didn't you?

Well, I did have a strange
feeling about maddie all day.

This isn't the first time
something like this has happened.

Do you remember the time that you
wouldn't let me go to summer camp

Because you had a feeling that
something was going to happen?

And sure enough,
I got the measles.

There was an epidemic.

It doesn't take any clairvoyant
powers to predict something like that.

Bud: yeah, but do you
remember the time

I was playing basketball
over at lesterville

And cracked my kneecap?

And mom was at a bridge game

And got a sharp
pain in her leg...

The same leg at
exactly the same time.

Her bridge partner probably
kicked her under the table

For trumping her ace.

I'm gonna see ed davis.

Somebody ought to be
interested in my golf score.

Oh, dear?

I've been so thrown off by
this silly premonition nonsense

That I haven't had time to ask you
much about your golf game today.

I am interested, you know.

Oh, it's... Not important.

Oh, it is important. I
want to hear all about it.

Anything that interests
you interests me.

Well, you're a very sweet,
thoughtful, high-type wife,

And I'm a very fortunate guy.

But I don't believe
a word you say.

But I mean it. Oh, look...

There's nothing in
the world more boring

Than a man telling
about his golf game.

I know some guys who
go over their games

Stroke by stroke.

I promise you I'll
never subject you

To anything as deadly as that.

Actually, all I did was post
a pretty average score.

Good for me, of course.

Best I ever shot.

But there was
nothing sensational

About the way I played.

Just made every shot count.

About the only thing you
could call sensational

Was on the 13th hole.

Ha! I wish you could've
seen the shot I made.

I was in the rough, see?
I'd hooked my second shot.

And there I was in the trees.

Well, I lined up my shot.

And talk about
your impossible lies!

Now, remember, the
fairway's over here

And green's way over there,
and all these darned trees

Are right along in here.

So, here I am.

I'm down one already,
and I need this hole.

Any sensible man
would've played it safe.

But... Heh heh...
Not old idiot me.

No, I take a 7-iron
and start praying...

You can see I'm not
one of those fellows

Who bores you with every stroke.

Forgive me, forgive
me, forgive me.

Oh, don't stop now. I was
just getting interested.

Well, you can get the
details from ed davis.

I gave him the complete account.

I'd better give up the game,

Or I won't have a
friend left in the world.

I still love you. Thank you.

I'll tell you one thing... I'm
glad I did go over and see ed.

He put me next to something that
may turn out to be pretty good.

You know that brother of his in
hillsborough, or a brother-in-law?

It's myrtle's brother ernie,

The one who drives
the brewery truck.

Well, he left that job.

He and another fella with money

Are starting up a
trucking business,

And I have a good chance of
getting all of their insurance.

Oh, good.

I have to make a trip over
there wednesday night

To discuss the details.

Wednesday night?

Yes, isn't that all right? Do we
have something to do that night?

No, not that I know of.

Well, why did you act so
funny, then? Is something wrong?

No, everything's all right.

Heh. I don't mean to act funny.

It's, um... Fine.

Well... We'd better
get some sleep.

Yeah, I guess we'd better.

Good night, honey.

Wait a minute.

Are you getting messages again?

What do you mean?

Does your crystal ball say

That's a bad day for a journey?

No, of course not. I
know better than that.

I should hope so.

No, really, I don't
have time for coffee.

I've got to get back and scrub
that darned kitchen floor.

I just wanted to
ask jim if he'd mind

Taking a box of
things for ernie's baby

When he drives over to
hillsborough wednesday night.

Mostly clothes that
used to belong to patty.

Myrtle. Hmm?

Myrtle, do you
believe in premonitions

And, uh... Things like that?

Oh, no, of course not.

Neither do i.

Some people put a lot
of stock in such things.

I had a cousin who was
always having premonitions.

One time she... You
won't believe this.

One time she got up in
the middle of the night

And started cleaning
the guest room,

And her husband said, "what
are you doing that for?"

And she said, "I've got
to get it ready for john."

That's her brother.
And he said, "that's silly.

John's up in wisconsin
working in a dairy."

Do you know that
three days later,

They got a letter from john saying
he was on his way to their place

Because he had fallen in
a cheese vat and got fired.

Now, that actually happened.

Well, you know this trip that
jim's gonna make to hillsborough?

I've had the strangest feeling

He shouldn't go on that trip.

The moment he said
"wednesday night", I knew.

I knew, I knew.

Well, that's silly, isn't it?

Of course it is.
Of course it is.

I wouldn't dare
tell jim about this.

Anything like
this infuriates him.

Besides, I never interfere with
any of his business dealings.

Well, I never do, either.

I figure if ed's
gonna make mistakes,

He's just gonna have to make them
on his own. I'm not gonna help him.

What do you think will
happen to jim? A car accident?


I just don't know.

Well, I think the business
deal is sound enough.

I know ernie isn't the greatest
businessman in the world,

But I know he's honest.

Oh, it's nothing like that.

It's just... I just don't know.

I know it's stupid.

Oh, of course it is, honey.

I wouldn't give it
another thought.

Well, I'm not going to.

It's forgotten. Good.

Well, I've got to go home and
scrub that darned kitchen floor.

If I ever redo the kitchen,

I think I'll put in a
stainless steel floor.

I'll see you later,
sweetie. Bye-bye.

Maybe you could get him
to go thursday night instead.

You know... I was
just thinking that.

I was just thinking that.

Hi, ed, come on in.

Hi, jim. What the...

Say, I hate to burden you,

But I wanted you
to give this to ernie

When you drive there
wednesday night.

It's his, and he keeps
hounding me for it.

You know how some guys are.

I borrowed it from
him in '42, I believe,

To cut down the
cottonwood in the backyard.

Then the big wind we
had in '46 blew it down,

So actually I never
needed the darned saw.

You know how relatives are.

Oh, hi, margaret. Hello, ed.

Oh, here's something else
you might want to take along.

Good to have
on a trip... Flares.

Flares? What do I
want with flares?

You never can tell what might
happen when you're driving at night.

Blowout, accidents.
I always carry them.

I gotta get home.
Myrtle's dragging me out

To some kind of a shindig
tonight. See you later.

I'm gonna have a fine time getting
all this junk in my briefcase.

And that reminds me... Myrtle
wants you to take a box of things

To ernie's baby.

I'm gonna feel like a
traveling secondhand store.

If this wasn't such a
good deal, I'd skip it.

Well, why don't you
just skip it, dear?

After all, one
deal, more or less...

Oh, no, this is too good.

Well, I was just thinking...

Instead of going
wednesday night,

Why don't you go thursday
morning... Get a good early start?

You always did like
driving in the early morning.

I can't. I have to see ernie and
his partner wednesday night.

You see, they're meeting
thursday morning

With a hillsborough
insurance company,

And I want to talk to
them before they do that.

Then I'll have another
meeting that afternoon.


Well, why don't you go
wednesday morning or...

Or wednesday afternoon?

I can't. I have too much
work to do here at the office.

Honey, are you still worrying
about that premonition bunk?

Oh, no! No, of course not.

I just know how you
dislike night driving.

I don't dislike it. In
fact, I rather enjoy it.

Less traffic, no sun glare.

Mommy! Can you tell me

If joey miller's gonna
hit me tomorrow?

How could I tell
you a thing like that?

Betty says you can tell
things before they happen.

Well, she's wrong.

And anyway, why
should he hit you?

Because I'm mad at him,

And I'm going to hit him.

But I'm not gonna hit him

If he's gonna hit me back.

So... Can you
tell me if he will?

Go on, tell her.

Honey, have you ever thought
of taking up writing horoscopes?

Really, mommy?

Ask your father.

He seems to be the
smart one around here.

Oh, be quiet.

There's nothing to it.
There's nothing to it.

Mother, who are you talking to?

Oh, nobody. I was just...

Well, I don't know
what I was doing.

Oh, by the way, I was telling janie
little about your premonitions,

And she told me a story
about her grandmother.

Betty, I thought I said that we
weren't going to talk about...

Such things anymore.

I'm sorry.

What happened to
her grandmother?

Well, this was a long time ago.

Her grandmother was
gonna make a trip to chicago

To see the columbian
exposition... Whatever that was.

And at the last minute,
something told her not to go.

And the train she
would've gone on

Struck a buffalo
and was derailed!

Well... It probably
was just a coincidence.

I don't know why
you keep saying that.

Betty, what night was it that you
and ralph wanted to use the car?

It was wednesday
night, wasn't it?

Mm-mm. Thursday.

Are you sure it wasn't
wednesday night?

I ought to know what night
I have a date, shouldn't i?

Besides, father's taking the car
to hillsborough wednesday night.

Oh, yes, that's right.

Mother, I want to press
the dress, not toast it.

Heh. I don't know what's
the matter with me.

Mother, you seem
awfully preoccupied again.

Are you getting
another premonition?

Certainly not.

I'm just getting to be an
absent-minded professor, that's all.



Bud, do you have to
bounce that thing in here?

Gosh, I'm sorry, dad.

I'm gonna be a pretty
hot dribbler, though.

That's fine, but let's
confine our dribbling

To the gymnasium,
shall we, old man?

Yeah, sure. We got a game
coming up wednesday night.

The white team
from lesterville...

Bud, did you say you had
a game wednesday night?

Yeah, mom. This outfit's
driving over from lesterville.

They're a pretty hot team, too.

I'll bet you'll want
to see that game, dear.

Honey, you know I'm
going to be out of town.

Oh, that's right.

Hmm. Does seem a shame, though.

I know how important
these things are to bud.

Oh, this isn't too
important a game.

In fact, I probably won't
get to play much anyway.

You'll play some,
won't you? Well, sure.

And you'd like to have
your father watch you.

Don't you?

Well, some nights
it makes me nervous

If I know dad's watching.

All right, honey, cut
it out. Cut what out?

This is the most unsubtle attack

You've ever made on anything.

If you don't want
me to go on this trip,

Come right out and say it.

You mean you'll
call it off if I do?

Of course not.

Honey, you're just letting
yourself get upset by a...

Well, it's nothing
but superstition.

Surely we're more
intelligent than that, aren't we?


All right, then.

I don't want to hear
any more about it.

It isn't as though I were
going around the world

In a leaky life raft.

I'm only going
to hillsborough...

Less than 100 miles from here.

Paved highway the whole way.

Service stations every ten feet.

Sure, accidents can happen,

But we can't suspend
life worrying about them.

Accidents can happen
sitting right here in this room.

Oh, you're right.
You're absolutely right.

But I can't help it.
I just can't help it.

It keeps beating away at me...

Like a big clock getting
louder and louder...

Honey, you're manufacturing
something out of nothing.

Well, janie little's grandmother

Was supposed to take a trip
to the columbian exposition...

The columbian
exposition closed in 1893,

So we don't have to
worry about that anymore.

Dad? Hmm?

If you're worried
about this trip...

I'm not worried!
Well, if you are..

I've got a lucky charm
you can take with you.

A lucky charm.

It's a lucky penny I got
from claude messner

For only a dime.

Claude entered in a
cross-country race the other day,

And put the penny in
his shoe for good luck.

Look, bud... I'll bet
he would've won, too,

But the penny made
blisters on his foot,

And he had to get
out of the race.

I've hard all this
kind of talk I care to.

When I go on a trip,
I use a road map...

Not a ouija board.

Are you determined
to go on this trip?

Well, I'm going... I know that.

All right. Then I'm
going with you. What?

If you go, I'm going.

I see. We go to our
doom together.

Honey, you're not
going. But, dear...

Honey, I'd love to have
you go on this trip,

But not for this reason.

I'm ashamed of you for believing
in such superstitious things.

Well, I'm ashamed of myself.

Do you have to go?

Yes, I have to.
For two reasons...

One, it's my business. And two, I
have to prove something to you,

If nothing else.

You got room for this, jim? Hmm?

Some stuff myrtle's
sending over to ernie's kids.

Yeah, I think so.

Ed... Do you believe
in premonitions...

Women's intuition,
things like that?

Jim, that's a piece
of propaganda

Started a long
time ago by a woman.

Yeah, I think so, too.

But, you know, a strange thing

Once happened
to myrtle's cousin.

Her uncle fell in a cheese
vat, and the next day...

Do you think I'd be running
the risk of losing this account

If I put off seeing
ernie for a day or so?

Yeah, I'd say you were.

Ernie and his partner
want to move on this.

And that hillsborough insurance
outfit is hot on their trail.


Sure, strike while
the iron is steaming.

Of course, a man would
have to be awful senseless

To start off on a night like
this just for a few dollars.

Don't you think?

No, this'll blow over.

Well, say hello to ernie for me.

I'll go in and tell margaret
you're ready to go.

Margaret? Is she in your house?

Yeah, she and myrtle
are jawin' away.

And tell ernie
thanks for the saw.

You're not leaving
yet, are you, dear?

Yeah, just about.

Well, uh... Do you
have everything?

I'd better check to make sure.

Oh, I have everything.

Saw, flares, everything.

Did myrtle have anything
else for me to take?

Oh, no, we were just chatting.

How about something
to eat before you go?

Eat? We just had dinner.

Well, maybe a cup of coffee...

Help keep you awake.

You know, driving
at night alone...

I know. Kathy
explained all that to me.

Oh, it's going to rain.
Better wait till tomorrow.

Rain isn't going to hurt anyone.

Betty: wait! You can't
sneak out! Mother!

He isn't half done
with the dishes.

I've gotta get over
to the gymnasium

And suit up for the
basketball game.

Kathy can help you. Take
it easy on the road, dad.

Bud, come back here.

Bud: so long!

Boy, we certainly have some
privileged characters around here.

Oh. Are you leaving now, father?

I'm trying to.

Father, please be careful.

Don't drive too fast
and watch the curves.

You'd think I was driving
a truckload of dynamite,

The way everyone is worrying.

Well, honey...

I'll, um... See you
tomorrow night.

I may be late. I can't tell.

Good-bye, father. Good-bye.


Good-bye, dear.

Margaret: jim! Jim!

You don't have to go! What?

You don't have to go. I don't?

How come?

Myrtle just phoned me,

And she just talked
to ernie long distance.

And your meeting has
been postponed until friday.

Really? Heh!

Strange he'd wait till
the last minute to call me.

Another five minutes,
I'd have been on the road.

What was the reason for the
postponement? Did myrtle say?

Maybe this is just
one of those moments

When providence takes a hand.

Well, well, so you let a little
weather scare you, huh, boy?

What are you talking about?

We've gotta go in
before it starts to rain.

Don't try to fool me, boy.
When myrtle phoned her...

Come on, jim!

She told him the
weather looked so bad...

Ed! Come on!

Coming, sweetie.

Myrtle phoned ernie?

Yeah, she said the
weather looked so bad

That margaret was afraid
it wouldn't be safe for you...

Ed! Come home right away!

I want to talk to you now!

Okay, sweetie.

Don't forget the saw
when you go friday.

Well, let's go in and I'll...

Make a cup of
coffee to warm us up.

The storm may hit at any moment.

Jim, don't just sit
there and stare at me.

Bawl me out, do something.

I know I shouldn't
have interfered,

But there's nothing lost.

You still have a chance to
write the insurance on friday.

That's right, but...

But I committed a
wife's cardinal sin...

By interfering in her
husband's business.

Oh, yes, I know, this premonition
thing is stupid and ridiculous,

But... I just couldn't
take a chance.

And... And...

Oh, if you weren't so
fatheaded and stubborn,

You'd understand that I
did it because I love you

And I don't want to lose you.

Can't you see that?

That's fine.

I appreciate that very much.

And I feel the same
way about you.


I want you to sit
down here a minute.

We're gonna have a
serious discussion.

First, i...

What are you doing home?

No game. The lesterville
team couldn't get here.

They had to come over
the hillsborough road,

And that road's closed.

The hillsborough road is closed?

Yeah, they had a
cloudburst up that way...

Washed out the bridge
and about a mile of road.

Sure was a luck thing you
weren't on that road tonight, dad.

You'd have been washed out, too.

Must've been fate.

What were you about to say, jim?

What does your crystal ball say

About my chances of getting
that contract on friday?
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