02x07 - Kathy Makes Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x07 - Kathy Makes Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Mommy, look what
I got! A magic set!

A real genuine voodoo magic set!

The instructions say this'll
give me real magic powers, honest.

I just wave the wand
and say some magic stuff,

And I can change
people into animals

And make things
disappear and all that.

What do you want me to
change you into... A cow?

Right now I'm already
changing into a plumber.

I don't think this set
helps with plumbers.

Mostly for animals, I think.

Okay, now, mommy... I'll
show you how it works.

Look me square in the eye.

Come on, look at me!

Kathy, I haven't got time
to fool around right now.

I'm not fooling. I
can really do this...

I think.

Okay, now.

Voodoo, hoodoo... Zabba zell.

Magic powder...

Uh-oh. I forgot
the magic powder.

Oh! Kathy! Don't do that!

I had to. It won't
work if I don't.

It says right here.

Okay, now. Voodoo,
hoodoo... Zabba zell.

Magic powder work thy spell.

Heed my words
and heed them well.

You are now...

Don't go away! I have
to turn the page.

A rabbit!

Good. Anybody got a
carrot? What's up, doc?

It didn't work.

Boy, they sure don't make toys

Like they used to.

Thought all's I'd have to do

Was wave this old wand
and I could change stuff

And make things disappear and...

Margaret: go out
and play, kathy.

Kathy: okay, mommy.

Come on, joe. I got 'em.

Okay, joe, here.

Man, they're keen.

Havana, cuba.

My dad smokes the best.

Did you have any trouble
smuggling them out of your dad's den?

No. Mom just thought I was going

To take my regular
thursday music lesson.

We're okay if she doesn't
remember today's friday.

Well, let's light up.

Okay, boy.

I can hardly wait.

Kathy: voodoo,
hoodoo... Zabba zell.

Magic powder... Get
out of here, shrimp!

Don't get so jumpy.

All I want to do
is turn you into...

Turn us into who?

Anything you want
to... Rabbits, cats, birds.

I can do it, too, 'cause
I know magic now.

What are you hiding
behind your backs?

Nothing. Get out of here, kathy.

What's this for?

None of your business. Scram!

I want to see you blow it.

I'm gonna see you
blow... Right now!

Now beat it! Don't
push, or I'll call mommy!

You make me sick.

I wish I would make you sick.

Go on, beat it.

Ah, drop dead! Scram, kid!

You, too, drop dead!

Kids. They drive a man crazy.


Well... Smoke up, boy.


Well... Go ahead.

You can be first.
They're your cigars.

Sure. Uh...

You can be first if you want to.

This is your house.


You bet!

Uh, bud?

Have you smoked before?

How about you?

Gets to be sort
of a habit, I guess.

Well, here goes.

You know, old eddie
miller didn't even know

Which end of the cigar
to put in his mouth.

No kiddin'?

Which end do you?

Well... This end here.

Or this one. I forget which.

Well, that's what I thought.

Here goes.

Now, don't you worry, fluffy.

This magic stuff
won't hurt a bit.

It's just a little damp

So the magic powder
will stick on better.

I'm gonna change you
into a little rabbit.

Steady, now, fluffy.

Voodoo, hoodoo... Zabba zell.

Magic powder, work thy spell.

Heed my words
and heed them well.

Fluffy, you are now... A rabbit!

Okay, then. Turn into
anything you want!

A dog, a cow, a bird.

A big, silly bird
with flapping wings!

I don't care.

Oh, hi, daddy!

Well, hello there, sultan.

That's a fine new hat you have.

Boy, daddy, I sure
got gypped today.


I traded patty davis
my old roller skates

For this magic set, but nothing!

I see. Sometimes
the magic powers

Have gone out of
those secondhand sets.

On the other hand, maybe you
haven't given it enough time.

Why don't you try, say, uh...

Another half hour?

Well, I know it won't
work, but I'll try.

Fluffy! You did it!

Daddy, I just turned
fluffy into a bird!

Bud... Shh.

That's my dad.


Do you want to... Sort of...

Quit for a while?

No, I'm enjoying this.


So am i.

So am i.

Hello, honey. Hello, dear.

I'm glad you're home. We
have a big drip under the sink.

Oh, really? Anyone we know?

Don't be so hilarious.
Just roll up your sleeves

And see if you can figure
out what's causing it.

Here's your trouble right here.

This wrench is too small.

I'll get you a bigger
one to work with.

What would I ever
do without you?

Well, don't ever
try to find out.

Hey, mommy! This
set works after all!

That's nice, dear.
See? It's right here.

I just changed
fluffy into a bird.

That's good.

But I can't get her
down out of the tree.

I thought maybe some
food would bring her down.

Hey, what kind of
food shall I give?

Bird food or cat food?

Well, that is a problem.

What you need is some bird-nip.

Hey, I got it!

Breaded pork chop!

For a bird?

Sure. First, the bird will
start on the bread crumbs, see?

And by the time she
gets down to the meat,

I'll have her changed
back into a cat.

What a wonderful imagination.

You'd almost think she
really believes all that.

Come on, fluffy.

Come down and see
what kathy has for you.

Come on, kitty.

Here, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty!

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

Kathy, have you completely
lost your mind? Huh?

There isn't any kitten up there.

Yes, there is. See that bird?

That's my little kitten fluffy.

Oh, brother. I'd better
get you in the house

Before they come
after you with a net.

Let go of me!

Or I might just change you
into a... Hyena or something.

Oh, sure. Come on.

Well, I can do it!
'Cause I'm magic now!

Oh, pooh.

Be careful what you're pooh-ing.

This is dangerous stuff
to monkey around with.

Come on, chandu, or I'll
give you a hit in the head.

Let go, or you'll
get hit in the head!

Hey, be careful, sonny!

Don't blame him, blame me.


What I say comes true.

And woe be to
them who doubts me.

Okay, turn on the faucet.

I don't think it'll
drip anymore.


Oh! Turn it off!

Oh, you're right, dear.
It doesn't drip anymore.

Now it gushes. Isn't that right?

Yeah, you'd better call
the plumber tomorrow.

You must've done
something to it.

Me?! All I did was put...

Bud, do you know
anything about pipes...

Bud, what's the
matter? Are you ill?

No, I'm fine.

But you look awful.

I'm okay. I'm just
a little tired.

I'm gonna go
upstairs and lie down.

Probably just hungry.
How about a little snack,

Like a nice banana split?


I think maybe he really is
ill. He certainly looks it.

I'll have to admit, any time
that kid turns down food,

It's fairly serious.

Maybe I'd better check.

How do you feel, old man?

Uhh, I feel fine.

I'll bet. You look good, too.

You got a headache? No.

Pains in your stomach? Uh-uh.

Do you hurt anywhere?

I feel great.

Why don't you get up, then?

I would if I didn't
feel so awful.

Is your father still
upstairs with bud?

I guess so. You know, I tried
to get her to come inside,

And she threatened
to turn me into a hyena.

Kathy: mommy!

I can't even find
fluffy anymore!

She flew away, and I
may never see her again.

I won't hear her climbing
on the porch roof

And scratching at
my window to get in.

Is there any way you can
undo this voodoo stuff?

Aww, I'm afraid I'm not much
of an expert on voodoo.

Oh, how is he?

Well, he seems to
be sick, all right,

But it's the strangest illness.

He has the oddest symptoms.

He claims he can see spots
not only in front of his head,

But also behind him.

His eyes are read
and his face is green.

And he asked me
not to tip his bed,

And I wasn't even
standing near it.

What is the problem?

I don't know. I think
I'll call dr. Conrad.

Bud stoutly maintains
he feels great,

But he thinks he's going to die.

No! Don't let him!
Don't let him die!

Kitten, bud isn't going to die.

Yes, he is, and
it's all my fault!

But I didn't mean
to! Honest, I didn't!

Angel, what do you
mean? What did you do?

I put a curse on him.

I magicked him!

Oh, kathy, you can't do that.

Yes, I can. Everything
I say comes true.

And I told bud I wished
he'd get sick and die!

Oh, now, honey.

You mustn't believe any of that.

But it's true!
What about fluffy?

I changed her into a bird.

And what about betty? I
wished she'd get hit in the head,

And she did! Didn't you?

Well, it was just a coincidence.

It must've been.

I take back what I said to bud!

Oh, now, honey, you must believe

That you had
nothing to do with it.

Bud's just sick with...

Well, with something.

With voodoo!

Oh, golly... Joe phillips!

He's going to die, too!

I voodooed him, too,
right out in the backyard.

Oh, poor joe!

Now, wait a minute, kitten.

You mustn't believe such things.

If I prove to you that
joe is perfectly all right,

Will you stop believing
this voodoo nonsense?

Well... What about bud?

And what about fluffy?!

I'm sure fluffy's
around somewhere...

As a cat, not as a bird.

Bud will probably be just as
well as any of us by morning.

Now, come on. Will you give
me a chance to prove to you

There's no such thing as magic?

Well... All right.

But I saw fluffy fly away!

I'll let you talk
to joe yourself,

So you'll be
completely convinced.

Well, maybe it
hasn't hit him yet.

Hello, mrs. Phillips?
This is bud's father,

And I'd like to talk
to joe, if he's home.


Joe's deathly sick, and they
don't know what's wrong with him.

Now, listen, you've got to get
some sense into that head of yours.

You couldn't possibly
work any magic.

Oh, turn bl...

No, I didn't say it! I didn't!

Cancel it! Double cancel it!

Rub-out! No go!

Oh, I wish I wasn't magic!

Jim: betty, come here.

Yes, father.

That was a great bit of
psychology you were using.

Well, good heavens, how
could she actually believe

There's any supernatural power

In a little cheese-cloth
turban and a wand

That looks like a cheap cigar?


The way he's carrying on,

You'd think he really
was going to die.

Yeah. I wish the doctor
would hurry up and get here.

How are they?

They're both a little
barmy, if you ask me.

I think bud will feel much better
when he has something to eat.

Look, bud.

I brought you some
nice, hot chicken broth.

Oh, no, mom! I don't want any!

You'll feel much better if
you take a little nourishment.

Take it away! Ohh!
Bud! Be careful!

Oh, I thought you'd
already... Gone.

I'm not going anyplace. I
just want to be left alone.

Here, you can have my bank.

If you'll hurry,
maybe there's still time

To buy something before you d...

Well, you know.

Go away, will you?

You can have this, too.

It's yours anyway.

Leave me alone!

Can't you see I'm
sick? Maybe I'm dying.

Yes, I know. That's why I
want you to have these things.

Is there anything I
can fix you for your...

Last meal?

A banana split?

Stop talking about eating!


My own brother!

Why did I ever do it?

Dear friend god...

I don't know if this
is your department,

But if you can,

Please undo this
voodoo stuff I did.

I didn't know I'd
be so good at it.

Please don't let
bud die. Please!

And if you can't undo it,

Let it be me instead of bud.

Or... Wait a minute.

I'd better think
that over first.


I'm sorry I talked
to you the way I did.

I didn't mean it, shrimp.

I guess it's 'cause I
felt like I was gonna die.

But I'm feeling better now.


But wait. It'll be my turn now!

I didn't agree to this!

Or did i?

Oh, why don't I keep
my big, fat mouth shut?

Bud, will you do
something for me?

What do you want?

Will you...

Wait. I guess I'd better
be in bed when it happens.

Bud, before i... Die...
Will you promise me

That if a little bird comes
scratching at my window,

You'll let it in?

'Cause, you see,

That's my little kitten fluffy.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

And one more thing.

For my last meal,

Will you fix me that
banana split instead of you?


Uh... Sure.

First bud comes down with
some mysterious ailment,

The kathy predicts
joe phillips' illness.

It almost seems as though there actually
is some voodoo at work around here.

For the life of me, I can't...

Could you go out in the backyard

And look for a trombone?

As soon as I finish
grating... Trombone?

Betty, not you, too?

It belongs to joe. His
mother just phoned.

She said joe lost
his trombone today.

How could you lose
anything that big?

Joe could. He thinks he
left it in our backyard,

And his mother's afraid
it's gonna rain tonight,

So would you go
out and look for it?

That's all I need to
make the day complete.

Here, you finish this.

Any change in either
of the children?

I don't know. I
haven't been upstairs...

Well, look what just crawled
back from the jaws of death.

Got any ice cream, mom?

Bud, what are you
doing out of bed?

I'm gonna fix a
banana split for kathy.

For kathy? You're
sicker than I thought.

You'd better get
back to bed, bud.

Cut it. Kathy's sick.

You ought to check on her.
I think she's off her rocker.

Oh, look who's talking.

Kathy's all right. She's just
suffering the pangs of remorse

For the trouble she
thinks she's caused.

She sure talks funny.
To hear her talk,

You'd think this was
her last day on earth.

I'll get it.

You ought to check on her, mom.

She might be "psychorotic".

Hello? Who?

It's joe. Joe phillips.

Can you talk?

No. No, I can't.

Just listen, then.

My mom called your place,

And told somebody to go
out and look for my trombone.

And you know what's
lying right beside it.

Those cigar butts.

Yeah. Yeah.

So you get out there
before anybody else does

Or we're cooked.

Oh, and here's something else.

Don't let anybody smell
the tobacco on your breath.

I think my mom
could tell it on me.

Oh! Here she comes. Bye.

Betty get me an onion, will you?

Oh! Where do you think
you're going in such a rush?

No place. I, uh...

I was just going out
in back for a minute.

I think I left
something out there...

My... My cap.

Father will probably
find it for you.

He's out there looking
for joe's trombone.

What? Dad's out there?

Yes, so relax.

I'd better go out and help him.

Oh, no, you come with me.

That must be
dr. Conrad to see you.

Dr. Conrad?! No, I feel
fine, mom. Honest, I feel...

Bud, stop acting
this way. Come on.

Well... Well, wait
just a minute.

Haven't you got any gum or mints

Or some of those
make-your-breath-sweet mints?

You're not going
out on a date, dopey.

Bud, come on.

Mother, what do you want
me to do with this onion?

Why did he have to
take up the trombone?

The piano would've
been much more sensible.


Uh, cough.

The only thing I can
find wrong with this boy

Is that he's a mighty
poor cougher.

I believe he got a
hold of something

That disagreed
with him temporarily.

Do you mind? Not at all.

Uh, will the smoke
bother you, bud?

No, of course not.

I'd better go fix that
banana split for kathy.

Oh, and speaking of kathy,

I think you should have
a look at her, doctor.

Oh, is she ill, too?

Hey, where are you going, dopey?


Bud. I know you boys
are quite resourceful,

But I'd like to ask
you a question.

When you use this as a holder...

Aren't you in danger
of burning your ear?

Just wondering.

Where's your mother?

She's upstairs in kathy's room

With dr. Conrad.

Oh. Betty, call mrs. Phillips.

Tell her we found the trombone.

And if she still
wonders why joe is sick...

No, that'd be
squealing, wouldn't it?

All right! Who asked
for your opinion?

I didn't say anything.

Oh, doctor. I'm sorry I was
outside when you arrived,

But I was doing a little
medical research myself.

I think I've
diagnosed bud's case.

No. Are you sure?

Well, no wonder he tried to
say "ow" with his mouth closed.

I guess he won't try
that again for a while.

I wish kathy's
case was as simple.

Doctor, tell jim what you think.

Well, jim, were
up against a thing

Called a child's
faith or belief.

It may be the strongest
force we know.

It's a pity more of
us don't retain it.

However, in kathy's case,

She's convinced
she's going to die.

She's even reconciled to it.

Fluffy! You came back!

Thank you, god. Thank
you for undoing the magic.

You're sure nice.

Oh, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy!

So, we'll have to get this
idea out of her head someway.

We'll have to think of
something that will...

Kathy: mommy! Daddy!

Look. Fluffy's changed back!

The voodoo's undoed it...
Or undid it... Or something!

I'm going to live!

Oh, kathy, I'm so happy.

Boy, so am i, mommy.

And I hope I never die again

As long as I live.

Okay, just a minute.

Kathy, telephone.

Who is it?

Patty davis. She wants
the magic set back.

She said the wheels fell off
the roller skates you traded her.

Well, she can have
it back for all I ca...

Hey, bud! That's
supposed to be mine!

You were gonna fix that for me!

You're not sick
anymore. Fix your own.

Ooh, I wish you'd
fall down and break...

No! I didn't say it! I didn't!

But you just wait!

Patty, listen. I'm giving the
magic set back to you right now.

So, if it's yours, I'm not
magic anymore, right?


Okay, now, I wish
you'd fall down

And break your head!

I guess we can have dinner now.

Things are back to normal.
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