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05x09 - Survivors

Posted: 09/09/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
Hey ♪

[rock music plays]

Hey, have you seen Sam?

- [grunts] Uh, no, I haven't.

- [boy] Fight!



- [Sam grunts]

- [Tory] Sam!

[grunts] You knew that Silver cheated

at the All Valley and you did nothing?

You don't know what it's like,

what I've had to deal with.

[Sam grunts]

[Sam grunts]

My entire family has suffered

because of you!

No! Sam, that's enough!

She's been working with Kreese

this whole time.

- What?

- [Sam] Why did you only come forward now?

Huh? Because you're a coward.

Screw you, LaRusso.

I knew this was a mistake.

- Tory.

- Sam.

- Did you know about any of this?

- No.

I had no idea.

What the

[dramatic music crescendos]

What the hell am I looking at?

Our kid is a human, right?

Yes, Johnny.

Look, there's our baby's nose,

and lungs,

and little legs.

Holy sh*t! That was a kick.

Well, they don't kick this early.

Yeah, my boy's a kicker.

Just like his old man.

It's also too early to know the gender.

How does everything else look, Dr. Howard?

Your baby looks very healthy.

You can start telling your family

and friends if you like.

Okay. Oh, thank you.

- I'll let you get cleaned up.

- Okay.

Oh Can you believe

we made this little miracle together?

[Johnny] Wow.

With Robby, I never went

to the appointments.

I didn't realize what it'd be like

to see how our kid starts out.

He's perfect.

- Or she.

- [Carmen chuckles]

[gentle music plays]

Do you remember where we parked?

Punch twice, P2.

So, Lawrence-Diaz.

Lawrence-Diaz, huh?

Sounds good.

Mr. Lawrence.

[ominous music plays]

And I don't believe we've officially met.

- I know exactly who you are.

- What do you want?

To congratulate you.

What you and your partner accomplished

is a joy few get to experience.

Who told you about the baby?

I was talking about you and LaRusso

landing a coveted spot

in the Sekai Taikai,

but apparently,

there's lots to celebrate.

- Now, now.

- [Carmen] Johnny.

[Silver] I'm not here to fight.

I understand how important

the next generation is.

Everything I do

is for the future.


and mine.

So savor every moment

before it's gone.

[Johnny] Then the ponytailed prick left.

I can still smell his shitty cologne.

I bet he has you under surveillance.

Which means we should counter-surveil

that son of a bitch.

He might have been there

for some board meeting

or to sell black market kidneys.

I don't think

he's coming after us right now.

Because I walk perimeter. All clear.

Yes. That, and because he can't

jeopardize his spot in the tournament.

I think we can breathe easy.

For now, at least.

I agree with Daniel on this one.

We've all earned a night off.

And by that, I mean I need a night off.

I'm sure Carmen would love to help me

finish a bottle of tequila.

In her state, not a good idea.

Yes. Always good to have clear mind

in case of att*ck.

- Oh, no, Chozen.

- Johnny?

Are you saying

what we think you're saying?

[sighs] Yeah.

Carmen's pregnant?

Oh my God, that's wonderful!

- Oh, hey, man. Nice, bro. Good for you.

- Congratulations.

- [Daniel] Now we have to celebrate.

- [Amanda] Yeah.

Maybe that new place on Laurel?

- The Portuguese place?

- No, no Portuguese.

No, no, no.

Please, you gotta let me plan this.

Johnny, you gotta let me make it up to you

for blowing up the car.

There has to be dancing.

Carmen loves dancing.

Absolutely, there's gonna be dancing.

My boy Reggie,

he can hook us up with a free limo.

We'll get drinks, laughs, get in trouble.

Come on. Hey, Anoush.

We're going out. You in?

We're gonna celebrate.

Johnny knocked up his girl.

As much as I'd love to celebrate

the guy who punched me, I have a date.

- But congrats on procreating.

- Dude, you're gonna miss out.

Here's the deal.

We're all going out like adults.

So, you know, put something nice on,

and I'm gonna pick you guys up

at eight o'clock.

Sound good?

W-w-wait. Okay, so Sensei Targaryen

paid off the ref at the All Valley

and framed Kreese

for a crime he didn't commit?

Never let me miss a house party again.

- We tell the senseis.

- [Sam] What are they gonna do?

We saw what happened

to my dad when he confronted Silver.

I don't want him getting hurt again.

If this ref and Stingray

are on Silver's payroll,

they'll never admit anything.

I'm not so sure about that.

I know he's in Cobra Kai

and I'm in Eagle Fang,

but Stingray's still my friend.

He wouldn't lie to me.

- At least, I hope he wouldn't.

- Think you can you get him to talk?

- Find out where he lives.

- Let's go.

Look, Sam, a-about last night, I

Let's not get into it right now. Okay?

[quiet grunting]

[quiet grunting]


Double time.

What reason did she give

for leaving the exhibition?


LaRusso. Lawrence. Toguchi.

They'll all pay for that little stunt

they pulled with the Sekai Taikai.

They are mosquitos.

And the next time

an unwanted pest lands on our arm,

we will swat them.

[tense music plays]

[Silver] Mr. Keene.

To what do we owe the pleasure?

I came here to apologize.

I let you down.

Turned my back on you.

I didn't understand at the time,

but I realize I was wrong.

I shouldn't have just left.

I should have taken you all with me.

Everything you're taught here is bullshit.

There is pain in this dojo

and it's built upon fear,

because this man is not your sensei,

he is your enemy.

But it's not too late.

You're not past the point of no return.

And I promise,

there's still another way.

Bold move, Mr. Keene.

Bold move.

We've heard you out.

Now it's my turn to speak.

Joon-bee stance!

Right leg back, kia!

[all] Kia!

Forward strike, side kick, kia!

[all] Kia! Kia!

There's a difference between being heard

and being listened to.

They heard you.

But they listen to me.


if you don't mind,

we've got some training to do.

If Mr. Keene or any of his friends

step foot in this dojo again,

what will you show them?

[all] No mercy, sir!

[ominous music plays]

[Silver] All right. Back to it.

[upbeat music plays]

[Carmen laughs]

Of course this is where Louie takes us.

Surprised? You've seen

the size of his pinky ring.

- [Daniel laughs]

- Yo, Reg.

Do me a favor, okay?

Make yourself comfortable. I've got

a feeling this is gonna be a long night.

All good, Lou.

Don't do nothing I wouldn't do.

[upbeat music plays]

And I've been walking along ♪

- [metal detector beeps]

- Can you open your jacket for me?

No weapons.

You can pick 'em up when you leave.

Everybody dance now ♪

Hey, excuse me,

pregnant lady coming through.

- [man] Louie!

- My man. What's good? Good to see you.

Hey, take care of them, all right?

What are you getting?

"White Claw" sounds badass.

I'll have one of those,

and water for the lady.

Everybody dance now ♪

Yeah ♪

Yeah ♪

Tastes like a watermelon took a piss.

Everybody dance now ♪

Yeah, we'll have

a Ketel martini straight up,

Macallan 18 neat, and what are you having?

Uh, no drink.

Must keep mind sharp if Silver att*cks.

Chozen, I appreciate how committed

you are to protecting us,

but, as your friend, I am giving you

permission to take a break tonight.

Seriously, what's your poison?

- Long Island iced tea.

- Oh, I got sh*ts, kids.

None for you. Let's do this.

This stuff's really strong,

almost like a kick to the face.

Carmen, Johnny,

we are so thrilled for you!

Thank you.

To the future! Karii!

- Karii!

- Hey, hey!


[dance music fades]

You're in a very precarious position.

One wrong move and you could be k*lled.

Or have you already made that move?

[imitates throat slashing]



I give you Metallicus,

who plays the most bodacious tune

you've ever heard.

And that tune, it goes,

and it blows your minds.

[imitates expl*si*n]

Like literally. Your heads explode.

Do me a favor,

take eight d-12 of psychic damage.

Come on, psychic damage.

- I'm dead.

- Me too.

- [Stingray laughs]

- Dude, you are the worst dungeon master.

Take that back.

I may be the worst,

but I am a dojo master.

[knocking on door]

Well, I would assume

that that's a pizza delivery,

but you guys

are all gluten-intolerant, so

[chuckles] Bert! What's up, dude?

Wanna play some D&D?

These, uh Oh, there they are.

These noobs were entering the light

and exiting night

[tense music plays]


Oh, this is a trap.

Oh, you Admiral Ackbar-ed me.

Et tu, Bert-tay?

Knock it off.

We know Kreese never hurt you.

According to my testimony

in a court of law, he did.

So read the transcript.

You lied to the court,

and you lied to my dad.

But you're not going to lie to us.

You're just gonna let her

Now you're all walking in.

[music playing]

Then the weight just snapped in half.

I never would have uncovered

your sinister plot

if it wasn't for that basket of carrots.

[Carmen] Wait, if the weight was fake,

wouldn't that mean

you were scamming yourself out of money,

and not the villagers?

Eh, not one of my smarter plans.


Oh, strange to think of those days.

We were so different.

It's crazy, but looking back on it,

how we all ended up

I think it all worked out.

We're almost ready for a refill.

I'll get the next round.

- I can get the

- Uh, no. I will get.

[Chozen laughs]

Okay, that dance floor?

It's calling my name.

Mine too.

Come and get it, girl.

[dance music plays]

You coming?

I'll catch the next one.

[dance music continues]

I'm happy for you and wife.

Oh, Carmen and I aren't married.

- [Chozen] She is quite special.

- [Johnny] Yes, she is.

How you doing?

[Johnny] Honestly?

I'm not sure.

My whole life was haunted

by one stupid kick.

I thought if I could go back in time,

do things different,

dodge it, block it,

my life would be fixed.

One, two, three, let's go ♪

The kick wasn't the problem.

I had to stop focusing on what was behind.

One, two, three, let's go ♪

Start looking at what was in front of me.

We are same.

Both make mistakes.

Both feel guilt for pain we caused.

Now, you have, uh, friends.


Let's go ♪


I always wanted same thing.

You don't have some special lady

waiting for you in Okinawa?

No girl waiting.

Still bachelor.

But, uh, there is one woman.

Very special.

One, two, three, let's go ♪

[Silver] Come on, let's go, let's go.

All right. That's enough.

[in Korean] Attention.


[in English] Dismissed.

Except you, Nichols.

I need you to stay a little longer.

What is this?

This is your enemy.

Destroy it.

It's solid stone.

[ominous drumbeat]

I'll break my hand.

It will heal in time for the tournament.


This is crazy.

[ominous music plays]

I'm going home.

[Kim] You will go home

when the lesson is over.

[ominous music continues]

[Tory yells]

Not hard enough.

To break it, you must use all your power.

[ominous music continues]

[Tory yells and groans]

- Are you even trying?

- [Tory groans]

[breathes deeply]

[Tory grunts]

[ominous music continues]

[Tory groans]

Something is holding you back.

I-I can't do it.

- It's the boy, isn't it?

- [Tory gasps]


You act strong, but inside you're soft.

That's not true!

- Your feelings have made you weak.

- No!

You care more about this boy

than your own dojo!

I broke up with him

because of this dojo, you bitch!

[ominous music crescendos]

[Tory groans]

[somber music plays]

[Tory groans]

That must have been a hard decision.

But you made the right choice.

Let's hope you keep making them.

[somber music continues]

Lesson over.

[somber music continues]

[Tory gasps]


[Demetri] Okay, okay. All right.

Let's try this one more time, okay?

What happened that night? Who hurt you?

- Hey, Bert, how does it feel?

- Look. Look at me. Look at me.

To s*ab a grown man in the back

between his shoulders blades

and stare at the blood

as it trickles down his back?

God, enough!

No more games.

My dad went through a lot of pain

because of you and Silver.

Now a lot of other people will too

if you just sit back and do nothing.

But if I tell you what really happened,

you know, he-he'll find out.

I can't.

It's not that easy, you guys.

Actually, there Um, wait.

Okay, so I've been working

on this new D&D campaign

- I don't think we have time for this.

- Wait a minute.

What happens in the campaign, Stingray?

[exhales] Okay, so, once upon a time,

there was a Dwarven monk,

and he was a member

of the most badass guild in all the land.

Uh, he was banished for a time.

You know, typical PC crap.

But, um, once he paid his penance,

he returned.

Only by then,

the guild was under new leadership.

And the monk was denied reentry

into the guild.

And quite unceremoniously, might I add.

What did the monk do?

The monk, he made a pact

with a silver-haired king

who would usurp the leader.

And it was early one morning,

before any of the warriors had arrived,

that the king struck the monk down.

Again, and again, and again.

It was then that they framed

the leader for the as*ault,

and the leader was put in chains,

and the silver-haired king

took over the guild.

And you were

[chuckles] The Dwarven monk

was let back into the guild?

Yeah. With benefits.

Aye. With benefits, yeah.

So why can't he just tell everyone

what really happened?

- He doesn't wanna lose his benefits.

- [Stingray] No! No.

I would The-The monk would

give it all back if he could,

but the-the silver-haired king,

you know, he

He almost k*lled the monk.

He could have k*lled him.

And why? To get power.

So, yeah, the monk fears what that king

would do to keep that power.

I think the monk just

The monk just wanted

reentry into the guild

because he thought

that he could be like a

Like a proud and noble warrior.

Just like you, Hawk,

Samantha, all you guys.

But he's neither proud nor noble.

Definitely not a warrior.

He just sits around

playing with them all day.

The monk's just scared.

I just can't.

I'm sorry.

That's great. Thanks for nothing.

[melancholy music plays]

Look, Sam

[sighs] I know that it sucks,

not getting the answers we want

A lot sucks right now, Miguel.

I'm s-sorry about last night.

I I just met that girl, and

You don't have to apologize.

We broke up. You're allowed to do

whatever you want.

You just seemed upset, so

Um, I guess I'm just trying

to understand, Sam.

You know, first you said that you wanted

to quit karate and be friends,

and that's fine,

but now you're joining

a world karate tournament

and, apparently, you're not happy

seeing me with someone else.

This summer, I just

wanted everything to go back to normal.

But everything was based on a lie.

If I knew the tournament was rigged, then

maybe my dad wouldn't

have had to shut down Miyagi-Do,

maybe I wouldn't have thought

about quitting and maybe I would've

We wouldn't have


This is all Tory's fault.

Look, Sam,

I know that you hate Tory.

You have plenty of reasons to.

But you have no idea

what it's like to be in Cobra Kai.

I do.

And it must have been so hard

for her to admit what she knew.

Should she have said it sooner?

Yeah, probab Definitely.


the fact of the matter

is that she did admit it.

And now

Now it's up to you

to decide what to do about it.

[upbeat music plays]

Hey. You two getting more acquainted?

Yeah. Chozen's a good dude, man.

Ah, that's putting it mildly.

I just feel bad he doesn't have a date.

Yeah. Too bad that Kokomo chick

lives a million miles away.

Wait, you mean Kumiko?

Yeah, that's it. You know her?

She's an old friend.

Oh yeah? The way Chozen talks about her,

he's got it bad.

No more talk. You're mine.

Gotta go.

Ah, Daniel-san.

This man break six blocks of ice.

One strike!

You show.

I'm sure they don't keep

giant slabs of ice on hand, Chozen.

What kind of bar is this? [chuckles]

- Johnny may have let something slip.

- Hm?

About Kumiko?

Ah, I was hoping he did not say anything.

I know what she means to you.

Did not want to make you uncomfortable.

Chozen, I had no idea

you had feelings for her.



When, uh, Kumiko and I were children,

we would play in the ruins

of King Shō Hashi Castle.

I would hide,

and she would always find me.

[gentle music plays]

After my disgrace in village

I tried to hide from everything.

But Kumiko

find me again.

And her kindness brought me back.

- She's something special, all right.

- Hai.

- Does she know how you feel?

- No. No!

[gentle music continues]


How I treated her,

what I did to her


You can't keep punishing yourself.

You've done all you can

to make up for what you did back then,

and Kumiko knows that.

Look, she's the reason you're here.

She went after you.

Maybe now it's your turn to go after her.

Thank you, Daniel-san.

You're welcome, my friend.

[dance music plays]

Come on. Let's hit that dance floor.

You were once the life of the party

in Okinawa.

[laughs] Okay.

If I ♪

I get to know your name ♪

Well, I ♪

Could trace your private number, baby ♪

All I know is that, to me ♪

You look like you're lots of fun ♪

Open up your loving arms ♪

Watch out, here I come ♪

You spin me right round, baby

Right round ♪

Yo, look who's here! Oh!

Round, round ♪

Oh! What are you doing here, man?

- Oh sh*t.

- You were too good to go out with us?

So, this chick of yours is real?

Hey, how are you? I'm


Are you dating my sister?

Louie, I know that you can be

a little hotheaded. I was going

- [Anoush groans]

- [crowd gasps]

[grunts] What the hell are you doing?

You could do better than him!

You're embarrassing the family.

Oh my God. This is ridiculous. Oh my God!

[crowd gasp]

You two, knock it off! Right now!

Classic Louie.

- [Louie] Get your boyfriend off me!

- I'm trying!

- Limo, drinks, and some trouble.

- [Amanda laughs]

This is ridiculous! Stop!

- [Louie] It's a $200 shirt!

- [Nessa] Oh my God.

[in Japanese] Please leave a message

after the beep.

[in English] Hai sai. This is Chozen.

Uh, how you doing?

Uh, things going well

with, uh, Daniel-san,

but, uh, reason I'm calling is

I would like to see you

when I come home, Kumiko.

- Would like that very much.

- [Johnny] Yo, Chozen!

- We're gonna hit another bar. You in?

- One minute.

All right, come on.

Uh, must go.

Very important mission.

I am glad I came here, Kumiko.

But, uh, I make one big mistake.

I should have taken you with me.

Okay, bye.


[upbeat music plays]


[indistinct chatter]

Come on, everybody!

Party time! [laughs]

Oh God. Um

Oh, I think I'm gonna call it a night.

Yeah, you know what?

It's way past my bedtime.

- You go have fun. Go have fun.

- You sure?

Yeah. Carmen and I will take an Uber.

All right. Make sure

it's an Uber Black, all right?

Some of the other ones

can be a little sketch.

All right. You just be safe, promise me.

Of course I promise.

- Oi, suck face later!

- All right, bye.

Now we party!

[Johnny] Come on! Here we go!

- Go have fun.

- Wow.

- Let's go to bed.

- Yeah.

[Tory winces]

[knocking on door]

[tense music plays]

- What are you doing here?

- I

Oh my God!

What happened?

Don't pretend like you care.

Look, I don't wanna be here.

But if you're having problems

with Cobra Kai,

I'd be willing to listen.

[somber music plays]

I wanted to win the All Valley

more than anything.

When they handed me that trophy

that was the best moment of my life.

But then I saw Silver and that ref,

and it just k*lled me.

I felt like a fraud.

I wanted to get back at Silver so bad.

That's why I listened to Kreese,

but then I got caught up in more lies.

And now my life is a living hell.

I didn't know what you were going through.

But now that I do

maybe we can help each other.

I tried to talk to Stingray.

He basically admitted it was Silver

who assaulted him in the old dojo.

He's afraid to go to the police.

I knew Silver was involved, but

I had no idea

he did it with his own hands.

Problem is we can't prove it.

If it happened at the old dojo,

maybe we can.

[somber music crescendos]

There you are.

You know how to treat a guest.

Of course.

You and your team

exceeded my expectations.

You're welcome to stay

as long as you want.

You really broke down Nichols today.

Your younger students show more potential.

Less to unlearn.

Lee, for example.

You really think Devon Lee

has a sh*t at winning the Sekai Taikai?

She's pretty green.

Youth is not a liability.

It is the greatest power.

[Silver chuckles]


The one thing money can't buy.


But it doesn't matter.

Because if we're successful,

Cobra Kai will go on forever.

And what if your enemies

manage to crush this dream?

I'm not gonna let that happen.

["Eye of the Tiger" plays]

[Daniel] Uh, uh, uh! ♪

["Eye of the Tiger" continues]

Three, four!

["Eye of the Tiger" continues]

Bro, I'm so sorry for what happened,

but come on, it's my sister.

- You know, I get protective.

- No, no, no, I'm sorry. Okay?

I should have told you about Ness.

[all] Risin' up, back on the street ♪

Did my time, took my chances ♪

I'm sorry, I really like her.

And I respect that,

just as long as you respect her.


- I love you.

- I love you too.

will to survive ♪

It's the eye of the tiger ♪

It's the thrill of the fight ♪

Risin' up

To the challenge of our rival ♪

And the last known survivor ♪

st*lks his prey in the night ♪

And he's watching us all with the eye ♪

Of the tiger ♪


Are we almost there?

This is taking forever.

Yeah, we should have been there by now.

Yo, Lou.

You see where the party limo went?

I parked it right here.

Wait. If he's not driving, then who is?

[singer] Risin' up ♪

- [knocking]

- [Daniel] Hey, excuse me!


I think you're going the wrong way!

Oi. I think driver

does not want us to leave.


[brakes squeal]

Eye of the tiger ♪

It's the thrill of the fight ♪

Rising up to the challenge ♪

I already tried that!

[brakes squeal]

The last known survivor

st*lks his prey in the night ♪

And he's watching us all with the eye ♪

Of the tiger ♪

[theme music plays]