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03x03 - This Land Is Your Land

Posted: 09/09/22 07:08
by bunniefuu
- [chattering]
- [dogs panting, whining]

[dog barks]

Her Majesty's Royal Guard! Open up!

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[bells jingling]

Is there any word?

She's completely evaded our dogs,
Ayuras and Scentiers.

Either she's managed to flee the city,
or she's very well hidden.

Who else knows?

Only the Royal Guard,
but they're sworn to secrecy.

Which means the nobles will know soon,
if they don't already.

And when the nobles know,
their staffs will know.

Word will spread.


If Trovere finds out about this,
there will be no avoiding a w*r.

We need to get her out of the city
before news reaches the court.

She's been promised Sibeth today.

How did it even come to this?

A peace treaty between two nations

hanging on revenge
against one awful woman? [inhales deeply]

Tamacti, these God Thunder weapons
that Baba speaks of,

what are your thoughts?

I don't know what to think about it.

Baba Voss is a great warrior,
but he's been through a lot.

Maybe he's confused.

It doesn't matter. Someone att*cked him.

I will insist she go home
to seek assurances

that this attack, that these weapons,
were not from Trivantes.

Maghra, Trovere is no fool.
She'll know it's a stall.

We need a stall to find my damn sister!

Unless you can convince her
to accept something else in her stead.

No, they seem pretty determined
to have her.

So, what then?

The ambassador is still pretty enraged
about Baba's attack.

I'll give her time to settle,
then I'll approach her.

What will you say?

I don't know.

But I think we all agree
it better be something brilliant.

You're going to leave all our fates
in the hands of an idiot.

Lord Harlan is many things,
but he's no idiot.

If it wasn't for his influence
with Trovere,

we would have been at w*r months ago.

Must be one hell of a cock.

Well, I wouldn't know.

[Baba Voss] I should have been there.

Not even you could have saved Paris.

[Baba Voss] I would not have allowed her
to care for that demon woman.

It was the baby she was caring for,
not Sibeth.

I know you're upset about Paris.

We've all had time to mourn her.

It's not just Paris.

- What do you mean?
- [sighs]

They k*lled Bow Lion.

Bow Lion?

[Baba Voss] The God Thunder.

She never even got a chance
to die fighting.

No fight, just death.

She was with you?


[Haniwa exhales sharply] I'm sorry.

[inhales deeply] Me too.

[Baba Voss grunts, sniffles]

- Mama?
- [Baba Voss sighs]

I assume you're here to let him out.

Leave us to talk for a moment.

- I will leave with my father.
- Haniwa, not now.

Your sister k*lled Paris,
and you kept her in her bedroom.

Him, you keep in a dungeon!

If I let him out,
he will go after the ambassador again.

No, he won't.

- [Baba Voss] Yes, I will.
- Papa!

Haniwa, leave us, please.

[Baba Voss sighs]

[Baba Voss] It's okay, my love.

[Haniwa grunts]

[Baba Voss sighs]

Where is No?


The dog.

The dog?

He's more comfortable than you are,
and most likely better fed.


[sighs] And Sibeth?

There's no sign of her yet.

I do not understand
why you kept her alive.

Was it so easy for you
to k*ll your brother?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, you're right.

It was a mistake.
I should have k*lled her.

Do not make another one
with the Trivantians.

I have spent a long time
negotiating peace with them.

And I cannot just throw it away

because of a conclusion you have made
without firm evidence.

They will be coming here
with these weapons,

and they will flatten your kingdom!

I do not doubt
that you were att*cked by these weapons.

- Yet you've caged me like an animal.
- You forced me to!

[Baba Voss growls]

You think I want you down here?

I've spent seasons
wondering where you were,

dreaming of your return.

- And now I am forced to lock you up?
- [Baba Voss groaning]

I'm just trying to hold things together
long enough to capture Sibeth,

or any chance of peace will be lost.

But I cannot hold it together
if you are so determined to tear it apart.

I need you to trust me,
just for a little while.

Can you do that?

[Baba Voss] Yes.

Good. Because there is something else
I need you to do.

[Baba Voss] What?

Talk to Kofun.


[Baba Voss] Kofun?

He needs his father, more than ever.

[Baba Voss sighs]

Do you have a key?


Then move, please.




I'm sorry I broke your dungeon.

Just another thing to fix.

[crowd shouting, cheering]

Paya was once a great and holy kingdom,

where the very mention of sight was a sin.

[crowd cheering]

But now, our holy kingdom is corrupted

by the very monarchy that built it.

[crowd cheering]

They have put themselves
before their people.

And in so doing,
they have surrendered their birthright.

[crowd cheering]

I served Wolffe Kane, a great king
who is surely spinning in his grave.

His daughters have betrayed him,
and they have betrayed us.

And because he is not here
to right the wrongs of his daughters,

we will do it for him.

[crowd cheering]

The time has come for us to rise up
as a people, as true believers,

and rid Pennsa of these witches.

[crowd cheering]


[Lucien] We must wipe out
the bastard children

of Maghra and Sibeth Kane!

[crowd cheering]

[cheering continues]

[attacker 1 clicks tongue]

[attacker 1 clicking tongue]

[tongue clicking continues]

- [Kofun] Chet-chet.
- [shouts]

[Kofun, attackers grunting]

- f*cking witch!
- [attacker 4] I got him!

Hold him still.

[both grunting]

[both grunting, groaning]

[Charlotte] Kofun!

[Charlotte grunting, groaning]

[attacker 4 groaning]

That's enough of that!

- [Charlotte shouts]
- [No barks]

[attacker 1 groans, shouts]

[Baba Voss] Kofun!

[Kofun] Dad?

Kofun. [exhales deeply] Are you hurt?

No. I-It's just a cut. I'm fine.

- [Baba Voss] Let me feel.
- No, I said I'm fine!

Why are you here? [breathes heavily]

I heard this is where I could find you.

No, I mean, why are you back here at all?

[sighs] We should speak.

Your mother has told me
all that has happened.

Then we don't need to speak.

Kofun! Listen to me. Please.

Baba Voss! You got a dog.


[Baba Voss] Go away.

Kofun? Kofun?

[Kofun] Yeah, Ma, I'm here. I'm fine.

You should have told me he was back.

- How many were there?
- [Tamacti Jun] We picked up four of them.

I said I'm fine.

If that blade had gone any deeper,
he would be dead.

This? After Haniwa was grabbed,
then nearly burned in the street?

The Witchfinders have grown too bold.

If it was Witchfinders
that had att*cked him,

the boy would be dead.

- Beg to differ.
- This is still their doing.

Their insurgency is giving other people
the nerve to act against my children.

- I want every last one of them arrested.
- [Tamacti Jun] To what end?

I am going to hang them for treason.

Give us space.


Go. Go!

[Kofun mutters]

You're angry. I understand that.
Your family was threatened.

But you can't go rounding up
and executing citizens

without due process.

Don't think like a parent,
think like a queen,

the queen that you are.

Sometimes a queen must do terrible things
for the good of her kingdom.

You sound like your sister.

Well, maybe she was right!
No one dared defy her the way they do me.

I spent 20 years as the unquestioning tip
of Sibeth's blade.

I'll not do it again.

If you so command me,
I relinquish my post.

Then I will not so command you.

Captain Gosset!

My queen.

Take your men and bring me
every last one of them.

I will not fear
for my own children's lives

in my own kingdom.

Yes, my queen.

[birds squawking]

What is the point in waiting
for Ambassador Trovere's return?

Her delay clearly demonstrates

that Pennsa has no intention in honoring
the terms of our truce.

Trovere is a seasoned diplomat.

If they are resisting,
she will negotiate her way to our terms.

Our terms are more beneficial
to the Payans than us.

They have become too confident
in the aftermath of Greenhill Gap.

Trivantes is by far
the superior military power.

All we need to do
is give them a taste of defeat,

and the terms will change significantly.

General Voss held the same opinion,

which is what led to Greenhill Gap
in the first place.

Edo underestimated the Payan forces,
but that does not mean he was wrong.

We've defeated the Ganite hordes,
we're at full strength,

and we should be negotiating
from that position.

What does The Bank think?

Far be it from me
to weigh in on military solutions.

But for now,
there's simply too much we don't know.

Trovere either will return with the queen
or she won't.

Either way, we'll know what to do then.

And by then, they will be ready for us.

Which shouldn't matter
if, as you say, we are at full strength.

I say we wait.

[staff pounds]

- [staff pounds]
- The People agrees with The Bank.

The Military concedes to the majority.

[staff pounds]

[Charlotte] I've decided you and Kofun
shouldn't leave the palace right now.

It's too dangerous.


Okay, you'll stay inside?


Haniwa, it's not safe out there.

[Haniwa] It never has been.

- Ouch! Charlotte!
- [shushes]

Is someone in your room?


Wrong. Stay back.

[both grunting]

- Stop! [breathes shakily]
- [Wren breathes heavily]

It's Wren.


[Wren exhales deeply, laughs]

Oh, I never thought I'd see you again.

[Wren inhales deeply] I know.

[Haniwa] Oh. [inhales deeply]

So, I'm thinking
I should probably leave now, right?

Yeah, I'm gonna go.

- [breathes heavily]
- Oh. [breathes deeply]

What happened to you? Why are you here?

We need to talk.


- [Maghra cooing]
- [Wolffe crying, gurgling]

It's okay. It's all right. It's all right.

- [bells jingling]
- Hey, listen to this. Yeah.

Oh. Hey, it's all right. It's all right.

- [crying continues]
- [Maghra] Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

[staff pounds]

[Maghra] What?

I heard the baby crying.
I thought maybe you needed some help.

[Maghra] Just trying to soothe him.

Hmm. Sounds like you're torturing him.

I have done this before, you know.

[Charlotte] Yes.

And they still haven't stopped
their whining.

Here. Give him to me.

Hi, Wolffe. Hi. [grunts]

I'm Charlotte. Hi, baby.

I don't know what's bothering him.
It's like he knows I'm not his mother.

No. All he knows is
he has gas he can't expel.

- [gasps] There you go.
- Oh.

- [sniffs] Ooh! Fart away, little man.
- Ew.

You're good with him.

[chuckles] I like them
until they can speak.

- [chuckles]
- Do you want him back?

No, no, no.

Please, he's happy with you. Stay.

[Charlotte] Okay.

[Maghra grunts]

[Charlotte] Hi.

[Maghra sighs]

Do you have any children of your own?

[Charlotte laughs] If I did,

I wouldn't be running all over the place
trying to keep yours out of trouble.

[Maghra] Hmm.

I always thought
I would wanna have a daughter.

Maybe name her for a flower.

Lily. Rose.


But this life, The Compass…

it's all I've ever known.

It's all I have to offer a child.

If I were to go to the trouble
of bringing someone into this world…

[breathes shakily]

…I'd wanna have more to offer them.

I think you have more to offer
than you think.

[Charlotte sobs]

[bells jingle]

[Charlotte sniffles]

Charlotte, I don't know
if I've ever thanked you

for protecting my children.

[breathes shakily] I do. You have not.

Well, please know that I am very grateful.

There is no need. It's my sacred mission.

- Mama.
- What? What is it?

I... I need you to come with me. Right now.

We're fine. You go.

[Charlotte sighs]

[Charlotte sniffles]

[Harlan] So the weapons are real.

[Maghra] Baba, you were right.

With one hand, the Triangle seeks peace,

while the other plans our destruction.

[Wren] No, that's not true.

Well, not entirely.

This isn't the Triangle.

It's a rogue military scientist
named Tormada.


You know him?

He's a man with no soul.
He would k*ll thousands.


I didn't recognize his voice…

but it is he who k*lled Bow Lion.

How can we fight him if these weapons
are as powerful as you say they are?

The bombs. We have to destroy them
before they can be used.

We have to go back
to the House of Enlightenment.

So Jerlamarel is building weapons
for the Trivantians.

Jerlamarel is dead.


[Wren] Edo k*lled him,
and then forced his children

to build the bombs
under Tormada's supervision.


We need to go.

We can destroy the bombs.
We can save our brothers and sisters.

You mean the ones that gave you to Edo?

[Wren] Oloman was forced to do that,
and to build the bombs.

He died so I could escape to warn you.

This Tormada, h-he will just make more.

[Wren] He can't, without the children.

The process of refining the coal
requires sight.

He needs them to make the weapons.

And you wonder why they fear us.

Did you say
the weapons are made from coal?

[Wren] Yes.

[Maghra] I will have Tamacti Jun take
a battalion to take the house.

[Harlan inhales sharply]

[Baba Voss] They will hear them coming
from a thousand heartbeats away.

[sighs] I will go with Haniwa and Kofun.

They know the house and the grounds.

And we will free
the children of Jerlamarel,

and they will tell us
how to destroy these weapons.

You want to bring our children
back to that place?

They are not the children they were
when they first went there.

They're adults now.

- Warriors.
- Well, you are injured.

I'm always injured. [exhales deeply]

First Paris, and now Bow Lion.

I cannot bear to lose one of you.

But we cannot let
their deaths have been for nothing.

You will all have a full night's sleep,
and then leave first thing in the morning.

Thank you, Mama.

[Haniwa] Come on.

I should have believed you.

[Baba Voss] We were both right.
We were also both wrong.

So, what do you think?

[Maghra] About what?

Haniwa. And her woman.

She had to fall for a Trivantian?


She takes after her mother.

[chuckles] Yeah, we all know
how well that worked out.

[Baba Voss] Mmm. [kisses]

- [guard] Ambassador?
- [Trovere] Yes.

[guard] Lord Harlan requests an audience.

I will receive him.

[guard] Enter.

Come to say goodbye?

- [gasps]
- You lied to me.

- Harlan.
- The weapons Baba Voss spoke of are real.

The Trivantians are planning an attack.

Oh, have you lost your mind?

Tormada. A man named Tormada built them.

If you lie to me, I will slit your throat.

[breathes heavily, laughs]
I know you too well.

Not as well as you think.

Oh, yes, I do. And you know me too,

well enough to know
I would not betray you.

[breathes heavily, sighs]

Well, k*ll me or kiss me,
but for f*ck's sake, do something already.


I had to be sure.

[sighs] And are you?


[Trovere breathing heavily]

I've heard of Tormada.

He's one of the Military's top scientists.

He is an extremist, but it's been a while
since he's made any noise.

Well, apparently he's been pretty busy
building weapons that can flatten cities.

How can that even be?

I don't know.

These weapons are made
using large quantities of coal.

[exhales deeply] So that's why
your knife was at my throat.


Pretty much all the coal smuggled
into Trivantes comes from me,

which means it comes from you.

A portion of my shipments
do go to the Military.

It's how I keep the routes open.

You think he's in league with Tormada?

It's possible.
Greenhill Gap was an embarrassment.

The Military has made no secret
of his desire for a show of force.

[Harlan sighs]

If a rogue faction of my government
is planning to march on Paya,

it will mean not only a w*r
with your country,

but a civil w*r in mine.


So how do we stop it?

I will leave with Sibeth today.

Once I've supplied
the last barrier to peace,

they'll sign the treaty as agreed.

If the Military objects,
we will know where he stands.

- No.
- No?

The queen will not let her sister go

until you've provided assurances
that this insurrection has been put down.

The queen is in no position
to make such a demand.

Nevertheless, she has made it.

If I leave without Sibeth,
then w*r is inevitable.

Not if you expose a rogue faction.

Prevent a civil w*r.
You'll be hailed as a hero.

Or buried as one.

Come with me.

To Trivantes?

I may need you to support my argument.

Yeah, who's gonna listen to me?

You need this peace even more than we do.
They know that.

It gives you credibility.

Plus, you have your networks.
They can help us track the coal.

I can bring you in
as an official emissary.

It's risky.
I could be grabbed, used as leverage.

I don't want my presence known about
unless it has to be.

[exhales sharply] How? I don't understand.

I've been sneaking into Trivantes
since I was a boy.

If you are discovered,
they will execute you as a spy.

Well, then I'd better be quiet.

[breathes heavily]
This is a terrible idea.

I agree.

We should leave immediately.

[floorboards creaking]

[Charlotte] You don't have to be quiet.
He's awake.

- [Wolffe coos]
- [Baba Voss groans]

Why is he in here?

[sniffs] The stench of her is everywhere.

Her scent is what comforts him,
for better or for worse.

Yes. There's my boy.

Come to Papa Baba.

Papa Baba. [chuckles]

- You've heard about these bombs?
- [Charlotte] Yes.

Tomorrow, we go to destroy them.

If that's an invitation, then I accept.

[Baba Voss groans]

[imitating Baba Voss, groaning]
Thank you, Charlotte.

[normal voice] You're welcome, Baba Voss.

[imitating Baba Voss]
We would be lost without you, Charlotte.

[normal voice]
Oh, Baba, you flatter me. [chuckles]

[Kofun] What are you doing with him?


He's my grandson, is he not?

[Wolffe cooing]

There is your papa.

[imitates baby noises] Yes.

[breathes heavily]

Come to me.

You know,
the day you and your sister were born,

Witchfinders att*cked our village.

Many died, and we fled.

Your first night was spent in a forest,

and I stood guard that cold night.

And every rush of wind through the trees
sounded like the breath of a Witchfinder.

I had been a father for less than a day,

and I already thought
that I had failed you,

that I could not protect my children.

That fear never goes away.

But I have learned to embrace it.

It is what makes us a father.

I don't know
that I'm supposed to be a father.

Not like this.

Oh, son.

[shushes, sighs]

You will find a way, as all fathers do.


There is no great secret.

You'll be scared… often.

That's part of it.

Fatherhood is a, uh,
a different kind of battle,

one that you wage with your heart.

And you, Kofun,

you have the strongest heart
of any man I've ever met.

Now take him.

[Baba Voss grunts]

[Wolffe crying]

Your battle begins today, son.

[crying continues]

[Maghra] All that time in Wolf's Cliff…

what did you do?

[Baba Voss breathes deeply]

I hunted,


dreamed of you.

You didn't have to dream of me.
You knew where I was.

In my dreams, you are not here.
We're far from here.

I know you're not happy here,

but maybe one day you could be,

when we're not living
under the threat of w*r.

Kingdoms and countries
will always be under threat, my love.

Do you even remember what it felt like
to live away from all of this?

Quiet, peace…

all together.

Our children just a shout away.

The world has changed.

[inhales deeply] No.

The world is still there.
We just can't sense it from here.


What is it?



I keep seeing the soldiers,
when the bombs went off.

One minute they were standing there,
and the next…

they were just…

torn to pieces…

burned to ash.

I can't get it out of my head.

Being able to see isn't always a gift.

I don't know that it ever is.


[Wren] I'm a deserter.

[Haniwa] What?

[Wren] I left my battalion,
and that's punishable by death.

I can never go back.

I will never see my family again.

They will be told that I'm a coward.

And they'll be shamed.

If your parents know you,
they will know that that isn't true.

Every time…

I hear your dad speak…

I hear Edo's voice.

You miss him.

He was like a father to me.

He built these bombs.

[Wren breathes heavily]

I know.

I still love him.

What does that make me?

Oh, my love. Oh.

- [Wren sniffles]
- [Haniwa] Here. Aw.

[Haniwa] It makes you human,
just like the rest of us.

[Haniwa kisses]


[Sibeth] I was afraid you weren't coming.

[Kofun] I had to be careful.

[Sibeth breathes shakily]

Have you found a safe place?

[Kofun] Not yet. Something came up.
But I brought enough food for a few days.

A few days? No. No, no, no. You promised.

- Just let me out of here!
- [Kofun shushes]

I will. As soon as I'm back.

Back? Where are you going?
What's more important than this?

Keeping Wolffe alive.

[sighs] The Trivantians have made
these new weapons.

Thunder and fire.

They can destroy the entire city
and all of Paya.

What? What are you talking about?

Sibeth, I don't have time to explain.

I want my baby.

I don't care what you want.

I am not doing this for you.
I'm doing it for Wolffe.

I can't let them k*ll his mother,
even if she deserves it.

[Kofun sighs]

- Kofun.
- [Kofun] Just shut up and stay put.

I'll be back in a few days.

What if you don't come back?

Then we're all dead anyway.

[latch clicks]

[door bangs]

You heard?

[footsteps overhead]

[hinges creaking]


We may have to make some other plans.

They are already in process, my queen.


A gift for you.

[Sibeth gasps]

[sighing, chuckling]

Oh. A perfect fit.


Thank you, Harmony. [chuckles]

[sighs, sniffles]

Those Trivantian weapons he mentioned,
fire and thunder.

I have heard whispers in the palace.

Find out what you can.
Might be interesting.

[Harmony] Yes, my queen.

[guards, Witchfinders
chattering indistinctly]

[Witchfinder] Gate!

Lucien Bray.

Tamacti Jun.

I hope you're pleased.

Far from it.

You chose the wrong side.

You're the one standing ready to swing.

And you'll be called to answer
for my death,

for all of our deaths.

I have enough to answer for. We all do.

Give us space.

Recant your position, all of you,

and I'm confident
I can convince the queen to spare you.

I can't do that.

You're dying for nothing.

I am dying for my vow to the God Flame.

That you call it nothing tells me
just how lost you truly are.

There was a time that you would have
proudly died beside me.

We were deceived, Lucien.

Pledged to a woman who used the God Flame
as an excuse to m*rder.

And how does this one excuse her murders?

[Tamacti Jun] I'm trying to help you.

Help me? [scoffs]

You can't even help yourself.

Now, if there's nothing else…
[neck cracking]

…I have a hanging to get to.

[Witchfinder grunts]

[Witchfinder] Gate!

Get in there! [grunts]

[Kofun] ♪ This land is your land ♪

♪ This land is my land ♪

♪ From the lowly valleys ♪

♪ To the mountain highlands ♪

♪ From the hidden forest ♪

♪ To the salty waters ♪

♪ This land was made for you and me ♪

- [drums beating]
- ♪ This land was made ♪

[drumming continues]

[Kofun] I have to go.
I'll be back in a little bit.

[drumming continues]

[bells jingling]

- [drumming stops]
- [jingling stops]

These three former Witchfinders,

Nellicut, Wallen, Yarnes,

stand before you,

judged for the m*rder
of an innocent Payan citizen, Row Vano,

burning him alive because they suspected
he might be sighted.

The penalty for m*rder
is death by hanging.

[staffs pounding]

[drums beating]

[all gasping, grunting]

[bells jingling]

[breathing heavily]

[jingling continues]

[jingling stops]

And now, the rest of you, rise.

The kingdom of Paya
no longer recognizes witches.

You have defied the royal edict

and openly called
for the death of those with sight.

Violation of your queen's edict
is punishable by death.


we have all experienced
more than enough death as of late.

And you are all still the same soldiers
who fought heroically at Greenhill Gap.

You shall live,

not with a warning, but with a promise.

If you violate the royal edict again,

if you continue to gather
and foment rebellion,

you and your families will suffer
far more than these men did today.

Go home.

[bells jingle]

[Tamacti Jun] Wise decision.

Time will tell.

[Sibeth sighs]

[Wolffe cooing]


[breathes deeply] Be silent as a spider.


[Baba Voss grunts]

Welcome back, Baba Voss.

- Sibeth!
- [Wolffe crying]

[shushes] You've woken the baby.

Ah. There, there.

It's only Grandpa.

He's come to say goodbye
before Mama takes you on a trip.

- Put the boy down.
- Stay back or I will slice fast and hard.

My blade is at his neck.

He is your child.

Yes, he is mine.
And I will k*ll him before I lose him.

[Baba Voss] You would k*ll your own child?

I'm going to be lectured on m*rder
by a Trivantian slaver.

How many souls did you capture,
sell, k*ll?

I'd have to drown ten Kanzuas
to compete with you.

Now, let me go.

[gasps, breathing shakily]

You k*lled your own father.

You k*lled your own brother.

Oh, will you k*ll your own grandchild too?

There is no place you can go
that I will not find you.

You couldn't find me in your own house.

What the f*ck is happening?

- [Baba Voss growls]
- Kofun.

[exhales heavily]
There's been a change of plans.

I'm grateful for your help,
but I can no longer hide

in the walls like a restless spirit.

It's time to leave.

- You freed her?
- Dad.

Wait, Sibeth. Please, just give him to me.

I can't have the same conversation twice.

You see my blade at his neck. Let me pass.

You're not taking my son.

He is my son. [chuckles]

I made him. I carried him.

But don't worry, Wolffie will return

when I take back my kingdom
and place him on the throne.

You're out of your f*cking mind.
That's never gonna happen.

He is the child of prophecy.

He can't see!

There's no f*cking prophecy.

He doesn't have my eyes, he has yours.

Which means he isn't some blessed savior,
which means you aren't chosen by God.

You're lying.

[Kofun] We promised to always
tell each other the truth.

You know I'm not.

[breathing shakily]

[inhales sharply] Well, then you know
I will k*ll your blind baby.

- [Sibeth] Let me go.
- [Kofun] No.

- [Kofun screams]
- [Baba Voss] Kofun!

- [Baba Voss grunts]
- [screams]

[Baba Voss grunting]

- [Wolffe crying]
- [Baba Voss] Kofun, let me feel.

You're bleeding badly.

[crying continues]

[Kofun panting]

[Baba Voss] Kofun.