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07x25 - Retrospective: Part 1

Posted: 09/08/22 15:18
by bunniefuu
I've ever had to make

But I'm exercising my choice
to have this baby.

Are you saying
that you'll attempt

To do your job,
while week after week

You puff up in front
of a viewing audience

That includes
certain people

Still reeling
from the concept

Of women wearing pants?

That's right, jim.

Oh, dear lord...

I'm blowing the biggest
laugh in this scene!


Good evening.

For many years,
this city was my beat.

I'm lesley stahl
with minutes.

For the last seven years,
it's been the television home

Of the most famous journalist
who never was: murphy brown.

When the show premiered
on november ,

Tv guide described it as
" / on laughing gas."

Join us now for
the best of murphy brown.

♪♪ You're the key
to my peace of mind ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause you make me feel ♪

♪♪ You make me feel ♪♪

♪♪ You make me feel
like a natural woman ♪♪

♪♪ Yes, you do, baby... ♪♪

I hadn't worked for three years.

I'd had my daughter.

Someone gave me the script
of a sitcom.

I'd never watched sitcoms

whenever I zapped by them

They always had
orange carpeting.

That's cute,
but it's not nice

To mimic someone.

It's not nice to mimic someone.

I-i'm going to have
to ask you to stop that.

I'm going to have
to ask you to stop that.

Hey! This time
I mean it.

Hey! This time I mean it.

Knock it off!

Knock it off!

Puppet :
you're hurting

My friend.

Oh, buzz off!

We should have gotten
barbara walters.

All right!

You lousy rag!

I'm a respected

Finally, I read the script
because they said

"You have to read it now
out of courtesy

Because you've had it
for so long."

I took it on a plane,
I read it grudgingly.

Then, after the first
or second page, I went

"Oh, my god,
what if it's too late?"

And I got up
and it's the only time

I ever made a phone call
from a plane

Because it looks so stupid.

I'm an executive

I'll just executive
produce this baby.

Don't I always take care
of everything?

The captain of a ship,
the pilot of a plane...


Um, it's like this character
was written for me.

I got to sing badly at the end.

It was everything
I wanted in life.

And I had to fight to get it

Because they wanted
heather locklear.

I'm not kidding.

♪♪ Now I'm no longer doubtful ♪♪

♪♪ Of what I'm livin' for ♪♪

♪♪ And if I make you happy,
I don't need to do more ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause you make me feel... ♪♪

♪♪ You make... ♪


I'm eldin... The... The painter.

You scared the hell out of me.

I gotta tell you--

You were getting much better
at the end.

uh, I was stuck in traffic
on the

And from out of the blue

Popped into my head this idea

About a woman
who was a recovering alcoholic.

She was a broadcaster.

She had a cadre of friends.

They worked on a news magazine.

By the time I got to the office

I had all the characters.

I had the plot
for the first episode.

Miss brown...

it was just one of those
rare, cosmic things.

miles silverberg?

Yes... Yes.
Miles silverberg.

Let me say
what a big fan...

Do you know
the shirelles?

Excuse me?

The shirelles?

The ronettes?

The delfonics?

It's only

My second day.

How old are you?


I'm sorry, mr. Silverberg

If I'm being rude to you.

I can't help thinking

That while I was
getting maced

At the democratic convention
in '

You were wondering
if you'd ever meet adam west.


while the idea for the series
dropped from the sky

A name for the character
took more work.

I wanted a simple

Last name

And a very memorable first name

And I was just going
through the phone book

And I saw
the last name "murphy."

I decided that might be

An interesting
first name for her.

And then
a very simple last name: brown.


the name stuck
and murphy brown struck a chord

With viewers across the country.

There was nothing like her
on television.

She was tough, competitive

And not afraid
to speak her mind.

Say, that is one nice tie.

It's hand-painted.

But if you could
be more careful...

Once you get finger oils
on a hand-painted...

Listen, you slug!

I know what you did to corky.

You're lucky it wasn't me

Or you'd be sipping wine
through a slow drip now.

There must be some
miscommunication here.

Let me explain
something to you.

Corky hasn't filed
a complaint against you yet.

In the meantime

My knee is poised
inches from a sensitive spot

And if you don't

Swear not to hit on corky

Or anyone else
in this company again

You'll be coughing up things
you ate as a child.

She's a wonderful character
to live with.

Such a rich, weird, funny

Smart, tough,
take-no-prisoners person.

"Mike wallace in a dress"

And I always loved
that description of her.

I'm spending time
with my kid because I want to

Not because I can't
cut it anymore.

Call it whatever you want.

The point is,
you got a little soft.

While that is a lovely
quality in a mommy

It's not worth squat

In a journalist.

I'm going to do you
a big favor

And forget I just heard that.

Look, I'm just
telling the truth.

If you can't deal with it

Pull back a little bit farther.

Maybe you should
go home to your kid

And leave the reporting

To those who can
deal with it.

it's hard to pinpoint
the moment

An actress
truly becomes her character.

On this show, that moment came

Very early in the first season

When candice bergen
became murphy brown.

I can't believe it.

You must feel awful.

Give it a rest, miles.

What's the matter?

Murphy wasn't invited

To the inaugural ball.

I could understand me

But you?

Oh, murphy...

I know why I'm not going.

I'm not on
the "a" list yet.

But to have been there,
and fallen...

There was a particular moment
toward the end of the show

Where murphy
resolves to get tickets

To the inaugural ball

And she says something

And she does something.

She made the resolve

And she said, "I'm back!yes!"

I'm back. Ha!

Candice never looked back
after that.

From that moment on,
she went full steam ahead

Uh, and I think that moment

Gave birth to what
the character is today.

Okay. I need some
good last words.

Help me, murph!

I'll give you
last words!

This is murphy brown talking.

If anyone at the f.a.a.
Is listening

I paid for first class--

My seat back didn't recline

I never got my ginger ale

And they could clean
the bathrooms!

And I want mileage credit
for the full trip.

I don't care
if we're splattered

All over farmer john's
wheat field!

Give me that!

Murphy's priorities
have shifted.

She's, um, she's humanized

In the last couple of years.

Certainly her child has become
a priority for her

And she's sorted through

A sort of shaky beginning
of, uh, motherhood.

I think I'm pregnant.

(Gasping feebly)

Miles... Breathe!


You're doing very well,
and it won't

Be much longer now.

How would you know,

How many times have you
ever passed a live turkey?

No answer from eldin.

Oh, good lord!

Jim, cut me open.

Cut me open
and get this kid out of me.

Use a scalpel.
Use a pocketknife...

Use a rotten, stinkin'

If you have to--
just do it!

Here's some
ice chips, murphy.

Can I put some
in your mouth?

I see your hands
are full.

Screw the ice chips!

You're a woman. Help me.

Smother me with the pillow.

Do it for sisterhood.

Do it for betty friedan.

k*ll me now!

She's going to blow!


"Birth ," all in all,
was a very...

An incredibly, emotionally
loaded show for me

Because it was diane english's
last show.

It was murphy having the baby.

It was a wonderfully
written show.

It was my idea to have murphy
singing to the baby at the end

And it was almost impossible

To get through it
on the first take.

It was completely unusable
because I was sobbing.

The camera crew was sobbing.

I have a special soft spot
for "birth ."

♪♪ Now I'm no longer doubtful ♪♪

♪♪ Of what I'm living for ♪♪

♪♪ And if I make you happy ♪

♪♪ I don't need to do more ♪

♪♪ 'Cause you make me feel ♪

♪♪ You make me feel ♪♪

♪♪ You make me feel
like a natural woman. ♪♪

Welcome back.

All of us at minutes
are constantly asked

Which are our favorite stories

And each of us
has a different answer.

Of course, we always say
it's one of our own.

The same holds true
for the cast of murphy brown--

The reporters at fyi.

Well, my favorite
jim dial episode

Is the one where he loses it
on the air

Breaks into hysterical

Uncontrollable laughter.

To me, it's quintessentially
jim dial.

If he had one nightmare

It would be, in performance,
to lose his composure.

...president bush sat on a wasp
and was rushed to the hospital.

The... The stinger was removed

And the president later released

And tonight is resting


No, I'm sorry, really.

This isn't funny.

Stay tuned

To your local station
for complete coverage.

Miles made reservations
for sardella's tonight.

You probably have plans

But if you'd
like to joins...

I'd love to.

If that's okay
with you, miles.



my personal favorite was, uh...

"The brothers silverberg"

Where my brother comes to town

And he hooks up
with murphy romantically

And I spin off
on this sibling rivalry

Jealousy trip.

I feel kind of silly about this,

I hate it
that you're dating my brother!

I hate it,
I hate it, I hate it!

I've tried to
be big about it.

I tried to be a sport

But it's just not working.

I'm a small, petty--

Petty, petty, petty--

Little person!

But I want it to be over

Because you are mine!



They sort of, I think,
taken some real chances

With my character in year two

Where I got to play something
other than neurosis over my job.

Murphy, what
are you doing?!

Relax. You've got boxers on.

It's not like I can see
any... Whoops!

Let's get this meeting started.


No. Not great.
Just what we do.

We have meetings.

Here's jim
to join our meeting.

Sorry I'm late, miles.

Hope I didn't

Leave you dangling.

You told her!

How could you
tell her?!

Really, murph.

You told frank?

Yeah. A guy can
tell another guy.

Tell a guy what?

I can't tell you.

Well, why not?

It's embarrassing
to miles.

You said I shouldn't be!

What else could I say?!

Would somebody please tell me
what's happened?

Murphy saw miles' wiener.



faith's character corky
has grown.

If you look at the
early shows of faith

Where she really
looked like sort of

The swamp thing
that we called her...

Don't make
any sudden moves.

Turkeys are very,
very stupid animals.

They confuse easily.



Oh, great.

Now we know
what they teach

In the louisiana
school system

Instead of spanish.

Um, and you look at her now

Where she's this sort of
sleek seal with...

And it's been great
to see the development

Of faith as corky.

Corky, if it'll make you
feel any better

I tasted success
at a pretty young age

And I had some of
the same fears you do.

But then, look at all I've
experienced since then.

You became an alcoholic.

You had to dry out
at betty ford.

You had an illegitimate child.

I'm looking at my future?

Go away.

Go away.

my real favorite

Was murphy and I
go down in a plane crash

Or imagine that we're
going down, and we...

We go to our own funeral.

That jacket
doesn't go with that skirt.

And the shoes
are all wrong.

Who dressed me?

It was so difficult going
through murphy's closet

Trying to decide
what she should wear

For her very last
public appearance.

I never really liked
her sense of color.

And she didn't seem to know
how to hide her flaws.

I think the peplum jacket
and the dickey work.


I hate that dickey.

I wouldn't be caught dead
in one

And now look--

Dead. In a dickey.

the reception
was less than warm-hearted.

It was a lot of fun.

One guy actually

Sort of handy-vac'd up my ashes.

We were different.

We were special.

Oh, my god.

What is he doing?

What is he doing?

This is like some kind of cruel
cosmic carpet demonstration.


for me, the show
was especially rich

When it ranges
between reality and comedy.

Sometimes, on those friday
nights, I would get home

And just sort of sit outside
on the patio

Because it's a lot to put on
in five days

But you felt
really so proud of the show

For covering
such a range of emotions

For having a kind of resonance
and substance

That this show's had.

The supporting cast
helped to add

That resonance and substance.

Robert pastorelli
plays eldin the house painter--

The jiminy cricket
in murphy's life.

You know, there are a lot more
choices than I remembered.

Plain, ribbed, scented,
colored, contoured.

I said to myself,
"just keep walking."

I'm too old for this.

I've been off the market
too long.

It was simpler.

I'm a mother,
for god's sakes.

I've got stretch marks.

Too much information!

Too much information.

Eldin, I want you
to tell me the truth.

When you look
at this area here...

I don't look
at that area!

I'm begging you,
get a girlfriend.


All right.

All right, you
want my advice?

Fluff your hair
up a little bit.

Lose some of
them buttons.

The one with the
aztec warrior on it.

it allowed us

To have a sort of human moment

At the end of the show
with murphy

Because that's what eldin

And murphy had.

There was always
a connection there

Where murphy would sort of
redeem herself

By being a human being
at the end of the show.

You know, million people

Watched me on television


I won ten bucks
at lotto.

Oh, that's easy, jim.

You're strong,

A real pro.

pat corley plays
phil the bartender

Father confessor
to the fyi g*ng.

Are you saying
that I have no personality?

I didn't say that.

I just meant that you're
from the old school

Like chet huntley,
douglas edwards

Frank reynolds.

They're all dead, phil.

I'll tell you what, jim.

Here's a napkin.

Write down what
you want to hear

And I'll act
like a $ hooker

And try to say it
like I mean it.

some of hollywood's top stars

Have played the man
in murphy's life--

Most recently, scott bakula

Who plays fyi correspondent
peter hunt.

(Horn honking)

Oh, god. Carpool.

If you dawdle around
in bed all morning

You'll have to
pay the price.

You've abused the
carpooling privilege.

I have, and I am going to spend
my entire drive in to work

Thinking about mending
my selfish ways.

Well, so long.

murphy, I don't
know about you

But I'm starved.

You got any..?

I guess there's no point
in my saying

"Your cable's fixed, ma'am."

we've brought in people

Who have really enhanced
the show.

We've brought in scott bakula

For the last two years,
who has been wonderful.

Chris rich is miller redfield

Who is a wonderful character
and actor.


My eyes!

My eyes!

We were just
shaking hands.

Your lips were touching
miller redfield's lips.

How could you do
a thing like that?!

I don't know.

Excuse me, but this is
between corky and i.

Corky and me.

I. Me.

We're in my office.

That makes it about me.
I. Me.

That second kiss
said it all.

Tell me you didn't feel it too.

I don't know how I feel.

My head is spinning.

It's probably so repulsed

It's trying to twist itself
off your body!

Corky, we have to talk.

What's to talk about?

She's married
and you're an idiot!

Okay, but things
can change.

What if she
weren't married?

Garry marshall came in
as the network head last year

Who was hysterical.

Are you saying
that we're not doing art here?

What is this, news to me?

We got a single mother
with three kids at : .

I got a single father
with three kids at : .

I got a black single mother
with two kids at : .

I got a stand-up comic
that nobody ever heard of

With no kids at :

And over here,
we got the crap slot.

Nothing works here!

But we're fighting for our lives

To beat the other guys'
crap slot.

But the news division

Is a totally
different story.

It's our prized asset

And I'll do everything
that I can do to protect it.

And I applaud that...

What the hell are
you doing, fontana?!

Get away from there!

Look what you did!

That's not bad.

For the most famous journalist
who never was: murphy brown.

Join us as we continue
our look back

At the best
of murphy brown.

Let me remind you.

This is a job, not make-believe.

We're not doing
the mary tyler moore show here.

There's no audience laughing at
every cute little thing you say.

This is the real world.

So, when I tell you
you're doing a story

You don't say, "oh, mr. Grant,
I don't want to."

You do it.

I wanted our audience to believe

That murphy and her show
were real

And that these people were real.

And, uh, because we set the show
in a very realistic place

We started to do things...

We made a lot of reference

To all the political figures
in washington.

for three administrations

Everything in the white house
has been fair game--

Even the clintons' cat, socks.

What's going on?

Something secret I should...

That I should...

God, my allergies
are going crazy!

What have you got in here,
a cat?

Oh, my god.
It's socks!

You've got socks!

I finally get you invited
to hillary's luncheon

And this is how you repay me?

You're evil.

Would you calm down, miles?

Was hillary watching
her purse too closely?

the murphy brown guest list

Reads like a who's who
of washington insiders.

Dozens of national figures
have appeared as themselves

In murphy's make-believe world.

I'm proud of my life
and what I've accomplished.

I have nothing
to be ashamed of.

What kind of journalist
is murphy brown?

Well, she's thorough,
resourceful, articulate...

And when it comes to
a one-on-one interview

She is almost as good as I am.


in this dream sequence,
senators and journalists

some of my own colleagues

Come back to haunt murphy.

I can barely hear the name
"murphy brown"

Without thinking about
the republican convention.

But... I don't think it's
appropriate to go into that.

My wife and I shared a table
with her

At a white house dinner
in the ' s.

When elizabeth and I got up
to dance, she ate our sherbets.

She denied it,
which was shameless.

Her tongue was orange.

I will not talk about her.

She's vindictive.

She'll do things.

You can try
a restraining order...

You can try moving,
but she finds you.

I can't put my family
through that again.

Excuse me. Is this
the murphy brown home

For pregnant w￷￷z￷z￷[￷x￷

Oh, my god.

It's one of those annoying
katie couric look-alikes.

== Here, you.
Get in== = ==== = = = =h=

?(?(?(?(?£?£?" Worked
the joke?? ? ?(? ? ?(?(

And the revolving door
of guest journalists continued?


The more we did that,
the more people bought into it.

It was fun.

The nominees are...

Frank, me, not corky.
Who else?

There is no joy
left in this job.

Diane sawyer,
lesley stahl.

Lesley stahl was nominated
instead of me? Why?

Because she broke some scandal

On black market babies
in romania?

How is that more interesting

Than my profile
on marvin hamlisch?

I hope she chokes on her
cornish game hen

At the banquet.

You know,
that romanian baby story

Was my very first one
for minutes

But most of us got the jokes,
and most of us realized

That murphy
was a fictional character

But on the night
of may ,

For at least one person,
murphy brown was very real

And that's
when the show vaulted

From the entertainment page
to the front page.

It doesn't help matters

When prime-time tv
has murphy brown...

He is talking about you.

...who epitomizes today's

highly paid professional woman

Mocking the importance
of fathers

By bearing a child alone

And calling it just
another "lifestyle choice."

I remember the morning
that the story broke

And picking up my new york times

And opening it up,
and seeing a photograph

Of me and the baby--
murphy and the baby--

Flanked by bush and quayle
on one side

And it was like, "geez!"

And the tabloid covers--

"Murphy has kid,
quayle has cow."

"Quayle calls murphy slut."

It was just unbelievable...

Did you hear that?

Mr. Quayle later expanded
his remarks to say

That he believed examples

Like murphy brown
glamorized single motherhood...

Glamorized single motherhood!

What planet is he on?

Look at me, frank.

Am I glamorous?

They were talking about us
on world news tonight and cnn.

There was nothing we
could do in a response

That was going to
satisfy everyone.

It was too liberal.
It wasn't liberal.

It was too conservative...
It was a tricky position

For us to be in.

Murph, it's dan quayle.

Just forget about it.

I think it put the show
in the history books.

It put the show on the map,
uh, on the cultural map.

It made murphy
a real icon, I think.

I'll get right
to the point.

Your big story
has raised

A few hackles
on capitol hill.

You've been subpoenaed
by the senate.

if an issue was hot,
it was on murphy brown.

To satirize

The clarence thomas-anita hill
senate hearings

Murphy brown found herself

Summoned to capitol hill.

Uh, miss brown.

Why would you take
a classified report

And read it on the television?

Senator, journalists release
information to the public

For one reason only:
the public's right to know.

But the public didn't vote
for you, miss brown.

They voted for us,
and if we want to keep a secret

You shouldn't be running around
like a junkyard dog

Flappin' your jaw like
a loose shutter in a hurricane.

Senator, may I respectfully
remind you of the importance

Of the press
in a democratic society?

Without the press, watergate

The savings & loan debacle
and iran-contra

May never have come to light.


The senate episode is
one of my favorite murphy brown

Because it's when the show does
what it does best--

Wonderful political satire.

My name
is corky sherwood forrest

And I've been a professional
journalist since .

And if I may add, uh,
a personal observation...

I have seen you on fyi
and I commend you

For your incredible body...
Of work...

...your, uh...
Your ability

To stimulate me...
Uh, as a member

Of the viewing public, uh...

With your sensitive,
probing style.

Mr. Chairman!
Calm down!

"Executive assistants,"
"administrative assistants"

Or "personal assistants."

But to murphy brown

They're simply secretaries
one through .

Some have been fired, some quit

But all of them
have been her worst nightmare.

Hi. I'm murphy brown.
Welcome to my desk.

Hello, I'm murphy brown,
and you must be my new...

Miss brown, I'm chip clark.

I just want to say

That I'm an extremely qualified
secretary with excellent skills.

I'm sure this will
work out fine.

Oh, so am i.
I already like you.

And when I spoke to satan
this morning before breakfast

He pretty much guaranteed this
would be a great experience.


And you are..?

(Male voice):

robert l. Watkins, ma'am.

Pleasure to be serving
under you, ma'am.

Were you recently
in the military?

Yes, ma'am. Gay, ma'am.

They asked. I told, ma'am.

I'm rocky road,
and it's great to be here

At f-y-ay-yi-yi!

(Seductive voice):
that's right, I'm bambi,
your special telephone friend.

What's your name?

Ooh, grr...

we were at warner brothers
at the time.

And there's a secretarial pool there,

And the first person I was assigned
was actually certifiably insane.

She talked to herself,
and it got worse from there

So we thought that might be
a good running gag.

Miss brown?

I'm alice kimmons,
your new secretary.

I'm really excited
to be working for you.

I just know it's
going to be great.

(Different voice):
oh, stop lying,
you weak, pathetic worm.

The only reason you're here

Is to pay
for that useless therapy.

(Normal voice):
it's not useless. It's working.

Don't listen to her, ms. Brown.

That's rachel--

A -year-old divorcee
who lives inside me.

(Different voice):
fine. Tell her all our secrets.
That's it. We quit.

(Normal voice):
I'm so sorry. I have no choice.

She's the one who types.

I don't care
if he's on his hands and knees.

The car is mine.
The house is mine.

The skinny metal rod

That turns on the sprinklers
and doesn't even have a name

Is mine.

And furthermore, if he tries
to get custody of the dog

I'll drag his butt
across the coals.

Make sure you use exactly
those words: "drag his butt."

Judy, hang up the phone.

Got to go. Bye.

When i... Finally
give myself to a woman...

It's... It's going
to be for love.

But I do love you, jerry.

And I'm not wearing
any underwear.

Hold the elevator!

Just when you think the writers

Won't come up
with anything else--

What other secretary
can you have?--

They come up with somebody
crazier and more outrageous.

You don't see how it's possible

To squeeze another drop
out of a secretary.

Then they come up
with a hysterical secretary.

In this seventh season, we've
had hysterical secretaries.

Type up this letter
to the chief of police

Get me the mayor's office
on the phone

And fax a copy
of this police report

To my homeowners'

I'll go send that fax.

No, maybe I should type
the letter, then fax.

Wait! The phone call!


Call, then fax, then type.

Fax, then type, then call?

Have you worked
as a secretary before?

Oh, sure.

Clinton administration,
communications office.

... ...


Libby, were there
any calls for me?

Yeah. Four.

Oh, great!


See if you can reschedule
my lunch with cokie roberts.

Absolutely. Let me get a pencil
so I can write that down.

I just had one.

(Phone rings)

That's okay. I'll get it.

Murphy brown here.

Unless I'm mistaken,
this is a personal call.

When you say
"rusty's in a better place"

You mean that nicer doghouse
we talked about, right?


Aw, geez.

Not old rusty!


Well, at least
he went peacefully.


Maybe this isn't a good time.

I'll come back later.

Why was grandma walking him
near the hay baler?!

I'll definitely come back later.

Let me talk to grandma.


Meet your new
secretary, murphy--

My nephew.

Stand like a person.

Andrew j. Lansing iii.

Say hello to the
nice lady, andrew.


This is your office?
I'm temping for you?

Screw it.

I'm taking early retirement.

Aw, no. Forget it,
I'm sorry.

I told personnel
"no smokers."

I'm putting this one out, see?

This is my last cigarette.


Somebody in personnel hates me.

in addition to journalists
and politicians

Distinguished guest stars
from the world of television

Motion pictures and music

Have helped create

Some of murphy's
most memorable moments.

♪♪ You make me feel ♪♪

♪♪ you make me ♪♪
♪♪ you make... ♪♪

Now, listen. Let's get

One thing straight:
I'm not martha...

And you ain't
no vandella.


Yeah, right.
I'm a solo act.

but without a doubt,
the cast's fondest memories

Are reserved for
the late colleen dewhurst

Who played
murphy brown's mother, avery.

I was forced to disarm a rude
security guard in the lobby.

Somebody return this
to the proper authorities.

I remember kidding with her,
saying that

"We're acting our best
in front of you."

She said, "are you kidding?

I told my family I was
doing a murphy brown."

They said, "you better not be
the one to ruin that show."

She had great humor about it.

It's wonderful when
you have someone

That's such a pro, like
that, give a compliment

Because you feel,
"oh, that's nice."

I remember what stuck out
about her first show

Was when she
came down the stairs

With the white flower
in her hair

And it was like

"This is murphy's mother."

She was brilliant
from the get-go.

(Singing along with stereo):
♪♪ it must be love ♪♪

♪♪ Say what you choose ♪♪

♪♪ I've got a right
to sing the blues ♪♪

♪♪ Whoa-ho! ♪♪

she was terrified.

And then, of course

At the th hour, you know,
came through like a general.

We were so intimidated by her,
but she was great.

She brought so much
to the part of avery brown--

To murphy's mother.

I've never said "I love you"

Because I'm afraid
no one will say it back.

Why don't you try it?

I love you.

I love you.

...many of murphy brown's
funniest moments

But there are others
that have never been broadcast.

Here, now, the funniest moments
you never saw.


(Blowing nose)

Oh, god. That looks like
the part of my brain

That does long division.

I haven't seen
an audience that cold

Since noriega
stepped out on the platform

And asked, "how am I doing?"

It's balcony... (Bleep)

with pages per script,
and shows per season

The actors are constantly
memorizing new dialogue.

But sometimes, they just can't.

I'll spend the rest of my days
working through this guilt.

Oh, god.


Oh, (bleep).

Okay, so there's a few
years between us.

So what?

Is that my line now?

What line would it be,

there are times
when it's not a matter

Of remembering a line.

All it takes is a look
in candice's eye.

I just want to look at you
and get ready for it.


Corky, we have to talk.

What's to
talk about?

She's married,
and you're an idiot.

Okay, but things
can change.


God (bleep) it!

I hate it when you
look at me like that!

Miles, you know
what your problem is?

You're just
not a fun guy.

You have no sense
of whimsy.

I'm sorry.

You know what
your problem is?

You're just
not a fun guy.

Whenever I look
into candice's eyes,
i-i lose it.

There's weird chemistry
between grant and i.

We make each other laugh.

You have
no sense of fun.

You have no sense
of whimsy.

You're just not
a fun guy.


I am fun, and I
have whimsy too!

Are you forgetting

The flying toaster


They actually stopped
putting us together.

You don't see us
in the same scene anymore.

What would
edward r. Murrow say?

in this serious scene, candice
is on the verge of losing it.

If she looks grant in the eye

She'll break out laughing,
but look closely...

It's already hopeless.

" less than
freedom of the press

Is at stake."

This is like
jersey shakespeare.

some of the funniest
outtakes come

When a seemingly innocent line
doesn't quite

Come out the way it should.

Work?! I hate
that dickey.

I wouldn't
be caught dead in one!

And now look--

Dead. In a dickey!

At least you've
got a dickey.

romantic scenes
in front of a live audience

Can be the toughest to play.

The line candice
is about to deliver

Refers to the envelope
on the bed.

What's that?

Don't tell me
you've forgotten already.

I love it.

She hides behind
my head.

No one will
notice anything

If she's laughing
behind my head.

we're still rolling.

Oh, good.

Gee, it's all business
with you, isn't it, pete?

Okay, let's go.

In the outtakes, you see
the heart and soul of the cast.

that's great!

That will give us
even more time

For my welfare story.

When were you
able to do that?

On my cellullarlar.

When were you
able to do that?

On my cellulrar.

I love this line.



Say it fast.

Three times.

Cellular, celluar, cell....


faith, you lead us in it.

Cellular, cellular,


When were you
able you do that?

On my c...

On my car phone.


When were you
able to do that?

on my car phone,
at a stoplight.

On america's
television landscape

It's also caused families
to think, to talk

And most importantly,
to laugh.

Not bad for a woman
who never existed.

From the nation's capital,
I'm lesley stahl.

Good night, everyone.