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07x08 - Reporters Make Strange Bedfellows

Posted: 09/08/22 15:08
by bunniefuu
The hum of busy people
hunkering down to work.

Soothing as crickets
on a hot summer night.


Murphy on the phone?

You got it.

That appears to be a
"can't confirm a source" slam.

That's the sound she makes
when she can't find her stapler.

Amateurs. The slam

Followed by a thud

Is always "run around
from the state department."


Spoke too soon.
Justice department.

I have to disagree...

On this occasion,
history is on my side.

Ah, this is what
I like to see.

Brilliant news minds
engaged in a healthy exchange

Of thoughts and ideas.

What's the topic?

(Loud thudding)

Story fell through.
Story fell through.

Damn, my story fell through.

You said
you were close.

This organization is legit.

The money is going
where they say it is--

For the betterment
of those less fortunate.

God, I hate that.

Tough break,

I'll cancel
those plane reservations.

No point in going
to the cayman islands now.

My story's dead.

You know, murphy

When life gives me lemons

I make lemonade.

Yeah, and mr. Bluebird's
on your shoulder.

What's your point?

All I'm saying is,
if I had a free weekend

A plane ticket

And reservations
to a romantic,
tropical hotel

I know what
I'd be thinking.

You're right.



Work with me here.

You are in
a relationship now.

You have to start
thinking like it.

Whisk peter away for
a romantic island weekend.

Corky, busy people
do not whisk.

Ivana trump whisks

Joan collins whisks

Jane fonda, much to my
grave disappointment

Is now someone who whisks.

I don't whisk.

Slugger, a relationship
is like a lawn.

Just because seeds
have been planted

Doesn't mean
your work is done.

You must fertilize,
mulch, pull out every weed.

Then you have to nurture it

With love and tenderness.

You old romantic.

No wonder you and doris
have been together so long.

Who the hell
has time for doris?

I've got a lawn to mow.

Murphy, what have
you got to lose?

Didn't you say
eldin already had

Some great weekend
planned for avery?

Well, that's true, but...

In the sexual life
of a woman

There are ebbs...
And there are flows.

And frankly

Your tide's been out

For a long,
long time.

But surf's up now.

Ride that flow.

Be spontaneous.

Be romantic.



Oh, I don't know.

It's just the words
"spontaneous" and "romantic"

Don't spring to mind
when I think of you.

I'd say

Those two come in
right around "dainty."

Did it occur? To you
that I might be a little shy

In expressing my feelings?

So back off!

Hey, everybody.

Peter, we were
just talking about you.

How's your new show?

What's it called..?

Here and there?

Now and then?

Maybe later?

Now and tomorrow.

It is so hard to keep track
of all the new magazine shows.

The way they yank them
off the air like that.

But I'm sure

You're going to do fine.

Thanks, frank.

You know how much
your opinion

Means to me.



I made a reservation for two

At a cozy little bistro
I know of.

Goes by the name of phil's.

I've been dying to try it.

I just had
the craziest idea.

My work plans
have changed

And I'm stuck
with a free weekend

And reservations
at a tropical hotel

In the cayman islands.

I'm just thinking
on my feet

But what do you say
I whisk you away

For a romantic weekend?

Murphy, I'm impressed.

Spontaneous, romantic...

Thanks, corky.

Nice room.

Great view.

Mints on the pillow.

What's that?

Don't tell me you've
forgotten already.

Looks like fyi
faxed me something.

Oh, this is good.

Oh, this is very, very good.

Thanks. I've been
working on it.

Don't move.

I'll be right back.


Looks like my story
may not be as dead
as I thought.

Your story?

Geez, miles, do you always
answer the phone

With your mouth full?

This will just
take a minute.

Oh, that's fine.

Don't worry about me.

I'll just...

Fill out
this room survey.

You were right
to fax me.

When did you hear this?

Would you categorize
the check-in staff

As helpful
and courteous?

Me too.

What's his link
to the organization?


Well, I don't know.

That sounds
a little tentative

But maybe it's okay.

Is he willing
to come forward?

You know, murphy,
you're busy.

And it's really
very, very hot.

So I thought maybe
I'd go on down to the pool

And cool off.

Fax me the notes
from my office.

Make sure you look
under my desk.

I might have thrown
some of them.

Right, exactly.

Would you mind rubbing
some of this on my back?


Send me everything
you can get your hands on.

Especially bank statements
if you can find them.

I can take care of that
from this end.?■ ←

I'll contact him
as soon as I hang up.

Great, okay.



Can you get me that pen?


Peter, there you are.

Sorry, I just lost
track of the time

But as of this moment,
I am all yours.

Want to go to the pool?

I'm available now for that
suntan lotion thing.

Murphy, the sun set
an hour ago.

Oh. So it has.

Moonlight walk
on the beach?

I've actually never
done one myself

But I've seen it
on greeting cards

And it looks
quite pleasant.

You go on ahead.

I got to get
some thoughts down.

The weirdest thing happened.

I'm sitting here
losing my th game

Of liar's dice with jimmy
and I run into a buddy.

You got a buddy
in the cayman islands?

He's an arms merchant--
one of the nice ones.

We're knocking down beers
when he tells me

About a shipment going
to the islamic jihad.

He's not sure where
the cash is coming from

But he thinks some charity
is laundering it

Through a bank here in cayman

And he says he can
put me in contact

With somebody
who can get me

More information.

Great! Wait till
I tell miles!

Can I have
a phone, please?


We didn't have enough
for the next show

But this is the proof
I need for my story.

I may just have to think

Of a few new ways
to thank you tonight.

Your story?

Oh, boy... And I thought
on the plane

When we both wanted
the window seat was awkward.

What's awkward? You'll
just give me the name...

I can't do that, murphy.

This is my story.

I'm sure that you meant
it was your story

But now that you realize
it's my story

You'll just hand over
your information to me.

My producer already
wants me to run with it.

Just call her
and tell her

You didn't realize
the story was taken

Hand me your notes,
and everybody's happy.

No. Everybody's
not happy, murphy.

I'm doing the story.

You're doing the story?

I'm doing the story.

You can't do the story!

This is my story. I had it first.

There's no "first"
in journalism!

Of course there is
a "first."

There's a "first" is when
I have it first.

You wouldn't have even
stumbled across it

If I hadn't brought you
here for fun and romance.

So those napkins
are mine.

No, no, no, they're not.

If we'd been in our room

Setting records
like we were supposed to be

I never would have
wandered down and found

The story
in the first place.

So you got nobody
to blame but yourself.

Right. My fault.
My napkins!

No, no, no.

My buddy.

My napkins. My story.

You get your own napkins.

Look, there's
no need to fight.

We have napkins enough
for everybody!

Well, looks like
I won't be needing this.

Or these...

Or that.


(Whistling "la donna mobile")

Excuse me.

We didn't
order this.

I did... Before.

Ah... Enjoy.

(Speaks native language)

Look, we won't be
needing this anymore.


I thought we'd be hungry,
but we're not.

(Speaking native language)

That's great.
That-that's okay.

Thank you.
We'll just...

(Speaks excitedly)

(Hums "la donna mobile")

I'm not lady and
he's not the tramp.

We appreciate

This little scenario,
but we want it gone.

(Speaks softly)




This candlelight
is chipping away

At this good anger
I had going towards you.

Really? I'm okay
with the candlelight.

It's the water-lapping-
at-the-shore noise

That's driving me nuts.

You know...
It would be a shame

To waste the strawberries.

And the... View.

And that thing
in your suitcase.

Murphy, I don't think
we should let a little thing

Like the islamic jihad
come between us.

What do you say we just forget
about the story for tonight?

Story? What story?



Don't take this
the wrong way

But you're gritty and greasy
and you smell like flipper.

You don't find that

I was lying
on the beach.

I'll be right back.

frank? Frank, it's me.

No, peter didn't have
a diving accident

But thanks for asking.

Listen, I need you
to run a name check for me.

It's bolkin. Bruce bolkin.

B-o-l-k-i-n. You got that?

When you call back,
if I don't answer, use an alias.


Here I am, all squeaky-clean
and minty-fresh.

You miss me?

Oh... I sure did.

Where were we?


Boy, somebody's got
a lot of energy tonight.



I said, "mmm."
I really like that.

You do, huh? Well...

What do you think about this?

Oh! Ooh, I like that.
That's good.

That's good.
Just go a little lower.


Oh, that's nice.

Your arm?

I don't know what it is

But my arm is
on fire tonight.


Lower, lower...

Your arms aren't that long...

What's going on?


I have to go to the bathroom.

I'll be right back.

I, um... I forgot my brush.

There it is.

I miss you.

Every minute's an hour.

it's me.

Did you set it up?


All right, look...

I'll be downstairs
in five minutes.

I'll be wearing a blue shirt.

Where are you going?

To get some ice.

What do you need clothes for?

It's just down the hall.

I thought I might be cold...

Near all that ice.

I'll probably be okay.



Where's your bucket?

I only want one cube.

(Phone ringing)

I'll get it.


It's for you.

Someone by the name
of... Stavros?

This could take a minute.

Why don't you get the ice.

Okay... I'll be back.

Oh, great alias, frank!

No, never mind.
What did you come up with?

That's it? That's all you got?

Well, I think
he's got some information.

Well, that is some pretty
shoddy checking, frank.

That's all?

Wait. I've got to go.

He's past the ice machine.


Just as I suspected.

Going to get
ice, huh?

It so happens
I thought the ice in the bar

Would be fresher.

The jig is up, bub.

I am on to you.

"Let's forget about the story."

"We came here
to be together."

It is just one lie after another with you.
Isn't it, pinocchio pete.

Well, at least my lies
aren't pathetic.

At least I'm not
getting phone calls

From stavros fontana,
the greco-italian spy.

Oh, right, right.

And what about
"whisking" me away?

The only thing you wanted
to "whisk away" was my notes.

How dare you!

Okay, maybe
I thought about it

But to actually do
something like that--

I would think that you
would know me better.

I do. That's why I know
you would do that.

Only someone who
would do something like that

Would think someone
would do something like that.

Well, I would and I do.

Oh, yeah?


You have clammy feet.

Oh, so that's the direction
this is headed.

Well, that's just fine

Because you have
a few sleeping habits

I'd like to discuss,
miss drooly-face.

Oh, that is

Very mature.

Drool, drool, drool...

Drool, drool...
Clammy, clammy, clammy.

Uh, excuse me...
Excuse me

Are you peter hunt?

Uh, yes, I am.

It's only fair to tell you

This was my story

Listen, she told
that palm tree

She was cokie roberts.

She's a wacko.

You might recognize me

From my award-winning
s&l report.

Did you see the time
magazine piece on me?

Let me buy you a drink.

They have conch fritters.

You can't try
to bribe my source.

Ah! Your source?

There's no "first"

But there's "yours."

Yes, "yours"
as in "mine."

You're the king.

My friend
set this up.

Excuse me!

I'm the night clerk.

I just have a note for mr. Hunt.

But... And I do like
conch fritters.

Beat it!

I know that
was addressed to you

But it's only fair
I see it.

He's gone.


My source is gone.

"Mr. Hunt, I was here

"But there were two lunatics
in robes making a scene.

"Sorry I missed you, but I couldn't
risk being recognized.

I'm taking..."

Sam donaldson?

I guess sam's staying
down at the hilton.

Well, this is just great.

We ruined our weekend,
we blew the story

And now that everyone's seen us
in these robes

It will be impossible
to sneak them out of here

In our suitcases.

What kind of people
do this?

What kind of people

Screw each other over
just for a story?

You know, peter

I don't foresee giving up
being a reporter anytime soon

And I'm assuming
you don't either.

Maybe we ought to set
some ground rules.

Good idea.

We may end up competing
for another story again

And it would be nice

If one of us
actually got it.


My first ground rule is

That I will do whatever it takes
to get a story

Even if I have to squash you
like a bug in the process.

But that doesn't mean
I don't care for you.

Fair enough.

And I will regard you
as a vicious competitor.

If you get
between me and a story?

I will make your life
a living hell?

But that won't mean
I'm not crazy about you.

So, boy, all this cutthroat
underhanded maneuvering

Has worn me out.

What do you say
we call it a day?

We still have some
of that chocolate sauce

Waiting for us upstairs.

I like the way you think.

Um... I tell you what.

Why don't you go on up

And I'll be there
in a minute.

I'm just going to get
a club soda at the bar.

The bar at the hilton?

And while I'm gone

You're going to call
your buddy.

Don't wait up.

I'll leave a light on.