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07x04 - Be Careful What You Wish For

Posted: 09/08/22 15:05
by bunniefuu
(Elevator dings)

Morning, all.

Hey, jim.
Hi there.

Just say it.

"What did you do,
have your ears lowered?"

"Place your head too close
to the weed whacker?"

Come on,
let them fly.

You get a haircut?

Yes. Couldn't you tell?

Man practically butchered me.

If you were carrying a shotgun
and hunting "wabbits"

I'd think you were elmer fudd.

Okay, people,
no time for chitchat.

I have got
a tip so hot

I need a pair of oven mitts
just to handle it.

Jim, get a
little close

To the old
weed whacker?

So what is
it, miles?

Don't get your hopes up.

He got excited when
the check-out girl said

He sort of looked
like matthew broderick.

What would you say
if I told you

The country's largest retail
chain buys clothes overseas

And sells them
with "made in america" labels?

If you're talking
about bowmart

That is a pretty
hot story.

If you've got proof.

Any evidence?

No, but what I do
have is ross bowen

Ready and willing to do
an interview next week.

Ooh! Whoo!

He's a tough n
ut to crack so...

The last reporter
up against

His southern wiles
was reduced to tears.

But stone phillips
always struck me

As the
sensitive type.

We need our
toughest cowpoke

To break this
bucking bronco.

Murphy, frank,
arm wrestle for it.

I'd love a shot, but I'm doing
that cuban refugee piece.

Ooh! Murphy's been
thrown to the ground

And being dragged
out of the ring

By rodeo clowns.

Old tex fontana
wins by default.

What do you say,
you big galoot?

Sorry, can't do it, miles.

I haven't even edited
my k*ller bacteria story.

No, that's
the system.

If not murphy,

If not frank,

If not murphy
or frank

It's sam donaldson
scooping fyi

And taunting miles
at the press club.

We'll get someone.

Maybe there's a free-lancer...

No, no, no,
no free-lancer

The last free-lancer
promised footage

Of a soviet
nuclear meltdown

And delivered
a grease fire

At a blintz factory
outside leningrad.

No, there's
got to be

A better

Think, people.


You know...

You guys are overlooking
an obvious choice.


Hold it a second.

Well, corky's right.

We get kuralt.

The guy's off

Writing poems
in a swamp somewhere.

No! I'm talking
about me.

I'd be perfect
for this story.

We're both
from the south.

I've shopped in his
stores all my life.

I have nothing but free time

Since my expose on
melissa gilbert fell through.



Corky, sit.

You have a
very specific

And important
function on fyi.

You are the cherry
on the sundae.

You're the glaze
on the creme brulee.

the whipped...

Cream on the apple pie,
the jimmies on the yogurt cone.

I'm tired of
always being dessert.

I think I deserve the right to
be the main course for a chang

Dessert's always
my favorite part of the meal.

Love dessert.
Can't get

Stop it!

I have been here
for six long years

But does anyone
associate my name

With hard-hitting
stories? No!

When they imagine
the stench of
toxic waste

Who do they
think of?


When they see
compromising video footage

Who do they think of?


Maybe when people hear

About cheap, flammable
knock-off apparel

It's time they started thinking
of corky sherwood.d.

you u ow, cork

I am all for a person
taking on new challenges

But ross bowen?

He's a pretty
tough customer.

Well, you all
started somewhere.

I mean,
what did murphy say

When miles first
started fyi?

"Who does that little
pisher think he is?"

But that pisher
had chutzpa.

Where do you think
he is today?

Sorry, miles.

You used "pisher"
and "chutzpa"

In the same sentence.

What about murphy?

When morton dean
got the flu in '

Didn't a certain
local news reporter

Persuade the network

To give her
dean's assignment?

Well, maybe, but that...

And didn't that
prove pivotal

In launching her
"serious" news career?

Well, sure it...

So if a combination

Of pluck a
nd good fortune

Gave murphy brown
the chance to prove herself

Don't I deserve
the same opportunity?

Well, I guess

Corky has sort of
paid her dues.

Thank you, murphy.

So, miles,
what do you say?

Can I be the cowpoke
that breaks this bronc

I suppose...



Oh, miles,
thank you!

Thank you so, so much!

Now, if
you'll excuse me

I have files to pull,
sources to grill.

Whoo boy,
am I excited!

Are you nuts?!


Giving her that is like
sending g lamb to slaughter.

You weren't objecting!

I couldn't make

More obvious facial expressions
if I were jim carrey.

I see a fiasco...

I am not
for this.


Oh, corky.

I just rushed out so fast

I forgot to tell you all how
much your support means to me.

Especially yours, murphy.

You do think I can do it.

Hey, you know me.

If I didn't think
you were ready

I would have
said something.

Thanks. You know
I won't let you down.

Oh, shut up, baldy.

Good evening,
and welcome to fyi.

For your information tonight,
murphy brown reports

On the continuing
cuban refugee crisis.

Frank fontana
examines the threat

Of drug-resistant bacteria

But first, corky sherwood
gives us an in-depth look

At one of america's foremost


Thank you, jim

I'm here
with ross bowen

President and founder
of bowmart

The country's largest
retail chain.

May I say how much
your stores mean to me.

Thank you, darling.

You can't make me blush

But the lord knows,
I won't complain if you try.

I can
still remember

When I was eight

And the first bowmart opened
in downtown nebo.

That would be store number .

And I believe
it was mabel loomis

Working the main register.

Yes. How did you know that?

Well, corky...
May I call you corky?


If it's one thing

This good old boy
prides himself on

It is maintaining close
personal relationships

With every single one
of his people.


Every one?

Every last one.

Can I assume, ross...
May I call you ross?


That you know this young man?

Well, I can't say his face
looks all that familiar.

Well, it should be.

This little boy is wong ho.

He works for you

In one of the burmese sweatshops
providing clothes to bowmart.

In fact, these documents
show that much

Of the apparel displaying
your "made in america" label

Was actually produced in burma,
thailand and hong kong.

Well, I'm afraid

You've left me out in the dark
without a candle, young lady.

Don't go pulling a dog's tail
expecting him to play dead.

I wouldn't advise hanging
a snake up to dry

While he's got
dew on his belly.

You also shouldn't
skin a raccoon

Till you're sure he's not a fox.

Let's quit
playing possum

And talk turkey, shall we?

I have no idea what
they're talking about

But I like what I'm hearing.

Only this so-called
"all american" t*nk top

Was actually manufactured
in taipei, wasn't it?

Well, i...

Couldn't we say the only thing
we know for certain

You make in america
is money?

You can't expect me...

And one more thing.

Why did you ever
stop selling those
blue frosty cones?

I just loved those.

I don't know.

Well, back to you, jim.


Thank you, corky,
for a most impressive job.

Really, most impressive.

Fyi will return
after these messages.

And, we're into commercial.

There she is

Little corkzilla.
Our own

If you need
extra cash

The biker bar down the corner
needs a bouncer.

That was great!

I haven't seen

A transformation like that

Since doris began
her estrogen supplements.

Well, corky

I have to say,
all in all

Not terrible.

Oh, murphy, do you
really mean that?

If you hear crazy talk
about me betting $

You were going
to fall on your face

Don't you believe it.

This was just
so much fun.

Watching a grown man
crumble before your own eyes

And knowing
you're the one responsible.

This must be how
you feel every week.

Don't get carried away.

You've got
a lot to learn.

I want you
to teach me. H

I'll buy you some coffee
and we can start now.

First tip, corky?

It's best not to leave
the set till t t show's over.

Oh, god, that's right.

You still have
your little thing to do.

All right, seconds, people.

there you are.

I can't tell you how much
I've learned

From watching these
old interviews of yours.

How did you get david stockman
to admit that reaganomics

Was a complete
and utter sham?

Now, corky,
we've been over this.

What's murphy's
interview rule
number one?

Badger, badger, badger.

This afternoon,
I want you to watch

My interview
with ed meese

Which illustrates murphy's
interview rule number two.

make 'em cry, make 'em cry
, make 'em cry.

It's the dynamic duo.

Show them your

this-load-of-crap face.

isn't that great?

Point it that way.

Wow, what are all
these letters, frank?

You didn't

Take out another
personal ad, did you?

The last one
turned out brown so ugly.murphy

These are for you.

For the record, janice and
I are still friends.

It's just her
other personalities

I don't get along with.

Oh, my god,
these are all for me?

"Corky, we saw your show
last night

"And we can't stop
talking about it.

"Disappointing doesn't even
come close

"To describing your performance.

"Rude, annoying and shrill,
however, do.

We'll never watch you again."

That's not
a very nice letter.

There's always one
bad apple in the barrel.

May i?

"Dear corky sherwood..."

This one seems
amiable enough.

"Last night's show
was a steaming pile of..."


Ho the... Fudge
do you think you are

You... Fudging..."

Perhaps murphy
should finish this.

This is terrible!

It's not like this is the first
hate mail you've ever gotten.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Come now, surely you
received a few angry letters

Regarding that "ten years
of smurf magic" piece you did.


What about "they gave us salsa:

A salute to o r
mexican-american friends"?


So this is your first.

This is cause for celebration.

It is?

I had my first piece
of hate mail perma-plaqued.

Receiving a taste
of the poison pen

Shows you're doing
your job.

I shouldn't be feeling
this sick, queasy sensation

In the pit of my stomach?

Of course not.

You know that gray file
cabinet next to my desk?

Nothing but hate mail.

And it doesn't bother you?

Are you kidding?

When I'm depressed, I get naked

And roll around
in it.

I don't know, murphy.

And you haven't
been introduced

To the best part
of hate mail yet.

What's that?

Watch and learn.

It's ringing.

Hello. Is this cindy lou collins
of tempe, arizona?

I have a riddle for you.

What has a tiny brain,
a large mouth

And an opinion
no one cares about?

Give up?

You. Ha

Feels as good now
as it did the first time.

Okay, now it's your turn.

Oh, no, no, no.

Murphy, I don't think
I could...


Is this mr. Larson broder
of newark, delaware?

I have a riddle for you.

What has

A tiny brain,
a large mouth...

Yes, this is corky sherwood.

Have a nice day.


We'll work on it.

...and this is what we cal
l the bullpen.

There's never
any shortage

Of bull
flying around in here.



That's enough of the bullpen.

Back in the elevator.
Scooch in.

Corky... Who are
these people?

We're the teichers
from cincinnati

And we think you stink.

Yeah. Would you
excuse me a second.

What the hell
is going on?l

Well... I just thought
you would all be at phil's

Having lunch, so I invited
a few people on tour.

You know-- fans, viewers

Letter writers.

You didn't
god, no!

We call them
the faceless masses.

Don't you realize
what you've done?

You've given them faces
and bodies...

And ill-fitting clothes.

Corky, I need
to use the bathroom.

One second, mrs. Marin

I mean now.

Oh, okay.


Trust me, jim.

I learned the hard way.

She's not joking.

I'm taking mrs. Marino
to the bathroom.

You can't
leave us with...

Okay, listen up.

This is a place
of business.

If you would move your
little convention out

Of our newsroom

Those actually
working today

Would be
extremely grateful.

Boy, she's even
ruder in person

Than she is on tv.

And bonier.

Yeah, I'm
ichabod crane.

Now don't trip getting
on the elevator.

Get a load
of all the pictures

She's got of herself in here.

There must be thousands.

Get the hell out.

I've been watching

And I can do your job
as good as you.

I don't doubt
that, but...

I read the news to my cat,
and she is mesmerized.

So, uh...

If I slip you my resume

Do you think you could..?

Oh, I think you could.

You and your bleeding-heart

Sure, you stick it
to g*n manufacturers

And the cigarette industry--

All the people who made
this country great.

Hey, wait a minute.

Your name isn't
pat miller, is it?


Pat miller of dearborn
street, lansing, michigan?


It's only fair to warn you

You're in violation
of a restraining order.

I want to know

What gives you the right

To say whatever you want
about whoever you want.

A little something called
the constitution.

Maybe you've heard of it?

Oh. Well, then,
let me ask you this.

You know how
I can meet michael jackson?

Okay, everybody,
find your partner.

We've got minutes
to get on the bus

And get across town.

We need to talk,
and I mean now.

Murphy, please.

I've got my hands full

You have completely
stepped over the line here.

what about my film? H

Get it at
the gift shop.


Sorry. Got to go.

Come on, scooch on in.

That's right.

(Doorbell ringing)

I'm coming. I'm coming.


What are you
doing now?

Kissing g to your viewers

All right,
I know you're angry with me.

Angry, no. That would mean
I cared, and I don't care

So don't mistake this as caring,
because I don't, but...

What the hell
were you thinking?!

If I could...

You blew it.

You caved in to public opinion

You compromised
your professional integrity

And worst of all...

You let total strangers
touch my stuff!

I'm sorry.

You're always sorry.

You upset a few viewers,
and you're sorry.

You upset me,
and you're sorry.

You upset the network...

I'm sorry!

Well, I'm sorry

But I am sorry.

I couldn't accept

that there was
anyone out the

Who didn't like me.

A lot of people out there did.

You just didn't hear from them.

It doesn't matter.

Don't you see?

It's just like when
I was in th grad

I was named homecoming queen,
voted class president

Won the lead
in bye bye birdie.

Everyone loved me.

Even the school mascot-- a goat!

There was this one girl,
wendy wilcox

Who couldn't stand me...
And I was miserable.

Can you believe it?

Not that it hasn't been
fun leafing through

The old hooterville high
yearbook with you

But can we just
get to the point?

You've got a decision to make.

You can either be a journalist
and make some people angry

Or miss homecoming queen
and have everybody love you

But you can't be both.

It's not
that easy for me.

I'm not like you.

You're strong--
you don't care
what people think

Or if they call you names

Or they hate you
in the mailroom.

It doesn't
matter what...

They hate me
in the mailroom?

Well, not everyone--

Just jimmy and earl.

And melissa.

And chuck.

And tommy.

All right, all right,
I get the picture.

When I was starting out

I had to develop
a thick skin.

If you're going
to be the kind

Of journalist
I think you can be

You've got to learn
to develop one too.

Do you really
think I can be

The kind of journalist
you are?

Let's not get carried away.

You know, corky, you really
surprised me this week.

That's what's so frustrating.

You've got the potential.

You're backing away from I

I'm not backing away.

I just need to go
at my own pace.

It took you
a while to become

The tough, unfeeling hell hound
you are today

Didn't it?

Well, that's true.

Let's face it, murph,
you didn't make anyone cry

Until the tammy faye bakker

And that doesn't even count.

All right, maybe
it's a little unrealistic

to expect you
to change overnight. H

Take the weekend.

(Doorbell ringing)

Who the hell is that?

Aw, don't worry.

I'll just get it.

Mrs. Marino, weren't you
supposed to wait on the bus?

I need to use
the bathroom.

What is going on?

I couldn't invite people

Here to our nation's capital

Without taking them to see
the monuments at night.

I mean now.

Listen here,
mrs. Marino...

Try to hurry.

Well, it's a start.

Well, I guess being the rudest
woman on tv has its advantages.

It's not the cleanest place
I've ever seen.

Aw, geez.