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07x01 - Brown vs. the Board of Education

Posted: 09/08/22 15:04
by bunniefuu
This thing is amazing.

It's got a stopwatch,
a compass, a calculator

And I haven't even figured
out what this thing does.

Give me some room, jim.

No telling what could
crawl out of here.

Good lord!
What is all this?

You name it-- mail, bills,
half-eaten sandwiches...

I've been so busy I've been
tossing everything in here.

Figured I'd get to it
sooner or later.

"Her majesty queen elizabeth ii
invites you to attend

The royal wedding of
prince charles and lady diana."

Okay, so it was later.

Murphy, I hope you
at least sent a gift.

Oh, yeah. That would have
been money well-spent.

Oh, god! This is avery's
preschool application.

I was sure
I filled this out.

What's today's date?

It's the... Th

And north is... That way.

It's a new watch.

The th?

Oh, god!
It's due today.

Okay, no problem.

I can still fill this out

And get it there?
In plenty of time.

"Attach a photograph
of your child."

I know I got one of those
in here somewhere...

Ah, here it is.

This is from last halloween.

Isn't that adorable?

Look at those ears.

He went as dumbo.

No, he's ross perot.

Can't you see his little chart?

get a big kick
out of this

Down at ducky
lucky preschool.

Ducky lucky?

Well, I am

You know it?

Ducky lucky is one
of the finest preschools

On the eastern seaboard.

Some pretty heavy hitters
came out of old d.l.--

Cabinet members,
congressmen, lawyers...

How do you know
so much about it, miles?

I'm an l.b.p. Man myself.

Little bo-peep.

But the two schools
are affiliated.

It's sort of an ivy league-
seven sisters kind of thing.

I bet those chocolate milk
keg parties are out of control.

Come on, this is
just a preschool, right?

No such thing
as just a preschool.

Getting into
the right preschool

Leads to the right kindergarten

Which leads
to the right grade school

Which leads
to the right prep school

Which ultimately, leads
to the right college-- harvard.

Oh, please. Are you saying

At three years old,
murphy should be worried

About what college
avery gets into?

She should have started
when he was two.

For heaven's sake.

The lad is barely talking

And you've got him crawling out
of his huggies

Straight into a raccoon coat.

When I was his age, I was given
a blunt stick, a ball of twine

And sent outside
to amuse myself.

That was preschool.

That sounds awful, jim.

Not really. I made
a dandy little banjo.

Gee, jim, not that
that doesn't sound

Like an enriching curriculum

But I've got a good feeling
about ducky lucky.

It has an excellent staff,
a nurturing environment?

And the kids
seem to love it.

I'll run this over there.

I'll time you. Go! Oh, damn.

Now go! Damn.

I could write avery
a recommendation.

A letter from
an old bo-peep man

Might go a long way

In impressing
that admissions board.

Thanks, but that
won't be necessary.

But there is one thing
you could do for me.

Call personnel.

Looks like I'll be
needing a new secretary.


Um, excuse me.

Is everyone here waiting
to drop off an application?

That's right.

You're murphy brown!

Oh, I watch you
all the time.

People are always
telling me

How much I
look like you.

Yeah. It's like
looking in a mirror.

Um, you know,
it's awfully crowded in here

And I've got a lot of work
back at the office.

Would you drop off
my application with yours?


Boy, you must

Really be confident

Turning it in without even

Seeing the administrator.

You have to see
the administrator

Just to drop off
your application?

He's just the head
of a preschool, right?

He's not the great
and powerful oz.

I suppose you don't have
to see the administrator

But with only ten openings
and applicants

I know I need
every edge I can get.

Did you say ?

Oh, at least.

There have even been rumors

About people sabotaging
other parents' applications.

Can you imagine?

You know, now that
I think about it

I'm really not
all that busy.

It's no trouble at all.

I don't want to impose.

I don't mind.

No. Thanks anyway.

Excuse me.

Is this seat taken?

Oh, no, no.
Go right ahead.


I'm bonnie fielder.

This is my husband bob.

I'm murphy brown.

Great. She's famous.
She's in.

Excuse me?

He thinks

Because so many celebrities
and politicians apply

Our little jason might have
a difficult time getting in.

Might as well buy the kid
a mop, a paper hat

And a little
french fry machine.

Bob thinks
we didn't spend

Enough time on
the application form.

Oh, hey,
don't worry about it, bob.

I sort of
dashed mine off myself.

You see? I told you

We didn't need
those consultants.

That seminar on how to prepare
the application was more than enough.

You took a seminar?

Just to help us with
the presentation.

You know, the essays
here and the video biography.

It was our instructor
who suggested

That we put all of
jason's artwork on cd-rom.

Amazing, isn't it

What some people will do
to get their children

Into this preschool?

Am I glad you said that.

I was beginning to think
I was the only sane person here.

No. Those two
should be nervous.

As if a letter from clinton
will get them in.

Who doesn't have
one of those?

You have a letter
from the president?

Better. I've got
one from hillary.

Thank you both
for co?ming.

It's hard to believe
your little two-year-old

Made this model of a dna
strand all by herself.

I'll be sure to drop it off
at the admissions board.

Ah, miss brown.

Here to drop off
your application?

Is that it?

This? No.

My application
is really...big.

I left it in my car.

Outside... At my hou...

I have to go

Because it's so...

I'm talking
to kissinger.

Go get him, tiger.

That's right, henry.

Address it
to the ducky lucky preschool.

I know it would make
a big impression

If you could run it over
in person.

So you're in paris.

You never heard of the concorde?


Okay, listen.

You were right

About taking this preschool
stuff more seriously.

I had no idea the competition
would be so tough.

About that u.n. Story--
?frank's source

On his construction
industry piece fell through.

We're going to have
to drop his story

And move yours up
to this week.

Uh-huh. And get this.

One of those kennedys found out

A ducky lucky board member's kid
was having a birthday party

And arranged for arnold
to show up as the terminator.

He actually passed out
little diaper pails

With "hasta la vista, baby,"
on the lid.

I really need
this story, murphy.

Are you listening to me?

Yep. Frank's story
on construction is out.

My piece on the u.n. Is in.

Okay, recommendations... Done.


Bobby, find out what a kid
would have to do

To get one of those
congressional medals of honor.

I am not trying
to stand in the way

Of avery's education

But I don't want this
interfering with your work.

It's not as if everything
has ground to a halt.

Slugger, about this letter
you asked me to sign

For avery's preschool.

You know how fond I am
of the little tyke

But I really don't think
"einsteinesque" is a word.

No one's asking you
to think, jim. Just sign it!

Here you go, murph.

Finally, frank.
What kept you so long?

I was only gone

For minutes
and seconds.

Oh, by the way

The relative
humidity is %.

Give me those. It's almost
ducky lucky snack time.

What is all this?


Some mothers have tried
to impress the board members

With that homey, baking thing

And since baking
isn't my forte...

Tell me about it.
You stink.

Hey. Sugar... Detergent.

It was an honest mistake.

Anyway, I figured
I would spread

Some store-bought cookies
on a cookie sheet

Crumble them up a little,
and voila--

Homemade cookies from
the kitchen of murphy brown.

She's scaring me.

Oreos, frank?

You bought oreos?!

Hey, who doesn't love oreos?

They're supposed
to look homemade!

What am I going to do,
say I spent the entire day

Whipping up a batch
of my special creamy frosting

And then stamping the word
"oreo" on every cookie?

If you don't like it

You should have gotten
your own lousy cookies.

Oh, god,
there's not time now.

Maybe I can just scrape
the "oreo" word off the top.

Come on.
Grab a knife and help me.



Look at yourself!

This isn't you.

You're scraping cookies.

And you're not
even good at it.

This one says "reo,"
that one says "or."

Who the hell
do you think you're fooling?

Miles is right.
This is just like

When miss arizona

Decided to do a scene
from macbeth

For the talent competition.

She had this speech thing

Where all her s's
came out kind of wet.

Sort of like
daffy duck.

Anyway, some people said

"Out, out damn ssschhhpot"

Cost her the crown.

That's an interesting story,

Is it supposed
to mean something?!

It means you shouldn't try
to be some?thing you're not

Play to your strengths.

My strengths?

What the hell are my strengths

Sure, I'm smart, witty,
successful, talented



Yeah. Thank you, jim.

And I have lots of famous
and fascinating friends

Who can attest to that

But I don't see how that...

Wait a minute.

I have hundreds of famous
and fascinating friends.

I'll give a party
and invite those people

Along with the admissions
board members.

That ought to impress
the pants off ducky lucky.

Great idea, corky. Thanks.

Okay. Now, I'm going
to need invitations.

Something understated.

Maybe with a hologram.

(Doorbell ringing)


Always nice to meet
more? Ducky luckers.

Just go in and hand your coat

To u.n. Secretary general
boutros boutros-ghali.

Or uncle boo boo,
as avery likes to call him.

And there's lots more
famous people inside--

Every one a close friend
or godparent of avery brown.

That's avery brown.

Hey, murph, great party.

Caviar, really nice touch.

Bucks an ounce, frank.

Touch it
a little less.

Okay, okay.

And lay off the cristal.

If you're thirsty,
I stuck a jug of chablis

Under the sink.

Do you think
there's enough food?

Oh, god, we're
running out of ice!

Murph, relax.

You're really uptight
about this thing, aren't you?

I can't help it. It's for avery.

I just wish
I didn't have the feeling

That while he's upstairs
sleeping, his entire future

Hinges on whether
the gravlax is too salty.

Actually, it is a little
on the briny side.

At least that's what
stephanopoulos said.

Excuse me, murphy,
I'd like you to meet

Some of the members
of the admissions board.

This is claudia wallace,
bill cameron, roger knox.

Our host, murphy brown.

Quite a party. You know
so many interesting people.

It's very impressive.

You should see avery

With his fisher-price
chemistry set.

The other day he came this close

To cracking that
whole cold fusion thing.

Yes, well, it's almost
as impressive as the party

The parents of the wexler boy
threw last month.

They must have spent
a fortune renting that yacht.

And the lobster...

Fortunately, I'm not one
of those competitive mothers

Who feels like they have
to outdo other people.

Have you tried the caviar?

$ An ounce.

Have you tried it?

Oh, thanks.

No, I'm stuffed.

Oh, senator boxer,
captain kangaroo.

I'm so glad
you could come.

Are you having a good time?

Oh, a wonderful time.

I was just telling
senator boxer

That some people confuse me
with captain crunch.

And that's ridiculous

Because he doesn't have
white piping on his jacket.

Great, great.

Have you had enough food?

Yes, but I should mention

People are talking
about the gravlax.

It is a little salty.

I'll look into it.

You need a refill?

No, it's fine.
It's fine.

Anything at all?

No, thank you.

Then what are you doing here?

I didn't invite you both

To yak with each other.

Get out there
and mingle.

Go, go, go.

So, you're on

The ducky lucky
admissions board?

It's a good school.
Very good school.

I'm thinking of sending
my child there.

Really? How old
is your little one?

Oh, I don't have
a little one yet.

But you and your wife
are expecting?

No, she's not.

I mean, we're not.

I mean, I don't have a wife.


Don't you worry,
mr. Silverberg.

At ducky lucky,
we take pride in the fact

That we accept all kinds
of alternative lifestyles.

I don't have
an alternative lifestyle.

I don't have any lifestyle.

Excuse me, murphy,
but I'd like

To get out of this suit.

It's very uncomfortable.

You don't hear
general schwarzkopf complaining

And I believe
he outranks you,captain.

The problem with health care
in this country

Is that it
isn't universal.

Not enough people
are covered

And it's a problem.

Have you met
murphy's son, avery?

He's really quite
a remarkable child.

Now our second child
was a caesarean.

Boy, what a messy deal
that is.

You ever seen one?

Can't say that I have.

They warn you not to look
if you're at all queasy

But I couldn't
help but peek.

There they were.

My wife's intestines
splayed out on her torso

Like a plate of spaghetti.


How interesting.

I have some pictures.

No, I'd...

Dear lord!


Oh, hey, there,
little buckaroo.

Whatcha doing
up so late?

Well, I snuck in
to take a peek at him.

He woke up asking
for his kee-kee.

Is that you?

Kee-kee is his blanket.

Yeah, kee-kee.

I'll take you to your kee-kee.

I have to be going.

Well, well,
this must be avery.

Son, I've got
a good feeling

You'll be attending
ducky lucky very soon.

From your lips to
the other board members' ears.

It's the least I can do
after what you did for me.

The valets already had your car.

It wasn't
that much extra trouble

To have them do a wash and wax.

Actually, I was talking about
what you did for me at fyi.

Getting fontana to drop?x

That public housing
construction story?

Not that my company's
done anything wrong.

Let's face it.
We all cut a few corners
here and there, right?

Wait a minute.

I think there's been
some misunderstanding.

Frank's story was dropped

Because his source
refused to talk.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Whatever you say.

See you at orientation.

Hey, there, murphy.

Oh. Hiya, phil.

I figured out a way

To get avery
into that preschool.

You throw

A party,
invite the board of directors

And your big-shot friends.

That'll impress them.

I could even cater it.

What do you think?

Hmm... A party, you say?

That's not a bad i...

You found out,
didn't you, phil?

Oh, don't feel too bad, kid.

Half your guests
spent the night here

Guzzling down beer
to wash away the taste

Of that god-awful gravlax.

What's up, murphy?

hi, guys.

@Hey, is that your
answer from ducky lucky?

What's it say?

I don't know.
I haven't opened it.

You're still thinking

About what that guy
from the admissions board said.

Forget about it.

I can't. The guy thinks
I got you to drop a story

Just so I could get
my kid into preschool.

He thinks
I would do something like that.

Please! We know you
better than that.

You wouldn't, would you?


You're talking
about avoiding

Even the appearance
of impropriety.

It was like the time
my car broke down

And that raven-haired

From the third floor pulled up
in her flirty little geo

And offered me a lift.

Do I refuse and walk blocks
in a pounding hailstorm

Or invite the wagging tongues
of office gossip and climb in

Next to the young woman

With her full, red lips,
her alabaster skin

And those shapely legs

That reached from the gas pedal
all ?the way to heaven and back.

So what did you do], jim?

About what?

I know what
you're going through.

I would be
the first to support you

But this is avery's education.

I know.
That's what makes it so hard.

Do you send your kid to
the best school no matter what

Or do the right thing

And send him somewhere
that might not be quite as good?

Who's to say
this is the best school?

Maybe I just got sucked in
to the hype.

So what are you going to do?

I don't know.

Maybe the best education
I can give my kid

Is to be the kind of person
I'd like him to be.

Well... See you guys
back at the office.

Wait a minute.

You're not even
going to open it?

What's the point?

There's no way I'm going
to send him there now

So it really doesn't matter
what it says.

I can't
stand it!

I have to know.

Be my guest.

"Dear ms. Brown:

We regret to inform you..."


Oh, my god! He didn't get in!


You've got
to be kidding!

I don't believe this!

They'll eat their weight
in caviar, but when it comes

To admitting a boy
of the quality of my son...