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06x21 - Anything But Cured

Posted: 09/08/22 15:02
by bunniefuu
Good morning, miss brown.

Yeah, yeah.

Before we get into
formal introductions

This job will probably
last an hour

So let's keep it brief.

Carol. How's that?

Fine. Carol.

You know,
you look familiar.

Have I fired you before?

Nope. Never set foot
in the building before today.

Oh. You used to work
in the post office.

Remember that morning
there were of us in line

And you took your break

And I hit you on the head
with a roll

Of packaging tape?

Not me-- although
I applaud the act itself.

Care to join us
for some work

Or should we cancel
this week's show?

Oh, yeah, why don't you go ahead
and cancel it, miles.

That's a really
good threat.

Hi-dee-ho, one and all.

Hey, miles,
sorry I'm late, buddy

But I needed a little
quality time with myself.

You know, do a little driving,
a little thinking

And I am happy to say
that everything is all right.

Everything is a-okay.

So glad.

Corky, your editing session

Has been moved
to this afternoon.

Frank, can we get

Your story
on auto repair rip-offs

For this week?

Are you kidding?

It will take me days
to get their confidence.

Oh. Okay then...

You're implying
that I'm incapable

Of delivering the story
by tomorrow

But I could, you know.

I'd need a remote crew...

Although, if I had three days
I could get into their records.

No, I don't need three days.

I was stopped
by a fear response.

It's as good as done.

Although, if i...

Ow, my head.
Someone slap him.

Are you wrapping up

The story by tomorrow,
or aren't you?

Yes, I am.

Fine. Now...

Because, you know,
a reporter

With a weaker sense
of personal empowerment

Could not pull this off.

Oh, no, frank.

You quit therapy again.

The last time this happened
you stayed up all night

Ordering clothes
from the j. Crew catalog

Because operator seemed
to find you

Genuinely interesting
as a person.

You can't keep doing this.

Pay the increase
and get back in therapy.

It so happens
I didn't quit.

It was my therapist's

She thinks I'm okay.

She thinks I'm ready,
and for some crazy reason

I thought my friends
would be happy for me.


Well, hey, hey, how about that!

You're done with therapy!

Not that the exuberance
in my voice

Should be interpreted
as surprise.

I mean, stranger things
have happened.

I can't think
of any offhand.

kudos to you.

Let me extend
my congratulations

And I have
all the faith in the world

That that fur-lined
duck boot fiasco

Was an isolated incident.

We're sorry, frank.

But who would have ever thought

You would have been
emotionally healthy?

But, then again,
they cured that sybil lady...

Or did she die in the end?

Anyway, she won an emmy.

Wow, no more therapy sessions.

With all the money
you're going to save

You can buy a larger place.

Hey, maybe virginia's for sale.

All right, look,
I'd better get cracking

If I'm going to nail
those scheming grease monkeys.

good hunting.

Uh, murph?

Listen, I want to know
what you really think.

You know me
better than anyone

And I just
wasn't sure before.

What? Because
of our joking around?

Oh, come on,
we always do that.

No sweat.
You'll do fine.

You really think so?

It's been years.

You've always been
in therapy

But I'm not worried.

You have been hoarding
your prozac, right?

All right, see you guys.


Ten dollars says

He'll be on the couch
in a week.

Four days.

Oh, he won't make it
to lunchtime.

Oh, come on, you guys.

That's not fair.

He's a friend, not a racehorse.

Show him faith, for god's sake.

She's right.

I'll say two weeks.

A week and a half.


Of the subcommittee hearings
on sexual harassment

At the state department.

You're forgetting something.

If you expect
"please" and "thank you"

I'm a "shut up
and give it to me"

Kind of person.

No, aren't you
forgetting transcripts

Of state department
press conferences

From september to the present?

Oh. Right. I guess
I do need those too.

Well, there you go.

Hey, uh, murph,
you got a second?

I need to talk to you
about something.

Sure, frank.
What's up?

Could we just go
into your office?

It's kind of personal.


It's not big personal.

In therapy,
it's the kind of thing

I could breeze through
in two

Three hours tops.

I'm kind
of overloaded today.

And aren't you under the g*n
with that auto repair thing?

No. I'm dropping that.

It's really
small potatoes.

Besides, I'd rather go
with that piece

I did on airbag safety laws.

Remember the one

That was preempted
by that hallmark thing

With glenn close
in a wheat field?

She was plain and ugly
or big and tall

Or something.

Hello, frank.

I got your message

About dropping
the auto repair piece.

What happened
out there?

Nothing really.

Some stories don't have...

You blew your cover.

No, I didn't.

I saw the tape.

You were sweating so much

Your mustache
fell off.

Maybe I should leave
you two alone.

I had a few problems,
I handled it.

Tell murphy your big comeback

When the guy said
you were frank fontana.


Let me see if I can remember
the exact quote.

Oh, yeah. "Am not."


It was murphy's fault.


She said I would never survive
out of therapy.

She tore down my confidence.

She said
I was a spineless worm

Incapable of standing
on my own two feet.

What are you saying?

I just said I wasn't used
to you being out of therapy.

That's it.

Not used to me
being out of therapy

Spineless worm--

Same thing.

Frank, you don't belong
in therapy.

You belong in a rubber room
with some non-toxic paste

And a pogo stick!

You see that?
She is tearing me down again.

My therapist was right.

Your therapist was right
about what?


She was right
about you and... Stuff.

What stuff?

Just stuff
about my problems

And where
they come from.

What, I'm the cause
of all your problems?


She didn't say that.

Ask her yourself.

Here. I'm pushing
the elevator button for you!

You know, frank,
I think we ought to drop this.

We're close
to crossing a line...

You don't believe me.

Go ask her yourself.

Go ask,
little miss can't-be-wrong.

That's the line.

Medical arts building,
st and calvert.

I'm going.


She is bluffing.

There is no way

She will drive
all the way across town

Just because
she's ticked off, insulted

And her pride's at stake.

You really are living
in your own little world.

so, she wanted italian

And, uh, I wanted chinese.

And, uh...

She said it was up to me,
so I picked chinese.

And she said

"Oh, no, not that again."

So I changed to italian.

And that's when she accused me
of being gutless.

Mr. Woodworthy,
you need to realize

That it's okay to get angry.

Are you dr. Larkin?

Excuse me.

We're in session.

What's she
been telling you?

You weren't breast-fed

So all the women in your life
represent your mother

And that's why

You can't undress
with the lights on?

Well, no, but it
sure explains a lot.

Miss brown, this is totally
unacceptable behavior.

If you want to make
an appointment...

You don't mind, do you?

I'll be out of here

Before you can say
"frontal lobotomy."


No, this is not okay.

Mr. Woodworthy,
this is your time

Miss brown
is impinging upon.

This would be
an excellent opportunity

For you to tell her how
you feel about this intrusion

To assert yourself.

Well, okay.

Miss brown, I feel that...

Hey, I said
I'd just be a minute.


I can't believe you.

You can't just barge in
on someone's session.

I'm sorry, man.

You must be furious.

Um, yeah, pretty much.


Uh, sh**t. Time's up.

Well, uh, I'm going
to just get going...

If that's okay.

No. Even if it's not okay,
I'm just going.

What do you think?

I don't care what you think.

I'm just going.

All right.
What's this about?

Where do you get off

Telling frank I'm the cause
of all his problems?

Is that
what you told her?



Okay, I may have allowed her
to assume certain things.

Why did you lie
to murphy?

I don't know.


Well, I'm not all
that knowledgeable about therapy

But maybe it's because
he's a rotten, stinking liar!

Oh, that's
real constructive--

My best friend behind me
every step of the way.

You always want
someone behind you

Every step of the way.

"Should I ask her out?

"Should I get chicken

Or the fish?"

Like you're perfect?

Like you're some kind
of pope or head nun

Or something perfect--

An orange
or something?

An orange?

excuse me.

Since this is my office

Could I be so presumptuous
as to interject?


I think I'm seeing
something here.

Frank is going through
a transition period

In his life--
ending therapy--

And that's affecting
the dynamic of your friendship.

Because of the love
and respect

You feel for each other...


Murphy's opinion
is very important to you.

Sometimes you let it override
your own opinion of yourself.

And you're afraid
that as frank's best friend

You'll now also be thrown
into the role of therapist.

And that responsibility
frightens you

Because you're afraid
of true intimacy

In a friendship.

Could be. Or...

Maybe he's
a rotten, stinking liar!

You know... I'm not surprised
this situation came up.

Frank, you tend to run away
from confrontations

And sometimes,
key issues don't get discussed

And then they blow up.

Oh, please.

I do not run away
from confrontations

And I don't need
to stick around

And listen to this!

He's not here.

Great. Half an hour
to air.

Murphy, if you k*lled him

I guarantee there will be

I'm guessing a $ fine
and some community service.

What if he does
something crazy?

What if he jumps
off something?

He's not going
to jump off anything.

How do you know?

He's wearing
his favorite shirt.

You can't even slap him
on the back

When he's got that on.

You know, murphy

Sometimes you show
the sensitivity

Of a medieval dentist.

You guys better
get into makeup.

I'll check the cafeteria.

Maybe he's under
one of the tables.

coming, slugger?

Uh, you guys go ahead.

I'll catch up.

How did you find me?

There's a whole school
of those little fish crackers

Down on the stage.

You really are
a sloppy eater.

If you climbed
all the way up here

To start another fight...

No, I didn't.

What happened to dr. Larkin?

You didn't end up throwing her
out a window, did you?

Modern building.

Window wouldn't open.

I could do it, you know.

Do what?

Be a therapist.

Oh... Yeah.

Sure. All you have to do

Is act like
you actually care

And then ask the lunatic--
in this case, you--

"And how does that
make you feel?"

Harder than it sounds.

No, it isn't.

Go ahead, tell me...

Tell me how you could never
please your parents.

I could never please
my parents.

And how does that
make you feel?

You really want to know?

Yeah. I really want
to know.


They're your parents,

The people who brought you
into the world

So when they
don't recognize...

Nope, I can't do it.


I was wrong.

I can't do this.

You were doing okay.

You were really trying
to follow

What I was saying.

It just looked like I was.

My mind was wandering.

I started thinking about
what that shrink said

About me and that whole
fear of intimacy deal.

You don't think
that's true, do you?

No, of course not.

Although, you know,
sometimes you really do...

Wait a minute.

Why are we talking
about you?

We're supposed
to be talking about me.

I can't help it, frank.

I find myself
more interesting

Than anyone else.

This is so typical of you.

You always
bring things back...

It's happening again!

We're talking about you

And I'm left hanging
out over the edge

With no one to listen
to my problems.

There's nobody
in my corner.

I have no therapy,
no friend...

Just me.

Oh, well.

Gee, frank, I don't know
what to say.

Oh, man, wait a minute.

Of course.

That's it.

Dr. Larkin said
I had to be alone

To figure some stuff out.

I must have known that
on some level

Because I came up here
to be alone.

Instinctively I knew
I had to stop running

To other people
for approval.

And you knew that too,
didn't you?

That's what you were doing
when you came up here

And wouldn't stop
talking about yourself.

You wanted me to feel alone
so I could figure it out.


You didn't?

Not exactly.

Not really.

Not at all.


Well, it doesn't matter

'Cause it worked anyway.

I did figure it out.

So then I did help you.

Yeah, I guess you did.

How about that,
and I wasn't even trying.

This feels pretty good.

You know, frank

It is possible
I was a little afraid

Of you leaning on me
for help

In case I wasn't,
you know, up to the job

But I do want
to be there for you.

I just can't guarantee

That I'll be as helpful
when I'm trying

As when I'm not trying.


oh, great.

Murphy's disappeared.

This isn't a news show.

It's an episode
of m*rder, she wrote.

Hey, frank,
I just realized something.

What I just said just then,
that was intimate.

Wouldn't you say
that was intimate?

I revealed something
about myself.

If I were really
afraid of intimacy

I wouldn't have done that.

That's a breakthrough,
don't you think?

Yeah, I guess it is

Although it's not quite up there

With my alone epiphany.

What are you talking about?

Intimacy's tough.

That's much more interesting.

They make movies of the week
out of that.

Geez. Can't even get
a reservation

At desanto's for lunch.

I'm as dead in this town
as millard fillmore.

How many?

How many what?

How many in your party?

Two. I was going
to squeeze senator mitchell

For info on
the state department hearings.

Uh, hello.

Yes, I have reservations
for two at noon

And I'm afraid
I'm coming down with something.

We won't be able
to make it.

My name is...


Yes, that's right, roseberg.

Oh, you're quite welcome.

Oh, by the way

Please give my regards
to senator mitchell.

You don't?

Well, he's going there
for lunch.

Should be a party
of two at : .

Oh, hey, don't worry about it.

I'm just happy to...

Hey, murph.


I'm having lunch alone today.

Good for you.

I have a yeast infection.

Murph, you may want
to pull back a little

On this intimacy thing.

Sorry. It's still
kind of new to me.

Oh, carol!

Thank god I found you!

Bob! What are you
doing here?

Carol, the office
is a mess without you.

Jerry got the files
mixed up

And performed a root canal

On a woman who came in
to have her teeth cleaned

And mr. Carlin thinks
the temp we hired

Is plotting to k*ll him.

Carol, you've got
to come back.

I am willing to beg.

Whoever you are, bub...


Dr. Bob.

Dr. Bob hartley.

I'm a psychologist.

Oh, well, dr. Bob

But carol
is perfectly happy here

Aren't you, carol?


We'll double your salary.

I'll get my things.

I'll double it and a half.

Five weeks' vacation.

Your own masseuse.

My season tickets
to the cub games.

Like she's really

Going to want that.

Why don't you just offer
to slam her thumb

In a drawer?

This is the year

The cubs could go
all the way.

Hey, hey, excuse me.

Time out.

It's not just money.

For the first time
bob admits he needs me.

It's a big breakthrough for him
and I don't want to reject him.


Go ahead, laugh,
mr. Psychologist.

Then maybe you'll analyze
what was going through your mind

When you put that tie
with that jacket.

You're a very angry woman,
miss brown.

You really ought
to see someone...

But not me.

Are you coming, carol?

Sure, bob.

You are a delight
to work for, miss brown.

I'm sure you'll have
no trouble replacing me.

Oh, yeah.

Did you say
you're a psychologist?

Did i?

You know, bob

If you're going
to be in town

For a couple of days,
I'd love to spring for lunch.

You know, maybe just chat
about a few things.

Say, what school of therapy
do you follow?