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06x19 - Crime Story

Posted: 09/08/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
Okay, corky.

I heard you the first six times.

I'm not deaf.

I'm just ignoring you.

All right,
I know it's here somewhere.

You got your glasses,
shoes, purse...

Keys or briefcase?


This always happens
on car pool day.

(Doorbell ringing)

Always happens every day.

All right, murph

What's missing
this time?

Purse, glasses, shoes...

Keys or briefcase?


I know I had it...

Hey, avery, look.

I found another "w."

Now you can spell "white water."

Where did I last see it?

Look in the freezer.

That's where you left

Your keys last time.

she comes home

She goes straight
for the ice cream--

Ladle in one hand

Triple brownie
in the other...

It's not a pretty sight.

Well, that does it.

I've searched
the entire house.

My briefcase has vanished
off the face of the earth.

Have you checked
your car?

Of course!

It's in my car,
right where I left it.

Come on, frank.

You'll make us late.


come on, come on.

Do you ever have that dream

Where she's just
a giant screaming head?

Good-bye, sweetheart.

Mommy's going
to miss you.

Bye, eldin.

Bye-bye, avery.

Here you go.

Say "bye."

And as the hurricane moves on

Silence once again descends
on the peaceful island village.


Wait! A shift
in the wind patterns.

Quick, back to the huts!

(Door opening)

Eldin, tell me
you did something

With my car.

Tell me
you moved it.

I won't be mad.

I once touched
your side mirror

And you rapped me
across my knuckles.

All right, murph, think.

Are you sure that's
where you left it?

In my driveway, frank?

I think so.

I used to park it
in my closet

But it wrinkled
my clothes.

Okay, it's got to be there.

I'm just going to open
the front door

And my car will be there.

It's not there.

(Horn honking)

I don't believe this.

Somebody stole my car.

Some... (Honking)

Son of a... (Honking)

Stole my car!

Oh, great.

I'm going to spend my whole day
in a police station

While some lowlife
joyrides around town in my car

Changing the mirrors,
readjusting the seats...

He's probably got it
stripped to the rims by now.

Except in your case.

Your car is so beautiful

He'll probably
just keep it...

Until these guys find it.

It's not fair, frank.

Why couldn't they take

That brand-new lexus
across the street?

They're well-built,
low maintenance

And feature dual air bags.

Don't these jerks
read consumer reports?

Sure. It helps them decide
which bread-makers to steal.

Murph, I know you're upset,
but when you think about it

You're pretty lucky.

They only took
material stuff.

Nobody got hurt.

Oh, right. I'm lucky.

They took my car,
my briefcase, my cassettes

That fancy tape recorder
I borrowed from you...

You left that in your car?!

Yeah. I guess
we're both lucky.

Look, frank

I know it's just a car

But someone
was in my driveway

While I was
in my house sleeping--

While my kid was sleeping

I know, I know.

Here you go.

I'd like to report
a stolen car...

Oh, great--
murphy brown.

Just what I needed today--

To be part of some
"get the cops" expose.

And me without my doughnut.

Imagine my embarrassment.

I'm not here
to do an expose.

I'm here because
my car was stolen.

I want it back.

Why don't you guys
ever go after firemen?

Everybody loves firemen.

"Oh, there's kitten
in the tree.

Let's call
the big, brave firemen."

Did you ever stop to think

Maybe it's the fireman
lobbing 'em up there

In the first place?

I don't seem to be
getting through to you.

How do I explain this?

You see this key?

There used to

A car attached to it.

Now it's a very expensive
letter opener.

Your car really was stolen?

Yes, officer.
Yes, it was. Yes.

Fill out this form
and wait over there.

We'll get to you
when we can.

This will take all day.

I don't have all day

Is there some sort

Of policeman's ball
coming up?

I'll take

Let me handle this, murph.


Now, I don't know
if you've seen any of my reports

But I ha
spent some time

Riding around with the guys
from the second district.

I even took a b*llet once.

Still aches a little
when it rains.


What we've got here
is a - - .

Check the teletype
for any repos or impounds

Do a flash lookout--

Make sure we nail this perp.

Yes, sir. We'll do that.

Just as soon as she
fills out this form

And waits over there.

It's a, uh...
A - , murph.

Black ink.
Press firmly.

I'm going to check out
the wanted posters.

Let me guess
what happens now.

I fill this out
and it sits on someone's desk

Collecting coffee rings.

Shouldn't you be
setting up roadblock

And while we're at it

How about more patrols
on the street?

Yeah, I'll do that.

Right after I flash the big
"help us, batman" sign

In the sky.

I don't know what fantasy world
you're living in

But we don't have the money,
nor do we have the manpower

To put patrols
on everyone's street.

They don't have to be
on everyone's street.

Just mine-- cambridge place.

Look, ms. Brown

We do the best we can.

But if you want feel safer,
join your neighborhood watch.

They're very effective
at preventing crime.

Oh, right--
my neighborhood watch.

I'll get in touch with them.

What's the name of the neighbor
on duty last night

And why the hell
weren't they watching my car?

The only ne I have

Is the head of the group
in your area.

It's a margaret stritch.

Mrs. Stritch? That woman
who's always out pruning

In the hat and gloves?

She flies out of her house

If your kid touches
one lousy azalea

But they come for your car
and it's "be my guest."

Here's her number.

I'm sure she'd love
to hear from you.

I have work to do.

When you finish
filling out your form

Let me know.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But you know...

This isn't going to look
very good on my expose.

But you said
this wasn't an expose.

What kind of expose would it be

If I just walked in
and said it was

An expose?

Hidden camera in the purse?

I'll go fill out the form
over here.

I think we're ready to start.

I think we're all here.

I want to welcome our
newest member, murphy brown.

Because she's the one
that requested this meeting

I'll turn the floor
over to her.

Thank you, mrs. Stritch.

It's too bad
we have to get together

Under these

I've been meaning
to have you all over.

Then how come
you never invited us?

you've been next door.

I haven't gotten
so much as a cup of coffee.

I've just been very busy.

Have you had coffee?
Have you?

How about you?

Mr. Swenson

I think it's safe to say

None of us has gotten
a cup of coffee.

Why don't just get
to the point

You may not know this,
but something has happened

In this neighborhood
that affects us all.

My car was stolen.


But I didn't call this
meeting to get sympathy.

You wanted to warn us that
it could happen to us too?

Oh. Well, sure, that.

And to tell you that we
have got to start taking

This crime situation
more seriously.

Now I'm not saying it was
your fault my car was stolen

And I don't expect any of you
to step forward

And offer to pay
the $ deductible

Even though it might help
assuage your guilt

Over what was obviously
some pretty shoddy


You're not the only one
who was hit by crime.

Our volvo wagon
was stolen too.

Six months
before yours.

All of courtney's
flash cards were in it.

It's not just cars.

Our home was broken into
when we were out of town.

This just proves my point.

We have to stop talking about
this problem and do something.

We have got
to start getting aggressive

About protecting ourselves.

Bravo. Well said.

Now is a good time to report
that the new stickers came in.

They say, "we're watching you"

And the little eyes
glow in the dark.

Stickers. Great idea.

But why stop there?

Why don't we climb up
into our tree house

And pelt the bad guys
with water balloons?

We have to take action.

Stickers are no good.

If someone comes near my door,
I bark like a dog.

You know

We're not as incompetent
as you think.

We've organized nightly patrols.

That's an excellent idea--

Bearing in mind
that some of us have

Very busy schedules
and wouldn't be available

But I'd be happy to leave
cookies and coffee

On my stoop so you patrollers
could stop and enjoy.

Sure, now she's got coffee.

What about security gates?

I know they would help
those of us

With small
and exception children

Sleep a lot better at night.

Now, you know there's a two-year
waiting list for permits.

There's not much chance
of speeding that up

Now that clarence thomas has
moved out of the neighborhood.

Can't you talk them?

I don't know him.

Well, what good are you?

What are we talking
about here-- gates?

You want to turn this
into a gated community?

Not just a gated community--
an electrified gated community.

But the damn permit department
wouldn't consider that.

It would have been great--
like a giant bug zapper.

I told you
the gate issue is dead.

Now let's talk
about what we can do.

I'm pleased to announce
that the georgetown g*n shop

Has offered us a ten percent
discount on all handguns

a*mo and silhouette targets.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You people aren't really
considering buying g*ns?

we already have one.

I have a g*n hidden
in every room.

I'm never more
than five paces away

From a little peace of mind.

Margaret, you were
absolutely right

About that new
graphite grip.

It's worked wonders
on our nine-millimeter.

I had to give up my nine-millie.

The recoil
aggravated my bursitis.

Whoa. Hold on.

You keep a g*n in your house?

What about your kid?

It's locked up,
and the b*ll*ts

Are in a different part
of the house.

What good does it do
if somebody breaks in?

That's what
I keep telling her.

All this talk
about g*ns.

g*ns are crazy.

Grenades-- that's what you want.

You get the element of surprise

And you don't have
to be so accurate.

But will anybody
sell them to you?


I have to tell you

When I was thinking
of taking some action

I was thinking of something
a little less road warrior.

g*ns? Gates? Grenades?

Why don't we just build a moat
and get a vat of boiling oil?

Yeah, try to get
a permit for that.

I've got to be honest.

I don't exactly feel safer
knowing I'm surrounded

By a bunch of people
who are armed to the teeth.

Is that the way we want to live?

A trigger-happy community

Where we sh**t first
and ask questions later?

It wasn't an easy decision.

We didn't feel safe
in our own home.

Even with the bars
and the alarm system.

You can't rely
on the police anymore.

So we banded together
to take back our streets.

If we don't watch out
for each other, who will?

(Car alarm wailing)

Whose is that?

It's on the next block.

Oh, good.


Where were we?


Somebody actually suggested
putting up a guard tower.

Next I'll be tunneling
for freedom

And making a fool
out of colonel klink.

Between the fence
and that barking man

You need a neighborhood watch

To watch
your neighborhood watch

I could hardly wait to get
those people out of my house.

Later I started
to hear things outside.

You know, those creepy


I actually thought
of calling mrs. Stritch

And asking her to drop by
with her . --

The one she calls
her little friend.

It's the times we live in.

Any strange noise, and
your heart starts to pound.

Maybe it's nothing,
but you can't be se.

Did you know

They can press charges
if you call too much?

Look, I can understand
why you guys are upset.

Murph, your car was stolen.

You were born that way

But don't you think you're
getting a little paranoid?

Oh, and you haven't?

Why do you keep a nine iron
under your bed?

In case the burglar

Finds the butcher knife
in my nightstand.

Okay, maybe I'm getting
a little paranoid too.

It's not paranoia.

Remember how many times
my car stereo was stolen

Before I bought
the kind that pulls out?

That was fun,
lugging it around

Everywhere I went...

Till that guy mugged me
on the street

And took it.

Try being a woman living alone.

When the doorbell rings
and they say it's the pizza guy

It could be a crazy person

Who knocked out
the real pizza guy

And is coming to k*ll you

And eat pizza
over your lifeless body.

I remember when you didn't
have to lock your door.

I've got security codes
for my house, my luggage...

I live in fear of the day

I accidentally punch
my a.t.m. Number

Into my house alarm

And security comes screeching
onto my lawn

Blows me away, and bills
my estate $ for a house call.

Did I tell you guys

I started taking
a self-defense class at the y?

It's in such a dangerous
part of town.

How is it?

I thought there would be
people my age.

I know how to use a walker
as a w*apon.

Well, I hardly think
v*olence is the answer.

If someone

Tries to take my wallet,
he can have it.

Let him go
for my grandfather's watch

And he can feel the business end
of my umbrella.

You can't whack him.

That's just
going to make him mad.

She's right.

You have to beat him
until he's dead.

You just wing him

He can turn around and sue you.

A cop told a friend

If you catch a prowler outside
your house and you k*ll him

You have to drag him inside

So it looks
like breaking and entering.

Not enough. Not enough.

My cousin, a paralegal

Says after you drag
the body inside

You have to put
a knife in his hand

So you can plead

Oh, really?

And he's a paralegal?

It wouldn't hurt
to eat a few twinkies.

If the self-defense thing
doesn't work

You've got insanity
to fall back on.

Would you listen to us?

When did words
like "beating"

Become part
of everyday conversation?

There's a part of us

That's been pushed so far,
we're ready to push back.

I know I am.

I have this fantasy

Where I see the guy
who took my car stereo.

I run up behind him,
tap him on the shoulder.

When he turns around...

Bam! I knock him cold
with my walker.

I have to admit--

I haven't stopped thinking
about the jerk who stole my car.

I picture myself in the bushes
with a baseball bat

Waiting for him.

It's dark, so he can't see me,
but I can see him. Yeah!

Because I'm wearing
those night goggles

From silence of the lambs.

He starts to pick the lock

And, ha! I'm there

And the last thing he sees

Is my cackling face

And the words
"louisville slugger."

Drag him into your house
and eat a twinkie.

Murphy, the police called.

They caught the guy
who took your car.

You're kidding!

All right!


and they say
dreams don't come true.

That stuff
we were chatting about...

You won't actually
do anything to this guy?

Of course not.

I believe
in the judicial system.

It's not like

They leave you
alone with them

And let you work them over
with a rubber hose.

Yeah, right.

How much can
a rubber hose hurt anyway?

It's only rubber.

Now, a truncheon...
What is that?

That would hurt.

Not as much as one
of those iron maidens

With all those spikes

But where you going to get
one of those these days?

Hey, sarge. You found my car.

I don't believe it.

I never thought
I'd see it again.

Our friend made the mistake
of driving it in

To a chop shop
we've been watching.

I want to show
my appreciation.

I want the shoe sizes
of the entire squad.

Reeboks for everyone!

That won't be necessary,
ms. Brown

But you could pay off
those old parking tickets

We found
in the glove compartment.

Is that where they were?

Thank you. I'll do that.

You know, I just wish

I could see the guy
who stole my car

So I could tell him to his face
what a piece of scum he is.

Well, technically, we're not
supposed to allow that

But they're bringing him out
right now

If you want to get a look.

Really? You wouldn't happen
to have a truncheon.

Where is he?

Right over there.

That's him?
A kid stole my car?

I was going to wait

In the dark for a kid?

How old is he?


? Does he even know
how to drive?

Judging from the dents
he left in your car

He was still learning.

Hey. That was
my car you stole.


That's all you got to say? "So?"

Okay. Your tapes suck.

Let me guess
what happens now.

They start a rap sheet
for him

And then ship him
to juvenile hall

Where he spends a few days
picking up tips

On how to become
a better criminal?

Oh, no.

Most of the time

The system turns these kids
into nobel prize winners.


You can pick up your car

At t impound lot.


Good evening,
and welcome to fyi.

For your information tonight--

It's on everyone's mind.

It's on everyone's street.

Tonight we begin
an ongoing series

On the problem
that seems to have no solution.


Thank you, jim.

In poll after poll,
americans list crime

As their number one concern.

We're a country living in fear

Hoping that
if we build more prisons

Hire more police,
and buy more g*ns

We'll finally feel safe.

But in this report,
you won't see prisons

Or police or g*ns.

What you will see
are underfunded schools

Pregnant teens

Drug abuse, child neglect,
and joblessness

Because that's
where most crime starts.

And if there's
any hope for the future

We have to start
examining the causes...

(Burglar alarm blaring)

There's no question
things are bad these days.

It's time we look
at how we can make...