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05x04 - Fowl Play

Posted: 09/08/22 07:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on
hill street blues.

Welcome randall buttman
and lawrence swan.

I'm buttman.

I get a rush off of you

I haven't felt
for a long time.

Do you want to
take me home now?

Word gets out fast

About how many feathers
you managed to ruffle

Your first day on the job.

Hey, I don't have
an egg outfit, sir.

My husband's been m*rder*d.

L-- let go.

Are you s-- sure, larry?

Item six.
prost*tute k*ller.

Hooker in midtown
was k*lled last night.

It's the fifth
in five weeks.

The m.o. Is consistent.

Woman's in her apartment.

Bludgeoned and strangled.

Points to some john
doing it.

Uh, but so far,
this is all we've got

From the one survivor.

Male cauc. 18 To 25.

Short hair.
That's not much to go on.

Midtown's running
the show, but...

Let's keep our eyes peeled

In the hooker
corridors, okay?

Item seven.

Falling plaster
in your bathroom, ladies.

Spread the word.
There is no peep hole involved.

- Uh-huh.
- Anything like that.

No, no. No.
It's just dry rot.

[Cops mutter]

Next item. Day two.

Operation drumstick. Eh.

Mick belker undercover

Against fast food robberies.

Today's post.
Uncle friar, number three.

- 116Th and utica.
- [Woman] getting used
to the chicken?

Used to be a candy store,
if I remember.

Now, mick, I know you're
not gonna toot your own horn,

But how many cops tossed
into jail by some whacko judge

Would have
the presence of mind

To overhear a chance remark

And turn it into a capture
of a m*rder one suspect?

- Huh?
- [Cops applaud]

That's a good job,

Reminding all personnel,

There's a lecture here, um,

End of tour, tomorrow.

Guy from legal division
is, um...

Gonna tell us about
how the supreme court's

Taken the handcuffs off
on search and seizure.

Let's see how
we can make this work for--

Work for us.

I just got this.

Patrolman lawrence swan.


Rode with sergeant bates

He hung himself this a.m.

In regards to this,

Sergeant bates,
officers hill and buttman,

Detective washington--
report to captain furillo

In his office at 0730 hours.

Well, what do you say?

Let's get out there.
Let's do it to them

Before they do it to us.

All right.

"I have been violated,
shamed, and humiliated

"By people I thought
were my friends.

"How in hell am I supposed
to live with that?

"How can I face people
every day who are

"Making jokes about me
behind my back?

"I'm better off dead.

I'm just finishing
what the rest of you started."

And then in a separate note
to the aunt who raised him.

"You're better off
without me.

"All I would've brought you
was disgrace.

I love you. I'm sorry.
I can't explain."

What in the hell went on in that
back room last night, buttman?

What's swan referring to?

Honest to god, it was
just a party, captain.

I don't know what
he's talking about there.

Neal, the manager says
he had to ask

You and bobby
to cool it down.

And we did, captain.

Did you see swan at all?


Illegal activities
of any kind?

I can't prove it.

I didn't see money
exchange hands,

But... In my opinion,

Officer buttman
was with a prost*tute.

The girl she's referring to
is lois.

And she told me she worked
for the telephone company.

- In what capacity?
- Sir, I don't know.

If she was a prost*tute,

She didn't ask me
for any money.

At any time during the evening,
did you see her with swan?

No, sir, I did not.

There'll be
a full investigation.

Lucy, I want an hourly on your
tour with swan yesterday.

Buttman, I want a 716
on everything

You did and saw
at the kubiak.

Yes, sir.

Neal? Did you see
this individual last night?

Last night?

Yeah. For a second.

Find her.

don't think I don't see you
up there, mister.

Okay. That's it.

I won't stand for this.

This squad group should
be kept on a leash.

Um, anything-- anything wrong,
mrs. Furillo?

When a woman can't enjoy
the simple rights of privacy

In the bathroom,
I should say there is.

There was somebody
looking down at me.

Where from?

Where else? The ceiling!

I looked up.
I heard a sound.

There's an eyeball
staring right down at me.

Yeah, I've heard it, too.

But mrs. Furillo,
who could be up there?

My guess is some pervert

Crawling around,
looking for thrills.

isn't due till 2:00.

No visitors are logged in.

Uh, you sure
it couldn't have been insects

Or maybe a large rodent?


With glasses?

we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store.

Corner people's drive.

124Th street.

S.i.d. Will cover
the precincts.

Every rookie
who was at the kubiak.

Good, let's get somebody
interviewing over at the lodge.

And I want swan's records
from the academy.

Want his applications,
medical, everything.

Maybe his high school
files as well.

Yeah, but first the academy.
Let's try to round up howard.

I wanna talk to all of you
in a minute.

- Chief.
- Pity, huh, frank?

Just a pity.

A promising
young life like this.

- Dreadful.
- Now I'll have to make
a statement.

Mind if I get a gander
at the swan song?

Swan's suicid note?

"Rookie hangs self
after hazing"

Makes page one, frank.

It's crucial we do not
appear to be

Sitting on our thumbs.

It may not have been
a hazing, chief.

Hazing usually requires
senior officers.

Frank. You don't
believe that,

And neither do i.

Know what I do think?

This larry swan was a wimp.

Hazing's as old as
the hills, mon friend.

Hell, when I came up,
we had a party.

Nurses from st. Mary's.

I passed out
on purple passions

With a damsel in a desoto.

Woke up handcuffed
to a hydrant

Out in farmingdale.

Naked right down to
my jock strap.

And I didn't commit su1c1de.

Full bore, frank.

I'm absolutely sure

I was gonna score, all right?

So the--

How's your homicide coming?

Warren reynolds?
No witness.

No w*apon.
Going nowhere fast.

I understand the victim's wife
was in here yesterday.

Yeah, it was
an unrelated incident.

I put her statement
on your desk.

- Is she a suspect?
- Nothing points to her.

Personally, I think
she's hiding something.

Then follow it up.

Uh, captain.

Look, I was
with her last night.

With whom?

The victim's wife.
Caroline reynolds.

With her?

I was there when she got
the call about her husband.

I know how
it's gotta look, captain.

Woman's car
gets busted into.

I pull her case.
We wind up between the sheets,

And her husband gets
whacked that same night.

If it seemed like she was

Trying to hide something,
that was it.

She thought I'd get in trouble
with the department.

What you do on your time
is your business, j.d.

We don't have a policy
to cover something like this.

Neither do i.

You might want to consider
not seeing her anymore

Until after the investigation
is finished.

And I'd like you
to give a statement.

Absolutely. I've got
nothing to hide, sir.


How about I go
write this up for you guys?

Yeah, that'd be good, j.d.


I'm gonna run the wife.

Just for the hell of it.


Uh. I just received word
last night

That the precinct has
been awarded

A federal study grant.

Oh. Congratulations, frank.

- Very good.
- What's the agenda?

Well, its stated
objective is

Compilation of data
in order to judge

The feasibility of local
law enforcement interaction

With constituent civilian
patrol organizations

In the behavioral

Of high-profile

Our federal
tax dollars at work.

What does it mean?

It means we're supposed
to try to pull together

Statistics to see if
neighborhood watch groups

Can help us keep tabs
on hardcore repeat offenders.

It runs, um, six months.

Eh, a real boondoggle.

There are also $6,000
in the budget

For a program administrator.

And in the interests
of fairness,

I'd like to suggest
that the three of you

Split the responsibilities
and money.

- We agreed?
- Sure, why not?

Well, I don't know, frank.

Do you think it's wise?
A troika

For all that paperwork?

Come on, howard, two grand
is filling your pocket.

But I'm saying that,
given the specifications,

Maybe-- maybe it is
properly a one-man job.

[Clears throat]
forgive me, frank.

But I also agree that
a program of this nature

Demands the effort of a single
dedicated administrator

And the money has
nothing to do with it.

That's right.

Fine. You do it,
I'll keep the $2,000.

- All right. Hold on.
- I'm sorry. That's how I feel.

Since we can't seem
to get together on this,

I'm gonna have
to choose one of you.

I'll give you my decision
at the end of the business day.

Frank, could-- could I have
a look at the course files?

May I also?

Have some copies made.

She's beautiful.
She's smart.

She's sensitive.
She's an amazing lover.

Not to mention that
she just struck it rich.

I got one thing
to whisper to you, j.d.

Tax-free municipal bonds.

Hey, are we jealous here
or what?

J.d., I'm gonna
remind you once.

That this beautiful
and sensitive woman

That you're so deeply in love

Didn't tell you
the truth about, like--

Like, for openers,
the fact that she's married.

Hey, I'm not
denying we got

A few things
to clear up, neal.

But come on. This can be
the most meaningful relationship

I ever had in my life.

Well, I think, uh,
when the dust settles,

You should be
seeing the lover.

Hey, I'm gonna
take her to lunch.

I'm gonna tell her
exactly the same thing.

Come on, joe.

Here you go, honey.

That van is still
out there, bobby.

- Which one?
- The one we saw this morning

When we come out
of that place--

Doreen's on central e.
Blue van.

There was a lot of vans
on the street there, renko.

In the meantime,
I have a feeling

I'm being followed
all morning long.

Son, can you put two more
of them fried cakes

- In my order, please?
- Mine, too.

You found buttman's
party girl?

Negative. She's not
in the books.

And no rookies came for her?

Kid from polk avenue's
out on patrol.

- I'm looking for 'em now.
- Don't hold your breath.

Where's buttman?

Said he had to run
a couple of errands.

How long has he been gone?

I don't know.
About a half hour?

And you gave him the unit?

He said he'd be back
in ten minutes.

What if we have an all-unit?

Come on, luce. Don't start
pulling rank on me, all right?

Hey, I'll pull rank
when I have to. It's my job.

Sorry, joe, the line
was a mile late.

Where the hell
have you been, bud?

I was at the bank.

Did you notify the station?

I cleared it with joe.

Yeah? You ask me,
you were out there

Clearing your lame story
with your buddies.

- Hey.
- Go ahead. Say something.

Like it's my time of month.

Come on. Take it easy, luce.

Am I missing something here?

Is this "get buttman"?

"Crucify buttman"?

The kid I was partnered with
yesterday is dead.

On account of something
that you're covering up.

Hey, that's out of line.
You got no proof!

I don't need proof to know
that something happened.

The guy I saw
at the kubiak last night

Was not gonna go home
and k*ll himself.

Well, I guess
you were wrong about that.

You're on report, buttman.

For leaving patrol
without authorization.

Fine. And I'm filing
a harassment complaint.

I don't need
to put up with this.

- Hey, hey, little boy.
- Hey, luce. Luce.

- Quiet down there.
- Great.

It's in your jacket, babe.

What's the matter with her?
She doesn't like men?

Hey, do me a favor,
would ya?

Shut up.

She started it.

You're a fried egg
until ten.

You get a half-hour break,
and then you're a chicken.

- Great.
- These are for our

New breakfast specials.

Egg's low-profile.

It's easy-going.

It's sunny.
You know what I mean?

Yeah. I think so.

People are grouchy
this early,

So just hand out
the coupons and smile.

And you don't want me to say

"Breakfast bonanza
at uncle friar's"?

Oh, say it, sure.

Relax. Let the costume
work for you.

Hey, moe-- phone call.

I'll be right there.

- You all set?
- Oh yeah.

You look good.

Breakfast bonanza
at uncle friar's!

Free medium-sized coffee.

Breakfast bonanza right here
at uncle friar's.

Medium-sized coffee.
Breakfast bonanza at--

Don't come near me.
Don't you touch me.

Get a job!


[Belker growls]

Hey, yo, ronnie?
Ronnie garfield.

- Yeah?
- Neal washington.
Hill street.

I saw you in the back room
in that party last night.

- You opened the door.
- Yeah. I remember.

That's what I want
to talk to you about.

Hey, look, man.
I just talked to i.a.d.

I just told them
what went down.

I just spent
two hours with 'em.

I'm looking for a girl
who was back there.

A hooker
by the name of lois.

I didn't see any hookers.

I mean, I feel
real bad for larry,

And I'm sorry. Wish I could
do something for him,

- But I can't.
- Listen to me, man.

I know all about codes
of silence, you understand?

I know all the extras
because you're a rookie.

Because you're black.

Now, you seem like
a good kid.

Now, you wanna
do something to help swan?

At least help me
find this girl.

I never saw her before
a day in my life.

- Did buttman bring her?
- I don't know who brought her.

I'm sorry. I don't know
one thing about it.

Most guys gonna
do themselves in,

They wait a couple years.
Let things stack up on 'em.

I don't know what you could
pack in to one day on the job

Make you wanna take
the necktie transfer.

He must've had
a lot going on in his mind.

Whoo, he must've had
a non-stop circus of horrors

And extra added attractions.

We got ourselves two jellies
back there, didn't we?

You really
packing it away, renko.

Medicinal purposes,
bobby hill.

- Oh.
- Ever since that baby's come,

My biorhythms
have been in transition.

My little daryl ann's
like a lunatic

With this post-mortem
depression stuff.

I think, isn't it?

All I know is,
every time I look at her,

She starts
turning on the faucets

Like somebody
just k*lled her dog.

A man can't stay regular
in an environment like that.

Look. This boy right here.

Is that it?

- I don't know. I see it.
- The van. The van we saw

- This morning,
that we didn't tail?
- Yeah?

Well, with all
the hard criminals

We put away over the years,
I guess

It's a strong possibility.


All right, let's here--

Hey, what--
where are you going?

All right, get out
of that van, everybody.

Get out of that van, lady.
Step out here.

Excuse me.

Officer, let me explain.

Lynn williams,
investigative action team.

Barry, show the officer
some i.d.

Instigative action team?

Hey, you're on channel three,
aren't you?

That's right.
I guess we're better off

Leaving the undercover stuff
to you guys.

Investigative action team.

I seen you. I seen you
do them reports.

- The morning reports.
- Right. You did one

On some firemen, right?

That was part of our series
on city employee productivity.

Right. What'd you call
that report?

It was called "the seats
of city government."

"The seats
of city government."

Isn't that clever?

Isn't that clever,
bobby hill?

"The seats
of city government."

So what the hell you doing
following us around, lady?

You trying to catch us
goofing off?

- Not at all.
- Hey, renko, just--

If I recall correctly,
there's a couple of individuals

From the sanitation
department got fired

After one of your
hatchet jobs.

They were spending their
afternoons in a massage parlor.

There's a lot
of tension in them jobs.

- Rico, take it easy.
- How do you take out

Your tension, officer?

Our contract
specifically calls for

- A morning coffee break.
- Oh, come on.

Four donut shops
in two and a half hours?

Film this! Film this, lady!

- Hey, w-- wait!
- Do you see this?

I was in the hospital
for six weeks

With tubes
running out of my body

Because I was doing my job.

And I will eat
my donuts whenever

And wherever
the spirit moves me.

- Thank you very much!
- Guy thinks he's l.b.j.

How'd you like it if I came
and sat down next to your desk

And filmed every time
you went to the powder room

Or went up there and get some
water or something?

- How'd you like that, lady?
- Uh, ma'am--

I think it's best if you didn't
follow us around anymore.

You can bet on that.

Nice talking to you,

Get this vehicle
off the road.

Bobby hill!

Bobby hill!

Hey, buttman.

Let me give you one more chance
to make this right.

Where's lois?

You know, guy, you really are
good with that toothpick.

I like that.

Come on, buttman.

You make this too easy,

Jennings of i.a.d. Says
there's nothing on the girl

- From any of the rookies.
- Buttman's lying, captain.

I'm gonna check out
the mug books.

Captain. Lieutenant harmon.
I.a.d. Line two.

Thanks, stan.

- Frank, a minute.
- Sure, howard.

You know, I've been
thinking about it,

And I would like
to make a real pitch

For this federal study idea.

It seems to me there's
a kernel of a notion here

That could galvanize our--
our civilian population

Into a self-patrolling

- Of unprecedented--
- howard, do you think

Maybe you could just
put this into writing?

Oh, sure. Sure. Why not?

Whoa! Judas priest.

Now, you listen to me,
bobby hill.

What with wild parties

And rookies
deceasing themselves,

You don't think
the top brass is gonna

Be disposed
towards a witch-hunt?

You're gonna give yourself
an ulcer, renko.

I'm telling you,
if we are seen

Eating our weight in donuts

On the television set,
in this city,

We're gonna
be hung out to dry.

I only had one, pal.

Don't sweat it, renko.

Maybe your belly'll
scare her off.

I'm looking toward a future

That is cloudy
with uncertainty.

Newly-married, newly-fathered,
and now newly-fired.

Would you just shut up?

I'm gonna take care of it.

What you gonna do?

I'm gonna reason with the woman.
If that doesn't work,

I'll try honesty.

What if that doesn't work?

I don't know.
If my back's against the wall,

There's no telling
what I might do.

Yes? Hello, there.
Is, uh...

Is lynn williams there?

Oh, frank?

Yeah, ray?

I've gone through
swan's police academy folder.

- And?
- Everything is in order.

His stammer was noted,

But judged within
tolerable limits.

And unlikely to jeopardize
patrol effectiveness.

Anybody over there
ever do an in-depth?

- Apparently not.
- Thanks, ray.


About this
administrative job.

Yeah, ray?

I did not want to speak to you
in front of howard and henry

For fear of appearing

I understand.

Well. There are three things
I would like to say.

One. I would very much

Like to have this job.

I believe
I can modestly claim

That my experience
with our computer systems

Makes me the most qualified.

That's a good point.

Two. And I don't mean
to be critical,

But given the number
of plumbs that have gone

To others in our precinct,

Perhaps it is fair that one
should now come to me.

Three. We have just
been told that rosa's cousin,

Yolanda, in miami beach?

She's seriously ill
and needs money

For medical treatment.

I'm not here
with hats in my hands.

I'm simply stating facts.

Gee, ray, uh...

I'm sorry
about rosa's cousin.

Thanks, frank.
That's all I have to say.


- As we discussed.
- Thanks, howard.


If you would like me
to put something in writing--

Ah, no-no-no. You've made
a very persuasive case, ray.

I'm glad you think so.

Captain. Line four.

- Logan, at the heights.
- Thanks, stan.

Furillo. Yeah, bud?

Thanks, bud.

Another hooker homicide
over in the heights.

Same m.o. As the others?

Her name is lois.
Lois jordan.

Stan, raise neal for me,
would you, please?

Get him over there.
See if it's the same girl

- We've been looking for.
- Yes, sir.

Okay, okay, let's move it,
folks. Come on.

Let's move it back now.
Come on.

- Where is she?
- Bed. Where else?

Nude. Clothes were
on the chair.

- Friend of yours?
- Yeah, right.

Hey, thanks, raleigh.

Let's go, clear it away.

Uncle friar's.
Free soft drink

With every breast you buy.

There you go, lady.

Uncle friar's!

Free soft drink
with every breast you buy.

There we go, ma'am.
Free soft drink

With every breast you buy.

Yeah? Give me another one.

Mr. Chicken
can't do that, ma'am.

His boss would squawk.
One coupon per visit.

My feet hurt.
You gonna make me

Leave the premises
and walk back?

Lady, it's one coupon
per customer.

You cheap chicken--

Loud-mouth hen.

Pardon me, what did you say,
mr. Person?



Backup to operation

118 And utica.

[Man shouts]

[Car horns honk]

Get away!
Get away from me, man!

- Come on, get out of there!
- [Man shouts]

You're a jerk!
Get out of there.

I'm a cop! Come on.
And that, too.

- What?
- What? What?

What am I looking at here?

What's this?

Relax, man.

- That's the roast?
- That's not mine.

I didn't know
it was in there.

There's a lot of heroin
in here, dirtbag.

There's at least a hundred grand
of heroin in here.

How was I supposed
to know what was in there?

Mirandize this jerk!

Hold, spread 'em.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Please. Please,
he came in the back door.

I leave it open
because of the heat.

Uh, was he someone
known to you?

No, I never saw him before.

Hey, did you catch him?

No, I lost him
in the subway.

I'm sorry.

Great. Take the rest
of the day off.

We're shutting down.

Hey, can you tell us
how much was taken?

Yeah, he emptied
one cash register.

About 200 bucks.

Uh... Can you
describe the w*apon?

I didn't see any w*apon.
It happened too fast.

ladies and gentlemen,

To the tenth annual...

you won't find
a more powerful engine

In this new class.

Talk about power.

But let's take a look
under the hood.

That's a high-lift v8.

and computer-regulated

For maximum m.p.g.

Excuse me, miss.

Is this available

With the crushed velour

Yes. We have a burguny,
harvest gold,

and cornfield blue.

And if I was to make
a down payment of $6,000,

Can you tell me
what the payments would be?

Well, I'm sure we could work out
a little mathematics on that

If you'd like to see
one of our salespeople.


Uh... I was just wondering
about the interior.

Because I was
thinking of re-doing

My car's upholstery.

Okay. Thanks
for stopping by.

So what do you think,

You wanna take her
for a spin?

Uh, just looking, thanks.


Thanks for stopping by.

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.

- Howard.
- Ray.

My accountant's office
is here in this building.

I was on my way
to take rosa out to lunch.


Good-looking car, isn't it?

Yes. Very nice.

...the custom interior.

The eight-cylinder engine
is powerful.

Yet the fuel-efficient...

He was a gambler.

A womanizer.

He wouldn't come home
for weeks at a time.

And when he did,
he was abusive.




I'd already made up my mind
to leave him.

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know.

I guess I was afraid
it would spoil

What was happening
between us.

I was wrong, john.

And as much as
I hate the thought of it,

I don't think we ought
to see each other for a while.

Yeah. Yeah, I guess

That's probably a good idea.

John, you are
an unexpected miracle

In my life.

You make me feel loved,

But if I'm gonna start new,
I'm gonna have to be honest.

And if what I've done
means losing you--

What? What? Are you kidding?

You're the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Would it be awful to tell you
how much I wish we were

In bed together right now?

Holding each other?

Hey, come on,
you're making me crazy.

I want you now.

I want you a week from now.

I want you a month from now.

Please wait for me.


I'm here.

- She's a citizen.
- Who?

Caroline reynolds?

Nary a parking ticket.

Are you surprised,
or are you just disappointed?

I don't like her.
I don't trust her.

I think she's a wrong broad.

I think she may have
even had her husband k*lled.

There. I said it.

Pats. It's a married woman

Having a one-nighter
with a cop.

So it's not exactly
mary poppins.

It's not
lizzie borden either.

Captain? I heard about
the hooker.

Yeah, neal's i.d.'D her.

The m.o.'S the same
as the others, huh?

That's the preliminary.

Well, you know,
buttman was alone.

He left patrol this morning
for almost an hour.

It could be copycat.
That's what I'm saying.

I can't help thinking that.

All right, we'll question him
when he comes in.

I was just looking
for a few bucks, man.

Maybe a couple of bags.

How'd you know
there'd be smack there?

I heard on the street
they were dealing out of there.

I just took the sh*t.

I swear, I didn't know
there'd be that much.

Where are we?

It's up to him.

Manager doesn't know
you were busted, harold.

You just contact him.
Tell him you made a mistake.

You wanna get back
what you took.

Mr. Baker, you don't
have to do this.

You'll be protected, harold.

You make the exchange,
we'll bust the manager outside.

- He won't even know
you were involved.
- I'm not convinced they can

- Guarantee your safety.
- Your client

Can work off charges here,

Three outstanding b&e's.

Now grand larceny,

- We can plead that down--
- we'll drop all charges.

I gotta get back
on the street.

I can get you into the county
methodone program

- In a few days.
- I gotta fix today!

Not a few days from now.

If you cooperate,
you can walk.

I'll do it! I'll do it.

Don't be agree with me.


It's your decision.

Work it out. Mick?

Hey, yo.
What's happening, tony?

Need a word
with your partner.

Hear that sound?

If it's on that hooker
I asked you about,

Somebody caved
her skull in first.

So what're you saying?
You think I had something
to do with it?

What happened in
that back room, garfield?

Hey, come on, ron,
you can talk to me.

I told you nothing.
I told everybody nothing.

Well, what's nothing
in your book, huh?

- Look, you're not i.a.d.
- Hey, will you get it

Through your head that
I'm trying to help you, man?

Then what the hell are you
doing? I'm rookie meat,

And you're standing here?
Look, I gotta live with people.

Oh. We talking code now.
Is that it, ronnie?

The great cop code
of silence?

Never rat on your buddies?

You know, you can say
it's not real all you want.

I know it's real.

Okay, who's gonna protect me
if I talk to you?

If I talk to you,
I'm finished.

Oh, that's crap, man.

Now, you coming forward
is the last chance you got

To become a decent cop.

Listen to me, ron.
You got my word, man.

You'll be taken care of.

So you think
buttman did that girl?

- Did he have reason to?
- Look, don't dance me,
all right?

- I gotta know.
- I don't know.

But if he did, your silence
has let him get away with it,

And that's a felony, jack.

You know, I think
I'm losing it.

- I feel like I'm going crazy.
- Hey, look, man.

If you can't tell the truth.
If buttman or whoever else

Has you so tied up
that you don't see

The harm to justice,
then to hell with you, brother.

--blocked in, I can't
get my car out.

[Horn honks]

...this black car
pulling up.

Two of 'em.

The, uh, driver fits...

And the other guy's
a monster.

They're just entering
the building.

Copy. Follow 'em up.

Yeah, okay.
We're on our way.

Hey, oops--

Harold. Just do
like I said, all right?

If there's any trouble,
I'm gonna back you up.

Okay. I'm all right.

- You're all right?
- I'm all right.


Harold baker?

Just a second.


Just a second.

Let's have it.
Open it up. Count it--

Hey, cool it...
I have the money, too.

Just like I promised.

So you're a champ?
Is that what you want to hear?

- What're you doing?
- Expect me to thank you, champ?

Police! Freeze.

All right, don't move.

- Freeze!
- Don't move.

Hold it right there.
Hands up.

Drop the g*n.

- I'll k*ll him.
- Let him go.

- Drop it.
- Don't be stupid.

- Great-- this is great.
- Drop it!

You're dead, punk. You're--

Shut up.

- I'm gonna find you.
- Oh, mick,

- Get him out of here.
- Move it, move it. Get down.

What about him, mick?

He's got immunity.

You're on your own, kid.

We need you for trial,
we'll call you.

It is right here.

- Natalie?
- We got it, belker.

...over here.

Give that to me, uh-huh?
Oh, here it is, right here.

Detective, uh,
we got a cop here.

Hey, hold on a second,
man. Okay?

Can we talk somewhere?

Hey, I'll call you back,
man. Half-hour.

Right this way, chief.

And then so, um,

Buttman wanted, uh,

20 Apiece for the girl.

And-- and, uh,

I don't know who paid, but--

But I didn't.

See. See, um,

Buttman said that
swanny was a virgin,

And, um,

How it wasn't right
for a cop

To be a virgin.

So-- by then,
swan could hardly talk.

You know, stammering
and trying to say how--

How he wasn't--

Um, so buttman said,

"We're all gonna
help him out."

By which he meant,
um, tie him to a chair

And-- and
take his pants down.

See, that was
buttman's idea.

But we all did that.

You know, everybody's saying
how we'd like to have help.

Like swanny was.

But swan didn't think
it was a joke.

Y'know? It--

He was, um...

He started crying, and...

And then she came in.

Um, lois.

And she...

And she...

a sexual act on him.

I am so sorry.

You know, we meant it
like a joke.

Swear to god.

Swan-- we did.

Randall buttman?
You're under arrest

For pandering,
conspiracy to as*ault,

And r*pe.

Turn over your shield
and your firearm.

Don't make it hard
on yourself, buttman.

You'll make bail.

- Joe?
- Yeah, with pleasure.

- Hey, joe.
- Come on.

I don't smell rat meat,
do i, garfield?

I don't smell lame
n*gg*r-boy rat meat,

Do i, garfield?

Tough spot for that kid.

Took a lot of guts
to speak up.

Would've been better
last night.

What about
the other rookies?

I'll talk to daniels.
The rest of it's our i.a.d.

Howard? My office.

Ray. Henry?

Gentlemen, um,

I would've preferred
to go with my original proposal,

But failing that,

I've had to resort to rather
a more subjective criteria.

So, based solely
on financial need,

I've decided the survey job
should go to ray.

Need for what, frank?

A luxury sedan with
a crushed velour interior?

That is a low blow, howard.

Did he tell you what
he needed the money for?

- Ray?
- Frank,

May I have a word
with you alone?

He's gonna plunk it down
on a four-door,

Cornflower blue touring car.

That's what he needs it for.

Frank, for the record,
I ran into both of them

- Coming out of the auto show.
- And I suppose you wanted

A test drive to see
if you liked the radio?

I did not misrepresent
my desire for the money.

Just a second, what were you
doing there?

Maybe I had
a dentist appointment.

There are no dentists
in that building.

His office is
across the street.

There some law against
window shopping?

- Apparently you think so.
- Ray,

What about rosa's cousin?

All my life, I have
fulfilled every obligation.

To my family.

And just once, I wanted
something for myself.

Will you condemn me
for that?

[Talking over each other]

Cut it out.

I'm giving back the grant.
I'm just gonna send it--

I'm giving it up.

- Frank.
- End of conference.

End of discussion, henry.
Thank you very much.

- Frank.
- No, howard.

I regretfully accept

The consequences
of my actions.

But in truth,

I do not apologize.


- Ms. Davenport.
- Lieutenant.

That bad?

Nothing a romantic dinner
couldn't cure.

Want some company?

Excuse me, captain.

Harold baker's dead.


Transit cops
found him in a bathroom

At the bus station.

He had two of those

Uh, guess he lifted them,
and I didn't see it.

It's pretty pure stuff.

Okay, mick.


He was my client, frank.

I can't help feeling
he was coerced.

He knew the options. He wanted
to be back on the street--

That was no option.

You put a kid
in a candy store.

It wasn't the operation
that k*lled him.

It was the purity
of the stuff he took.

If we hadn't caught him,
he'd be just as dead by now.

For the record,
I think it stinks.

Get no argument from me.

I wanna leave this one
in the office.

No argument from me, either.

Can we go home now?

- Ma'am.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Here you are, sir.

I'd like to get something
out on the table.

- Up front.
- sh**t.

Are we here so you can
talk me out of a story?

No, not at all.

Because if you are,
I have to tell you,

You're wasting your time.


You're just gonna
have to trust me when I say

That we're here because
I wanted to take you to dinner.

Your partner
didn't put you up to this?

Ms. Williams,
question my motives

Every which way.

They're gonna stand up.

At the very least,
you oughta see

We're capable of better
table manners.

Officer hill.



The entire time
we followed you,

You never answered
a single call.

And to be honest,
your partner

Showed more interest
in stuffing his face

Than taking care
of business.

Sometimes that's the way
a day goes, you know?

We answer the calls we get.

I've never seen anyone

Eat so many donuts
in my life.

With a new wife, a new baby,

Renko's under a lot
of pressure right now.

He doesn't drink much.
He doesn't do dr*gs.

- He does donuts.
- Something like that.

Even so, he's kind of
a blowhard, isn't he?


But he is mostly, lynn,
is a good cop.

He got two commendations
for bravery, and he's

the best friend I have

- In the whole world.
- [Click]


Okay. So I figured...

Maybe some kind of bribe
or something was coming,

And i, you know, brought it.

And I feel
incredibly stupid.


Take it.

I'm... Really sorry.

Boy, do I feel dumb.

You ready to order yet?

You're not mad?

Do I look mad?

A little.

A little.

You give me the chance,
I'm the forgiving type.

[Knock on door]

- John?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have called,

But he terrified me.

It's okay.
You did the right thing.

I didn't know whether
to call the police or what.

Hey, what am i?

He must've called
half a dozen times.

He doesn't speak.
I just hear him breathing.

Look, if you want,
we'll put a trace on the line.

Do you really think
that's necessary?

Eh, the truth is,
these creeps--

They read something
in the paper.

They're like vultures.
Scary but harmless.

You want me to stay
in case he calls again?

Please, for a while,
at least.

My pleasure, ma'am.

I saw swan's aunt today.

How's she doing?

Pretty bad. Got four kids.

Of her own.

I don't know, something
like this, really...

Hey hey hey.

Hey, neal.

Hey, told the man from
polk avenue

Gotta get in
with some real cops.

Ron garfield.

- Lucy bates.
How're you doing?
- Pleasure.

- Joe coffey. How're you doin'?
- Good. Good to meet you, joe.

You're the one
with buttman, right?

Don't worry about it.
You got three votes

- On your side right here.
- Mm-hmm.

Let me ask you something.

You think buttman
croaked that hooker?

I don't know. I don't know.

Well, his alibi's
still holding.

Somebody saw him
in the bank.

Come on. Take a load off.
Sit down.

Yeah, right.
Let me grab a beer.

Everybody covered?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm cool.

Excuse me.

Hey, lips.

I don't want this, buttman.

You know what they used to say
in the w*r, don't you?

Big lips sink ships.

Wasn't big lips, buttman.
I think it was loose lips.

Yeah, well, big lips.
Loose lips.

- It's all the same to me.
- Hey, move it along, buttman.

Big lips. Big mouth.

You know, it all makes
a lot of sense.

Randy, why don't you
get out of here?

You know, joe.

The broad with sundance,
I can understand.

But you-- I thought
you had some class.

Hey. You know what I like
about you, randy?

Compared to you,
we all look terrific.

- We all look clean.
- You look like a jerk, pal.

- Okay.
- Hey--


Hey hey-hey-hey!

You wanna talk lips
now, buttman?

You wanna talk fat lips?
You wanna talk mouths?

Yeah, I'll be
talking to you.

Ah, get out of here.

Get out of here.

Hey, kid, you all right?


You know, you got me
into this thing.

What am I gonna do now?

You're gonna look at yourself
in the mirror and feel proud.

That's what you can do,

[Glass crashes]


John? Wake up.
There's somebody downstairs.

- What?
- I heard a window break.

- Where?
- Downstairs.

Don't go down there!

Call the police.

Tell 'em it's a code six.

And lock this door
behind me.

Please be careful.

Hey, I'm a cop. Remember?

Hold it right there! Police!

[Distant siren]

[Davenport laughs]

So I finally said,

Look, to hell with it.
I mean, if it's gonna give us

This kind of grief,
I'm just gonna

Refuse the damn thing.

What about the $6,000?

Gone. Goodbye.

How much work
did that involve, furillo?

Mm. Shuffling papers.

Couple hours a week.



Which I could do
on weekends.


I'm thinking about houses.

Down payments.

Sold, counselor.

A bold executive decision.

[Phone rings]


Yeah, j.d.?


Where are you?

I'll be right there.

Larue just k*lled somebody.