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06x16 - The Deal of the Art

Posted: 09/07/22 10:06
by bunniefuu
Aw, geez,
not this again.

Deja hunt.

You missed me, didn't you?

You did.
I see it in your eyes.

Hold that thought.

Yes, I'm li-- listening.

You just don't get it,
do you, petey?

What happened
four months ago

And I found you
using my phone?

Oh, nothing at first

But over time,
didn't you notice

How the "k" section
of your rolodex

Mysteriously disappeared

Or wonder why a mrs. Hirschfeld
showed up on wednesdays

To give you piano lessons?

Okay, maybe I did miss you
a little bit.

Okay. Bye.

What were you saying?

All I heard was something
about missing me.

Dealing with one playful infant
a day is about my limit

So let's skip the small talk.

I'm in town
while the network

Has my arm checked out
by a specialist.

We heard about your incident.

Got tagged
by a serbian sn*per, eh?

Use his phone
without asking too?

Well, just between us

That sn*per story's been
a little overblown.

The whole incident
actually started

Over a disagreement
about slavic ale.

He said it was less filling

I said it tasted great,
and who knew?

Cute. Always good
to see you, petey.

The door swings inward.

Gosh, I've missed
your warm, fuzzy side.

Although I did catch
a couple weeks back

On a satellite feed

Your piece on welfare reform.

I thought it was...

I loved your last report
from sarajevo

Especially the part where you
called the serbian rebels

"Soldiers without sympathy"--

If I'm not mistaken

The same thing
you called somali guerrillas

The month before.

Nice going, petey.

Or should I say "re-petey"?

Murphy, i...


You're back!

I don't believe it!

Peter's back!

Hey, everybody,
look who I found.

my goodness.


You poor thing, you.

We heard about your arm.
How are you doing?

I can't hang glide
without veering to the left

But otherwise, I'm getting by.

I know I can speak
for the whole g*ng

When I say
you have been missed here.

Isn't that right, guys?

Anyone know the date?

So, hit by a sn*per--

That must be one heck
of an interesting story.

Well, actually, that
sn*per story was network p.r.

The truth is I got involved
in a brawl over a card game

And "give me your best shot"
lost something

In the translation.

is he a man of
the world or what?

I want an autographed copy
of those memoirs.

I'd love to rehash old times

But I promised
some suits upstairs

They could get their pictures
taken wearing my sling.

See ya.

Wait. Wait.

Easy there. Easy.

I can handle it.

Thank you very much.

Oh, oh.

All taken care of.

Don't you be a stranger.

geez, why didn't
you offer

To carry his school books
and walk him to homeroom?

Oh, excuse me for trying

To make the most
of an opportunity.

I think it's clear
what peter was doing here.

Well, of course it is.

He came back to see me.

Sometimes this body
is such a curse.

And we admire the way you
handle the responsibility.

But I was thinking maybe
it was something different.

What, do I have
to spell it out for you?

Peter hunt wants back on fyi.

No. It's me.
Oh, give me a break.

Next time read
the label, miles--

"Not to exceed six capsules
in hours."

And you guys
call yourselves reporters.

The guy is stateside
for the first time in months

And has nothing better to do
than drop by?

He wants back. He just can't
bring himself to say it.

Of course. He's shy,
a poor shrinking violet.

I guess you never saw him

Lolling around
the executive sauna

Blithely ignoring
the towel rule.

Even so, that doesn't mean
he's comfortable enough

To waltz in here and announce,
"I made a mistake.

Take me back."

Unless something were to happen

That would make those
words a little easier to say...

Something like, oh,
a carefully orchestrated

Outpouring of affection
from all of us.

Maybe a casual lunch
today at phil's.

What do you say?

Count me out.

I can't lead him on.

Listen to you!

"Not me, miles."

"Count me out."

"I'm busy."

Can't you people
consider the show for once?

Peter added a chemistry
to this show.

If he wants to come back,
bringing ratings with him

I don't want anybody
standing in his way.

: , Phil's. I expect
you all to be there.

And, corky

If you wanted to run home

And slip into something
a little more clingy...

You know, maybe that
red thing that kind of...

Never mind.

Peter! You made it!

How was the walk over?

Not too strenuous, I hope.

Let me get this chair.

No. Miles...

Ah, ah, ah, ah.


You know,
the others felt terrible

About not being here,
but I can hardly describe

How thrilled they were

Seeing you again.

Isn't that right, murphy?

You want back
on the show or not?


What, not surgical
enough for you?

What murphy is
alluding to, peter

Is that if the notion
of returning to fyi

Had ever crossed your mind

I might be able to make
that concept a reality.

The idea of being
behind a desk full-time...

Did I say full-time?


You could be fyi's
own vasco da gama

Circling the globe on your way
to ever more exotic locations.

I really don't think...


Not part-time.

Occasional reports.

We'd only need

To see you during sweeps.

One time. One appearance only.

You could talk
about your experiences

On the front line.

Murphy could interview you,
right, murphy?

It's obvious...

I'll do it.

You will?

I'm between assignments.

Well, hey, this is great.

Isn't this great?

I feel like
we're a family again.

That's enough
work talk.

Beer nuts?

one hour to showtime.

Frank, what
happened to you?

Are you
all right?

Oh, I'm fine, really.

The guys
in the emergency room

Said the b*llet
just grazed me.


Oh, please.

I don't believe you, frank.

You are so insecure.

Peter gets shot,
so now you have to pretend...

Eww! There's blood!

Does it hurt?

It's not too bad, really.

I went in with the cops
to cover a drug deal.

Guy got a little panicky,
fired off a few rounds.

I got caught
in the cross fire.

You could have
gotten yourself k*lled.

That's not a nice thing
to do to your friends.

Okay. I think I've had
my share of attention

For one day.

Come on.

Everybody, back to work.

Oh, and, uh, miles...

I'm sure I can have
something cut together

For tonight's show.

You're not planning
on going on?

And let some g*n-toting punk

Keep this news professional
from doing his job?

I don't think so.

Not this guy.

What happened to you?

Just a routine assignment.

Got caught
in a little g*nf*re.

You know how it is.

You all right?

Takes more than a little
hot lead

To slow me down.

It goes to show
you don't have to be in sarajevo

To catch a . .

Actually, in sarajevo

You're more likely
to catch a . .

That's what got me.

Oh, yeah?

Hey, don't feel bad.

It's not like a .

Doesn't pack
a mean little sting.

If you men are
finished comparing

The size of your b*ll*ts

We have a few things
to go over before the show.

I just want to double-check
some facts.

How long had you been
in sarajevo?

Three weeks.

When did you first
start covering bosnia?

July ' .

Why did you come back here?

I got shot.

The guys upstairs wanted
somebody to look at my arm.

Sound familiar?

I've heard your story, petey.

I'm talking about
why you came back here.

This is the only phone
you could find in washington?

I prefer the princess model

But you've got that cute
auto redial feature...

And why did you agree
to this interview?

It's a puff piece
and you know it.

It's because you needed

A little attention.

Who would have thought

The guy who said,
"it's all about the story"

Would jump at the chance
to be the story?

I don't need...

Oh, no funny comebacks.

Getting too close
to the truth, petey?

What's next, book signings?

Little petey pinup calendar?

What about your own cologne?

You could call it
"smell of the hunt."

God, you are irritating,
you know that?

You want to know why
I came back?

I was unloading my jeep

When the sn*per fire started.

I was just about to take off

And this face flashes
in front of my eyes.

It wasn't
my mother's face

Or my first grade
girlfriend's face

Or cindy crawford's face.

No. It had to be
your face.

I froze.
That's when I got hit.

I don't why it happened,
but I hate that it happened.

I just thought
if maybe I came back

I could figure
it out.

Well, I don't know
what to say.

You were in a situation
where you could have been k*lled

And you saw my face?


You think that's funny?

I think it's hysterical.

So, what was I wearing?

Fine, fine. You want to laugh?

But you have a few things
to explain too.

Like what?

Why you didn't skip lunch
with me last week.

Why you didn't back out
of a puff piece interview

And why you care so much
about why I'm back.

It's because I've been
on your mind too.

Are you sure it wasn't
your own face

That flashed
in front of your eyes?

You didn't answer me
because you're afraid to.

You know something's
going on.

You hate it
as much as I do.

I really don't need this.

I have a full and complete...


Sure, I've shut off
this part of it

But I really don't miss it

Because I have two emmys,
five humboldts...

Or was it six humboldts?

Let's see.

There was the e.p.a. Scandal,
b.c.c.i., Hud...

No. I didn't win for hud.

I should have won,
but leslie stahl beat me out.

You've got to trust me
when I tell you

That I'm much better
with two arms.


There's something
you should know.

The lock on my door
is broken.

Slide the file cabinet over.

Not in the last seconds.

It's three minutes to air!
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I can't believe
he's in there alone.

The man's disabled,
practically defenseless... Buzz!

Where have you been?

Uh, we were
moving some furniture.

He helped

And the elevator
was slow.

Let's move it!

She wasn't too rough on you

Was she?

I'm walking over here now.

Hey, murphy,
what's this?

What? What's what?

A post-it note
stuck on your back

And colored paper clips
in your hair.

One minute, everybody!

That's it. He knows.
They all know.

Everyone's watching.

Don't look, don't look.

They don't know.

How could they know?
There's nothing to know.

We didn't do anything.

We were going to...?

At least, you sure were.

Well, I counted

Two very busy hands

And at least one of mine
is in a sling.

I don't believe this.

I've had sex with people
and not felt as awkward as I do now.

Would you take it easy.
All we did was kiss

And I did
that flutter thing.

That's usually
a good move for me.

Not that you would
have noticed

With an intercom buzzing
every seconds.

You weren't the one
sitting on it!

And you know,
this is all your fault.

If morley safer had flashed
in front of your eyes

We wouldn't even be here now.

Here we go, people.

Going live
in five... Four...

Three... Two...

(Fyi theme playing)

Good evening,
and welcome to fyi.

For your information tonight

Frank fontana patrols with
the washington, d.c. Police

In a report--
we must caution you--

Contains footage
of graphic v*olence.

And corky sherwood
brings us an expose

On a disturbing wave

Of counterfeit
commemorative dishware.

But first, we recently reported

That former fyi correspondent
peter hunt had been wounded

While on assignment in bosnia.

Well, we're very fortunate
to have him here tonight

Talking to our own murphy brown.


Thank you, jim.

And welcome, peter.

It's a pleasure

To have you...


With us tonight.


So, that was quite an experience
you had in bosnia.

Tell us, what exactly was
flashing through your mind

As you came under sn*per fire?

You know...

I'm sure nobody wants to hear
the answer to that old chestnut.

So, there you were

Suddenly thrust
into a major hot spot...

Next question.


I don't think so...



So, peter, when do you expect
to be returning to the field?

I got a green light from the doctors.

The network has me on a late
night flight out tonight.

Really? That soon?

I could try
and put it off

It's just that with the
current situation in the balkans...

Oh, sure, the balkans.

I understand.

I've had a great time
in the states.

In fact, the more
I think about it

If I could stay
another day or so

There is some
additional research...

If you're leaving tonight,
you're leaving tonight.

No one expected
anything more.

Well, I guess that's all
we have to talk about...

Except the situation
in bosnia.

So, tell us,
how are things over there?

hello, there.


Who is he?

Who is wh...

Oh... Is it that obvious?

I'm sure only to me

And anyone driving
within three lanes of you.

Not that I wouldn't

Be supportive
of you having met someone.

And I expect you'll be much
easier to get along with

When the old volcano god
is served

More than once
every leap year.

(Door chimes ring)

Hi. I just stopped by

To use your phone.

I know I don't usually ask,
but, uh, may I come in?

You must be
the guy.

I won't even ask

Why you're wearing that.

Suffice it to say

Right now, my imagination
is venturing into places

I'd just as soon
it didn't go.

You left.

The show was over.

It seemed like
the right thing to do.

Let me save some time

And say what people are supposed
to say in situations like this.

Obviously, there was
an attraction building

But let's not pretend
it was more than it was.

We respect each other,
we're friends

But you're a rambling guy.

And you've got to move on.

Have I left anything out?

How about "where do we
go from here?"

There is no "here" here.

What happened today was
a one-time unexplainable event.

It was kind of like
the chevy chase show--

You knew it was a mistake
from the start

And you can only hope

It will never
happen again.

My life is full of
complications as it is.

I don't need someone
nine time zones away.

If we can't talk honestly
about where we stand

Maybe I should
just leave now.

You're always threatening
to go away, but never quite do.


I'm on my way.

Take care, murphy.

aren't you even going
to look around a little?


So where do we go from here?

You tell me.

You used my best material
the first time.

I left out something crucial.

I have an unbroken track record
of picking the wrong men.

That's where
our material differs.

I usually say I have
an unbroken track record

Of leaving
the right women.

This is ridiculous.

I'm years old.

There has to be some advantage

To age and experience,
so that at a certain point

Relationships aren't
so damn complicated.

Let's just be logical.

What have we got here?

Good, logic
is good. Go on.

We've got attraction

With a mutually recognized
lack of compatibility.

That's just great.

Although there's some comfort

In starting a relationship
that's predestined to fail.

It takes the pressure off.

You may have
something there.

No pressure,
no expectations.

A matter of playing it out
to its inevitable destruction.

Might even have fun
seeing what the fatal blow is.

Oh, please, that's clear.

Any woman who's involved
with you

Wouldn't know
if she would see you

In six weeks or six months.

I get impatient
waiting for popcorn

To come out
of the microwave.

I've been told
I'm worth waiting for.

Does anyone find that charming?

Oh, yeah...

The geography problem,
your arrogance...

It's just a question of time

Before this relationship
blows up.

The fact I use
the word "relationship"

Doesn't bode too well.

I'm not too good at those.

In fact, I'm pretty lousy.

Wow. I've been working
my way up to "lousy."

Yup, it's safe to say
we don't stand a chance.

I like this idea.

We jump in with both feet
and then just wait for it to end.

I think I could
give it a shot.


It seems like we should
do something to celebrate.■

But you have
a plane to catch.


We are off
to a great start.


Oh, I almost forgot.

I brought you
a little something here.

A lock.

Yeah. For your
office door.

I admit that
when I bought it

I thought you'd lock me in.

But now when we
burst into flames

You can use it

To keep me out.


It's lovely.

Hey, petey?

If you're shot at again
and see my face...


Picture it saying

"Stay down, stupid."