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06x04 - Political Correctness

Posted: 09/07/22 09:57
by bunniefuu
and so, after career

the cuban m*ssile crisis

The vietnam w*r and the breakup
of the soviet union

Colin powell retires

Leaving a different world
and a different military

Than the one he entered
years ago.

Thank you, peter.

Interesting to note
that an institution

Considered so conservative

Has undergone
significant changes.

When we return...

true, jim. Take a look at
the air force.

They have women
in combat positions.

Yes, isn't that remarkable?
When we return...

When we were young

What was your image
of a pilot?

John wayne or jimmy stewart, right?

Right, frank?

I guess.


Two weeks ago,
in wiesbaden

I rode in an f-
flown by a pilot named lisa.

And that girl can handle

A plane as well
as any man.

Wonderful. When we...

To think
the air force

Has a -year-old pilot.

Or isn't that what you meant

When you said "girl"?

Old habit.

No problem.

It's just that lisa
is at least a lieutenant

And calling her a girl
has a demeaning quality.

It's not up there
with suggesting women wear veils

Or walk three feet behind

But, all things considered, it's
probably not the best way to go.

I stand politically corrected.

How about in the future

I only use the word
"girl" to refer

To girl scouts?

Although, now that I think
about it

The air force could use
a few girl scouts

Considering the way they become
heat-seeking missiles

During cookie season.


Oh, is it my turn again?

We'll be right back.

And we're clear.

What was that?
What were you doing?

What just happened?

I thought a little

Might loosen things up.

And where is the time
for this back-and-forth

Supposed to come from, hmm?

Someone's stories, perhaps?

Someone whose name starts
with a "c," ends with a "y"

Has an "ork" in the middle?

Corky, I'll handle this.

Am I supposed to cover

The career of the olsen twins
in under nine minutes?

Corky, please.

That's ½ minutes apiece.

Peter, I know this
is new for you

But we have
a format here.

When I do this,
it means you may banter

But I wasn't doing this.

I was doing this,
which means "wrap it up."

Unless you thought
I was auditioning

To become a backup singer

For tina turner.

You're not funny.

You were as bad as he was.

Now, everybody
stick to the format.

I want no more surprises.
Is that clear?


Morning, guys.

What's up?

Jim's getting
last night's ratings.


I see.

Thank you.

We were up again.

Oh, man!

In the three weeks
peter's been on

The ratings have gone up
½ points.

There could be other reasons
the ratings have gone up.

We've done a lot
of great stories lately.

Jim's commentaries have been
better than ever.

They repainted the set.

Oh, what's the use?

Face it.

People love peter. know you need
your pass card

To get into the garage.

You should have it ready

As a courtesy to those of us
behind you at the gate.

I was pulling it
out of my pocket.

You couldn't wait
two seconds

Without ramming me
with your car?

I barely touched you.

Then why did my air bag inflate?

It's probably defective.

You might want
to have it checked when you get

That tail light fixed.

How did we do last night?

You don't want
to know.


Ah, there they are.

The people
all america watches.

And talks about.

Look at this.

Faxes, phone messages,

From hundreds of people
so moved by last night's show

They were actually compelled
to tell us.

Why don't we go
into murphy's office

And look at them.

Peter, join us, since your name
pops up quite often.

Oh, god,
I can't stand it.

So, let's take a random look

At what our public has to say,
shall we?

"We were not amused

"By mr. Hunt's condescending
use of the term 'girl.'

The national
organization of women."

That's negative.

Very good, frank.

So is this.

"Deeply offended.

of women voters."

" Years

"Behind the times.

Women's rights coalition."

And then there's one
from roseanne arnold

I can't read in public

But it was accompanied
by a lovely polaroid.

Roseanne's got way too much time
on her hands.

Peter, you did offend

A substantial portion
of our audience

And you should
take responsibility.

I hope
that you'll choose your words

More carefully in the future.

Wonderful advice, murphy.

Take a little yourself.


"My family's worn veils
for thousands of years

"And we're proud of it.

mrs. Akmed aziz."

"If you were my wife

"I'd make you walk
ten steps behind.

Robert yamada."

"Thanks for taking
the heat off.

Salman rushdie."

You've got to be kidding.

Ah, the voice of the people
in action.

This isn't the same thing
at all.

Not even close.

Why not?

I am not even going
to even dignify that

With an answer.

And I don't think
you should either.

No, I'd be happy to answer.

It's not the same

Because I made
an innocent comment

Based on a misunderstanding
of cultures

Other than our own.

You showed insensitivity
to people in our own society.

then explain these.

Who are those from?

The girl scouts
of america.

You're on your own.

This is crazy.

What did I say?

You compared
those sweet little girls

To heat-seeking missiles.

Where's their sense of humor?

I have never trusted
this organization.

Think about it:

A bunch of impressionable
young children

Wearing paramilitary uniforms,
reciting oaths

And learning to start fires?

Does anybody else have
a bad feeling about this?

Oh! Too bad the show ended

Before you could share
that theory with america.

Many people were upset
by last night's comments

Which has the network brass

Which is why we're going
to issue an on-air apology

And attend a seminar
on cultural sensitivity.

(All groaning)

Look, look, look--
these are sensitive times.

There have been several cases
of misunderstood remarks

And they want
to send the message

They're taking care of it.

I'm not going to do this.

Why don't you go,
take really good notes

And I'll read them
after I finish

The bridges of madison county.

I don't think you understand
how things work around here.

If miles says
we do something

We do it.

I'm going to have to miss
the seminar

of a doctor's appointment.

I haven't told you when it is.

I haven't told you
when my appointment is.

Stop it!

You are coming.

And so are you.

You two, you're like...

Acid rain, is what you're like.

And we're all just
these tender little sh**t

Struggling to survive
in the downpour.

Now, we are all going
to take that seminar

We are all going to learn
to be sensitive and caring.

Or, so help me god,
I'll k*ll you both.

Look at this, stuart, they're
all here and ready to go.

"Why wouldn't they be?"
You're probably thinking.

"No reason at all,"
I respond to you.

People, this is stuart allen
from network legal

Here to walk us through
the wonderful world

Of cultural sensitivity.

A lawyer running
a sensitivity seminar.

This ought to be good.

Yes, it should.

That's a very positive
attitude, murphy...

One stuart will report
to the network.

Since we have a town hall
meeting tomorrow night

For which we have work to do

I suggest we turn the floor
over to stuart. Stuart?

Thank you, miles.

Good evening, everyone.

The network wants me to thank you
for taking time out of your
busy schedules here at...


To join me tonight.

Cultural sensitivity--
an important issue for our time

But what does it mean?

"Politically correct."

We're not using that phrase.

Didn't you tell her?

Cultural sensitivity
is an awareness

That certain words,
phrases, and actions

Can offend certain individuals
or groups

Within the larger society

to unpleasant situations.

He means lawsuits.

Unpleasant situations.

We've prepared a list
of guidelines

And terminology the network
would like you to use

Whenever appropriate.

For example, "oriental"
is no longer correct.

The proper term is "asian."

"Hispanic" now applies only
to people of spanish decent

Whereas people
of mexican decent...

Are mexican-american or latino.

Look, I know this stuff.

I use it.

I'm probably one of the most
politically correct-- oops--

Culturally sensitive--
people in america.

So enjoy your seminar.

I'm out of here.

Then why do you


You male-bash.

I've seen you do it,
and, quite frankly

It's not a pretty sight

And culturally insensitive,
don't you think, stu?

Nice try, petey.

I have a great relationship
with every man in this office.

My best friend is a man.

I don't male-bash, right, guys?

Tell him, go on.

Well, murph, you do say stuff

Stuff? What stuff?

You know, how men are stupid,

How our brains are in our pants.

So which part isn't true?

You just can't stop, can you?

Frank, we joke like this
all the time.

And sometimes you go
too far!

How do you think I feel
when you joke

About how all we're good for

Is opening jars
or changing tires?

I knew this would be valuable.

Thanks for sharing.

Murphy, give him a hug.

I'm not going
to give him a hug.

You men r*pe, pillage,
burn your way through history

Then start crying
when somebody makes a joke

About how you never would have
learned to walk upright

If stores hadn't put beer

On the top shelf.

Because of the sins
of the father

The sons must pay.

I have never r*ped,
pillaged, or burned anyone

But if I open a door
for a woman

Or ask the ladies' foursome
in front of me

To pick up the pace,
I'm attila the hun.

We're getting a little
off the track here.

Oh, really?

Do you know
what it's like

Being , male, and white?

I'm blamed for everything
from sl*very

To the destruction
of the ozone layer.

Well, damn it

Except for releasing
a few fluorocarbons

During that brief flirtation
with "the dry look"

I plead innocent.

Let's have a hug
for jim.

With all due respect, jim,
it's pretty hard to say

That living in this society
as a white man

You'd know oppression.

Now, if we're talking
about white, jewish men

That's another thing.

We're portrayed as weak,
whining, neurotic

in any outdoor situation.

Look at that guy
on northern exposure.

Is that supposed to be

Stu, I don't mean
to tattle.

I have only been here
a short time

But I have seen...

Make certain comments
in this area too.


"Miles, the yeshiva boy"?

"Hop-along silverberg"?

"Yentl, the kosher chicken boy"?

When else?

If it makes you feel
any better

I've always thought
your people were very bright.

When my family
picks a doctor

We always look
for that jewish name.

There it is-- that bayou wisdom
we've come to know and love.

Stu, you may not
want to watch this.

She just separated one of
the gazelles from the pack.

Oh, come on. So I tease
corky a little bit.

She knows it's all in fun.

It still hurts.

Possum-hunting jokes,
beverly hillbilly cracks.

You may think it's funny,
murphy, but I don't.

I doubt if anybody else here
does either.

Well, actually...

There was that one...


I felt for all of you!

What about my pain?

You wouldn't make fun
of japanese-americans

Or chinese-americans.

You shouldn't make fun of me

Just because
I'm a louisiana-american.

It's not like louisiana
is another country.

Have you been there?

Good one, frank.

Oh, the big, dumb man
finally said something clever.

you tell her, frank-o!

I'd like to get out of here
at a reasonable hour.

I thought you guys
billed by the minute.

Here they come--
lawyer jokes.

That is so funny.

You know, we have feelings too.

We're lawyers, not animals.

Let's not offend
the animals.

Oh, that's right!

The whole country hates lawyers!

Meanwhile, accountants
walk the earth like gods.

We're not taking this anymore.

We're not taking it lying down.

We're fighting back,
we're organizing.

We're making our own jokes.

Know how many
journalists it takes

To screw in a light bulb?


And I'm not telling you why.

Do your own damn seminar.

I'm out of here.

That is, if I don't get lost
on my way to the office.

You know us men, huh?

My, this was valuable.

Feel free to blame
the entire fiasco on me.

I'm sure
it's my h*nky fault too.

southern accent:)
well, bye.

Got a possum in the oven.

Then I got to git home
and marry my cousin.


Well, wasn't that fun?

You know, I bet

If I drive by embassy row

I can insult
five or six countries

And still get home early enough

To make a few crank calls
to southeast asia.

So many cultures,
so little time.

I know I gave you a hard time,
but actually, I agree with you.

People have gotten
way too sensitive.

You can't say
anything anymore.

Obviously, there are certain
words no one should use

But if you're going to jump
on every little comment...

Especially comments that
any rational person would know

Were not meant to be

Comments like "girl."

Wipe that smile
off your face!

Port jefferson!

I just want to say
how thrilled we are

To be broadcasting here--

A town with a history
of shipbuilding.

I'm excited because,
as a city boy

The only high sea
I'm familiar with

Is a fruit drink.

(Miles giggles)

No, no, really.

I've always been amazed
by people who work on ships

Since I myself get seasick
on pirates of the caribbean.

Hi. Hi.

Where are you from?


Of course you are,
and that's good

Because it's people like you
we want to hear from.

This show

Will only be as good
as you make it, so speak out

With all the enthusiasm
you've shown so far

And maybe even a little more.

Thanks. God bless.

(Moderate applause)

Oh, let me guess.

I must be down here

On the south end.

Oh, give it a rest, corky.

You give it a rest, mr. Man.

Would you like my seat?

Yes, I would.

You're not getting it.

Don't label me a gentleman.

I just love field trips,
don't you?

Okay, people.

After jim's intro

We go to murphy
reading the apology

For last week's show.

For god's sake

Watch what you say tonight.

In five, four, three, two...

Welcome to a special edition
of fyi.

Coming to you live
from a town hall meeting

In port jefferson, virginia--
a community struggling

With the economic realities
of the ' s.

But first, murphy brown
with a brief statement

Concerning last week's show.

Thank you, jim.

We at fyi would like
to apologize

For comments which were
construed as offensive

By some members of our audience.

But something needs
to be said.

Oh, god, not more banter.

Most of us don't want
to hurt anyone.

The reality is

A society based on free speech

Is a society in which people
are bound to get offended.

So what do we do?

Do we stop talking
to one another?

Maybe we just should announce
to the world

What each of us
finds offensive...

I'll start.
I don't like the term "black."

I prefer "african-american."

I was speaking

Where did african-american
come from?

I am not from africa.

Call me black and proud of it.

No, see,
there's million of us...

I'm a native american.

What offends me:

The cleveland indians,
the washington redskins

The atlanta braves.

Why don't you call them
the atlanta italians?

That way,
instead of a tomahawk chop

Y'all can flip

A pizza
in the air.

That's an interesting point
of view, but my point is...

I'm an italian-american.

I was offended by that.

I'm offended by people who think
just because you're italian

You're in the mafia.

Sir, as someone
with the last name "fontana"

I sympathize
with what you're saying

But the point...

Every italian in the movies
is in the mafia.

Why should italians
have to put up with that

When everybody knows
it's those crazy sicilians

Behind the mafia?

Excuse me,
but my family is sicilian.

Then you know
what I'm talking about.

my turn.

I prefer to be called
a person of size.

Who are you

We're fat.

Million people,
and we've only heard from six.

I'm no math whiz

But we might run
into letterman's monologue.

you know

In times like this,
we should remember

That our forefathers,
in coming to this great land

Also grappled with free speech.

Then they stole this land
from my forefathers

Who had been here
a thousand years

Before you.


Finally! A man apologized!

I'm waiting to hear from the man
who used the term "girl."

I think they ought
to throw him

Off the air.

All right.

Look, miss,
it wasn't my intent...

There he goes again!

It's not miss, it's "ms."

This is my point.

We can't keep jumping
on every comment

Especially if it
isn't meant to be offensive.

Any rational person would know

His use of the word "girl"
wasn't intended

To be offensive.

Wasn't talking to you.
I was talking to him.

And I don't care

What he intended or what he thought
or what he thought he intended.

I don't want to be called girl!


How about... Car alarm?

(Murphy laughs)

You think that's funny?

I'm sorry, I do.

Funny, and a little accurate.

If germaine greer
is through.

I'm gay, and I've had it

With all
those hairdresser jokes.

Get a sense of humor, pal!

They're funny!

What's not funny
are all these polish jokes.

You hear about
the polish gay guy?

Slept with women.

(Audience laughing)

People! Excuse me.

Hey! Now, we're not going
to get anywhere

If everybody just focuses
on your differences.

Just think about all the things
you have in common.

Like what?

Like how you're all
annoying the hell

Out of me!

Look, I don't care
what anyone calls me.

I just want a job.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you for reminding us

That there are some very
important problems there.

Now, wouldn't we rather
be discussing those?

Yes, the woman
in the glasses.

I'm not the woman

In the glasses,
I'm visually challenged.

And I'm not tall,
I'm vertically enhanced

And I'm not a secretary,
I'm a personal assistant...

At least I was
until I was not fired

But vocationally dislocated.

(Audience murmuring)

Please, everyone, everyone.

Listen to yourselves.

You're acting like children.

I find that comment
very insulting.

Everyone, please!

Just turn to your neighbor

And give them
a little hug.

Thank you very much.

Oh, what a night.

When that group
in the wheelchairs

Formed a wedge and went after
the puerto ricans for statehood

I was looking
for the nearest exit.

Take you guys out
of the fyi studio

And you go to pieces.

Tonight was my kind of show.

Exciting, spontaneous,
a little dangerous...

I'm going to go see

If they turned our limo
upside down.

I love this.

I'm more confused
now than ever.

A lot of what people said
offended them made sense

But a lot of it
seemed silly.

Who decides where
to draw the line?

I will. The next time
america speaks out

They can tell it
to hugh downs.

At least the night
wasn't a total loss.

We got to hear
that great "high sea" joke.

If moses had
had material like that

The pharaoh would have
let your people go

A hell of a lot sooner.

Like I'm going to take
comedy tips from a shiksa.

I can't wait to see the mail
we get on this one.